posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 04:33 AM
OOPS, I am not quite sure what you want to say.
Are you asking why are some terrorists called terrorists and others who also kill innocents are not?
Simple answer, they either have a lot of money or they have nukes.
Nobody with nukes will ever be clasified as terrorist.
You might fall under "rogue" nation, but terrorist? No.
There are many deffinitions and forms of terror, depending on who you ask.
Generaly, terrorists are groups or nations who kill innocent people to further their agenda, but do not have money/nukes to buy up their status.
You can't really compare terrorists with Tobacco companies.
Although cigarettes kill a LOT of people every year, the final choice whether to smoke or not is up to individual. You can still say no to
But when a bomb explodes near you, you have no choice there.
Various companies who dump toxic waste into river could be considered terrorist, in terms that they kill innocent people, that they KNOW the danger of
toxins and knowingly dump them into the river, causing dozens of deaths. That is terror. But these companies have way too much money and political
influence to be defined as such.
Then we have state sponsored terror. Thats when nukes come into play. If you got them, you can kill as much people as you want using any kind of
excuse you want and you still won't be called a terrorist. You actions will be "frowned upon" by UN ( a resolution here and there might be in
order), and "condemned" by some countries, but you won't be a terrorist. That's why everyone wants to have them.
Also, sanctions could fall under deffinition of terrorism.
Sanctions are imposed on the whole country, including civilian population, in order to force the goverment to comply with your political ideas. Often
ignored in the process is the fact that the goverment in question already has enough money to not give a damn about sanctions, and it is only the
civilian population who suffers both from the oppression of said goverment and the sanctions imposed by the rest of the world.
That IS terrorism. That is terrorising the civilian population to further your political goals. However, those who impose sanctions are too powerful
to be labeled "terrorists". Somehow they sell millions of starving children as "good" move to bring "happiness" to the world. Go figure.
One more thing to consider: if terrorists achieve their goal and gain power, the history won't remember them as terrorists, they become "freedom
fighters", great heroes, leaders, they inspire millions with stories about how they brought freedom and justice for all.
Anyways, in the end, there are terrorists who are recognised as such and there are terrorists who hide behind other labels, behind money, power,
weapons. Such is the world we live in.