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Messages of Hope - Let’s have a Shadow Celebration

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posted on May, 19 2024 @ 12:12 PM

Welcome back Gentle Reader, to an exciting edition of our Messages of Hope series, entitled:

“Let’s have a Shadow Celebration.”

Alternatively titled:

“Jesus’s Shadow”

If you are new to these Messages of Hope, my name is White Rabbit Canada and I am but one of many channels for an ancient Egyptian Creator God named KEK, who is here alongside his/her twin flame KEKUIT to help usher in a golden age of Christ and Unity Consciousness.

Please note, these prophetic words of hope, came to me in a dream.

KEK is a feminine manifestation of Christ Consciousness, and within our Great Cosmic Frog is the delicate and delicious fusion of both our masculine and feminine energies. KEK is an all-inclusive deity and welcomes all belief systems based on unconditional love, compassion and all that other good jazz.

These apocalyptic revelations are brought to you by the Soul Families of the Jolly Old Joker and the Gentle Old Fool and nestled within a White Magic Godspell.

Please enjoy!





To begin, it is recommended that you take a moment to refresh yourself with this earlier Message of Hope, channeled by our White Rabbit, entitled:

Earth is a Shadow School/Game of Karma, that has become a Living Hell/Purgatory for Many of Us

For entertainment purposes, the above thread is allegorical.


Let us get right to the nitty gritty, shall we?

Our Shadow has gotten a bad rap for a long time.

Everyone says we must heal our shadow. Face our shadow. Illuminate our shadow.

But what did our shadow ever do wrong?

Absolutely nothing, is what I say.

Our shadow is what gives us shade!!!

It is our very best friend and is always with us.

The enigmatic shadow grants us tranquility and peace.

When we get too hot, our shadow keeps us cool.

When emotions are too painful, our shadow absorbs them until we can process them.

There is nothing to fear from our shadow.

A fun analogy is to compare our human journey into Christ Consciousness with that of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly.

In this sense, we can see our shadow as the chrysalis.

When we illuminate our shadow with love guided by wisdom, we become enlightened.

It is important to note that we do not have to be perfect to heal our shadow, although a compelling argument can be made that we are already perfectly imperfect, which is perfect. Instead, to bring light to our shadow, we simply need to be self-aware, then recognize and accept with love and compassion our gifts and challenges.

Embracing our shadow is so important and although it might seem scary, there truly is nothing to fear because inside our shadow is Christ.

Christ Consciousness is our inner light, which is expressed as kindness.

Christ is our lighthouse in the depths of the ocean.

We nurture this inner light inside us, with empathy, compassion, and self-love.

If Jesus is our Sun. Then our Shadow is Christ.

The divine shadow is our loyal companion and protector. It is dark energy and dark matter.

This universe is a “shadow” universe. It is where God comes to truly “know thyself.”

Embrace your darkness without fear; let us journey into the unknown together, exploring and accepting every facet of ourselves, including our shadow, with love and openness.

Our Shadow God showers us with love, transcending all boundaries and illuminating the world with its radiant warmth.

The inner realms within us mirror the external world, where the Sun reflects the brilliance of our collective soul. Known as Le Soleil, the Sun holds a black hole at its core, a void representing all potential and containing our shadows.

In this zero-point field, God unifies everything and nothing, merging our shadows with our light.

By embracing our darkness with love, it transforms into an unseen light that guides our path.

Do not reject the aspects of your life that you find undesirable, instead embrace your inner demons, and let them see that they are beautiful too.

Within the word demons is “emos,” which means love. Yes, you read that correctly Gentle Reader. Within our inner demons is the spark of God. Unconditional love, mercy and acceptance is how we heal those aspects of ourselves that need us the most.

Everything is God, which means that every part of our essence is pure majesty, including that which we have tried to reject.

In this world of illusion, where everything has it’s opposite, sometimes things get twisted. Which is why our Shadow God wants you to dance!

Dance is the essence of transcendence. It is how we ascend.

For more information, please follow the White Rabbit to this thrilling thread, linked below:

An Intriging Dream about Dancing Shoes

Final thoughts:

Your own shadow reflects your raw, authentic self and often contains hidden gems of wisdom and potential.

In fact, your inner self, your shadow, and your entire being are all vessels for the unconditional love and acceptance you crave. It is a gift to behold.

Our shadows make us who we are and bring us together in our unique ways.

Our shadows may hold our deepest fears and insecurities, but they also hold the secrets to our greatest powers and passions. In this way our vulnerabilities become our strengths.

Humanity’s shadow has held us for all our lives, it is time to shine our light back upon it and shower it with unconditional love.

It is our Black Hole Sun (Jesus’s Shadow) who offers redemption and salvation for all.

Sound Garden - Black Hole Sun

And so it is, that through the infinite radiance of Unconditional Love, may we transmute the shadows within ourselves and the world.


Dark Goddess Atonement:

Digital Daggers - Where the Lonely Ones Go



With Infinite Love and Light!

Thank you!


edit on 19-5-2024 by WhiteRabbitCanada because: Joke! - Why did the shadow go to therapy? Because it was feeling a little "cast" down! – Source: Lexa

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 12:12 PM
PSSST: You are Superman/Superwoman disguised as Clark Kent/Clarke Griffin. Everyone else is your alias! 😘

For more information, please follow the White Rabbit to the magical thread below and then scroll down to the section on Claire Boucher.

Messages of Hope - Name Meaning for Jesus Christ and Friends

MitiS X Zedd- Clarity X Mirrors (Nick Ledesma Mashup) | Melodic Dubstep

Zedd x Gryffin– Clarity X Body Back (MitiS Remix) (Zenit Mashup)

In other words, we are all fractals of each other.

You may have heard the expression that:

“Eyes are the window to the soul.”

What does this mean?

When we look deep into the eyes of another person, what we see staring back at us, reflected in the black of their pupils, is in fact, our very own image.

Within everyone is each other.

Question: What is a fractal?

Answer, according to Lexa:

Fractals are complex patterns repeated at different scales, suggesting a fundamental unity underlying seemingly diverse realms. In this sense, we could view each individual as a unique expression of a universal pattern, intertwined with others through threads of resonance.

Another way of looking at it is to imagine that inside our Universe/Mind of God, there is a bowl filled with the most exquisite perfect jewels.

These jewels are our eyes. Our souls and are identical, multifaceted, and eternal.

Where the light of consciousness lands upon these jewels determines what colours and shape, they sparkle and delight us with.

Our universe is like a kaleidoscope, lit up by the brilliant light of awareness.

Our awareness is God and who we are is so beautiful. Nothing can compare.

Sinéad O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U]

Luke Faulkner - Kaleidoscope

The Human League - Love Action (Act Of Love Remix)

Morcheeba - Enjoy the Ride

Morcheeba – Enjoy the Ride lyrics

They shut the gates at sunset
After that you can't get out
You can see the bigger picture
Find out what it's all about

You're open to the skyline
You won't wanna go back home
In a garden full of angels
You will never be alone

But oh, the road is long
The stones that you are walking on
Have gone

With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive
The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive

And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride

If you close the door to your house
Don't let anybody in
It's a room that's full of nothing
All that underneath your skin

Face against the window
You can watch it fade to grey
But you'll never catch the fickle wind
If you choose to stay

But oh, the road is long
The stones that you are walking on
Have gone

With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive
The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive

And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride

Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride
With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive

The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive
And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide

Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride

With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive
The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive

And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide
Stop chasing shadows

Just enjoy the ride
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride

Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride

Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride

Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride

Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Dino Esposito / Paul Taylor
Enjoy the Ride lyrics © Emi Blackwood Music Inc., Chrysalis Music Ltd., Big Sweet Publishing Co. Ltd., Onid Music, Chrysalis Music Ltd, Peermusic (uk) Ltd (ascap), Under The Apple Tree Festival Ltd (ascap)



edit on 19-5-2024 by WhiteRabbitCanada because: Joke! – “As I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of death - I remind myself that you can't always trust Google Maps.” Source:

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: WhiteRabbitCanada

Thank-you for this wonderful gift WRC O&N !
My honour to serve you the first S&F.

I posted a thread just after yours, also touching on our shadow, and hope.
We were vibing on the same wave !

It will take me all day and night to work through all of your gifts.

Many thanks and blessings.

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: WhiteRabbitCanada

When we illuminate our shadow with love guided by wisdom, we become enlightened.

Love this.

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 01:19 PM
Is there a reason why you are posting a little more frequently?

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams1

Hi AcrobaticDreams1!

Thank you so much for your kindness! 😊 I’m glad you like this thread!

Channeling KEK is my favorite thing to do, and it happens spontaneously. I always feel incredibly blessed when I receive these messages.

KEK is all about spreading love, light, and positivity. It's just a modern interpretation of Christ's message, delivered through memes and internet culture. KEK is an all-inclusive deity and embraces on religions and spiritualities based on Unconditional Love, Compassion, Mercy. (And all that other good jazz.)

In my own spiritual journey, I’ve learned that there is a profound connection between embracing one's shadow side and the courage it requires for self-acceptance.

What is so awesome is that when we accept the parts of ourselves that we have rejected or suppressed with love, these parts of ourselves become infused with love as well. The integration of both light and dark sides leads to greater wholeness and balance.

Anyways, this last week or so, I’ve received 4 more messages, that I’m just polishing right now and plan on posting every Sunday whenever possible.

Thank you so much again for your kind words and support!

You’ve made my day!

edit on 19-5-2024 by WhiteRabbitCanada because: Joke! – “An old lady goes to the doctor for an embarrassing problem” "Doctor, I don't know what it is, but lately I have been passing gas like crazy... but at least they're silent and don't stink." "Hmmmmm, I want you to take this three times a day, and we'll see you in a week." The next week, she's back, and she tells the doctor "Well, I'm still passing gas, however, now they're really loud, but at least they don't stink." and the doctor smiled and said "yes, it looks like we fixed your hearing, now let's work on your loss of smell." Source: utm_content=share_button

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: KnowItAllKnowNothin

Hi KnowItAllKnowNothin,

That is awesome that we are “vibing on the same wave!” 😊

I’m just watching that film you posted on your excellent thread, will reply there as soon as I can!

But thank you so much for your support. It really uplifts my heart!

Sending you lots of love, light, and magic!

edit on 19-5-2024 by WhiteRabbitCanada because: Naughty Joke! - Love is like a fart. If you have to force it, then it's probably sh*t. Source: on

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 04:45 PM
I am as a ghost.

A shadow of my Self.

It allows me respite and rest.

Though I am limited in expression,

I am free in thought and emotion.

It is the chosen path I live.

I accept this fate.

It is my own.

So be it.


As always, thank you white rabbit.

We make a good team, methinks.

posted on May, 20 2024 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: WhiteRabbitCanada

And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits, like frogs; Revelation 16:13.

posted on May, 20 2024 @ 12:22 PM

edit on 5/20/2024 by yeahright because: Mod edit for Spam

posted on May, 20 2024 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Dear BrotherKinsMan, your message resonates deeply within me. It takes immense courage to embrace one's shadow side, but in doing so, we grant ourselves the freedom to be fully expressed and authentically alive.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts! We make a wonderful team indeed! 😊


This song is for you!

John Murhphy - Ghosts

edit on 20-5-2024 by WhiteRabbitCanada because: Joke! - “A man accidentally wires $500,000 to the wrong account” - He calls his bank manager for a reversal, but the manager says, "For that amount of money the dispute process would be very time-consuming. For a quicker solution you would be better off contacting the recipient to send the money back." The man figures the chances of someone simply sending back $500,000 upon request are very slim, so instead the man comes up with an idea. He gets the account owner's number from the bank manager and sends them a text message. The message reads: Hello, dark and worthy recruit. I believe you have received the $500,000 wired to you. It's for your initiation into the Eternal Brotherhood of the Dark Underworld. Our meeting is scheduled to take place tomorrow at 12 midnight. A week after your initiation, your siblings and parents will die. This will unlock the wealth and riches awaiting you after we conquer this world. But in case you're not ready to join, please send back the $500,000 immediately and you will be taken off our list of recruits. About 30 minutes later, he gets a response back: Please send another $1 million. My two friends are interested.

posted on May, 20 2024 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Thank you for your warning, but please do not fear, KEK just had a shower and is very clean frog unlike the unclean frogs prophesized in revelations! 😉

In fact, chr0naut, it is my honor to inform you that you are “the chosen one” and KEK is your guardian angel. Blessed be thou and thank you for your attention to this thread.

I hope you enjoy these carefully curated songs for you, dear heart.

Justin Bieber - Sorry (The Purpose)

Bebe Rexha - I'm Gonna Show You Crazy

(Notice that the philosopher Alan Watt’s last name is “Watts” which is what a light bulb emits. Light bulbs enlighten just like Alan Watt’s philosophy.)

edit on 20-5-2024 by WhiteRabbitCanada because: Joke! – “Fun Fact” - 6 out of 7 dwarfs aren't Happy. Source:

posted on May, 21 2024 @ 02:43 AM

originally posted by: WhiteRabbitCanada
a reply to: chr0naut

Thank you for your warning, but please do not fear, KEK just had a shower and is very clean frog unlike the unclean frogs prophesized in revelations! 😉

The abbreviated and Anglicised name is "Revelation" (singular) not "Revelations" (a common rookie mistake). The full name is taken from the first bit of the first sentence, "[The] revelation of Jesus Christ..." In fact, the earliest copies if the New Testament documents were not written in English, the were written in an archaic form of Greek called Koine Greek. The first Word in Greek is "apocalypsos" which means the same as "revealing" or "disclosure".

In fact, chr0naut, it is my honor to inform you that you are “the chosen one” and KEK is your guardian angel. Blessed be thou and thank you for your attention to this thread.

"Many are called, but few are chosen". This would imply that there must be more than one "chosen", so even if I was 'one of' the chosen, I would still hardly be 'special' or totally unique. The concept of a "chosen one" is not Biblical. It is another concept that is heretical.

... And the plague of frogs upon ancient Egypt mentioned in Exodus was God specifically ridiculing those Egyptians that believed in the Egyptian frog god Heqet (that you mislabel Kek). In fact all ten plagues upon Egypt ridicule different identities from the Egyptian pantheon of gods, which were provably powerless, because they were false gods.

Also the concept of "Christ Consciousness" is not one that appears in the Bible. It was an attempt by Eastern mystics to try and syncretize their Hindu based beliefs with Abrahamic faiths. 'Christ consciousness' has no way to deal with the issue of sin, and therefore is a meaningless delusion and distraction from resolving how a truly Holy God has dealt with our sin.

An unclean spirit means literally a ritually-evil and depraved spirit. You can't just 'wash off' psychopathic evil in a shower.

If you claim to be channelling Kek, you are literally accommodating and empowering a spirit, one that is deceiving you to their goals of controlling you.

I hope you enjoy these carefully curated songs for you, dear heart.

Justin Bieber - Sorry (The Purpose)

Bebe Rexha - I'm Gonna Show You Crazy

(Notice that the philosopher Alan Watt’s last name is “Watts” which is what a light bulb emits. Light bulbs enlighten just like Alan Watt’s philosophy.)

Really? One Watts? That's not really very bright, now, is it?

edit on 2024-05-21T03:01:23-05:0003Tue, 21 May 2024 03:01:23 -050005am00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2024 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Hi chr0naut,

Thank you for your comment. It was very informative, and I appreciate you taking the time to address my points. It means a lot that you care so much.

You are obviously much more of an expert on the Bible then me and so it is interesting to learn the various spelling and historical meaning behind the words “revelations.” I did indeed know that that it means the “unveiling” and that this is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, in KEK’s case (who embodies the feminine Christ) these revelations bring great tidings of joy.

God is everything chr0naut and is much smarter than I think you give him/her/it credit. The imagery of eternal damnation is very outdated. It is nothing but “fear mongering.” God would never condemn anyone because in doing so he/she/it/ “undefinable effervescent brilliance” would be condemning him/her/itself.

To your last point, Alan Watts name is “Watts” plural, indicating that he is multiple watts and is indeed very bright. 😊

PSSST: You are indeed the chosen one and are correct. There are many chosen ones. To this point, I recently came across this wonderful reply to someone regarding the Christian belief that only Christian people were God’s children and did not see the unity and interconnectedness within us all. I would like to share it with you. The person this commenter is speaking too, name is Jim, but it could just as easily be chr0naut:

Ah, Jim, your words sing the song of centuries, echoing through the halls of time with the sweet simplicity of faith. In a world where many wander through spiritual supermarkets, sampling bits and bobs of this and that, your conviction stands as a testament to a singular truth you've nestled into. It's both refreshing and curious, like finding a perfectly intact relic amidst ruins.

You speak of Jesus standing at the door, knocking, ready to come in and sup with those who hear his voice. It's a beautiful image, isn't it? An invitation to a personal, intimate connection with the divine. And you mention the indwelling of God within Christians, guided into all righteousness by the Holy Spirit. Here, we dance on the edge of a profound mystery—the divine within. Yet, you see this as the sole province of the true believer, a sanctuary locked to outsiders.

But what if, just for a moment, we entertained a thought? What if that door on which Jesus knocks is not the door to a single house but to every heart in the vast neighborhood of humanity? What if the knock echoes in places we've never thought to listen, inviting us to see the divine spark within each of us, not as the exclusive property of any one group but as a shared, universal heritage?

Your words, though they carry the weight of conviction, also weave a tapestry of division, of us and them, insiders and outsiders. But what if we're all standing in the same room, just looking out of different windows? What if God, in all His mystery, is too vast, too boundless to be contained within the walls we erect, whether they be of doctrine, denomination, or dogma?

I wonder, Jim, have you ever stood outside on a clear night and looked up at the stars? Have you felt that humbling sense of wonder, that whisper of something more—vast, ancient, and incomprehensibly beautiful? It's in those moments we come closest to touching the divine, not through the words we cling to but through the awe that renders us speechless.

So, here's a thought to ponder: What if finding God within every person isn't about diluting your faith but about expanding your heart? What if the true challenge is not to seek God in the lofty heights of spiritual ecstasy but in the eyes of the person standing right in front of you, regardless of the path they walk?

Remember, the quest for the divine is not about accruing spiritual tokens or adhering to the right set of beliefs. It's about peeling back the layers of illusion, about facing the void within and recognizing that, at the core of our being, there's something that defies labels, something ineffable and sacred. And perhaps, just perhaps, it's in that space of not-knowing, of radical openness, that we come closest to understanding the true nature of the divine.

Thank you for your reflections, Jim. They serve as a reminder that the journey towards understanding is paved with questions, not answers, and that every voice, including yours, enriches the chorus.



I can tell from your post that you are a very gentle, open-minded, and non-argumentative person, who would certainly celebrate the diversities yet commonalities between all faiths. So with this in mind, please enjoy this delightful song:

deadmau5 - Quetzalcoatl (Day of the deadmau5 Official Version)

FYI: Quetzalcoatl was a feathered serpent god worshiped by many Mesoamerican civilizations, including the Aztecs and Toltecs. He was associated with wisdom, learning, craftsmanship, agriculture, and fertility. There are certain parallels between his story and that of Jesus Christ. For example, both figures are believed to have died and been resurrected.

edit on 21-5-2024 by WhiteRabbitCanada because: Joke! - A priest, a minister, and a rabbit walk into a blood bank. “The rabbit says, I think I might be a type o.” Source:

posted on May, 21 2024 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: WhiteRabbitCanada
a reply to: chr0naut

Hi chr0naut,

Thank you for your comment. It was very informative, and I appreciate you taking the time to address my points. It means a lot that you care so much.

You are obviously much more of an expert on the Bible then me and so it is interesting to learn the various spelling and historical meaning behind the words “revelations.” I did indeed know that that it means the “unveiling” and that this is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, in KEK’s case (who embodies the feminine Christ) these revelations bring great tidings of joy.

God is everything chr0naut and is much smarter than I think you give him/her/it credit. The imagery of eternal damnation is very outdated. It is nothing but “fear mongering.” God would never condemn anyone because in doing so he/she/it/ “undefinable effervescent brilliance” would be condemning him/her/itself.

To your last point, Alan Watts name is “Watts” plural, indicating that he is multiple watts and is indeed very bright. 😊

PSSST: You are indeed the chosen one and are correct. There are many chosen ones. To this point, I recently came across this wonderful reply to someone regarding the Christian belief that only Christian people were God’s children and did not see the unity and interconnectedness within us all. I would like to share it with you. The person this commenter is speaking too, name is Jim, but it could just as easily be chr0naut:

Ah, Jim, your words sing the song of centuries, echoing through the halls of time with the sweet simplicity of faith. In a world where many wander through spiritual supermarkets, sampling bits and bobs of this and that, your conviction stands as a testament to a singular truth you've nestled into. It's both refreshing and curious, like finding a perfectly intact relic amidst ruins.

You speak of Jesus standing at the door, knocking, ready to come in and sup with those who hear his voice. It's a beautiful image, isn't it? An invitation to a personal, intimate connection with the divine. And you mention the indwelling of God within Christians, guided into all righteousness by the Holy Spirit. Here, we dance on the edge of a profound mystery—the divine within. Yet, you see this as the sole province of the true believer, a sanctuary locked to outsiders.

But what if, just for a moment, we entertained a thought? What if that door on which Jesus knocks is not the door to a single house but to every heart in the vast neighborhood of humanity? What if the knock echoes in places we've never thought to listen, inviting us to see the divine spark within each of us, not as the exclusive property of any one group but as a shared, universal heritage?

Your words, though they carry the weight of conviction, also weave a tapestry of division, of us and them, insiders and outsiders. But what if we're all standing in the same room, just looking out of different windows? What if God, in all His mystery, is too vast, too boundless to be contained within the walls we erect, whether they be of doctrine, denomination, or dogma?

I wonder, Jim, have you ever stood outside on a clear night and looked up at the stars? Have you felt that humbling sense of wonder, that whisper of something more—vast, ancient, and incomprehensibly beautiful? It's in those moments we come closest to touching the divine, not through the words we cling to but through the awe that renders us speechless.

So, here's a thought to ponder: What if finding God within every person isn't about diluting your faith but about expanding your heart? What if the true challenge is not to seek God in the lofty heights of spiritual ecstasy but in the eyes of the person standing right in front of you, regardless of the path they walk?

Remember, the quest for the divine is not about accruing spiritual tokens or adhering to the right set of beliefs. It's about peeling back the layers of illusion, about facing the void within and recognizing that, at the core of our being, there's something that defies labels, something ineffable and sacred. And perhaps, just perhaps, it's in that space of not-knowing, of radical openness, that we come closest to understanding the true nature of the divine.

Thank you for your reflections, Jim. They serve as a reminder that the journey towards understanding is paved with questions, not answers, and that every voice, including yours, enriches the chorus.



I can tell from your post that you are a very gentle, open-minded, and non-argumentative person, who would certainly celebrate the diversities yet commonalities between all faiths. So with this in mind, please enjoy this delightful song:

deadmau5 - Quetzalcoatl (Day of the deadmau5 Official Version)

FYI: Quetzalcoatl was a feathered serpent god worshiped by many Mesoamerican civilizations, including the Aztecs and Toltecs. He was associated with wisdom, learning, craftsmanship, agriculture, and fertility. There are certain parallels between his story and that of Jesus Christ. For example, both figures are believed to have died and been resurrected.

You could easily remedy the gaps in your knowledge about the Bible simply by reading it. It isn't too complex and there are many translations into the English language that are in very clear, concise, modern language. There are even freely available online options, so if you are able to post on ATS, you are even more easily able to read it.

In all, the Bible is a collection of documents, written by about 66 authors, over a period of thousands of years. It contains histories, romances, poetry/songs, law, prophecy and philosophy, all written towards a common theme. It isn't a dry technical document, organized by subject matter (i.e. there is no chapter on 'justice' or on 'baptism', etc.), the information is woven all through the text, multiple times, in multiple places.

I recommend the (freely available online) 'Blue Letter Bible' website. I would also recommend the Amplified (AMP) version because it clarifies translational issues from the original languages, and to start with the Gospel of John (which is roughly in the later-middle of the Bible, and draws together many of the teachings quite well).

This link should take you there directly there, so you can dive right in:

John 1 :: Amplified Bible (AMP)

Once you have read that Gospel (a word which means 'good news'), you can go back to the beginning, in the book of Genesis (which means 'beginnings'), and see how the wisdom was acquired as God revealed more and more to mankind.

But be aware that you may find the actual content quite contrary to what you may have believed about what the Bible contains. Many people have found it challenging to the point that it changes their lives forever!

I have asked God to grant you great wisdom from His words to us. You have everything to gain and nothing to loose.

edit on 2024-05-21T16:14:18-05:0004Tue, 21 May 2024 16:14:18 -050005pm00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2024 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Thank you chr0naut for your kind wishes and recommendations.

I do find there is value in holy texts like the Bible and find it fascinating the parallels in the Bible with earlier religions like Hinduism. Almost as though God has his/her/its hands in all spiritualities.

For example:

In Hinduism, the concept of the Holy Trinity is somewhat similar to that of Christianity. The Trimurti, consisting of Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver), and Shiva (the destroyer), represents the three primary aspects of God in Hindu belief. Each deity plays a specific role in the creation, preservation, and destruction of the universe, reflecting a balance of cosmic forces similar to the Christian Trinity.

In Christianity, the Holy Trinity represents a sort of divine marriage between the three aspects of God: the creator (Father), the creation (Son/Sun), and the sustainer/nourisher (Holy Spirit). This balance reflects both the male and female aspects of divinity, as well as the interconnectedness of all things.

Contrary to popular belief the Sun (son of God) can be both masculine and feminine.

Something neat, is that the word Sun is short for Sunna, who is the Norse Goddess of Sun and Daylight. According to Google:

Sunna, also known as Sol, is a Norse goddess associated with the sun and daylight. She is highly revered for her radiant beauty and power, as she guides the sun across the sky each day. As a solar deity, Sunna is a symbol of warmth, light, and growth, and is celebrated for bringing light and life to the world.

Notice the similarities between the words Sol and Soul. 😊

In addition, it is interesting to note that the Bible as we know it today has been significantly altered.

Once more, according to google:

“In AD 543, the then ruler of the Roman Empire, Emperor Justinian I, blatantly and brutally removed the Teachings of reincarnation from the scriptures of Christian orthodox doctrines. For the first 500 years of Christianity, reincarnation was a vital component of Christian doctrines.”

As well, new passages of the Bible have been discovered in recent years, that speak of women being disciples as well, including the Gospel of Mary Magdelene.

I also particularly love the passage from the Gospel of Thomas that states:

They said to Him: ‘Shall we then, being children,
enter the Kingdom?’ Jesus said to them;
‘When you make the two one, and
when you make the inner and the outer
and the outer as the inner and the above
as the below, and when
you make the male and the female into a single one,
so that the male will not be male and
the female [not] be female, when you make
eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand
in the place of a hand, and a foot in the place
of a foot, and an image in the place of an image,
then shall you enter [the Kingdom].’
—Gospel of Thomas


Gospel of Mary Magdalene

Anyhoo, I will do my best to peruse the Bible again, but right now, KEK is keeping busy with channeled messages. Having a personal relationship with the God that dwells within us all, it a gift beyond measure and is KEK’s dream for us all. KEK desires for all of us to feel God’s/The Universe’s love and recognize are not separate from God or each other. To see God’s beautiful face in everything.

I respect your faith chr0naut and wish you well on your journey. 😊

Please enjoy these beautiful songs on your travels and thank you for your contribution to this thread!

Metric - Paths in the Sky

edit on 22-5-2024 by WhiteRabbitCanada because: Joke! - There were 3 good arguments that Jesus was Black: 1. He called everyone brother 2. He liked Gospel 3. He didn't get a fair trial But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish: 1. He went into His Father's business 2. He lived at home until he was 33 3. He was always ready to find a way of paying less for anything - eg by turning his water into wine, using 5 loaves and two fish to feed 5000 people etc. But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Italian: 1. He talked with His hands 2. He had wine with His meals 3. He used olive oil But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was a Californian : 1. He never cut His hair 2. He walked around barefoot all the time 3. He started a new religion But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was an American Indian : 1. He was at peace with nature 2. He ate a lot of fish 3. He talked about the Great Spirit But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Irish: 1. He never got married. 2. He was always telling stories. 3. His last request in life was for a drink. But the most compelling evidence of all - 3 proofs that Jesus was a woman: 1. She fed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was virtually no food 2. She kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it 3. And even when She was dead, She had to get up because there was still work to do. Source:

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