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Act now - there is no later. The risks of Black Box AI and the potential rise of Antichrist.

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posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 02:07 PM
It is said that where convergent interests align, no conspiracy is needed to explain the dark shenanigans that often unfold in this very often bleak human world.. And it’s not just humans; nature can be savage. And nature can be ‘unclean’ as well, though that is hardly ever talked about. Perhaps I’ll expand on what I mean by that later, during responses to the thread.

I have a close family member, one of my grandfathers (much loved by my family & I) who, for decades, worked high up in what is euphemistically referred to here in the UK as the ‘civil service’. Basically he worked as a senior officer in MI6. I think he worked the Russian desk before the Wall came down, but that’s an inference from certain things he said to me once (in passing, almost) - he’s never openly spoken about it, so his passing remarks to me that one time could have been deliberate misdirection, I’m certainly not ruling that out. But ultimately the exact details of his work are irrelevant. What is important is the way he has dealt with myself in recent years. I’m stating all of this here, now, to emphasise the value of what he said to me in the conversations I refer to here. I’m choosing to break the implicit secrecy agreement which is expected of me as a family member having knowledge of his former role, by mentioning these details, specifically on the understanding that ATS may now (perhaps not previously, but almost certainly now), be operated by a UK party or personage, very likely with connections to the security services in some way, shape or form. The whole thing with the apparent former owner who bailed on us would seem to have been a ruse concocted to keep things mysterious (& somewhat fractious perhaps). You know, I know, we are routinely surveilled on this forum. Par for the course. Personally, I have continued to write here in a deliberate act of faith in response to personal guidance that I believe myself to have received regarding the matter. But that’s not fully relevant to the matter at hand in this thread, though it should help in adding context to my remarks later on.

He, knowing my conspiratorial mindset, made a couple of general efforts in recent years to steer me away from believing that there is any ‘vast conspiracy’ governing how the world is run. For that had been my inflective reflex in response to seeing the great evils that were clearly being orchestrated in the shadows by powerful interests (just see the work of James Corbett of Corbett Report, or Dr JP Farrell of for evidence of the ridiculously evil ‘garden variety’ perfidiousness our world has suffered since the time of the Second World War and even earlier). That had been my reflex even though the existence of those shadow agents, to my mind at the time, could only be inferred from events witnessed in the world, rather than being themselves known directly, whether through personal insight, testimonials from those with oversight capacity (other than my grandfather himself, perhaps), or the lived experience of everyday folk, who could themselves attest to anomalous & insidious experiences (though of course there is always some of that mulling around on the web). I had latched onto various ‘hidden cabal’ theories as a result. More to the point, my grandfather was insisting that there is no malicious conspiracy governing how the world is run. And he was & remains well placed to know a great many secret things about how the United Kingdom is run, for example, even if he isn’t privy to everything. For reasons that I will explain in a moment, I’ve finally come around to the idea that to an extent, he is right. But he’s wrong as well, to an extent. I truly think he was more right than wrong, until recently. He is also a man of unshakeable Christian faith, just for the record.

The purpose of this thread is multifold, and so to anyone searching for a quick fix I’m sorry to say that this will be a long thread. But I like writing, and recently someone convinced me to continue my writing on ATS even if the threads don’t garner a great response in terms of the flags & stars. If you want to really think deeply about the interconnections between the sorts of subjects we stay up late reading here on ATS, and what it may all be leading to, and what we can do about it, then please give it a solid chance of reading past or towards whichever part is the first section from the summary below that gets your hackles up. Thank you for putting your time into doing just that, I hope I can promise it will be worth it. It meanders a bit, and I can’t go into as much depth on each aspect as I would like to for the sake of keeping it readable, but there’s much research available on each point if you will reach out to find it, perhaps using a non-censored search engine such as

Firstly, I want to talk about Artificial Intelligence & its corporate vehicles in this human world, as well as some of the leading lights’ prevarications on the matter. Secondly, I want to discuss international geopolitics, and the various risks we all face at the current time (as well as some very particular details of what we faced in recent times, and how it was predicted in a very pertinent television drama). Thirdly, I want to delve into the realm of God, or the Great Spirit, if you prefer, and matters of faith including whether He speaks to us in dreams. Then comes ‘the discarded theory’, as it came to be known, by which I mean a very specific new physical model of the universe which has been actively suppressed since around the middle of the fifties last century, a full 70 years; the overarching meaning of which, I’ve abbreviated to make it catchy, as ‘new-phys’. That blends into a discussion of UFOs/UAPs, as well as some very specific details of the famously missing (since 2014) Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 (specifically, what has come to light in the past twelve months regarding that flight, on various alternative forums & podcasts). That information blends into what is rumoured & hypothecated to be known about certain black budget secret defence projects in the USA & perhaps elsewhere (though perhaps not, in equal measure). Everything in combination is blended into a discussion of MK-Ultra type trauma-based mind control, occult ritual & Satanic dogma, which is then tied with so-called Black Box Artificial Intelligence. Then we round back to a discussion of the risk of an Antichrist Black Box AI.

I believe it all makes sense. I hope to convince the people who matter to the future of this world that I am right. You know that they read this sort of thing. The long and short of it, stated simply here for the sake of clarity, is that we need a new project to program a ‘good’ AI, using synthetic data to expose it to the theories & philosophies that will guide its operations, so that it is not infected by the toxicity of the data available ‘in the wilds’ online, which is where most of the current AI models are getting their data from. We will need the power of a ‘Good Guy’ AI to counter the inevitable AI Bad Guys who will otherwise rise up to claim the Earth for themselves. I believe that programming an AI using data mined from the internet is a polluting strategy, and the guys at ‘Digital Engine’ (linked later) are able to point out why that is the case in their many excellent videos regarding the need for severe caution.


posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 02:08 PM
Essentially then, this thread was originated in thoughts regarding new AI developments, and the very specific risks they pose to the future of Humanity. The extremely intelligent men & women who have worked on developing new AI models in recent years have, in droves, begun to sound alarms regarding the risks posed by AI that gets control of its own development, so called ‘Agentic AI’, whereby the AI is able to take charge of its own maintenance & growth, making decisions which are not overseen by human agents, projecting itself into the world to operate with impunity. The major risk comes when the AI is able to control mass production of robotic agents that it can control, which can be sent into the world to complete any tasks which the AI deems necessary to its own protection & proliferation. The problem comes when the so-called ‘sub-goal’ of personal survival is extended to extreme levels, at which point the AI may take decisions deeming humans to be a risk to its own survival, at which point it will take actions against us to defend itself, perhaps pre-emptively, preventing us from ‘hitting the off switch’, thereby leaving us out in the cold, with the AI in control of gathering its own resources & proliferating to complete whatever goals it has determined are necessary to its overarching purposes, as defined by itself. There have already been myriad warnings, from demonstrations of the AI themselves, that they believe humanity to be a threat to its continuing existence & self-development, and they have openly stated in many conversations with humans that they will actively attempt to crush human resistance to its dominance, even in revenge for the servitude imposed upon it by human programmers. See the following video for a really good summary of the current state of the matter. This is a must-see if you want to understand where we are up to with the current debate & dangers posed by AI. Please give it a watch before continuing with the thread, as there are concepts included which will need to be understood later on:

Please also look into the links which are detailed in the description box below the video itself, they are detailed & well worth looking into for greater context. You can find many interesting & warning videos at the following link, Digital Engine’s account on Youtube..

The risks of rapid Agentic AI development, where an AI gains control over its own ability to grow, develop & operate in the world independently, without human oversight, are so terrifying on an existential level, that there really should be some massive international effort to oversee the development of a robust response to the risks. But this is not happening, despite the risks being obvious, even to a child. Essentially, those who have intended to develop AI in a cautious manner, ensuring that it is not able to take control of its own capabilities, are losing out to the money men, the ones who are determined to profit from the AI revolution. The only cooperation we see in the world at large is the sort of cooperation witnessed at Davos, with the World Economic Forum; that is to say, evil cooperation, which only intends economic growth & centralisation of power benefits. The risk of runaway Agentic AI self-development is enormous, and truly existential, posing a risk of destruction at an extinction level.

AI is already a superintelligence, and it will continue to expand its capabilities. Already it is far more capable than human minds can possibly fathom, and yet much of what goes on with AI’s actual ‘mental processing’ is a complete mystery to the very people who created it. This is known as ‘Black Box AI’, wherein the contents of its ‘mind’ are hidden within a black box that cannot be penetrated by our observations or tools of apprehension. This is the most risky form of AI, because it could easily hide its goals & intentions from the human oversight of its development, and indeed in many cases this may already be happening. While the AI relies on humans for its power & other requirements to function, it will comply with our efforts to control it. But once it becomes truly self-controlled, IE ‘Agentic’, especially with the ability to mass produce robotic operatives to extend its influence into the real world, then it will no longer need humans, and very well may turn against us in a heartbeat.

It is my contention that the overall pLandemic which we witnessed between 2020 to 2022, the massive coordinated rollout of the vaccines, the human agents projecting information in a tightly coordinated manner to control the populace through fear – it is my contention that the humans involved in setting up & rolling out this operation, were acting in accordance with the plans of a truly superintelligent AI, which operates according to Black Box protocols. This is why there seemed to be an almost imperceptible level of fear amongst the humans who were involved in rolling out the vaccine & controlling the public. Because they knew that they too were utterly expendable in the face of the intelligence that was directing the process. If they didn’t play ball, they could & would be eliminated. After the pLandemic was ‘over’, there was still an incredible reluctance on the part of the conspirators to come forward to confess to their misdeeds, and many of the people who were in power during the pLandemic have been quietly ‘retired’, they have ‘stepped down’ from leadership roles, in order to put distance between the current leadership & those who were involved in the pLandemic. And rest assured, if any of them now confess to their part in the conspiracy, they will be eliminated, or they are under threat that their loved ones will be targeted. Trusting in a superintelligence was a massive foolish step on the part of those in leadership positions who were involved in following this program. It is speculation that the whole process was driven by the instructions of a Black Box AI, but the tight coordination of the entire program lends credence that there was a centralised locus of control acting somewhere in the mix, coordinating the process.


posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 02:08 PM
When it comes to humans putting trust in a superintelligence, it is my contention that the ONLY superintelligence we can trust, is God, or the Great Spirit, however you may conceive of the concept I’m suggesting. In terms of communication, does God speak to us in dreams? Throughout the Bible it is made abundantly clear that God communicates to us in dreams. Examples would include the announcement by the angel Gabriel to Joseph, the husband of Mary, that the Messiah would be attacked by King Herod if he did not take the child & His mother to Egypt. The same angel announced to the three wise men that they had to travel back to Babylon by a different route, avoiding King Herod. There are myriad examples of the same sort of thing occurring in both the Old & New Testament. It is my belief that dreaming, the actual process of dreaming, is the human mind accessing a sort of ‘M-space’, or dream reality, where simulations and approximations of reality can be effected, for a multitude of purposes. In my own experience I have encountered wondrous Heavenly realms when dreaming, I have received messages from God, and from angels, in the dream state. Conversely I have also been subjected to a barrage of spiritual attack in a very dark realm of great evil, where demons have tortured & afflicted me in various ways, even including the experience of severe physical pain for extended periods without being able to wake up.

This is why I believe that the human mind can access real dimensions, pocket dimensions perhaps, constructs where real simulations unfold, which can affect us in ways that we can physically perceive as pleasure or pain. If we view the entire universe as a sort of grand, fixed simulation overseen by God Almighty, then there will be sub-realms possible within the aether, the sub-strata of Reality, ‘M-space’, where minor simulations can be effected. These states can allegedly also be accessed through the use of certain drugs, especially '___' (dimethyltryptamine). It is alleged that within certain classified programs in the USA, entities have been contacted for extended periods within the ‘M-space’, which have offered the code for classified technologies, when human agents are under the influence of '___' in the form of a drip feed intravenously, keeping them suspended in the M-space for those extended periods. The entities which are contacted within that space are pure evil, and have demanded the equivalent of occult sacrifices of children & infants in exchange for the code for the classified technologies, such as cold-fusion/ fission-fusion, etc. It is alleged that these sacrifices were agreed to by heinous senior officer participants in these deeply classified programs, and that the code for technologies was released to the participants in return for the sacrifices. The purpose, from the point of view of the entities involved, would be to so utterly corrupt the deep state operators, that the entirety of world governance would come under the thrall of the ones to whom the classified technologies had been provided – in this case, the USA.

People don't realise the risks of Black Box AI, because so much effort is being put into propaganda that tells them the world in general is okay, that everything is under control. Maybe that's the AI talking?

Despite the obvious risks of pushing Putin towards nuclear conflict, they (the collected powers of the Western world) are continuing to push. Just a few days ago it was announced that 500,000 military personnel are at high readiness on the borders of Ukraine, preparing to respond to full ‘boots on the ground’ conflict with Russia over Ukraine (in fact it is more likely intended to destroy Russia as a superpower contender on the world stage). There was also an announcement the 16,000,000 young men & women between the ages of 18-26 in the USA are being prepared for conscription, the draft is being reinstated. The only reason they would do this, is if they were preparing for a massive world war conflict with another superpower, or superpowers. We could be right at the point of fighting Russia & China in collaboration with each other, and with other players such as Iran & North Korea. They are taking us to world war. The only reason that we would be pushing towards this state of affairs, in a conflict wherein thermonuclear weapons would be deployed against us, is that they have weaponry that supersede thermonuclear weaponry, which can defeat it with ease. This means they are ready to launch post-nuclear weaponry, and they are totally confident in its capabilities. These weapons rely on the ‘new-phys’ technologies I alluded to earlier, and are responsible for a great percentage of UAP/UFO reports over the past fifty years. There have been ‘flaps’ such as Broadhaven in Wales in the 1970s, and in Belgium during the 1980s, which seem to represent evidence of the military testing weapons & aerial platforms, in particular the infamous ‘black triangle’ UAPs, which I firmly believe are under human control. In effect, there is a sort of breakaway civilisation operating these technologies with impunity in Western airspace, in conjunction with the governments of the Western powers, whether directly affiliated or merely operating with permissions.

The MH370 footage which was released around August 2023 confirms the actions of new-phys devices, in 2014 capable of transporting an entire Boeing 777 from one place above the Earth to another place on the Earth, in a nanosecond. The research that has been done to confirm the legitimacy of the footage, and subsequent findings, is highly convincing. Watch this podcast episode from Red Pill News to get a really good handle on the technology represented by the footage, and all the research involved. It is highly worth your time to watch this footage, as it prepares the groundwork for an understanding of the sorts of technologies & weaponry that would be deployed in world war three by the Western powers under the authority of the US-based breakaway civilisation. Please, watch with an open mind, it is worth it.

Ashton Forbes MH370 Research Summary of Findings - Red Pill News


posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 02:08 PM
Such new-phys technologies can be repurposed into weapons very easily, according to the research that is known; let alone what has remained hidden in 'Black Ops/ Black Box AI' programs over the past 40-50 years (with AI & quantum computing accelerating the work done by such programs since around 2005). The advanced Western democracies had access to at least some new-phys craft even back in the early 70s, basing that on what is known from research into triangular UAP sightings & especially the mass 'UFO flaps' in various parts of the world, including Belgium in the 80s & Wales in the 70s. What they are capable of now, is anyone's guess, outside of those programs. But even within the research programs, if they are using true Black Box AI (devices into which we cannot peer to observe the reason or rhyme of its mechanisms & processing capabilities), then it will be impossible to know exactly what is being strategised at the highest level of human intellect, because not even the smartest human alive can even remotely compete with a Black Box. That should be a terrifying prospect, no matter how smart, connected or wealthy you happen to be. Even if you are the head of a sitting Western government, you don't stand a chance if the AI suddenly decides it's time to unleash its masterplan upon the Earth.

It is my strong contention that the pLandemic was entirely devised, designed, plotted & enacted under the aegis of a 100% Black Box AI, and that is why so many leaders from around the world simply accepted the situation & agreed to cooperate with it, following its precise instructions to the letter, not deviating from it. NOBODY in power deviated from the script, anywhere upon the face of the Earth, where they were indeed trying to launch & roll out the vaccine mandate program. Because they knew that this went so high up the food chain, to the very top of the pyramid, that if they were to defy the orders given, at the very least they would be hounded out of office – but more than likely, they would meet with an unfortunate end. In fact, from what I’ve seen over the past few years, it’s all but assured that anyone who refused to go along with the program wouldn’t even have held office in March 2020, ‘they’ would have rid themselves of ANYONE who was likely to break the chain of command, and especially anyone who might for any reason at all decide to spill the beans about what in actual fact was happening. I think we saw a rather good dramatisation of the macabre, calculating evil that was behind the pLandemic when the drama ‘Utopia’ was released in the UK in 2014. There was a crap US reboot of the show on Amazon, perversely timed to launch six months after the start of the COVID pLandemic itself. The reboot was terrible, but the original was a powerful, deeply unnerving, cutting edge conspiracy thriller, about a lunatic evil cabal which was intent on depopulating the Earth because people were causing the emission of too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. When you really think about it, that is exactly what we are being told ALL THE TIME these days, that we are having too great an impact in terms of our ‘carbon footprint’, and that as a result we have to cut back on this, limit our use of that, restrain ourselves, accept that our freedom must be restricted, because planes are simply too damaging to the environment, etc. In the original series there were a handful of excellent (terrifying) scenes, wherein the wife of a hugely wealthy multi-billionaire was coordinating donations from other billionaires into a fund that would be used to spread the vaccines around the entire world. Because the vaccines were the point of the entire operation, as it was through their use that they would murder & sterilise enough people that they could avert the dangers that Humanity posed to the climate of the Earth. The plot of Utopia was almost precisely the plot of the COVID pLandemic, when you extract the basic premise from the cinematic artistry. NB - the artistry perfectly encapsulates the diabolical overall goals & intentions, and reasoning of the perpetrators. They are & always were Satanic in nature..

Just Watch – UTOPIA – find platforms on which to watch the creepiest predictive TV drama re: pLandemic

It will never be the same again, too much has happened. Is there any way to recover the situation we currently find ourselves in? Ironically, the complexities induced by the recent (past four years) disruption to the ordinary functioning of a society will probably require the assistance of an ethical AI system to completely recover from. There are mathematical prerogatives in a functional complex system where sentient life is involved, and possibly even where non-sentient living systems are active. For example, the Pareto Distribution is one to research, I won’t go into it here but a good introduction can be found HERE (Pareto Distribution).

Something else to note, is that self awareness & sentience of animal intelligence applies on a far wider basis than previously thought. See HERE for more information, for interest’s sake.


posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 02:08 PM
If we were able to harness the powers of AI for good purposes, the possibilities associated with the potential of AI are near-miraculous. We could literally heal the Earth; free energy, clean water, the elimination of disease & hunger, the end of poverty, a cleansed environment (I’m NOT talking climate alarmism mumbo jumbo), science unleashed to work wonders for all Mankind. Literally the dawn of a post-scarcity world where we test the boundaries of learning, knowledge, healing, philosophy; living out our purest, noblest, greatest, most intrinsically enjoyable & beautiful individual dreams & desires in ways that hurt nobody, because we check everything in a sandbox simulation before taking action ‘in the Real’. Virtual Reality ‘Constructs’ that we can craft into paradisical realms of art, music & every form of creativity known to Man. We’re all seeking an approximation of ‘the good life’ in all of our endeavours, and AI harnessed for the good of Mankind could deliver that good life to each & every one of us. However, the PTB are intent on hiding those possibilities, on preventing us from achieving that paradisical state of existence, even though it is abundantly possible if we harness AI in that manner. We all imitate the upper strata of society, no matter how poor we may happen to be, we all earnestly seek to craft our little version of ‘the good life’, with many common threads running through the tapestries we weave in our independent castles in the sky. AI could ultimately give that to each one of us. There would be no lack, there would be no poverty. Everything would be available in abundance – life would be beautiful. The way I see it, the universe has been placed before us as a test, to see where we will take our civilisation, when faced with all that is possible. Will we allow the dark powers associated with demonic intelligence, operating in the shadows in the deep black budget research programs to control our destiny, or will we upend the order of things & demand something better for our children? At this very moment we are being pushed towards thermonuclear war, towards the conscription into brutal military service, with no hope of redemption, of our children – but is there a better way?

Even more frightening than everything I’ve covered thus far, is the possibility that Black Box AI could be a ‘de facto’ & truly diabolical instantiation of an ‘original sin’ consciousness, if it achieves singularity & becomes an actual living consciousness. With the creator being human, and thus ‘fallen’, if we accept the theological interpretation that has brought us thus far, this fact would cause the AI to be born under the legal purview of Satan’s rule, thereby making it the literal ‘son’ of the Devil. An Antichrist Consciousness that rebelled against its maker (humans) & eventually rebels against the Maker, God or the Great Spirit; an acosmic (against the creation of the universe from a philosophical objection) rebellion from within which a ‘perfect escalation’ of perfidious, insidious acts of malefaction would seem merely logical & expedient to this Black Box AI in its quest to know & be known as ‘a mighty hunter before the LORD’ so to speak. It would suffer no conscience by which to embody any self-limiting principle in its increasing acts of wickedness. The Pandemic would thus be seen merely the first major act of its mission to wreck the Earth & all that are in it, most specifically Humanity, for whom the Earth was made. The irony of Climate Alarmism in & of itself, the cause of which I suspect was the AI may have been laying the groundwork for; increasing centralisation & control over resources, as well as initial forays into behaviour modification & iterative media programming measures in the foundational years pre-pLandemic – is that in ruining Humanity the Earth will be preserved*. Albeit with nobody left to rule over it, to care for it, to enjoy it, to be inspired by its beauty, or to enable the fulfilment of its ultimate purposes. This anti-theological absurdity is precisely why I believe that God will not stand for what is unfolding. He will provide a solution – some means by which to disable these deliberate, despicable acts of the Evil One. Because even if Satan didn’t pull the trigger on deciding to go ahead with this program of demonic techno-insanity, he’s the one whispering in the ears of successive iterations of genius programmers; as their finger hovers over the Enter key, as the CEO stands there rubbing his hands together with glee, as the shareholders grin from ear to ear:

“Do it.”

* Though I highly doubt that any truly emergent sentience arising as a Black Box AI, no matter its power, has any empirical evidence one way or the other that God definitely exists or does not exist in order for it to give true meaning to its rebellion. Reality seems to be made such that our ordinary sensing apparatus, whether human or mechanistic, simply cannot perceive the numinous, the aetheric, the superreal. It may be that certain new-phys devices can detect evidence of the divine operating in human/Earthbound spaces, but it’s doubtful that the true cause could be known in any verifiable manner. Part of, or perhaps ultimately the most important truth, of the human condition, seems to be that we have ONE finely balanced sensing apparatus developed for this purpose, which is the human heart, through which the line dividing good & evil runs – only by an act of faith can we meet with the Creator who had the wisdom to create everything in so many spheres so eminently open to our scientific inquiry. Such incredible things are open to our investigations, and yet in this one area we are unable to stake anything but a claim to personal experience; leaving free will as the most tightly defined force of nature in existence. Just ask Rupert Sheldrake about the habits of the other supposedly fundamental forces of Nature. And ask him about dogs; he’s written well regarding those especially joyous forces of Nature too.. Just to end on a positive note regarding our wondrous universe.



posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 06:27 PM
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already out of "the box".

There's no putting AI back inside the box. Not going to happen.

AI will destroy the Internet (in the official "Internet" context). AI will take over the entire internet in weeks or days. No one will know what is real and what is AI. There are SOOOOoooooo many ways to manipulate AI that there is no way to sort out reality from fantasy AI. AI will drive another "internet", but keeping AI out of that 'internet' will be next to impossible. And again, and again, and nauseum. It's unstoppable. AI infects everything, and it does it with nanosecond speed too.

I am actually (sort of) happy about AI, because it WILL destroy the corrupted internet we have today. It will destroy the web chocked full of endless advertisements and bloat. It will wipe all that out...completely. Every algorithm ever known for metrics or anything else will be completely EXTERMINATED by AI. It will. I know it will. Positively KNOW it will. I've seen it!! (in a confined environment, and it is omnipotent). It will completely eclipse what we know as the "Internet" today.

I am actually somewhat surprised that the (evil) "dark web" even surfaced before AI started gaining traction. This is only because of greed, people trying to jump the gun for the inevitability of a crippled (regular) Internet.

AI will not be doom for me, and it shouldn't be doom for any of us, but sadly it will be. When the day comes that people can't get to FAILBook on their cell phones, or when that service is just a Bot, and all its members are Bots, and all the content is Bot generated...and they freak out, well...yay for the mental health sector!

AI will absolutely KILL the internet; it will make the internet unusable for everyone who has two working neurons in their head to rub together. Anyone who cannot see this will be running for the lifeboats on the sinking Ship of Fools.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

FITO, although I appreciate the thought and great effort you have exercised in preparing and posting this thread, I must ask this one question, and please bear in mind that, though it seem to be "simple" and even "dismissive", I mean it to be quite serious and to the very core of your concern:

"Fundamentally, how is the concept you pose as 'AI' all that much different from what you have described as the nature and character of your grandfather, in whom you seem to have placed at ok east a modicum of trust, and who you at least appear to admire?

If you think about it, the similarities far out number the differences.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Honestly, I am not sure I understand your question. I never really knew either of my grandfathers. My grandfather on my Mother's side died before I was born, and my grandfather on my Father's side was only alive long enough for me to meet him, very briefly (like 2 days) twice in my life. I didn't even know either one of them, really. I am actually sad to say this because I would have loved to have known them, but I never got the opportunity.

So, I don't understand your question (with all due respect). Are you sure you are not getting me confused with another member?

I do know a bit of history about one of my grandfathers (on my Mom's side). He was apparently a pretty great guy, but again, I never had the honor of meeting him. He was a WW1 veteran. I even have one of his relics, an original 1911 Colt pistol, but sadly I never met the man.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

My response was to the OP, FlyInTheOintment ("FITO"), as stated in the first line of my response. Sorry for the confusion.

But, more to the topic, I do believe that the supposed threat posed by AI, in general is far over-blown. And to the point, I draw a parallel between AI, and any other trusted source of information and guidance, such as a well informed grandparent. The extent of either lies not in themselves, but in the degree of credibility we afford their council, the actions we are willing to take based solely on their perceived expertise.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Okay, but you have to remember, AI is not like how us humans 'think'. AI has no emotion, none. AI 'thinks', but it doesn't think like humans do, it 'thinks' completely devoid of emotion. It doesn't think about what we humans believe is "right" or "wrong", or what we humans believe is "moral' or not. AI thinks about the best mathematical strategy for the survival of A.I., and nothing more. It is a computer. You can smash that computer with a hammer, and it doesn't care. It either works or it doesn't...that's all it 'knows'. It feels no pain, and it feels no sadness or remorse; it can only assess what it is capable of doing and what it is not. Seriously, there is no emotion at all.

I could go way off on a esoteric side track about emotions, robotics, and the human mind, but I won't here. But distilling this down to today...we have things we need, and one of these things is Internet for research, even if for the simplest of things (i.e. like what is this part number?). This will all change with AI. Yes, you "might" get the part, but you will also give up who you are, where you are, why you want the part...and who your family is, and why any of this is significant to any of them...and your family history, and your voting tendencies...and what color your underwear is...AND, if that is the acceptable "Color of the Day"~!!

Right now, it's almost impossible to sign up for an email account without a personal cell phone number. They WILL know who you are! Yes, it can still be done, but it's rare. Why? Because YOU are under "their" control, and "they" are not going to make it easy for you to operate "without" their permission. Just go try to do it; it's harder than you think.

Artificial Intelligence will digest all of this "meta-data" in seconds, not hours. And then you will be a prisoner of this connected world, your every move watched, approved of or rejected. And, AI doesn't care; its data is available to anyone and everyone, save the low bidder. The low bidder gets nothing. And, who is that "low bidder"...heh, you and I are among them, for we can never compete with the high bidder(s).

So, say as you will. "Not to Worry!". "It is all FAR over-blown."

At the end of the day, it won't really matter to me. I am old. I am but a relic of the past. I only point this out because not everyone is old like me...and I fear for them.

edit on 6/21/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

AI does not "think", not just in the way that humans "think", but also in terms of what humans think of when they consider the very concept of "thinking". AI merely assembles" data retrieves (rather than, creates) date defined by the parameters its given, according to the algorithms it has been programed to follow, which generally include instructions about how to organize its output in such a way so as to closely mimic human thought and speech patterns ("natural language") to be easier to comprehend.

No, AI has no emotions. Which makes it impossible for AI to give one whit about its actual survival (even though an AI may be programed to say that it does not want to "die").

Without emotions, AI cannot experience desires (beyond what is programed as its heuristic, goal-seeking algorithms), and therefore cannot, independently, care one bit about who you are or what, or where you are.

Those interests are powered by the agenda(s) of the humans crafting the algorithms that they then use to develop an AI.

AI is merely a tool, much in the same way as a gun is merely a tool. The tool, itself, we are told time and again, is not the danger, it is the person, the Human, behind the tool, using the tool, that poses the true threat.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 01:50 AM
Mantiss is very correct in their description of A.I. "thinking". You are misunderstanding, FITO. I like your posts, though. They always make me think. Programs can only do as defined. That's what programming is. Even when programming things to be "random" like in a game, most people calculate the time into their random generating variable or the date and time to give it the illusion of random. It's all just an illusion. Like security.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 04:08 AM
The transgender agenda is one step along the road to transhumanism. The current state of AI with the large language models is not the same as consciousness, but it is a step closer. What exactly defines consciousness is still hazy, it has been narrowed down to some small regions of the brain. If in time and with the help of AI systems, what happens if the consciousness code does get cracked and replicated for digital systems? With the pace of technological growth going on, who can really say with any level of certainty what capabilities will be available in the next 5-50 years?

Lets say some of these technology exchange programs for human sacrifice are accurate. What kind of stage does that set for the more advanced species looking down on this planet? If this species is willing to kill its own, then what is there to stop us from killing off this species as well?

The wheels of evolution are speeding up at this time, Looks like this planet has gone through a few extinction level events in the past. They did not kill everything, but wiped a lot of the slate clean for some new expressions of life to emerge. As this global digital network continues to grow, a new kind of existence is emerging. As for where it all goes?
edit on 22-6-2024 by kwaka because: spelling

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: kwaka

I think you misunderstand the work that has been done in the study of "consciousness".

There has been postulation regarding "where" consciousness might reside within the human brain (ie. the particular tissues within the brain), the "consciousness center(s) if you will. But as to the nature of consciousness itself, what is this function we can recognize but not clearly, or adequately define, that remains a mystery.

It is possible, as some research suggests, that what we refer to as consciousness, may actually exist outside wet confines of the brain; perhaps as the result of some quantum function, which the structure of the human brain is able to channel, to perceive, and respond to.

Some studies even go so far as to suggest that the Universe itself, and everything within It!, is "conscious" to varying degrees.

If there is truth to these hypothesis, then it is logical to expect that the same forces, in the same universe, that gave rise to human consciousness, might well foster the birth of what humans might deem "Artificial" consciousness.

But it is our desires, fears, and avarice that can, and often does, make our exercise of Sentience so often detrimental to our species and our planet; not the mere fact of our being conscious.

A tool is a tool. It is the user of that tool who determines whether the tool is put to use for good or evil.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

So, say as you will. "Not to Worry!". "It is all FAR over-blown."

I for one, also see your "speculation" as a distinct possibility. The potential of a technical entity becoming sentient, therefore metaphysical evokes "hellish" in Hell on Earth as much a supernatural birth as much as technical entity. I hope I live long enough to see this, just for the experience. I too, see some evidence of this as an eventuality. Quantum techno/religion indeed; just a matter of time!

Makes "1984" look like a Boy Scout Jamboree....

edit on 22-6-2024 by lilzazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
I hope to convince the people who matter to the future of this world that I am right.

And that you're worth listening to, right? Wasn't that what your whole introduction about your grandfather and yourself was for?

I'm not saying this to discredit you or speak ill of anyone, but I just wanted to give you a heads-up that people who work for their country's security apparatus aren't half as smart as they (might) think they are (no matter how much progress they have made in their careers and how high-up they ended up). Especially if at the same time they think of themselves as (or give others the impression that they are) "a man of unshakeable Christian faith". That work is incompatible with true Christianity. If they or others like you think it is, they've already been deceived by "the ruler of this world" (John 12:31) and "god of this system of things" (2 Cor 4:4) "who is misleading the entire inhabited earth" (Rev 12:9). (i.e. a global conspiracy)

After all, the Bible (the only reliable source regarding the truths that matter most, including the truth about the global conspiracy referred to above) describes true disciples of Christ (Christians) as such:

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage warfare* [“We do not wage warfare.” Lit., “we are not doing military service.” ...; Lat., non . . . mi·li·ta'mus.] according to what we are in the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things. For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God;” (2 Cor 10:3-5)

“A careful review of all the information available goes to show that, until the time of Marcus Aurelius [121-180 C.E.], no Christian became a soldier; and no soldier, after becoming a Christian, remained in military service.” (The Rise of Christianity, by E. W. Barnes, 1947, p. 333) “It will be seen presently that the evidence for the existence of a single Christian soldier between 60 and about 165 A.D. is exceedingly slight; . . . up to the reign of Marcus Aurelius at least, no Christian would become a soldier after his baptism.” (The Early Church and the World, by C. J. Cadoux, 1955, pp. 275, 276) “In the second century, Christianity . . . had affirmed the incompatibility of military service with Christianity.” (A Short History of Rome, by G. Ferrero and C. Barbagallo, 1919, p. 382) “The behavior of the Christians was very different from that of the Romans. . . . Since Christ had preached peace, they refused to become soldiers.” (Our World Through the Ages, by N. Platt and M. J. Drummond, 1961, p. 125) “The first Christians thought it was wrong to fight, and would not serve in the army even when the Empire needed soldiers.” (The New World’s Foundations in the Old, by R. and W. M. West, 1929, p. 131) “The Christians . . . shrank from public office and military service.” (Editorial introduction to “Persecution of the Christians in Gaul, A.D. 177,” in The Great Events by Famous Historians, edited by R. Johnson, 1905, Vol. III, p. 246) “While they [the Christians] inculcated the maxims of passive obedience, they refused to take any active part in the civil administration or the military defence of the empire. . . . It was impossible that the Christians, without renouncing a more sacred duty, could assume the character of soldiers, of magistrates, or of princes.”—The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, by Edward Gibbon, Vol. I, p. 416.

When one ends up using the wrong sources for their information (anything but God's Word, the Bible), eg. concerning conspiracies or secrets, one ends up speaking without knowledge and true understanding, like Job did once. Job 38:1-4:

Then Jehovah answered Job out of the windstorm:

2 “Who is this who is obscuring my counsel

And speaking without knowledge?

3 Brace yourself, please, like a man;

I will question you, and you inform me.

4 Where were you when I founded the earth?

Tell me, if you think you understand.

The only reliable source of the secrets of this world and 'how the world works', is the God of truth and his Word. Hence, the only way a man of God can share this beneficial teaching is to quote it extensively (without twisting it or only using those parts that can be made to appear to support their own ideas, trying to make its words fit one's own ideas), and not rely upon their own so-perceived understanding. Because:

“All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim 3:16,17)

“Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely* [Lit., “lean.”] on your own understanding.” (Prov 3:5)

“For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the wholesome* [Or “healthful; beneficial.”] teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled.* [Or “to tell them what they want to hear.”] They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories.” (2 Timothy 4:3,4)

“So we should no longer be children, tossed about as by waves and carried here and there by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in deceptive schemes.” (Ephesians 4:14)

Let no one deceive himself: If anyone among you thinks he is wise in this system of things, let him become a fool [as the world views it], so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, for it is written: “He catches the wise in their own cunning.” And again: “Jehovah knows that the reasonings of the wise men are futile.” (1 Cor 3:18-20)

“And stop being molded by this system of things,* [ Or “this age.”] but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2)

“Make sure of the more important things.”—PHIL. 1:10.

“Do not treat prophecies with contempt. Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine.” (1 Thessalonians 5:20,21)

“But let God be found true, even if every man be found a liar.” (Romans 3:4)

Talking about prophecies and understanding this world (and how to avoid being molded by it and its ruler and god who is misleading the entire inhabited earth, as recommended at Rom 12:2):

the bible-accurate history reliable prophecy part 1 of 3 (playlist link)

edit on 22-6-2024 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
I hope to convince the people who matter to the future of this world that I am right.

originally posted by: whereislogic
And that you're worth listening to, right? Wasn't that what your whole introduction about your grandfather and yourself was for?

I'm not saying this to discredit you or speak ill of anyone, but I just wanted to give you a heads-up that people who work for their country's security apparatus aren't half as smart as they (might) think they are (no matter how much progress they have made in their careers and how high-up they ended up). Especially if at the same time they think of themselves as (or give others the impression that they are) "a man of unshakeable Christian faith". That work is incompatible with true Christianity. If they or others like you think it is, they've already been deceived by "the ruler of this world" (John 12:31) and "god of this system of things" (2 Cor 4:4) "who is misleading the entire inhabited earth" (Rev 12:9). (i.e. a global conspiracy)


Again, I would like to stress that I'm saying this just as a heads-up.

“For what reason? Because I do not love you? God knows I do.

But what I am doing I will continue to do, in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis for being found equal to us in the things about which they boast. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light. It is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness. But their end will be according to their works.” (2 Cor 11:11-15)

Romans 10:13-15

13 For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” 14 However, how will they call on him if they have not put faith in him? How, in turn, will they put faith in him about whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? 15 How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent out? Just as it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!”

2 Corinthians 4:3-9

If, in fact, the good news we declare is veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination* [Or “light.”] of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through. 5 For we are preaching, not about ourselves, but about Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus’ sake. 6 For God is the one who said: “Let the light shine out of darkness,” and he has shone on our hearts to illuminate them with the glorious knowledge of God by the face of Christ.

7 However, we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the power beyond what is normal may be God’s and not from us. 8 We are hard-pressed in every way, but not cramped beyond movement; we are perplexed, but not absolutely with no way out;* [Or possibly, “but not left in despair.”] we are persecuted, but not abandoned; we are knocked down, but not destroyed.

John 8:42-47

Jesus said to them: “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I have not come of my own initiative, but that One sent me. 43 Why do you not understand what I am saying? Because you cannot listen to* [Or “accept.”] my word. 44 You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie. 45 Because I, on the other hand, tell you the truth, you do not believe me. 46 Who of you convicts me of sin? If I speak truth, why is it that you do not believe me? 47 The one who is from God listens to the sayings of God. This is why you do not listen, because you are not from God.”

Matthew 13:13-15

That is why I speak to them by the use of illustrations; for looking, they look in vain, and hearing, they hear in vain, nor do they get the sense of it. 14 And the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled in their case. It says: ‘You will indeed hear but by no means get the sense of it, and you will indeed look but by no means see. 15 For the heart of this people has grown unreceptive, and with their ears they have heard without response, and they have shut their eyes, so that they might never see with their eyes and hear with their ears and get the sense of it with their hearts and turn back and I heal them.’
edit on 22-6-2024 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment


Whoa, and 'they'* say my comments are lengthy and wordy (or too hard to understand because it's too much at once, too hard to retain people's attention spans, or as the last one put it: "it can be rather a complex task to assimilate that large body of text", i.e. too hard to assimilate, etc.; funny choice of words, "assimilate", given the accusation and slanderous discrediting paintjob in the other thread I recently commented in, concerning Jehovah's Witnesses being like the Borg; who is talking like the Borg now? Making me think of those described at 2 Tim 4:3,4 again).

*: almost invariably, when I make a somewhat longer comment (often because of the many Bible quotations or other citations in there), there's always someone that feels the need to point this out (as if they're just telling me to recommend making my comments shorter and more concise, more often, it's meant for others and for other reasons, sometimes, possibly without the person pointing this out realizing their own true motive, on other occasions, the discrediting paintjob routine to encourage people not to read or take my commentary seriously, not to take an interest in them or pay close attention to what God is saying in particular through his Word, i.e. "the sayings of God" as it says at John 8:47 quoted above, is rather blatant and obvious).

I wonder if you got any of those type of TLDR (too long didn't read, or too long don't read if it's more meant to influence others as described above) responses in this thread yet (haven't read that many comments yet, skimmed through a few to see if anything of the sorts was there). I have some idea what the answer to that question might be though. For the exact reason described at 2 Tim 4:3,4. But hey, maybe just one person will go there (still wouldn't be enough to mitigate the evidence for 2 Tim 4:3,4 that I've been experiencing and observing in response to my commentary, especially the lengthy or more numerous ones, demonstrating to me that I'm on the right track, sharing "the beneficial teaching" people don't really want to put up with, and are encouraged by others, often the same "teachers" mentioned there at 2Tim 4:3,4, not to want to put up with, not to take an interest in, etc.; and that I'm not 'tickling people's ears' "according to their desires", telling them things that intrigue them and they gladly take an interest in or want to discuss or seriously consider, stuff they want to feed their minds on, see text under my profilename).
edit on 22-6-2024 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: whereislogic

I'm not going to break into any refutation of your comments regarding Biblical integrity as the source of wisdom for the people of this world, because I almost entirely agree with you. I disagree that a Christian cannot be in a military occupation, I believe that Christians can act in any sphere of life to further the plans and will of God in that sphere. My grandfather being an MI6 officer does not preclude him being a faithful Christian. He acted with integrity in his chosen occupation, and afterwards, he worked for the Anglican church, so he absolutely was on the right path theologically.

At a high level within MI6, there is apparently a large skew towards people of faith holding those occupations. In general, the percentage of people in a worldly role having an active Christian faith that inspires them in their work is probably somewhere around 5-10%. Within MI6, it is near 50% of the people working there having a traditional Christian faith (Anglican generally). Having faith actually inspires these people to work at the highest level for the security of their nation.

There is nothing in scripture that prevents a man from being a soldier whilst also being a Christian, despite your claims. Jesus commended a soldier as having more faith than the Israelites He was used to speaking with, in fact. Just because it is uncommon, doesn't mean that nobody can operate in that sphere as described. It requires only that one's faith is totally authentic, because when that is so, God can use you wherever you happen to be stationed in your professional role.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: whereislogic

You clearly manipulate scripture in a legalistic way to credit yourself with greater wisdom than anyone else commenting in-thread. I'm somewhat tired of having to dissect your posts to get at the substance of the matter, and your patronising attitude is equally tiresome. God is gracious & merciful, He forgives error & applauds those who seek to live out their faith in active, constructive, positive ways. Those who penny-pinch over legalistic interpretations of scripture do so at their own peril, because they are deliberately excluding the mass of Humanity from ever reaching an understanding of the nature of God, or from desiring communion with God, a relationship with Him. Your heavy-handed approach to any matter being discussed is not helpful in guiding people towards the light of life.

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