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Why isnt anyone charged with the murder of 5 capitol police officer on Jan 6th

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posted on Jun, 9 2024 @ 11:10 AM
Because no police died that day . So stop saying it and stop believing the jackals who say it.

One cop had a stroke the next day the other 4 all committed "suicide" weeks after Jan 6th.

You think they would charge all these people with trespassing and everything else they can think of and not charge any of them with the death of the officers?

If you still believe 5 cops died that day you are a moron.

How does anyone believe a word from these jackals in the media. They are our enemy.

posted on Jun, 9 2024 @ 12:29 PM
"yeahbut yeahbut yeahbut The MSM!"

posted on Jun, 9 2024 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: pennylane123

*Raises hand* I was one of those morons. Not like I want a cookie or anything. It's interesting that the officers were so profoundly disgraced by.... something? That they unalived. The transfer of power was successful, all the rabble rousers who weren't federally employed have been arrested, so what was the terrible burden that pushed them over the edge? 🤔

posted on Jun, 9 2024 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: pennylane123

*Raises hand* I was one of those morons. Not like I want a cookie or anything. It's interesting that the officers were so profoundly disgraced by.... something? That they unalived. The transfer of power was successful, all the rabble rousers who weren't federally employed have been arrested, so what was the terrible burden that pushed them over the edge? 🤔

I imagine, as you do, that being complicit in the scheme to frame Trump might have been enough. It was a dirty game played by filthy people who are strangling your republic into a banana shape.

posted on Jun, 11 2024 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: TzarChasm
Maybe it was something in their personal lives that had nothing to do with Jan 6th.?
There are as many reasons to unalive yourself as there are people on the planet, without digging deep into their personal lives we may never know what caused them to take those actions.
To blame the events on Jan 6th, that they lived through, as the cause of their deaths is turning their personal tragedy into political hay. In essence you are turning their deaths into political fodder so that your side can win the next election.
That is heartless, the families have enough to deal with without their loved ones being turned into political talking points.

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