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Vascular 'calimari clots' made of AMYLOID PROTEIN - cause linked to vaccine mRNA instructions.

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posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 09:54 PM

I've spoken of the calimari clots which undertakers, funeral directors & embalmers have highlighted as occurring with increasing regularity since the launch of the vaccines in 2021.

For those who are unsure what I mean by 'calimari clots', I'm basically referring to an anomalously long, stable, grey or white coloured clots in the vascular system (veins AND arteries) which have a strong, flexible, literal rubber consistency, exactly like the octopus tentacles which are served in many seafood restaurants, which are known as 'calimari'. The clots flex & squash & stretch like rubber when manipulated, and as you might imagine, having these things growing within your blood vessels isn't a good thing, filling up the vein or artery & entirely blocking the flow of normal blood (they can be an inch thick if the artery is deep within the body near the heart, and they are frequently found in the leg where they can grow to up to two feet in length). If you have these in your veins or arteries, you can die from a stroke, an embolism, or a heart attack very easily indeed.

The cause of these clots has now been identified by an expert named Professor Angus Dalgleish, a renowned oncologist & professor at St George's College, University of London, who discussed the matter with Professor John Campbell, who has been an online pundit covering all things of concern relating to the COVID plandemic on YouTube for several years, building up a huge following from fans who appreciate his scholarly 'dog-with-a-bone' attitude; a man who won't give up easily & dares to ask the hard questions, doing so in a way that just about prevents him from being kicked off YouTube, so he can keep spreading awareness.. He is a truly honest intellectual, who initially believed the vaccines were a good thing, but later had his opinion changed by looking at the scientific evidence & scrutinising the devious propaganda-driven jackboot-on-the-throat style behaviour of those who were supposed to be the guardians of medical ethics & safety for the public here in the UK (and indeed around the world).

Professor Dalgleish has stated that the calimari clots are composed of AMYLOID PROTEIN, a substance which is usually found in the blood in small quantities. In the people affected by calimari clots, the cellular source for that small amount of amyloid protein that occurs naturally in the blood has been hijacked by the mRNA pieces carried in lipid nanoparticles found within COVID vaccines, which enter a cell covertly then push the mRNA into the cell's nucleus, where that mRNA edits the DNA content of that cell's nucleus by a process known as reverse transcription (look it up) ultimately forcing the cell to become an aggressive producer of amyloid protein (instead of the usual spike proteins) in huge quantities due to a process known as 'frame shifting'.

Based on everything we have learned about the source of the COVID vaccines (a black ops chemical weaponry project under the aegis of the Pentagon for the US Department of Defence) - a product which was farmed out to various Big Pharma corporations who would each individually be able to claim that (in a mere 6 months) they had ALL systematically developed an independent 'vaccine' which 'safely & effectively' protected against COVID-19. This is unlikely in the extreme. If they all had created independent vaccines they would have varied in their chemical constitution & would probably have had horrendous (IE very noticeable) effects on the billions of humans who were being compelled to inject them into their bodies. The truth is, there was one, more 'subtle' killer product, and they faked that fact by pretending that ONLY the AstraZeneca product 'had a flaw' in that there was a 'slightly raised chance of the patient developing blood clots' with that one particular vaccine. Clearly, ALL the vaccines have been shown to generate ordinary blood clots, but what is even more obvious, striking, and diabolical is that they 'joked about' the amyloid clots by pretending that blood clots were only appearing in response to one vaccine, when the worst problem of all, the amyloid clots which totally filled both veins & arteries to their fullest possible extent, occurs in response to literally all of the so-called vaccines which the various companies claimed to have developed by themselves.

Their black humour, claiming that blood clots of the ordinary type were only found depending on which Big Pharma corporation claimed to have created each vaccine, was disgusting, and is only now being revealed by this story. Newsflash - it was THE SAME PRODUCT in every syringe, and they ALL create AMYLOID PROTEIN BLOOD CLOTS due to frame shifting of the MRNA reverse-transcribed genetic instructions after they go into the cellular DNA. The mRNA instructions in the vaccines all cause direct physical damage through various means - by producing floods of spike protein which causes cancer & other problems in the human body, and when frame shifting occurred, those same genetic instructions caused a flood of amyloid protein to enter the bloodstream which clogs up the blood vessels, causing strokes, emobilsms or heart attacks.

That same chemical concoction in all the vaccines, no matter which company claimed the miracle, was simply farmed out by the demonic chemical weapons developers to different 'shop fronts' that would all peddle the inoculation from Hell as their own products. I guess the reasoning was such that the public would buy the deception as more convincing if several companies all claimed to have produced a 'safe & effective' vaccine in record time, than if merely one company had 'succeeded' in producing a miracle vaccine in such a ridiculously short period of time, where other manufacturers had tried & failed. And indeed, they seem to have been absolutely correct in their estimation - the public bought it, various BigPharma corporations made a lot of money, and highly placed conspirators were either offered jobs at BigPharma after the plandemic, or alternatively they were probably gifted bearer bonds to cash in after ten years' time has elapsed - or perhaps, share certificates in those BigPharma companies, so they can profit innocuously (accidental use of the word, no pun intended) from the conspiracy that they had helped to pull off, deceiving the whole world & murdering millions, ultimately billions of people.


posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Amyloid proteins have also been implicated in Alzheimer's.

Folk can dowse parsley root tea as a remedy for amyloid proteins doing things they should not do.

A teaspoon of parsley root in a cup of water as a tea sweetened to taste with honey every second day.

Edit: Culpeper had some things to say of parsley:


Description. The roots of parsley are long, thick, and white, having a somewhat wrinkled bark; from which spring many shinging, green, winged leaves, growing on long foot-stalks; which are divided into three sectins, and each of those subdivided into three more, which are triangular and cut in at the ends. The stalks grow to be about two feet high, much branched and divided; they are smooth and striated, and beset with smaller and finer leaves, and have on their tops small umbels of little, five-leaved, white flowers, which are succeeded by small, round, striated, brown seed.

Place. Parsley is sown in gardens. Time. It flowers in summer. The roots, leaves, and seeds are used.

Government and virtues. It is under the dominion of Mercury; is very comfortable to the stomach; helps to provoke urine and women's courses, to break wind both in the stomach and bowels, and doth a little open the body, but the root much more. It opens obstructions both of liver and spleen, and is therefore accounted one of the five opening roots. Galen commended it against the falling sickness, and to provoke urine mightily; especially if the roots be boiled, and eaten like Parsnips. The seed is effectual to provoke urine and women's courses, to expel wind, to break the stone, and ease the pains and torments thereof; it is also effectual against the venom of any poisonous creature, and the danger that comes to them that have the lethargy, and is as good against the cough. The distilled water of Parsley is a familiar medicine with nurses to give their children when they are troubled with wind in the stomach or belly which they call the frets; and is also much available to them that are of great years. The leaves of Parsley laid to the eyes that are inflamed with heat, or swollen, doth much help them, if it be used with bread or meal; and being fried with butter, and applied to women's breasts that are hard through the curdling of their milk, it abates the hardness quickly; and also takes away black and blue marks coming of bruises or falls. The juice thereof dropped into the ears with a little wine, eases the pains. Tragus sets down an excellent medicine to help the jaundice and falling sickness, the dropsy, and stone in the kidneys, in this manner: Take of the seed of Parsley, Fennel, Annise and Carraways, of each an ounce; of the roots of Parsley, Burnet, Saxifrage, and Carraways, of each an ounce and an half; let the seeds be bruised, and the roots washed and cut small; let them lie all night to steep in a bottle of white wine, and in the morning be boiled in a close earthen vessel until a third part or more be wasted; which being strained and cleared, take four ounces thereof morning and evening first and last, abstaining from drink after it for three hours. This opens obstructions of the liver and spleen, and expels the dropsy and jaundice by urine.

Source: Culpeper's Complete herbal.

edit on 2-6-2024 by NullusSpecialis because: added reference to Culpeper.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

"A central role for amyloid fibrin microclots in long COVID/PASC: origins and therapeutic implications"

"Post-acute sequelae of COVID (PASC), usually referred to as 'Long COVID' (a phenotype of COVID-19), is a relatively frequent consequence of SARS-CoV-2 infection, in which symptoms such as breathlessness, fatigue, 'brain fog', tissue damage, inflammation, and coagulopathies (dysfunctions of the blood coagulation system) persist long after the initial infection. It bears similarities to other post-viral syndromes, and to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Many regulatory health bodies still do not recognize this syndrome as a separate disease entity, and refer to it under the broad terminology of 'COVID', although its demographics are quite different from those of acute COVID-19. A few years ago, we discovered that fibrinogen in blood can clot into an anomalous 'amyloid' form of fibrin that (like other β-rich amyloids and prions) is relatively resistant to proteolysis (fibrinolysis). The result, as is strongly manifested in platelet-poor plasma (PPP) of individuals with Long COVID, is extensive fibrin amyloid microclots that can persist, can entrap other proteins, and that may lead to the production of various autoantibodies."

Sounds like calamari clots could be the result of long Covid.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 10:45 PM
So, multiple "vaccines" produced at warp speed that were supposedly safe and effective (like 90% efficacy) but were not protecting anyone from contracting or spreading COVID. The same "vaccines" that weren't supposed to spread throughout the bloodstream to other tissues and organs, but did. The same "vaccines" that weren't supposed to be able to enter DNA and alter it, but did. The same "vaccines" that weren't supposed to be causing these calamari blood clots, but did. The same "vaccines" that, oh never mind, almost everything from a genetically engineered virus in a lab to unsafe and ineffective "vaccines" have now been confirmed. Once I began to research all this starting in 2020 after the pandemic was announced, I didn't want to believe where it headed, but it has all been proving itself true so I can't deny or ignore anything now. The only question left is how to deal with this after it has gone from conspiracy theories to almost certain facts.
edit on 6/2/2024 by TheMichiganSwampBuck because: Typo

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment
Thanks for keeping this subject in the light, and for the excellent summary of the ongoing research on this subject which is of great concern. Judging by the numbers of deceaced that were showing up with these "Calimari clots on the embalming table, and the number of people dying suddenly. It seems we have more than one way that these defective vaccines are killing people.The Calimari clots being one, and the strain on the heart, on having to work twice as hard after the shot. The problem that the heart switches to sugar as its main energy source.Where before it was free fatty acids.. The production of the IGg4 antibody which causes inflamation and cancers.
To have such a catastrophe occur would require many people in top management positions to make sure that the roll out went ahead without interuption. The punishment for not complying was loss of income and social derision. All top government officials seem to be culpable as well as the various media platforms.Then when the obvious becomes more mainstream a damage control program becomes the obvious next step. It is looking more like a Euthanasia program driven from the top and implemented by large sums of money being paid out to willing takers.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 11:14 PM
Although I was threatened with job loss.

My wife a research scientist was made to test every week.

They tried everything.

I wanted them to fire me.

We told them no way.

But, my kool aid drinking kid knew better and got a couple jabs.

She has been having some women issues.

I’m old and give zero F’s.

But, my kid with the degrees I paid for thinks I’m stupid.

I hope this isn’t as gloomy as it looks.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 11:21 PM
When the vaccine first rolled out people were reporting these problems to VAERS and morticians were reporting the blood colt problem. It didn't take long for the talking heads to claim it was 'long covid' since everyone who got vaccinated was three times more likely to get covid. Seems mighty conveinent, to me.

As an FYI, John Cambell is not a doctor or professor; he's a retired nurse who used to teach A and E (Accident and Emergency room nursing) to nurses. That being said, he probably possess more knowledge than a lot of doctots, especially considering how compartmentalized the medical field has become. Emergeny room nurses often have more well-rounded knowledge of the entire medical spectrum than a specialist or doctor in private practice does.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 11:38 PM

originally posted by: Boomer1947
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

"A central role for amyloid fibrin microclots in long COVID/PASC: origins and therapeutic implications"

"Post-acute sequelae of COVID (PASC), usually referred to as 'Long COVID' (a phenotype of COVID-19), is a relatively frequent consequence of SARS-CoV-2 infection, in which symptoms such as breathlessness, fatigue, 'brain fog', tissue damage, inflammation, and coagulopathies (dysfunctions of the blood coagulation system) persist long after the initial infection. It bears similarities to other post-viral syndromes, and to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Many regulatory health bodies still do not recognize this syndrome as a separate disease entity, and refer to it under the broad terminology of 'COVID', although its demographics are quite different from those of acute COVID-19. A few years ago, we discovered that fibrinogen in blood can clot into an anomalous 'amyloid' form of fibrin that (like other β-rich amyloids and prions) is relatively resistant to proteolysis (fibrinolysis). The result, as is strongly manifested in platelet-poor plasma (PPP) of individuals with Long COVID, is extensive fibrin amyloid microclots that can persist, can entrap other proteins, and that may lead to the production of various autoantibodies."

Sounds like calamari clots could be the result of long Covid.
Oh please,stop being the big pharma protective dog.
They have been taken from dead bodies of vaccinated people.
News flash,dead people do not have the long covid.
You know this damn well that long covid is code for vaccine injured.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: TheMichiganSwampBuck
Given the track record of our DOJ, it is virtually certain there will be no accountability for this criminality. Not a soul will suffer punishment in this lifetime. No one.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: charlest2

Not many people seem to comprehend, that once the fourth estate is compromised, along with the Judicial system.Then all the checks and balances have gone. That's why they were able to get away with this.
edit on am620246America/Chicago630453024 by annonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 04:53 AM
a reply to: Boomer1947

I recall seeing vids on the clots way before long covid could be blamed

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: glen200376

I'm getting an Arghhh Zombies Déjà vu

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 05:16 AM
Vaxed and Feelin' GREAT today! Been about three years now.

Off for a hard day's work doing some landscaping today.

Still here. Guess I'm just in superior physical shape to withstand all the evils of the Covid Vaccine.

I'll let you know when all the "troubles" hit. Till then............

See you tomorrow.


posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: NullusSpecialis

and the danger that comes to them that have the lethargy,

Could this be a reference to its blood-thinning or clot-dissolving powers?

It is well-known to physicians that when a person is afflicted with lethargy, due either to depression or sheer laziness, then they are subject to the very real risk of blood clots in the veins, if their mobility is extremely low. I personally need to take a blood thinner daily (rivaroxaban) specifically because my mobility is incredibly low (I am bedbound for approximately 80-90% of each day due to severe pain affecting my body systematically due to central pain syndrome). I experienced a pulmonary embolism at the age of 38 as a direct result of having such low mobility. If we as people in general are not moving around vigorously each day then blood pools in veins, usually in the legs, clotting over time into quite large masses of coagulated blood, which can then be transported through the vascular system veins to the lungs (pulmonary embolism) or the heart (cardiac embolism). The consequences of either can be fatal; I was fortunate & suffered only scarring to my lungs, which in turn caused shortness of breath & low oxygen saturation of my blood for approximately six months until everything more or less went back to normal. As a precautionary measure in the four years since then I have been on a daily tablet of rivaroxaban as a prophylactic measure.

Also, very important to add, thank you for being an AWESOME 'first responder' to this thread's OP, by bringing not only an opinion, but an actual SOLUTION to the potentially FATAL risk of clots formed by a buildup of amyloid protein in the vascular system, when that risk is brought about by exposure to the toxic & deliberately lethal COVID-19 'vaccines'. Now the people who read this thread will know what message to pass on to their loved ones if they are fearful of the possible effects of those vaccines, in the event they were forced to take them by illegal mandates ('no jab, no job' forced a lot of low income people to take what they knew or suspected to be a bioweapon into their body against their will). Even people who were initially enthusiastic about the vaccines but later regretted it due to new information coming out in social media or from independent journalists will be grateful for this information regarding parsley as a weapon against the bioweaponry forced on us by the elitist eugenecists who want to depopulate the Earth (which is not only evil, but totally unnecessary; the greatest resource this world has is the minds of its people- through the infinite creative potential of human ingenuity, all supposed 'problems of overpopulation' will be solved...)

Again, thank you.


posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: Boomer1947

I think you probably mean to say that 'long COVID' is a condition occurring since the introduction of the COVID-19 'vaccines', which as one side effect has the potential to cause the globularisation of micro-clots of amyloid fibrin proteins into anomalously large, never-before-witnessed amyloid fibrin protein clots which have the potential to clog not only veins but also arteries, even under high pressure near to the heart.

If you're trying to claim that an influenza illness is blocking entire vascular systems (LITERALLY entire systems clogged have been documented) then I'd venture to say that your claim is coincidentally highly pertinent in the event that someone like Professor Angus Dalgleish puts two & two together & realises that the 'vaccines' were intended to kill by stealth by causing frame shifting to occur in the nucleic centre of cells responsible for the creation of the amyloid protein found naturally in blood, thereby causing a flood of amyloid protein to clog the vascular system, causing the victim to perish due to embolism, stroke or heart attack.

Indeed, you're providing an alibi for the most ingenious mass murderers ever known on this Earth. Because that's precisely what your 'timely' study does. These eugenecists are not just clever - they are INGENIOUSLY clever. And DESPICABLY evil. They should be strung up on lampposts. Now that the evidence of their crime is on the table, with a clever 'pre-bunking' in the form of the study you have quoted/linked, it should be very clear to enquiring minds exactly the method selected to initiate the greatest (& quietest) mass genocide the world has ever seen.

Scary times for the perpetrators, hopefully. Now we need the online independent journalists & podcasters to run with the story of this new development & get it into the collective consciousness of the world at large.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: Boomer1947
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Sounds like calamari clots could be the result of long Covid.

Sounds like somebody has just acknowledged calamari clots exist.

Did you run this by the rest of team vaccine or will one be along shortly to call the authors of your article grifters?

Now explain why the spike proteins circulating and being produced in your blood stream from mRNA vaccines are better or less toxic than the ones that remain in your mucosa during a normal infection.

Pro tip- You can't, they aren't, and they're actually worse. The body is unable to distinguish between the effects of COVID overwhelming the immune system, which happens almost exclusively to those with risk factors or multiple comorbidities, and having the spike proteins produced directly in the circulatory system and organs. That is the same advanced state of infection that most frequently leads to post viral syndromes.

The vaccines, when they aren't degraded or totally absent the active ingredient due to lack of QA/QC, can induce long COVID. They entirely bypass the lungs and respiratory tract where the infection is eliminated in the vast majority of those exposed and, by doing so, simulate the systemic effects of severe COVID disease.

It's simple enough for a middle school health class. Severe infection involves spike proteins proliferating outside the respiratory tract. The mRNA injections are proven to leave the arm and enter the bloodstream where they cause impacted cells to create spike proteins, which has been shown to continue for months in some of those vaccinated. Hence, mRNA vaccination for COVID can simulate advanced infection... which is a primary risk factor for "long COVID".

From the full text you didn't read.

While long COVID is a multi-system disorder with multiple symptoms of varying severity, it remains possible that there is in fact a particular major underlying cause

DING DING DING... how about injecting long-term spike protein factories into your bloodstream? Might that be an underlying.cause? Paging Dr. Baffled, we have a middle school health class question that nobody in virology can figure out. A shame that there's now way to track which cases were vaccinated unless they are going to a Bruce Springsteen concert or trying to eat at a McDonald's. I wonder why the people that promoted the vaccine won't release the full data to researchers. Surely it would show that the vaccines reduce the changes of getting long COVID, right?

Where are you on providing some sources to support the other ill-conceived lie you told about social distancing? Why didn't you look that up while searching for this article you didn't even read?

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Vaxed and Feelin' GREAT today! Been about three years now.

Off for a hard day's work doing some landscaping today.

Still here. Guess I'm just in superior physical shape to withstand all the evils of the Covid Vaccine.

I'll let you know when all the "troubles" hit. Till then............

See you tomorrow.


A fine example of a well-adjusted person with an unwavering belief in The Science.

Thanks for your endless service to the field of statistics. This groundbreaking method of relying on one sample to extrapolate for five billion will definitely be making its way to the highest levels of academic research.

If the temperature goes up at your house tomorrow perhaps you can provide us with a new timeline for the polar ice caps melting too.

The next time you make a sandwich you can finally disclose the secret to ending global hunger.

Teach us, Sensei.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Vaxed and Feelin' GREAT today! Been about three years now.

Off for a hard day's work doing some landscaping today.

Still here. Guess I'm just in superior physical shape to withstand all the evils of the Covid Vaccine.

I'll let you know when all the "troubles" hit. Till then............

See you tomorrow.


You and several million other people. I'm glad for you, and them, seriously glad. But millions of people who smoke(d) cigarettes don't get emphysema and because of that, I wouldn't go around telling others that they're harmless.

There are enough cases of devastation directly related to the vaccinations, they can't be ignored. People are paralyzed or dead within hours or days and no previous problems so there's no denying the vaccines can have a negative effect on the body. Even the manufacturer's own websites claim there is the possibility of side effects.

And calamari clots are a new thing. Never in the public eye before the jab. There's a time to investigate and address the concerns and stop attempting to cover up what is obvious, what is true. Do the investigations, do the studies, show the risks, that's what people want instead of them trying to hide evidence under the rug. The fact that some of the vaccines were pulled is admittance of them being a harmful product. And there's proof they have hidden facts.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

do you have the source link for your OP? lots of quotes but no source... I googled a few phrases but as expected no direct hit came up

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 08:45 AM
Dalgleish's a funny guy, and sadly no longer works at St George's College and really didn't like being told no about his covid vaccine ideas....

One of the world’s most prestigious general science journals, Nature, was the target of a two-year-long sustained and virulent secret attack by a conspiratorial group of extreme Brexit lobbyists with high-level political, commercial and intelligence connections, according to documents and correspondence examined by Computer Weekly and Byline Times.

The group attempted to have Nature and its staff put under surveillance and investigated by MI5, MI6, the CIA, Mossad, and Japanese and Australian intelligence agencies. They met Cabinet minister Michael Gove and later asked him to arrange phone taps and electronic surveillance. One member of the group led intrusive investigations into the intimate personal life and background circumstances of senior Nature staff the group suspected of “extreme Sinophile views”.

The scientific member of the group, oncologist professor Gus Dalgleish, was a prominent member of UKIP who had stood as the party’s parliamentary candidate in a south London constituency then campaigned for “Leave Means Leave”. All were avid supporters of Brexit.

The alleged man-made origin of SARS-CoV-2 had “important implications for vaccine design”, Johnson was told. This meant, in the confident minds of the Covid Hunters, that only the Sørensen Vaccine – later called BioVacc-19 – was likely to work and save the world.

“A vaccine based on these findings is currently in production for pre-clinical testing, expected to start in April 2020,” Dalgleish claimed – meaning that “UK funding for rapid trials and changes to normal trials protocols are now required”.

As Dalgleish finalised the pitch for government funds, the group was confounded when Nature Medicine, the peer-reviewed monthly clinical medical subsidiary of Springer Nature, published a scientific report on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, showing that it was “not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus”.

The group were, according to the private email exchanges examined by Computer Weekly and Byline Times, infuriated by this science-based finding. Science provided clear evidence that their idea was wrong – so undermining their vaccine idea
The alleged man-made origin of SARS-CoV-2 had “important implications for vaccine design”, Johnson was told. This meant, in the confident minds of the Covid Hunters, that only the Sørensen Vaccine – later called BioVacc-19 – was likely to work and save the world.

“A vaccine based on these findings is currently in production for pre-clinical testing, expected to start in April 2020,” Dalgleish claimed – meaning that “UK funding for rapid trials and changes to normal trials protocols are now required”.

As Dalgleish finalised the pitch for government funds, the group was confounded when Nature Medicine, the peer-reviewed monthly clinical medical subsidiary of Springer Nature, published a scientific report on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, showing that it was “not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus”.

The group were, according to the private email exchanges examined by Computer Weekly and Byline Times, infuriated by this science-based finding. Science provided clear evidence that their idea was wrong – so undermining their vaccine idea.

edit on 3-6-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

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