posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to:
People are angry and what they are doing isn't right. But the left isn't innocent in all this. Their riots, tearing down statues, burning buildings,
massive thefts from business', the doxing of Supreme court justices in 2022, doxing of Republican senators in all seems to be working for
them. They get attention, get money, get their way, little to no repercussions etc. People are watching, learning, and imitating.
One simply cannot believe that bad behavior isn't contagious or a right for only one sect of people, as much as many of us try to avoid it, it
happens, it spreads. That's why so many communities don't want to let a bunch of criminals move in. It isn't just for the obvious safety issues,
it's also because of the spread of evil within that community. And let's face it, it seems a lot of the left's players are switching parties. So of
course, they will bring their playbooks as well.
Ironically, it's like the players on the left have 50 pages of really bad behaviors over the last several years and the right has 3 so-so bad
behaviors, yet all the focus is on the right's actions.
Unfortunately, people do bad things and that isn't ok. But things are getting so hot, whispers of a civil war are getting louder. And have you see
the number of counties in various states filing for secession? I can tell you, it isn't the blue counties fleeing from the red ones, nope, not one.