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Vascular 'calimari clots' made of AMYLOID PROTEIN - cause linked to vaccine mRNA instructions.

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posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: lordcomac

I believe it's a bit of transcription from one of his videos. I searched for a link as well.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

It must suck to be unable to discuss the science involved, but instead depend on third parties to discredit experts using partisan dog whistles that have nothing to do with the topic. Your source couldn't even be bothered to be scientifically accurate about the Nature article in their transparent attempt to discredit an actual expert.


Do you believe calamari clots don't exist or have you now progressed to blaming them on COVID... or Russia... or anything except the vaccines?

One of your fellow vaccinologists already posted an academic paper explaining the mechanism for clots from the spike proteins... and I added the part they didn't think about how spikes are produced directly into the blood stream and organs when you intentionally inject gene therapy that is designed to do so. It's pretty easy to follow, but it can be put into terms for Grugs.

Spike protein bad... injecting spike protein factory bad.

Grug body no tell difference between magic good spike and evil natural spike.

Grug body respond to both same way.

Grug get sick.

Grug heart hurt.

Grug blame climate change and Joe Rogan.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 12:12 PM
What’s “calimari”? Such a word doesn’t exist.

Perhaps learning to spell “calamari” should be the first step if you want people to pay attention.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: ksihkahe

Beautiful post, sincerely, great work. If we couldn't laugh, we'd cry. Gallows humour is back in vogue, and you Sir, have rocked the Kazbah (? Spelling?)



posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: lordcomac

I pulled the story from the latest special issue of the Australian magazine named New Dawn (volume 18, number 3). It is a paid subscription, which is why you found no direct quotes. Besides which, I don't copy/paste from sources unless I explicitly frame the extract from source in the appropriate BB tags. When I write up an OP in the manner I chose to, the written material is entirely my own work, in which I summarise, highlight important points & even paraphrase the written word of other authors. But on one point you were correct to pull me up: I did forget to name my source in the OP, so apologies to all those who were wondering what my source for this information could be, I hope this post clarifies the situation & restores the validity of the OP now that you know I wasn't just spinning a yarn.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: ghandalf

Wow. Good work putting the world to rights.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

Wow. Good work putting the world to rights.

One brick at a time, bud.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Thank you for the kind words, and you are welcome.

Could this be a reference to its blood-thinning or clot-dissolving powers?

I couldn't say, as I am not a herbalist.

As Culpeper dates back to the mid 1600s, and it is always sensible to look up the etymology of words of which the author used. That gives an indication as to what the word meant then.

lethargy (n.)

late 14c., litarge, "state of prolonged torpor or inactivity, inertness of body or mind," from Medieval Latin litargia. The form with -th- is from 1590s in English.

Source: Online Etymolgy Dictionary

So I would say that when Culpeper wrote of lethargy, he was referring to lethargy in general. Though, the word also has roots in forgetfulness.

It was ten or fifteen years ago that there was a "scientific breakthrough" on the television, saying science had found that amyloid proteins formed a plaque on the brain of people with Alzheimer's. - a "eureka" moment for me.

This was enough for a small group of dowsers to look for a treatment that would deal with the amyloid plaque. One of the criteria was that the remedy had to be within reach of ordinary people. So we went through lists of herbs, fruits and vegetables, finding a match in the roots of the parsley plant.

Dried parsley root is something I keep in the home. One can buy it by the kilogram online quite cheaply. It is the dried form that I suggest to use as a tea at the rate of a teaspoon to a cup of hot water and left to steep, sweetened with honey.

When one does some research, one finds that parsley root was once a common food, and a medicine. So it is not harmful.

We found the parsley root a candidate for amyloid proteins forming in the brain, so it would be my first choice for amyloids in the blood.

So give it a try, why not?

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: ksihkahe

It must suck to be unable to discuss the science involved

Especially with those that pretend they do

You should try Geting over yourself.
Must be very sad to want to believe even the crackpot theories just to make yourself feel good about being an anti vaxxer.
Instead of having a hissy fit, try reading the article which wasn't about discrediting him, it was to show ATS members the spin he's put on his failed attempt at a vaccine.
Your very pitiful attempts at insulting me show your lack of intelligence....

They came up with a scheme to make money from promoting a vaccine idea from Dalgleish and Norwegian colleague Birger Sørensen. Sørensen ran a small Oslo pharma company, Immunor AS. Immunor had previously claimed to have found “functional cures” for HIV, the cause of Aids. Sørensen and Dalgleish – and later Prins – described holding stock or stock options in Immunor.

The group began lobbying Britain’s prime minister early in the pandemic. A cache of thousands of leaked personal emails reveals how the group hoped they and their contacts could cash in by getting the British government to commit to buy millions of doses of the untested Norwegian-made “Sørensen Vaccine” – and how Nature got in the way.

Professor Angus Dalgleish
He is a co-founder of Onyvax, a company set up in 1998 to make novel vaccines for common solid tumours, where he is currently Research Director.

He was all for the vaccine till he was told his wouldn't work.......

As you would say.
Grug...I'll believe anything that reafirms my bias...grug!!

edit on 4-6-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 05:07 PM
How are the fertility and birthrates doing? That was the actual target. Everything else is just a happy bonus for them. Hit those rates by 5%-10% and it will tip most western countries into population decline very swiftly. I wonder if there were different batches for different areas? That might be something to look at too.

The clots, though, they are real.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 08:16 PM

edit on 4-6-2024 by Cracka because: F it

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

I'm not reading that, but I'm sure it was full of highly scientific things because you're a super competent scientist.

Shame that the day after my post ex-CDC chief Redfield said exactly the same thing I already dumbed down for you.

You go ahead and keep telling yourself that I'm the one that doesn't know what I'm talking about. Your 15 minutes reading news sponsored by Pfizer is definitely is more educational than my decade doing this professionally and hundreds of hours studying COVID data.

Grug mad?

"If you came down and visited me and interviewed my'd interview patient after patient after patient that did not have COVID but are very sick. You would say very sick, long COVID patients. And it's all from the vaccine."

"The spike protein is immunotoxic. You get infected, it's immunotoxic. But when you give the vaccine, we make the spike protein."

"When I give you an mRNA vaccine...I don't know how much spike protein you make because I give you mRNA and then your body goes and makes it...You may make it for a week...You may make it for a month."

Full interview
Relevant portions

Grug sad?

posted on Jun, 6 2024 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: ksihkahe

I'm not reading that, but I'm sure it was full of highly scientific things because you're a super competent scientist

Ah poor you, can't even read an article in fear of it corrupting your confirmation bias......

Grug sad?

Yes, you should be very sad.

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