posted on May, 21 2024 @ 09:01 PM
As many have noted over the years, and as I have again here noted recently, there has always been a theme of some, more covert undertone here on ATS.
I am convinced, now, more than ever before, this is true. Here is my reasoning...
1. The moderators have been in the dark for nearly 2+ years about the inner workings of this site.
2. After all the commotion about the website going dark, and nothing happening...well, nothing happened.
3. As has been noted by many here, domains are easy to renew, but the larger costs, the hosting costs, not so much...yet the site continues to
4. A SSL security certificate for a website is amazingly simple to achieve. In fact, it's a simple add-on to the domain service. The fact the
domain was renewed but the security certificate was not, makes no sense...UNLESS...
5. The fact that there is seemingly no attempt at revenue generation, either through advertising, or through other means, makes no sense. Nothing is
free. Plus, the advertising which does exist leads to business ventures which are clearly not capable of supporting the operational costs of the
site. This is more than just a little bit curious.
6. Some have alleged the backend of the site has not been updated in years (or, a very long time). This is not possible. At a very minimum, the
server OS version would have to have been updated as patching and updates are no longer possible for unsupported versions. So, there is definitely
'some' backend maintenance being performed. The DB may have issues, but the backend is far more than just the database. Plus, many of the newer
OS's on member's personal computers don't support older, unsupported, broswers. And, the newer browsers will not support older server OS versions
for a whole variety of security reasons. So, there is definitely 'some' maintenance going on with the backend, by somebody. It is not truly adrift
as some suggest.
7. If the main application(s) are now cloud based (which is a possiblity), then the server OS versions would be updated automatically by the provider.
However, this would also require the application owner to update the application to comply with the newer supported server versions in the cloud
environment. So, two things here; first, the transition to a cloud based solution is a change that someone would have had to consciously make because
this was not the original state of the website, so this would be recent. (probably in line with the Godaddy change time frame).
8. Storage is not a trivial thing, even if it is outsourced. Storage is not something which can just be left alone; it must be monitored and
conflicts (which are common) must be resolved. Left unattended, the backend storage would quickly become corrupted and there would be all manner of
glitches, if not wholesale crashes. Any, and I mean 'any', crash as a result of storage corruption would not clear itself without intervention.
Yes, there are automated restore processes, but even these have to be hand selected. Plus, storage is not cheap, and it's not like the rotisserie
cooker where you just 'set it, and forget it'. That's just not how it works, not on the scale of ATS.
9. For all the alleged problems of ATS, in just the poking around I've done, with the possible exception of the search function, the website seems,
overall, surprisingly stable. This would simply not be possible with a completely 'hands-off' site which was just 'adrift' on the Interwebz. I
can find (100) websites in less than a few minutes which are FAR more unstable than this one. Most of the features here work, and areas where you
would expect to find problems (picture hosting for example) work fine. Rarely do I get weird errors, or any other strange anomalies. Lastly, and
most importantly, after what many here call the "great purge", subsequent crash, and the whole darko thing...somebody would have absolutely had to
intervene to correct all that and get it running again, even if limping (which with a 'hands-off' approach, it would still be doing today...but it
isn't). In fact, from my perspective this website is actually faster now than it ever was.
10. Bottom line - Someone is orchestrating the proper operation of this website. No question about it. The larger question is...why no SSL
certificate? And, what is the purpose of its continued operation? If you look carefully into what no SSL certificate means, you'll be asking
yourself some serious questions, and one of these is...someone wants the transaction data which is not secured, but whom and what?. This could be
passwords and user names, or any other PII type data exchanged on the site (IF one is foolish enough to put any of this data here). So...who is
it...and what is the purpose (why)???
Curious, to say the least.
I welcome your thoughts and comments.