posted on May, 18 2024 @ 11:06 AM
Back in the Old West, when it was Cowboys vs Indians, a Cowboy was captured. At the time, tradition was that the captive would get 3 days to live and
would be granted a wish every day. At the end of the 3rd day, they would be killed.
The 1st day the Chief asked what he wanted and he said "I want to talk to my horse" He whispered in the horses ear and it took off at a gallop. A
little later, it came back with a blonde woman and the Chief put her with the cowboy.
The 2nd day, the Chief thought "He's going to ask for a teepee to take that woman in". But again, the Cowboy said "Let me talk to my horse". He
whispered in the horses ear and it took off at a gallop. A little while later, it came back with a redhead. The Chief put her with the cowboy.
The 3rd day came and the Chief thought 'This time I just know he wants a teepee. He has 2 women and he's going to want to have some fun before he
The cowboy says, "Let me talk to my horse".
They bring out the horse and the cowboy walks up and yells