posted on Jun, 14 2024 @ 12:22 PM
Yet freedom without some form of constraint is meaningless.
The ability to move and travel anywhere you like is meaningless if you lack the ability to get there or would travel to a place that would kill you
hence ending your journey forever.
The ability to speak is meaningless unless you have the ability to properly aligned your thoughts.
The idea of endless freedom of self and expression is yet again meaningless if it’s an endless sea of androgyny without any actual means to bringing
about the desired expression ending only in mutilations.
Yes freedom and expression can be the highest of ideals but without any framework or constraints these ideals cannot manifest in their best possible
Unlimited freedom is little more than chaos.
For restricting our expressions willfully is one of the very fundamentals that separates us from the animal.
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edit on 14-6-2024 by Athetos because: (no reason given)