posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 01:44 PM
Quite frankly, I think we need to keep the filibuster. The Republicans are a little short sighted in getting rid of a minority party's powers in
congress. However, I think the Republicans need to force the dems to really have a filibuster. As of now, the dems are allowed to go home, get some
sleep, eat, etc. In the 1800s, there was a filibuster effort being made by the minority party (don't remember the date, the issue, or the parties,
just the general story
) . For something like 5 days, no one left the building because just one vote was needed to overturn the filibuster.
Republicans need to stay on the job, and if someone from the other side gets up to go to the bathroom, they vote. If you're gonna do something, do it
right. 24/7 monitoring of participants. As soon as someone drops the ball, the republicans call a vote, overturn the filibuster, and get something
done in the capitol for a change.