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Is this a Raelian thing or what is this about? Anybody smart in here? Or maybe dumb hehe

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posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 12:36 PM
So im trying to figure stuff out because some weird things have been happening maybe paranormal strangeness or just im nuts i don't know.

Anyways I found this website and I legit guys I dont know if I am too dumb to understand this stuff or what I mean I get the basic principles but I am having trouble understanding like...what exactly this all means.

If anyone has a couple minutes can you check it out and see if this makes any sense from any standpoint. I dont know sounds crazy pants to me but I could be wrong. Just want answers at work ill comment what is happening I want answers to when I get done here.

The One Infinite Creator

The Law of One states that there is only one, and that one is the Infinite Creator (4.20), which Ra also calls “Infinite Intelligence” and “Intelligent Infinity.” It is impossible to describe the “one undifferentiated intelligent infinity, unpolarized, full and whole” but It can be activated or potentiated (28.1). Each portion of the creation contains, paradoxically, the whole (13.13).


Since all is one, all manifestation, or appearance of many-ness, is an illusion (1.6, 106.23). According to Ra, it is an illusion carefully engineered in order to give the Creator the opportunity to know Itself (27.17).


In Ra’s terms, “distortion” is anything that moves away from undistorted unity. This can be either what we would consider “good” (distortion toward love) or “bad” (distortion towards ill health). There are three fundamental distortions of Infinite Intelligence:

Free Will (The First Distortion)

The first distortion is free will, or finity, or the limit of the viewpoint (13.12, 15.21, 99.5). The created universe that we experience is the Creator’s exploration of Itself through the first distortion, which Ra also calls the Law of Confusion (27.10). Ra defines free will as the recognition “that the Creator will know Itself” (27.8).

The Logos (The Second Distortion)

The second distortion is Love, or the Logos, or the Creative Principle (15.21). It is “the focus, the choice of attack, the type of energy of an extremely, shall we say, high order which causes intelligent energy to be formed from the potential of intelligent infinity in just such and such a way.” (27.12) A Logos can create a single star system or it can create a galaxy with billions of star systems (28.7). Each galaxy has its own system of natural laws (13.13) and, I believe, its own “cosmic mind” (91.2). Ra says that some of its members have wandered to the creations of other Logoi, and that the “experience has been one which staggers the intellectual and intuitive capacities.” (90.17) In the case of galactic systems, the first physical manifestation of a Logos is a cluster of central systems (82.8).

Light (The Third Distortion)

The third distortion is light (15.21). It is the first manifestation visible to the eye (78.9). Light is intelligent, full of energy, and the building block of what we call matter (13.9). Light’s characteristics include “the infinite whole paradoxically described by the straight line.” Ra says that this “paradox is responsible for the shape of the various physical illusion entities you call solar systems, galaxies, and planets, all revolving and tending towards the lenticular.” (13.9). Light energy has an upward spiraling characteristic which impels evolution. (13.17).


Our galaxy was created by a single Logos (28.9) and our sun is a sub-Logos of that Logos (29.1) A sub-Logos individualizes or differentiates the natural laws set up by its Logos (13.13, 29.2). It also refines the cosmic mind into its specific archetypical mind, informed by the experience of earlier sub-Logoi (81.33, 91.3).


Humans are an example of sub-sub-Logoi (29.7).

Anybody heard of this stuff before is it like....Ra like Aliens??? I don't know. Is this a Raelian thing or whatever that stuff was in the 90s?

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

It's another belife system that was created by someones' imagination/interpretaion of what they believe the creator to be.

If you follow every beliefe system back to its origin you'll find a single person created that way of believing and convinced a bunch of others to follow them, because only they had the correct interpretation.

Some last centurys, some only a few years. Jim Jones; Charlie Manson, Waco Texas are a few of the short-lived belief systems.

The Law of One 'channels' messages for its followers. Some people feel the need to have a man-made belief system tell them who and how to worship; others feel it's better to cut out the middle man and connect directly with Source.

Just my take.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 01:20 PM
Stay away from it.
When you get that channeling crap, you never know what you are getting.
Spirits lie.
And the untamed imaginations of idiots lie as well.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 02:40 PM
I've seen alot of weird stuff but some people try too hard to make sense of it and it just comes out gibberish lol that's what I got from it anyways. Just try to ignore the activity if it's bothering you sometimes it helps me.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

I’m with nugget1 on this one. These people are whacked. They have been around for a bit, 50’s,60’s. Channeling was a big thing back then. Some people just need to believe fanciful things to feel “ chosen “. How they affect others is the real danger. Heavens Gate comes to mind.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

I slightly knew the channeler of that material and have some of her material from working in Austin's UFO groups back in the 1980s. She was based in Austin. I think maybe she died here also. Her first name was Jean. I don't remember her last name. She had a serious, physical illness.

Channelers are another often over-looked aspect of UFOs/ETs. In my estimation, channelers are what they frequently call themselves, nothing but a poorconduits of what a lot of humans reject out of hand as it does not meet their personal criteria. --Not that they necessarily have even part of one.

I would not be surprised if we did not experience a channeler to appear at this point in our midst and gain a wide following with his/her/its cosmic views.

Being abductee, I have supplied to ATS some channeler-types of views, and outlooks, but I ain't no channeler even if I have been loaded up with strange viewpoints to dispel to the unwashed.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: CosmicFocus

Jean Dixon perhaps ?


Your OP i think has roots in Brazil... that group is fanatical, not 'cultish' but very radical & protective of their 'boundaries'

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

Raëlism is what happens when someone turns The 12th planet into a cult.

It's very clever, it ideologically appropriates all previous superstition as aliens called Elohim. Which are not at all like the Anunaki. It takes all your nephilim, angels, demons, and skygods and rolls it up into a great misunderstanding of these controlling master aliens.

It's kinda funny. It's basically Alien Jesus.
edit on 10-6-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 05:37 PM
Here are strange things that have been happening kinda in chronological order.

So I've been intermittently hearing a female voice say random words to me. Like ma'am?, my name, rumplestiltskin, potatoes, who is it?

There are quite a few words I have heard. They seem like just random words. And it randomly happens out of nowhere. It is a nice woman's voice sounding kinda soft and low. When it said ma'am? The other day, it repeated it three times like ma'am? Ma'am?? MA'AM???!?!!? So when I heard it the first time say ma'am I ignored it because I am just thinking im hearing this voice from in my own head even though it sounds like it is external in nature. So it got a little louder and then really loud and I finally looked around even though I know I was totally alone nobody around and it stopped.

I had a new refrigerator delivered because mine broke. I measured the spot and my door frame repeatedly to ensure it would fit. When it arrived, it didn't fit through my door even when we took the doors off and so we measure the fridge and the door frame again and should be 3 inches of clearance to fit through but somehow there is NOT. I measure my old fridge because I dont want to go through this again and it is the exact same measurement as the new fridge I tried to get that didn't fit and I am so confused how this thing didn't fit into the house yet my old one did.

People i don't know have recently started approaching me when I am out and asking me how I'm doing. This is weird and has never happened to me before. It is women, men. They act like we know each other and we definitely do not. Like we've known each other for years and they do seem offended when I don't remember or recognize them. I am pretty distinct looking so I doubt all these people are mistaking me for someone else, but I know it is possible.

I got pulled over driving and the cop told me he pulled me over because my taillight was out. He took my info and then came back and told me he would just let me go with a warning but get it fixed. Then he told me to be careful out here. This guy was really smiley for a cop and had a really almost off putting sweet demeanor. When I got home I had my friend help me check and all my lights were working fine. Not one was out.

The other night I had my eyes closed but I was still awake listening to Frasier on the tv i don't know if that is relevant.

All of a sudden there is this light coming toward me i can tell you know how you can tell when your eyes are closed the light level changes? Well that but it was like a spot of white light swirling toward me. It was like an led light. Round. The same light quality as an led light I mean. You know how they differ from incandescent bulbs in lighting quality. Like harsh but not harsh round white light coming toward me swirling around. For a second I thought it was a flashlight and I opened my eyes to see that nothing was there. I went and looked around the house just to make sure and then I laid back down and closed my eyes again and I could tell just Frasier was on and the white light wasn't there. Then the white light started coming again the same, round like an led light but softer and I opened my eyes a lot quicker this time and I have never experienced anything paranormal or weird like this before in my life, I have never seen a UFO or anything but you guys, I saw a small light coming into my window. My window faces my backyard and there isn't a way it could be a car or something like neighbor we are way too far apart this seemed to be coming directly into my window from close proximity and I freaked the f out. I jumped over to the window to see if someone was there and nobody was there and there was NO LIGHT! Then I sat at my kitchen table for a few minutes and started hearing a loud humming noise like an electrical buzzing and actually opened my door and went outside like wtf is going on here and I heard the female voice say the word "smuggling" and then there was a big flash of white light like....just my eyes or my vision was filled with a flash of light and I got extremely tired and just went to bed after that which is unbelievable to me because that is just not how I am. If anything weird WERE to happen to me I dont think I would just go to bed after that. It was about 2am when I went to bed and woke up at 3:21am and then again at 5:14am AND FOR SOME REASON I DON'T REMEMBER I WROTE THESE TIMES DOWN ON A NAPKIN THAT WAS ON MY NIGHTSTAND!! I dont even know where that napkin CAME FROM!!! then I woke up when my alarm went off at 7:30am and got up because I had work.

I dont know if I am going nuts. Am I hallucinating these lights and voices are beings trying to communicate with me are weird things happening with measurements and people am I being monitored am I a targeted individual I dont know like I said nothing weird has ever happened to me ever in my life and so I am trying to figure out what is happening here because it seems to be escalating.
edit on 10-6-2024 by Shoshanna because: can't spell

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: CosmicFocus
a reply to: Shoshanna

I slightly knew the channeler of that material and have some of her material from working in Austin's UFO groups back in the 1980s. She was based in Austin. I think maybe she died here also. Her first name was Jean. I don't remember her last name. She had a serious, physical illness.

Channelers are another often over-looked aspect of UFOs/ETs. In my estimation, channelers are what they frequently call themselves, nothing but a poorconduits of what a lot of humans reject out of hand as it does not meet their personal criteria. --Not that they necessarily have even part of one.

I would not be surprised if we did not experience a channeler to appear at this point in our midst and gain a wide following with his/her/its cosmic views.

Being abductee, I have supplied to ATS some channeler-types of views, and outlooks, but I ain't no channeler even if I have been loaded up with strange viewpoints to dispel to the unwashed.

Ooh I'm unwashed hit me with some strange viewpoints please! Do you have your abduction story on here somewhere I feel like I'm about to get abducted honestly I dont know whats going on here.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

I wouldn’t jump to “aliens” quite yet. By what you said, it seems that quite a bit of your experience happened with your eyes closed, and when you opened them, it was gone. I have also had random words come to me as if someone spoke them. What sense can anybody make from nonsense? I just ignore it. Just something to consider.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

It sounds a lot like hallucinations or a very vivid dream to me. It would make a cool story line btw.
Whatever it is don’t panic, and keep us updated!

I once had a dream within a dream, when I thought I had woken from my dream I went about my day as normal, thinking about my very vivid dream. Only to wake up properly and go through it all again!

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 06:48 PM
The Law of One is an extremely fascinating channeling work. In my experience, it is truly profound and delivers a spiritual technology unlike anything else I’ve come across. It is complete gibberish if you are not able to decipher it and thus never became truly popular.

But like anything, Divinity is there even if you are blind, deaf and dumb. Nothing can stop it. It depends on you.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams1

I understand the concept of channeling, but can you trust that? Who does it come from? Why are “they” trying to get a message to you? If it comes from the human mind, how can we trust the person is not schizophrenic? If it comes from an actual outside entity, how can we trust its ultimate intentions? Personally, either way, I don’t trust it. Your mileage may vary.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: Topcraft
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams1

I understand the concept of channeling, but can you trust that? Who does it come from? Why are “they” trying to get a message to you? If it comes from the human mind, how can we trust the person is not schizophrenic? If it comes from an actual outside entity, how can we trust its ultimate intentions? Personally, either way, I don’t trust it. Your mileage may vary.

That’s a good point. What do you trust exactly? Do you have specific criteria that enables you to trust something vs not?

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

If you Cannot Personally Experience Something in this Life then it does not Really Exist in your Reality unless you are a Believer in Wishful Thinking......

edit on 10-6-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams1

Personally, I trust in God. But that’s not the issue here. Perhaps I can give you a better answer if you tell me what leads you to trust in channeling. You said “in my experience “. That leads me to believe that you have more knowledge on the subject than I do. Trust for me comes very hard, and I need actual facts to base truthfulness on.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: Topcraft
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams1

Personally, I trust in God. But that’s not the issue here. Perhaps I can give you a better answer if you tell me what leads you to trust in channeling. You said “in my experience “. That leads me to believe that you have more knowledge on the subject than I do. Trust for me comes very hard, and I need actual facts to base truthfulness on.

I don’t know the channelers of the law of one nor do I know Ra (is it a mental figment, a deceitful spirit or all a lie?). I cannot know. Even if an angel appears in front of me dictating the truth of the universe, how can I know it is trustworthy? Eventually you decide based off your own conditions and experiences. Does it benefit you? Does it benefit others? Is the information useful in life situations that seemingly make you grow in the direction you sense is beneficial? Is it flexible or stagnant? Do you see results? Do others flock to you due to wisdom gained? Are you at peace?

Nobody knows why we are here for sure. One eventually decides something to trust in even if it is just the ground you’re standing on.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

You should avoid anything that speaks in terms of absolutes, such as "infinite", "eternal", etc

Nothing is absolute, eternal or infinite. If it were, it would not exist

Also "Ra" means "Mind"

This reads as a confused and less developed version of "The Universal One" by Walter Russell

Better off reading the Walter Russell version

They are touching on concepts which are, in essence of our existence the most common sense understanding

But they have little-to-no concept of the structure

Their vague cosmogony also contradicts itself

"Laws" cannot exist or be dictated within a unified system. They are linear systems of direction and perception

The fact this person speaks in terms like "laws", means they do not understand the pathways and connections of "source" that they refer to as a unified system

They also no not understand the principles that "one cannot exist, without two, and neither can exist without three"

The unity of "source" can only exist as a reflection of itself. Within such, it must be divided from self, as well as be all that passes through from one to the other

This is the basis of the torus (Horus, Torah) that is perceptibly personified within the various trinity's throughout history, such as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Father: Source
Son: Reflection
Holy Spirit: The Exchange

They are close on some parts, to the structure of origin. But they still perceive things linearly instead of cyclically

As with speaking of "laws", they define things from the perspective of one subject to the systems (linear), rather than being one who is connected to, and understands the source

They speak of reflection and phase within non-linear dynamics as "distortion". It is not distortion. It is vector exchange within a toroidal equilibrium (Torah Elohim)

Without a balanced internal/external system, and fluid exchange mechanics, there would be nothing for the distortion arising "from" something, to distort "towards"

Again, they are looking at the linear mechanics of the cause and effect, and completely disregarding the nature and structure of the simplest form of that it would need to exist "within"

The author is tangled in their own web

They have a long, long way to go

The fact they are "naming" the source of their understanding as "Ra", means they are as far from understanding their link to such things, as any who would claim to know and speak to God, Jesus, or any other nominum deity of deterministic will

Anyone who believes themselves able to name, or know things, which are by their nature unknowable in this world and form, should be regarded as conciliatory:

"One who seeks to understand themselves, but has no idea where to start. So they therefore need create a named point of reference beyond themselves"

There is nothing wrong with this process and practices

But these type of people are, by the very naming of their own sovereign entity unto themselves, sheep ...

Not shepherds

So you should regard them as such

If they truly understood the structure, they would be able to give you some type of alignment and consolidation of their concepts, to not only any religion and mythology, but also to all that we know within science, geometry, mathematics, psychology and everything else

As I said ... They have a long, long way to go
edit on 11 6 24 by Compendium because: Added more and made corrections

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

I just read your other post about the lights

You are in good company here Shoshanna

More than a few of us on here have a decent understanding of the types of things you described

Firstly and most importantly ...

You need to stop processing judgement on yourself, based off experiencing things you do not understand

You are not "crazy". You simply do not have the context and experience for understanding these types of things ... yet

Which is why, you are reading, researching, and reaching out to others

Secondly ...

Avoid the "who" or "what" could they be game ...

This is a trap, designed to keep you chasing your own tail. Subject to your own determined will

If you believe them to be something, that is what they will become. Regardless of their true nature

Think of it something along the lines of, being offered the opportunity to pick the nature of your own creation, or the nature of your own undoing

The nature of the "lights" that people such as yourself are experiencing across the world, is far more existential in nature than you realise

What I mean, is that you are thinking along the lines of "what is known" within this world. Things like "Aliens, Gods, Governments and targeted individuals, etc"

These are physical considerations, limited within the seeding of "what you are told" within this world

It is something far beyond this. Something dimensional, on an extent that defies things like probability and possibility

I'll try to give you a little context ...

You think you had your eyes closed (1), and you opened them quickly (2), to see something outside your windows (3)

But, dimensionally, these 3 things only exist within your ability to perceive the world

They are the linear manifestation of something "within you" that closes to reflect "inwardly", and then opens to reflect "outward"

The light you perceived (if it is the same in nature to that which I have been experiencing for over a decade) is not limited to these dimensional considerations in the same way that you perceive them

It manifests through these dimensions, within and "through" you. But it is not limited to them

It is hard to explain, to those who still see the world through linear perception of "themselves unto the world"

What I can tell you, that you will likely understand, is that these lights are a type of conscious reflection

They open pathways of curiousity, knowledge and understanding

Think of it something like a computer downloading an update

For most normal, well-adjusted people, the manifestation of these "gatekeepers" is fairly harmless

But for people with massive unresolved issues, repressed pain and suppressed emotion, they can be quite confronting, terrifying and even dangerous

If you are experiencing these types of things, it is likely that you are going through (or being offered a chance to go through) what we refer to in Illumination as "purge"

Similar to what the Catholics and Christians describe as "purgatory"

Where you are gently "steered and aligned" by unseen entities and forces, to assist you in a process of letting go of pain (mind - past), fear (heart - future) and impurities (body - gateway)

The messages are very specific, but usually rather cryptic

This seems to be by limitation of the design

For the most part, they cannot simply tell you "exactly" what they are doing, or what they are trying to tell you, or what they are hinting at ...

They can only "suggest" things, to gently guide you towards finding the answer yourself. Not tell you blatantly, to force you to look at it (at least, for the most part)

The reason this is done, is so it cannot be said that you did not come to the understanding yourself

Because true understanding can only come through experience and the choices you make to get you there

You are wondering what the light was doing "pushing through" to you, dimensionally? And you heard the word "smuggling"

Simply meaning, it was trying to sneak "the key" towards some type of understanding through to you

One that you likely would not have had, or sought out otherwise

Most importantly ...

Do not be afraid of these things, or let them control your choices

They may show you a million different possibilities on what "could be", but it is your decision ALWAYS, as to your own reality

At all times, you need weigh things like virtue, honour and respect

They will show you every and all possibility within your own nature. Good and bad. Beautiful and disgusting

It is not done to please you, or to hurt you. But to help you

Think of it like them holding a mirror up to your face, to show you all the things about yourself that you may not recognise or understand

They give you the tool, but you must do the work

A massive number of people in this world, when confronted with the darker aspects of themselves in this way, call them demon, and believe they are being attacked by evil

But the reality is, that is such pain and fear did not exist within you, they would have nothing to attack you with

These lights give you the option to illuminate creation, or decay, within yourself

You need to realise, that searching for an understanding of "who" or "what" they are, as with religion, is not important

It completely misses the point, which is what they are offering you

There is a reason for everything they do. Usually relative to things like joy, love, pain or fear that you are experiencing at the time

I am happy to give you as much as I know, on anything you would like to know. If it can help you
edit on 10 6 24 by Compendium because: Corrections

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