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New Series on the Discovery Channel - Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction

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posted on Jun, 19 2024 @ 10:41 PM
Starting today, and on future Wednesday’s…. is the new weekly series Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction on the Discovery Channel check your local listings.

All-New Series "Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction" Premieres June 19 at 10PM on Discovery Channel

After 10pm….Discovery Channel sometimes shows repeats a couple to a few hours later. You may also find previously played episodes that have been shown using your cable tv service On Demand feature.

edit on 20-6-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2024 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

For those of us who don't have the Discovery Channel so you'll have to let me know what you think of it!

I just checked; I DO have the Discovery channel; so much for going to bed early! lol

I have a BIG day tomorrow....looks like it's going to be a long one. Thanks, Oph!

edit on 1/1/1908 by nugget1 because: eta

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 01:18 AM

So far so good……a geologist born and bread in Roswell…..went to hunt the crash site to look for craft debris. He went on an old miners notion that ants would carry mineral fragments to their ant hill home. Using a metal detector…..he got a hit at an ant hill and dug up a fragment of metal.

Low and behold….it was analyzed to be Pure Aluminum!

Now could the geologist have gotten access to Pure Aluminum?

It was also assessed it had came from a crash in a ground based explosion.

The investigators interviewing the geologist deemed it to be from a credible ufo craft.


edit on 20-6-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 01:22 AM
Not to mention the fact that they were very straight forward with the guy who did see the ISS!

The lady with radiation burns... Thats something very serious

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I watched this tonight... What a didn't like about it was that they chose to film and show a couple that misidentified the ISS and then humiliate them a bit. Their sighting just showed a high up light traveling just like any satellite, perhaps the ISS might appear a bit more interesting in their area with zero light pollution, but it doesn't make turns or do anything "UFO like".

I think it's a waste of time to use all that time on a TV show about UFO's to show some common misidentified object just to prove the theme "Fact or fiction" and show off how smart the hosts are for discovering this misidentified object. This is so 1969 Blue Book style. If it doesn't look exotic and act exotic then don't investigate it in the first place.

I mean this is 2024, we want to see the real stuff, not crap and watch people made out to be simpletons. I'm sure their neighbors will be laughing at them tomorrow. (But they did agree to go on the show, and maybe knew all of this in advance).
Still though, it isn't the worst show I've seen. Not a show I would want to watch again though.

One interesting segment was a geologist that has been on these sorts of shows before showed a piece of what they claimed was pure aluminum that he found at the notorious Roswell crash site which is interesting, but no isotope ratio test was done, so another dropped ball worth zero, except for the imagination of the viewers out in cable TV and streaming land.

ETA: The aluminum piece needed much more details shared about those test results to give it any real value. Pure aluminum is used on thousands of passenger jets as outer fuselage skin, (Boeing uses it every day, but it isn't absolutely pure, just 99.xx %+, which is why an isotopic ratio test is mandatory to know where this piece came from.

Meaning this new TV show is just old filler catering to what the producers obviously think are just common dumbass people.
edit on 20-6-2024 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 02:08 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Here’s a nugget or two….or three …

Aluminum is the most abundant metal on Earth, and one of the cheapest to buy. But it used to be more valuable than gold. Aluminum is the third most common element in the Earth's crust, but it also bonds easily with other elements. That means it is not found in nature as a pure metal.

NASA also turned to aluminum alloys for Apollo for the same reason that they had been so indispensable for airplanes — weight and strength.

Does pure aluminium exist? By now, you know that aluminum is not naturally found in its pure form. Instead, compounds of aluminum exist within rocky lumps of ore buried in the Earth's crust. This ore, as previously mentioned, is called bauxite, and it is the world's main source of pure aluminum.

You are correct…..a more detailed analysis report would have been nice….but when you only have a 1 hour show….editing to get enough cases shoehorned in is a priority.

edit on 20-6-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 02:25 AM
It’s making the rounds…..

From the Daily Mail…..

EXCLUSIVE New 'compelling evidence' found at Roswell UFO site could prove alien craft crashed in 1947, experts say

Kimbler has since uncovered over 20 unusual scraps of metal material, most no bigger than a fingernail, and has now submitted one uniquely odd metal for testing to the Discovery Channel's new series 'Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction.' Testing revealed that the metal was '100-percent pure aluminum,' which experts said was 'compelling evidence' that could prove aliens crashed in the area decades ago.

Nevertheless, Newton found the tests on the pure aluminum mystery metal to be compelling, she said, in part because a former Pentagon UFO investigator has told her that 'pure aluminum has been connected to multiple other UFO crash sites.' While Newton did not name her Pentagon source, she described them as 'a source formerly from AATIP,' the US military's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which from 2007 to 2012 had been tasked (in part) with studying UFOs.

More than likely…..this particular UFO material story may get its own thread…

edit on 20-6-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 07:03 AM
Just because a so called expert gives you his opinion that "its not a ufo" does not in any way mean it wasn't.
Thats his opinion.

Don't be walking away from that meeting thinking "and all along theres me thinking it was a ufo".
It was a ufo.

Unless they can exactly prove for a fact that it was the ISS or a rocket launch or whatever. If it was just their opinion, thats all it was. An opinion. You carry on regardless with your ufo sighting, for they are wonderful experiences.

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1

So far so good……a geologist born and bread in Roswell…..went to hunt the crash site to look for craft debris. He went on an old miners notion that ants would carry mineral fragments to their ant hill home. Using a metal detector…..he got a hit at an ant hill and dug up a fragment of metal.

Low and behold….it was analyzed to be Pure Aluminum!

Now could the geologist have gotten access to Pure Aluminum?

It was also assessed it had came from a crash in a ground based explosion.

The investigators interviewing the geologist deemed it to be from a credible ufo craft.

Linda MH, don’t know spelling, of Coast to Coast Am fame, has been running around with a pure aluminum Roswell fragment for years on every tv show coming and going.

She went with this guy to Roswell looking/showing where they were getting them from a season or two ago on a different show. She had it in some high tech vault pretending it was supper secret when she had already been on half a dozen shows talking about it.

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

perhaps the ISS might appear a bit more interesting in their area with zero light pollution, but it doesn't make turns or do anything "UFO like".

You brought up a good point! I'v watched the ISS go over many times and it was always in a straight trajectory. You could see from the tree/hill/whatever was on the left of the screen that the camera was making the light jog and loop.

I've seen lights like that in the night sky myself; they act totally different than the ISS.

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

I remember the LMH material …..merry-go-round

I remember the TTSA material CRADA ……ferris wheel

I remember the Vallee Trinity material ……house of mirrors

Now it’s the Kimbler material…. Fact or Fiction roller coaster

This coming July’s MUFON Symposium material…..petting zoo?

What more can a material carnival bring?


posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 10:54 AM
Ref…. a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Here’s a UFO materials (plus origin story of Arts Parts).. focused Q&A vid done about 2 years ago…..

Interestingly……it appears to me….imo…that the pure aluminum (90 something %) findings are of a crafts interior whereas the Bismuth Magnesium-Zinc material are of the crafts exterior.

Kind of makes sense that a craft’s exterior would be different from its interior…depending on the functional use of the materials.

Here’s another UFO materials vid released days ago from different folks…..

First thing that came to mind while watching this vid was “nobody sneeze” 😆

And then there’s Vetted’s perspective and commentary ….

edit on 7-7-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2024 @ 02:42 AM
Another WOWzers on tonight’s show…..

Two UFO enthusiasts brothers went searching for UFO debris in 2017 at the crash site of a purported UFO crash in the Spring of 2008 in Needles California off the banks of the Colorado River.

They found a piece of metal approximately 12”x5”…using a metal detector. Due to the prohibiting costs of get it properly tested….they apparently held on to it until it was made available by them to the show to get it tested.

The results, much like the geologist that found a metal fragment at the Rosewell crash site…. the piece the brothers found was Pure Aluminum!

It was mentioned by the investigators on the show that Jacque Vallee, and separately AATIP both had reported pieces of Pure Aluminum at several crash sites. Who knew.???

I’m compelled to believe Pure Aluminum is from craft……so far civilians coming forward are finding it and now boldly presenting it…for the public to see.

Here are some pics from the show….it was analyzed and tested that the corner deformation area is indicative of crash impact.

I think the genie is coming out of the bottle….and all sorts of UFO crash and debris hunters will continue to boldly show what piece parts they’ve found.

I’ve been saying for awhile back that recovery operations are not able to pick up every single bit of crash debris.

I used to be a member of a squadron long back decommissioned…..we like most squadrons, use to perform FOD walk downs of the tarmac and flight line near our hangar. All hands from the squadron enlisted and officers were obligated to form a single line at arms length and walk while looking for garbage that may have blown on or fell on to the tarmac overnight. The line of men were at least 40 and sometimes even more, personnel participating covering a huge swath of tarmac and flight line.

No way could a special ops crash recovery team cover large swaths of crash debris fields….especially in uneven topography. Some thing will be missed! And there in lies the opportunity for civilians to visit those sites to search for themselves.

Grab your metal detector civilians …..let a new era of discovery and transparency begin…go out and find some debris….and present it to the public yourselves.

edit on 8-8-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 11:59 PM
Here’s a mostly full segment of a Roswell crash debris discovery from the season 1 episode 1 of Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction…..

Is Pure Aluminum not proof enough…….aside from a dead or alive body?

I’ll post a full segment of season 1 episode 7…(last episode)..maybe that will convince you.

Update…’s a partial segments of season 1 episode 7

A coincidence? two different crash sites…Roswell NM and Needles CA….and Pure Aluminum found at both?

Highly recommended….You can watch the full segments of season 1 episodes 1 and 7 …on Discovery….on demand.

Some people want to think that all crafts are made inside and out with the same material…..I beg to differ. I suspect that craft are made with different materials by different races.

And then there’s this….

All About 99.99% Pure Aluminum: A Comprehensive Guide

And this…..

Aluminium Pure aluminium is obtained from bauxite, is relatively expensive to produce, and is too soft and weak to act as a structural material. To overcome its low strength it is alloyed with elements such as magnesium. Many different alloys exist and have found their primary use in the aircraft industry where their relatively high strength/low weight ratio is a marked advantage; aluminium is also a ductile material. In structural engineering aluminium sections are used for fabricating lightweight roof structures, window frames, etc. It can be extruded into complicated sections but the sections are generally smaller in size than the range available in steel.

Digest it as you will….

edit on 15-8-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2024 @ 11:36 AM
Unless we’ve discovered a Top Secret process to extract, in mass, Pure Aluminum from minerals such as Bauxite, etc.. and smelted, formed without additional alloys, and roll out sheets of it for SAP’s research and development to be material used in crafts circa 1947……

I have to think that non-alloyed Pure Aluminum is a material NHI use for the craft’s exterior or interior or both….I’m leaning Pure Aluminum is used for the interior whether it’s walling, ceiling, flooring, fixtures, cabin, cockpit, etc.. It makes more sense to me since the Pure Aluminum in metal form is non-magnetic.

Don’t count on Government and Private Aerospace to transparently reveal nuts and bolts craft or piece parts…….if you have the time….get yourself a metal detector and do some debris hunting. Take what you find directly to news outlets, TV shows….when enough of this happens…Government and Private Aerospace will be forced to fess up. Take it upon yourselves, the citizenry, like below to help force full disclosure. The UFOtainment Industry is useless…otherwise.

For personal reasons of my own and no regrets, my time with ATS is short, I have other irons in the fire 😉

edit on 15-8-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 02:33 PM
Here’s a basic suite of electronic tools to help searching for metals….

A Pinpointer is just a small handheld metal detector to help narrow the location of a “hit”…..whether the find is in hole or a pile of dirt in your hand or shovel. It’s useful for locating the really small stuff.

The handheld portable XRF (X-ray fluorescence) Spectrometer is a game changer in that …..instead of paying for minerals/metals to be analyzed by a brick and mortar lab, you now have the convienence of analyzing your discoveries in the field. This tool analyzes at the atomic molecular level and you get a real-time result of the elemental composition and percentages of the different elements of whatever it is your testing on the spot.

The initial outlay for a portable XRF Spectrometer is pricey….but in comparison to what you might find that may be of value….the tool will pay for itself over time.

Here’s an example of what’s out there…. XRF Analyzers

Now apply these tools for UFO/UAP debris searching…….and the upside should be evident.

Good Luck 🍀

edit on 16-8-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 11:15 AM
What looks like debris proof of Roswell NM and Needles CA craft crashes…..and yet nobody focuses on these findings… one in UFOtainment or Mainstream Media cares. It’s not National News…too the world.

No one seems to interview the citizens of these vids … these folks, that have “first hand” knowledge of UFO crash debris wreckage that’s been mass spectrometry tested to be pure aluminum. It’s even mentioned by the investigators that Vallee and a former member of AATIP acknowledged that pure aluminum has been found at multiple crash sites throughout the years.

These citizens who have the proof in their custody, there’s no question about “chain of custody” if the citizens that found the wreckage, possess the wreckage in their own physical custody.

And yet….no one gives a rats a$$.

That’s why UFOlogy is BS. It goes to show you …Even if proof was found by common citizens …it’s ignored for the sake of not jeopardizing the money UFOtainment generates.

Solving Roswell for real? or any other crash site like Needles, etc.? “Oh nooo…we can’t have that”. Nothing but hypocrisy.

Back to back longer segments…than previously posted..

edit on 19-8-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 11:26 AM
Alien encounters are reported since humans could record events.... poems/songs/clay tablets/parchments scrolls, etc

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: StudioNada

For the common citizenry of the those times..Yes….but where is the hard evidence proof then? Tell me at what museum I can see for myself pieces of physical hardware material of craft from those times….

edit on 19-8-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 07:33 PM
How many pictures of crash debre are there? Or an alleged picture of crash debris.
Photography has been here since the 19th century. Seems to me if there were these supposed hundreds of crashed saucers there would be photos.

Likely if so it would be a USG photo someone leaked.

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