posted on Jun, 14 2024 @ 10:26 AM
Soon, I will have worked for a year remotely for a US company and the more I learn, the more I see the employment laws are truly horrific with
employees having next to no rights, especially the lower-paid employees. I have fought tooth and nails with the HR department in my company to get the
employees benefits, which should not be benefits at all but rights. Unfortunately, I can not affect the other departments. When looking at the local
laws and laws neighboring countries, the lack of employee rights in US truly makes it look like a 3rd world country, where the employee exploitation
is a commonplace.
Health-care as a benefit should be mandatory at any job, at any hours. A healthy employee is significantly more productive compared to a sick employee
and a lot of illnesses are preventable. I could not imagine being in a constant stress of being one sickness away from bankruptcy or having no health
insurance at all. There are companies who provide it, but generally such benefits goes towards higher paid employees.
Vacation time should be mandated by law. People need time off to relax. Not taking a day off in years, is not something to be proud of, but a
stupidity, not caring about ones health. I have heard horror stories of people being fired due to having family emergency, going to a funeral or
wedding. Even going to a doctor can lead to PIP or other issues at work for many. In most EU countries, you are mandated to take at least a month in a
year, but even more in many. I personally receive 56 days each year, 28 mandatory including one 2 week vacation and 28 as benefit.
There should be unlimited paid sick leave. A sick employee can not work well and can potentially infect other employees or customers. In many cases,
working while sick can cause long-term health issues. Some years, ago I created a thread in rant about an employee coming in sick. I was extremely
close to firing him for his recklessness and stupidity. If a young child falls ill, a parent should be able to take time off to take care of them
without repercussions at work. I recently found some post online, where some company stated: "Sick pay is for an employee. Your child is not
employee." No humanity in my eyes..
New mothers should be able to care for their children during the first year or years of their children. It is incredibly important for the development
of the child. Here the paid maternity leave is 564 days and company needs to keep your position for 3 years.
The so-called at-will employment is one of the worst concepts, I have ever heard. It also tends to be one-sided. Company can fire you any time, but if
you do not give proper notice, you are unlikely to be able to use the company as a reference. One of my friends was fired for refusing to do unpaid
overtime, as he had family appointment after work.
Why do so many Americans let themselves be exploited by their employees, sacrificing their health, family and personal life for the companies. I know
many will call such laws socialism and will bring up the importance of free market, but as it is visible, the free market is not bringing the benefits
to a large part of Americans, while European countries are just as competitive globally and the employment rights do not interfere with the
unemployment rates.