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Death Penalty for Chad Daybell! woohoo

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posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 04:09 PM
Chad Daybell or as I call him Chud Dumbbell has been found guilty on all charges against him and sentenced to death.

For those who didn't follow this convoluted mess of a case that is still ongoing with Lori Vallow-Daybell facing yet more charges now in Arizona for the death of her 4th husband Charles Vallow and attempted murder of her niece's husband, here is a quick off the top of my head rundown.

Lori and Chad meet at a conference and he spun some lines like "we were married in a past life" bingo bango bongo all of a sudden everyone in Lori's life including her husband and 2 of her children are possessed by demons according to Chad. Also according to Chad the only way to get rid of a demon is to kill the physical body of the person. Lori and Chad were motivated by lust and greed and they recruited Lori's brother Alex to be the hitman basically. Alex and Lori then cooked up a story about husband number 4 attacking Alex so of course he had to shoot and kill him. That one was initially considered self defense and no charges were brought. Until the whole house of cards came crumbling down. Of course Alex along with a whole slew of other people [2 Melanies a Zulema a Sabrina an Audrey and a partridge and a pear tree] were true solid believers in Chad's plan to build a tent city. Of course his plan involved most likely killing his brother and sister in law and taking their land to build his tent city. Fortunately they didn't get that far before they were arrested upon the discovery of 2 of Lori's children buried in a pet cemetery behind Chad's house.

Who do I think was the ringleader? Chad. I think Chad had been coming up with his 7 gatherers idea for quite awhile. Just needed to find 7 gullible women to go along with it.

He said he was Jesus, methuselah, he even compared himself to Harry Potter at one point wow. And I suppose these women and Alex believed it.

His daughter Emma who I fondly refer to as Enema took the stand and lied her ass off for daddy. Her robotic demeanor did not help him one bit as she mocked her dead mother and became one of 2 witnesses, the other being his son Garth both of whom heavily indoctrinated since birth by Chad to claim their mother basically had both feet in the grave and couldn't even lift a box and whose only exercise came from video games. Supposedly Tammy, who was training to run a 5k and taking clogging classes on top of working full time at an elementary school was just sickly, weak, lazy but according to her own children! Of course Tammy was the one who worked. Chad didn't work because he had dreams of being an author. He is a terrible author. I read a lot of books trust me dont waste your time on his stuff.

So his wife Tammy ended up herself being possessed by a demon named Viola which of course meant she had to die too. This was hurried along by Lori's waning interest in a married man who had made many promises, she was all in. Her husband was already dead. Her kids were already dead. Where was Chad? Why was his wife still alive? 2 weeks after Tammy was murdered, Chad and Lori were dancing on a beach in Hawaii at their wedding.

Lori didn't get the death penalty likely because prosecution sanctions for violating her right to a speedy trial took that option off the table.

I support the death penalty and I dont think it could happen to a more deserving person. His kids support him 100 percent and call and visit him very very frequently. They believe he was framed by Lori and Alex. In Idaho death row inmates only get 1 phone call a month. If he got life without parole he would still be able to talk to his daughter basically every single day and I dont care if he sits on death row for 40 years and doesn't get executed. He needs to be cut off from people because he is a dangerous wannabe cult leader.

What do you guys think? Happy Chud got the death penalty or no?

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

He said he was Jesus, methuselah, he even compared himself to Harry Potter at one point wow.

Wow , that's an eclectic mix.

There's some strange folks in this world.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

I'd read about this, but didn't keep up with it.

That's some Charles Manson level sh**.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 07:18 PM
Very few states carry out the death penality anymore, becaues it's considered 'cruel and unusual punishment', especially in the failed attempts that have been in the news recently.

What a load of liberal lawyer/activist crap. Vets have been euthanizing pets safely and humanely for devades. More and more states are getting onboard with human euthanasia and they have zero problem getting the job done.

That said, death row is isolation in a cell 23 hours a day, seven days a week. I have no problem with Chad living a loooong and healthy life.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I'd rather he get life...its much worse than death. I know people like him tend not to fare well in prison either.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: RickyD


Also the death penalty doesn't make sense from a philosophical point of view anyway.

Killing killers just brings you down to their level.

You want to prove that society is above that by letting them slowly rot.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: nugget1

I'd rather he get life...its much worse than death. I know people like him tend not to fare well in prison either.

I agree with the sentiment but I just feel like some people should be put to death. An example is this case.

Daybell text messaged his wife while she was at work telling her that he "felt he should burn some limb debris before the coming storm"

There was no storm in the forecast the entire week following.

This is a guy that talked in code. All the time. Storm is code for his penis. This is documented in texts with his "exalted goddess lover Lori" he referred to his penis as "the storm".

He texted that message to his wife about burning the limb debris before the coming storm as he was burning Lori's 16 year old daughter's dismembered body in the fire pit behind his house. The medical examiner said he took a pickaxe or similar tool to her pelvis and hacked at it repeatedly for no reason whatsoever. So you can do the math on what he meant by coming storm. Her body was so badly burned and dismembered, head in bucket, body parts missing they couldn't even determine a cause of death.

They did come up with a cause of death for Lori's 7 year old son. Asphyxia. Duct tape wrapped around his head then a plastic bag over that and more duct tape. They did this while he was alive and there are scratch marks on him indicating he was trying to peel the duct tape off.

I dont want him to have the opportunities for communication and betterment that inmates who are serving life without parole have. They have a lot more privileges than death row inmates and he deserves nothing. Absolute just blank wall bicycle seat post up the ass for the rest of his miserable existence.
edit on 1-6-2024 by Shoshanna because: can't spell

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 09:19 PM
I do not know these days how much it cost to incarcerate a criminal at one of our for profit prisons... Even a Federal prison which probably cost more ain't cheap. It used to be $30,000+ a year for just your normal incarcerated individual..that is probably over $50k now..

The subject of this thread does not deserve 1/10 of one penny of American tax payer money as far as I am concerned. The people who he had killed received no mercy...Were they on their knees praying for their lives ?

I am old fashion as back when crime was low and justice was swift it was a safer and better world IMO. Invade my country, hurt my people or my family and with my dying breath I will still be trying to stab you in the eye and heart until you are dead; to me that is justice.

“The only solution for bad and violent people are good people that are more skilled in violence.” —— Japanese samurai code Bushido.

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
a reply to: RickyD


Also the death penalty doesn't make sense from a philosophical point of view anyway.

Killing killers just brings you down to their level.

You want to prove that society is above that by letting them slowly rot.

I disagree; there's something inhuman about people who are capable of this sort of thing. Kid gloves and a bleeding heart for their 'humanity' does nothing for the society they prey on.

If you're a farmer, you fight a constant war with weeds to eradicate them. If you're a rancher and one of your animals goes rogue and begins killing the others, you cull it. If you're a chicken farmer and you have a rooster killing your hens, you put him in a stew pot.

The more people think these mentally defective, dangerous 'human' beings have a right to live the more dangerous the world becomes.

Some crimes don't deserve second chances; they deserve a lifetime of ostriziation and solitary confinement, at the very least.

Up next is Bryan Kohberger.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 12:56 AM
I've followed this case pretty carefully from the start. There's no doubt in my mind that Chad Daybell is a nutjob and a douche muffin, and he definitely needs a very long stint in a federal greybar hotel, but I honestly don't believe he was the mastermind behind the killing of the kids. That credit goes to Lori Vallow-Daybell. That woman is as evil and calculating as they come; she's like the personification of Satan. She's like Manson level crazy in my book, straight-up psychopath.

Regardless what people say about Chad Daybell, those kids were Lori Vallow-Daybell's own kids. She killed her own kids (the boy was adopted)! Those kids weren't Chad Daybell's, and Lori didn't even hook up with this Chad dude until much later...after no less than two divorces, a name change, the questionable murder of one of her former husbands, her own brother, as well as the husband of her neice, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Lori Vallow-Daybell is possessed by the Devil and she is evil to the very core of her being (and I intentionally did not use the word "soul" because she clearly lacks any soul at all). That woman is pure EVIL. She's a walking death-machine.

Simple execution is far too good for Lori Vallow-Daybell; she needs to be crucified, set on fire and burned alive at the public...and then her corpse needs to be skewered on a pike and left to rot in the sun and be picked apart by birds and insects at the edge of town for all to see!! Positively zero mercy for her at all!

Just absolutely "pure" evil, that woman!!

edit - And just to give an example of just how evil this woman is...not less than 2 weeks after murdering her own two children she jetted off to Hawaii for a vacation and got married to Chad Vallow at the same time. She has no soul.

edit on 6/2/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: nugget1

I feel like Kohberger needs the death penalty too. He seems to have known something was wrong with him since his teen years based on his posts on a visual snow forum.

But despite how terrible his crime was to break in to a house and stab 4 people to death it does make me crack a bit of a smile thinking about the absolute panic he must have felt when he realized he didn't have his knife sheath after he left the house. I wonder how far away from the house he got when he realized he didn't have it. I think the reason he went back by the house at about 9am that morning was to see if he maybe dropped it somewhere outside the house where he could just grab it. Cops weren't there yet and if he had a scanner he would have known that. But even just a quick drive-by if the cops were there wouldn't have seemed suspicious at the time. Until they id'd the white car.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Don't get me wrong they're both evil incarnate. And the brother Alex texted his wife shortly before he died or was murdered that they were gonna make him the fall guy.

I just go back to the text messages. Lori is always asking Chad for his input. She seemed to really view him as a prophet and asking him about percentages and light and dark and who is a demon. Chad had a rubric where only people in Lori's life were rated dark. Her husband at the time Charles. Her 2 kids. Then his wife was added to the mix.

I also put some weight behind the fact that Lori was found psychologically incompetent to stand trial initially and had to spend a lengthy time being restored to competence via medication before she could stand trial.

There is also the body cam of her 4th husband Charles, the one brother Alex killed in "self defense" telling the cops that Lori stole his truck and is totally off the rails telling him he is possessed by a demon and calling him Ned Schneider instead of his name.

The stuff with Melanie Pawlawski the niece and Brandon well I think every bit of this goes back to Chad. Heather Daybell his sister in law testified in court that Chad wanted their land to build his tent city for the apocalypse and that he would bring a lot of people there. Chad is the one that wanted everyone to move to Rexburg. Lori, Zulema, Melanie, Alex. He wanted everybody to move to Rexburg he even uprooted his family from the small town in Utah they lived their whole life right across the street from Tammy's parents to move to Rexburg telling his family he had a vision that they needed to move to Rexburg.

I think he wanted to be a cult leader. I think he wanted all these followers and in his words a "5'6" blonde haired blue eyes 120lbs and she is stacked" woman. His life with Tammy was mundane and boring to him after all the years. Lori was exciting to him. Lori wanted to be this exalted goddess but they needed money to do that. Her own children and husband were just sources of money for her. I think if she got the life insurance from Charles maybe she would have given JJ back to Kay and Larry. Maybe Tylee would still have been murdered but I really think it pissed her off so bad that Charles changed his beneficiary from her to Kay. She thought okay this is simple, kill Charles come up with self defense story then profit. When that didn't happen all bets were off.

Adding that Chad and Lori met in November 2018 and Charles was killed July 2019, the kids Sept 2019 and Tammy Oct 2019. You can tell from one of the text messages Lori is getting antsy with him because he says something like just grab me by the storm and I will follow you to the end of the universe. And she says and when will that be? Like she is getting a bit fed up and she also says just go be with your family implying that she maybe doesn't want to deal with trying to sleep with a married man anymore. Couple weeks later Tammy is dead.

edit on 2-6-2024 by Shoshanna because: adding

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

thinking about the absolute panic he must have felt when he realized he didn't have his knife sheath after he left the house.

The defense has claimed Kohlberger had once briefly been to a party at the house. That will be one of the 'reasonable doubt' issues they're counting on.

After O.J.'s walk of shame trial it's certainly not a slamdunk case. The only thing bringing hope for a fact-based conviction is Kohlberg's lack of high-priced famous lawyers who care more about money than justice.

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna
Yeah I've seen that movie. "Frailty" with Bill Paxton and Matthew McConaughey. Great flick.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna'

I have no doubts whatsoever that Chad Daybell had every aspiration of being a Charles Manson-Jim Jones disciple and death-cult champion of the Universe. And, given the opportunity, I'd pay top dollar to be the guy who gets to throw the switch to turn on the juice and watch his eyeballs shoot out of his twisted head like a squirrel in an high voltage electrical substation. But my point was merely that Daybell found a fitting soulmate with Satan's spawn, Lori Vallow.

Vallow's mindset was she needed to murder her own children by 12:30 because her nail salon appointment was at 1pm. That's pure evil.

At least Daybell stayed in his room pleasuring himself (repeatedly) over pictures of dead puppies.

edit on 6/4/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 07:14 AM
I have to agree. The sooner he is put down the better.
Why should I have to pay to house and feed this monster for the rest of his life? Same with Lori.

I certainly don't think it brings us down to their level. They killed in cold blood, innocent people, for basically no real reason.

Putting proven, convicted murders to death, is certainly not the same.
No sleep to be lost over that.

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