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Is this a Raelian thing or what is this about? Anybody smart in here? Or maybe dumb hehe

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posted on Jun, 11 2024 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: Compendium

Father: Source
Son: Reflection
Holy Spirit: The Exchange

And therefore, consciousness evolution is the exchange/Holy spirit!

posted on Jun, 11 2024 @ 02:22 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

I dont know if I am going nuts. Am I hallucinating these lights and voices are beings trying to communicate with me are weird things happening with measurements and people am I being monitored am I a targeted individual I dont know like I said nothing weird has ever happened to me ever in my life and so I am trying to figure out what is happening here because it seems to be escalating.

First to alleviate your fears, you are not going nuts and I personally feel that a spiritual event is soon to happen, or you could say a harvest is soon to occur.

I have been led to realise, that what we are experiencing is the Holy spirit complete with gifts .. if not talking in tongues, but other tools to aid in our protection and perceptions of reality. If the lights are permanently within you then, they will eventually settle at your crown and your peripheral vision from both eyes.

You will see the lights at any time, inside your head or outside and you may see an eye projected onto whatever you focus on, I think it is what was called the 'eye of Horus'

If you understand Chakra then you may well be close to third eye activation .. a gift from our Father.

We have all been through challenging times recently and from the depths of despair, a light is born within us.

You will probably discover other gifts tailored for you.

As our learned friend Compendium suggested, it is a test of our character to determine if we can be trusted to use our discernment in a righteous way and use our gifts to help others.

You may see energy soon! .. check out peoples aura's .. don't worry! if you see through your eyes, what appears to be your body evaporating from time to time .. You will see massive amounts of vapour coming from your breath.

When you see your breath in room temperature, then you know you are close to having objective awareness of our inter-dimensional reality.

If you see aura's you can energy heal, everyone can energy heal but the stronger the faith, the more affective it is and when you can see the energy, it gives you a lot of faith.

I am truly hoping that this phenomena is occurring to everybody .. The stories of the 'great awakening' could be happening right now and we will all consciously evolve to a greater awareness.

If you have God in your heart .. you have nothing to be afraid of.

Congratulations .. I think you may have just won one of the best gifts anyone could receive.

posted on Jun, 11 2024 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

I wouldn't seek those answers online the best way to find them is going offline, and getting inline with yourself...

posted on Jun, 11 2024 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: StudioNada
a reply to: CosmicFocus

Jean Dixon perhaps ?


Your OP i think has roots in Brazil... that group is fanatical, not 'cultish' but very radical & protective of their 'boundaries'


the more thats said... the more it sounds like your experiencing Poltergeists mischief than being attacked by RaElian followers... my apologies

neither force is good-to-deal-with

posted on Jun, 12 2024 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: StudioNada


not ghosts, not Aliens...not demons.... all thats left are survivor space trekkers

posted on Jun, 12 2024 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: StudioNada


not ghosts, not Aliens...not demons.... all thats left are survivor space trekkers

posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 06:12 PM
To me these are plain truths told via an interesting medium.

What's so hard to understand in all this?

Point something hard to grasp and maybe we can help address the topic?

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

It's kinda funny. It's basically Alien Jesus.

I know. he might have been eh )

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 10:06 PM

I dont know if I am going nuts. Am I hallucinating these lights and voices are beings trying to communicate with me are weird things happening with measurements and people am I being monitored am I a targeted individual I dont know like I said nothing weird has ever happened to me ever in my life and so I am trying to figure out what is happening here because it seems to be escalating.

Because of previous life's achievements (reincarnation) our chakra's can open in our lifetime for no apparent reason. When that happens unexpectedly. We of cause will question our own sanity. our mind will seem foreign to us.

When people in street talk want to talk to you. They subconsciously perceive you as feeling "connected" to them. They feel the positive energy of your chakra's through what some of us call the greater universal mind. Don't think about why merely experience that connection with them.

Relax. Everything be right with you. Just try reign in that mind of yours. Because the guidance from within will be so subtle that even a minds thought can drown it in your consciousness.

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