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Ghost vs Demon. Difference between Beetlejuice One and BeetleJuice Two Movies.

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posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 10:02 AM
Wasn't sure if this was just movies ... or if it was a paranormal topic. I'm going with paranormal. I think there is something actually occult
and demonic about the new Beetlejuice movie and that Hollywood is just trying to infiltrate a new generation of audience, desensitizing to the demonic and actually filming the demonic with a frosting layer of 'cute' to try to make it look like it's not demonic. I'll explain ....

Beetlejuice the movie ... came out in 1988. I liked it. Cute movie about a family who move into a house in WinterRiver Connecticut right after the previous owners, a young married couple, die in a car accident. The dead married couple haunt the house in a cute way. The daughter of the living family who live in the house can see them. The dead married couple naively resurrect the ghost of a man named Beetlejuice to help them get the living family out of the house. We know it's a GHOST because he says "I'm the ghost with the most" and he also says "hey, you are talking to a dead guy".

Fast forward to 2024 and Beetlejuice II comes out. The living daughter who could see the ghosts are back and older, and she goes back to the house.
Now suddenly the 'ghost with the most' is not really a ghost at all, but a demon. And honestly, the trailers I've seen from the movie are not fun looking like the first movie, but instead look like they have an edge to them and are darker. Even the characters don't look fun anymore but look haggard and evil. When Beetlejuice rises from the table with the carnival stuff on his head, and you watch his eyes as he rises, something not right is there. In the first movie when he did that, it was fun. Now .. something else seems to be there. That's my impression.

Did anyone else notice this change? The story went from fun ghost to dark demon. AND now we have people magazine with the article about how Michael Keaton reprised the role like 'a person possessed by a demon".

Maybe I'm looking for trouble where there isn't any.
But I"m not getting a good feeling from what I've seen of this movie.

People - Michael Keaton Reprised Beetlejuice Role Like Possessed By A Demon

Michael Keaton slipped back into his Beetlejuice role as if no time had passed, says director Tim Burton.

The Oscar winner reprises his role as the ghost with the most in the sequel titled Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, which comes 36 years after the 1988 original, also directed by Burton.

“It was like he was possessed by a demon," the director, 65, told Empire magazine of Keaton's performance, "because he just went right back into it."

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 10:46 AM
One of the trailers ....

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 10:53 AM
Hmmmm... I always thought he was a demon in the first movie.
So I went and looked it up.

Basically, yep.

And he was originally supposed to be worse, and have wings.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
Hmmmm... I always thought he was a demon in the first movie.

I always thought he was a ghost. Dead human.
He said "I"m the ghost with the most" and "hey, you are talking to a dead guy".
I thought this demon thing was new for this Beetlejuice Beetlejuice movie.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: chiefsmom
Hmmmm... I always thought he was a demon in the first movie.

I always thought he was a ghost. Dead human.
He said "I"m the ghost with the most" and "hey, you are talking to a dead guy".
I thought this demon thing was new for this Beetlejuice Beetlejuice movie.

Beetlejuice said he was a ghost to trick people in the first movie. The family was warned never to summon Beetlejuice because he's a demon. So, he's been a demon the whole time, nothing has changed in that aspect.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 11:56 AM



posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
One of the trailers ....

Yes trailer is super dark, but has per the comments to the video it is a fan made trailer …. Sorry to be a fun sponge

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 05:01 PM
I agree with you I think something in the media and Hollywood both are trying to do something. I thought I was the only one who noticed that beetlejuice was a ghost in the first film lol

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 05:12 PM
Yes, he was a demon but the movie was cute and family friendly, I love the original Beetlejuice, remakes or sequence are never good to begin with, in order to get an edge and make money the original story is always twisted.

I will not be watching no interested.

I hope they do not turn the whole think into another Friday the 13 or nightmare on Elm street.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 07:00 PM
You linked a fan made trailer, which yes, was darker and more horror film like.

This movie was always dark. Maybe with some comedic parts but it was dark…are you sure you’re just not more sensitive to these things?

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan


posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 07:39 PM
It's a tricky situation, from the persective of a woman who knows the dangers of playing with the occult and the recent and unprecidented rise of young women and girls interested in experiementing with these matters. Sure, the first one was funny and lighthearted because things were more laid back back then, but things have changed and every remake is targeted for the dominant audience of the times and I won't be seeing it either because while i still joke lightheartedly about the original Beetlejuice references in a jovial matter, some of the new stuff is so intense and serious about the dangers of playing with occultic forces that I won't be participating.

I'm still in support of my friends who are stoked beyond all reason, but I'm staying out of it and hoping they come back laughing about it.

Some kids can handle this new breed, but I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too sensitive and I know all too well damn well the warning signs.

Some kids are really into that thing and dont' heed the warnings and it's not as easy getting rid of paranormal phenomena when you mess with stuff like this because there's so much bad information out there preying on the curious and uninitiated who don't heed the lighthearted and funny warnings about summoning things for funsies and the reality of the dangers of such practices.

Honestly, given the demographics in my area, this is probably gonna be a HUGE hit on all it's various platforms.

Just a little girls take on things.

edit on 6/5/24 by GENERAL EYES because: the usual suspects, grammar edits, spellin' and stuff

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan


Because knowing the name is half the recipe.

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: Nealthefourth

originally posted by: FlyersFan
One of the trailers ....

Yes trailer is super dark, but has per the comments to the video it is a fan made trailer …. Sorry to be a fun sponge

It's not very well done either - obviously not the quality of a big budget trailer

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

If nothing else, the no-talents who rule Hollywood enjoy believing they're being edgy by making films about the supernatural that, if one goes by reports of witnesses, are grossly misleading. Everything I've read about poltergeist and demonic activity is that it is no kidding horrible and not something to jack around with. Whether that means they're spiritually compromised, I have no idea, but it does suggest that the old bit about, "where there is smoke ..."


posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:01 PM
Let's be VERY CLEAR!
Betelgeuse is his name! In the original movie and in this one! Not once, not Twice, but THREE TIMES!
Funny thing is they had to change the name of the movie because people couldn't pronounce it!
More fun now while he says he is the ghost with the most that just means he was once alive and is now dead.
Betelgeuse is and was in the original a demon or at least a malevolent spirit.

Now in the book of Solomon to conjure an demon you need to speak its name thus to manifest Betelgeuse his name must be spoken in a certain amount of times. This is much like many fairy tales or lore and even part of the bible, beings like rumplestilskin who was a type of goblin needed to have their identity acknowledged and spoken to be rid of them. So Betelgeuse might be more related to a goblin or rumpelgeist (rattle-ghosts) of which Betelgeuse does a lot of! He even claims to be a BioExercist which fits that description.

But let's get back to some very real things, Lydia Deetz tries to marry (a version was going to be sex with her, why the whore house is in it) and she is 16 or younger.

In the recent trailer has us seeing a funeral for grandpa Charles Deetz (Jeffrey Jones the actor in the original. Jones was arrested in 2002 for possession of child pornography and soliciting a 14-year-old boy to produce sexually explicit images between September 2000 to May 2001) so to have an all boys choir singing at is his funeral is hopeful a jab from the Director Tim Burton.

I am sure there is much much more the deep you go I mean the star Betelgeuse is about to explode most probably in our lifetime!

Meanwhile I am so hoping for a Trilogy cause come on who doesn't?

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:02 PM
Double post
edit on 13-7-2024 by Therealbeverage because: (no reason given)

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