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Weird and unexpected premonitions.

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posted on May, 16 2024 @ 07:18 PM
A few days ago I was driving in my local town in the UK when suddenly a black Hummer 4x4 popped into my head. Now these are rare in the UK but not 20 seconds later a black Hummer pulled out of a side road in front of me. Must be 3 years since I last saw one over here.
Now i often know my phone is gonna ring shortly before it does and sometimes i even know who it is but this was unusual.
I quite often think of a song and turn the radio on or tune to different station and that song is playing. I also sometimes wake up in the night and know the exact time before i look at my phone.

Anyone else have small premonitions like this ?

posted on May, 16 2024 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: devilhunter69

Yes; all my life. Sorry; I have no explaination to offer you. I just figure since I pay attention to these 'premonitions' or whatever they are the ability gets stronger. The old 'if you don't use it, you lose it' saying may apply.

I've met people thoughout my lifetime that say the don't have the 'premonition' ability, but I've always felt we're born with this sixth sense. For those willing to give it a try it has worked in every instance. I tell them to start by 'guessing' who is calling them on the phone as a simple exercise, and every one has reported that the more they do it, the more accurate it becomes.

Perhaps we all have the ability to tap into some universal knoweledge but just don't know it so never perfect the ability?

I worked in a factory, and one week a gal filled in on my line for three days when the regular gal was on leave. On day three, out of the clear blue it hit me that she had had an abortion. I had no idea where that thought came from or why!
Months later I took another position and she was the other person on this two-person operation. She talked a lot; I listen a lot. lol
She always talked about how much she wanted children. A coule of months later she confided that she'd had a late term abortion which had left her unable to conceive.

I don't know why I so often pick up on deep, dark secrets from people. I keep it to myself because it wouldn't be right to share with anyone else.

I am not special; I just listen to whatever and however information comes my way. I never try to extract information, either; it just happens.

posted on May, 16 2024 @ 09:29 PM
Try not to run away with this.
Sure, psychic abilities might be real, but the human brain is very good at looking for patterns, and if you convince yourself
you're special and getting special messages, you'll go crazy.

Also, so what if you did have a "vision" of seeing a random Hummer?
Nothing happened, and it would be a pretty useless vision. For your sanity,
it's best to try to ignore this stuff unless you have a vision of danger or something.

As for knowing the time before you look at the clock,
that's actually pretty normal. The subconscious mind is amazing at keeping track of time,
and it's always running. My grandfather never used an alarm clock, bc he always woke at the same time,
like clockwork. Stay well. Don't go crazy homie.

posted on May, 16 2024 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: devilhunter69
A few days ago I was driving in my local town in the UK when suddenly a black Hummer 4x4 popped into my head. Now these are rare in the UK but not 20 seconds later a black Hummer pulled out of a side road in front of me. Must be 3 years since I last saw one over here.
Now i often know my phone is gonna ring shortly before it does and sometimes i even know who it is but this was unusual.
I quite often think of a song and turn the radio on or tune to different station and that song is playing. I also sometimes wake up in the night and know the exact time before i look at my phone.

Anyone else have small premonitions like this ?


In my experience, waking up in the night and knowing what the time is is not precognition. We have built in biological clocks that give us a good idea of what time it is, without paranormal effects.

On the other hand, that other stuff you mentioned actually sounds like what is probably the most common form of remote viewing--that's where you "remember" something you haven't experienced yet. In every one of those cases you mentioned, you actually ended up experiencing the thing you had a premonition of. Basically, it's where your present self gets in touch with your future self and your future self gives your present self memories your present self hasn't experienced yet.

I can't really explain how it works, but I've had similar experiences myself.

My martial arts teacher said that this phenomenon is real and can be trained for. It's how some martial artists become masters--they know what their opponent is going to do a second or so before they do it. I didn't believe him at first, but after a few years of training I discovered it is true.

posted on May, 16 2024 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: Boomer1947

Precognition isn't foresight.

Just saying I agree with both of you, 'seeing' a black hummer in the UK just before actually seeing said vehicle would definitely qualify as precognition whilst seeing a bright red ford fiesta which might be a somewhat rare colour could be construed as logical because that will eventually happen. Minutes before would be strange although hardly improbable...

Precognition sends people crazy if it isn't tempered and you're right, 99% of the time it's utterly pointless stuff that seemingly means nothing other than the body have extra senses we can't really begin to understand. The other 1% is either only revealed via hindsight or is totally forgotten anyway which renders the whole untimely phenomenon pretty much useless.

It does appear some can make use of it, most people I'd say end up suffering from such things especially if they attempt to read into it... It was just a brain fart... Don't panic!

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 03:02 AM
In this day and age you will fined a lot of rubbish.
so its best to teach your self.
go with your gut!

I messt up my powers.
I can almost only use it with films or books.
I just know the plot and whats going to happen.
I freek my frends out.

one time I was watching a film and told my freind
that we had watch't it before with him.
he said we never did.
So I told him Every thing before it hapend.
I dont think I spoild the film tyo much.
as he was so shocked.

with most people they know when a girl gose out alone.
after just been told not to.
creepy music starts and you know she is dead.
LOL thats the easy way.

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 10:05 AM
It happens.
Have always taken it as a milestone I'm on the right track, cause I've seen it before.

The flip side being sporadically dreaming about "possible things" an working to make sure some things never happen.
Which doesn't always work, but you gotta try. All stupid little things, nothing earth shattering just to be clear.
I give no creedence to anything special about knowing the time coincidentally unless it happens when you're also traveling or sleeping somewhere no where near your home.

After much thought 3am seems to coincide with Cortisol levels running wild. That's my current theory.
I could be wrong.

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: Draculad

FTR I lean towards agreeing with you. If Hummers are very rare in UK, then it does sound like remote viewing.
While I caution against assigning meaning to random silly events, OP might benefit from doing some remote viewing practice.
Can't see any harm in that.

posted on May, 18 2024 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: TheValeyard

Very rare and expensive to run!

They used to be used in advertising a lot especially for clubs but I personally haven't seen one for at least 15 years.

If he wants to practice we still have a few experienced viewers (I like to call them voyeurs) around, might still have time to look for threads that have plenty of information too.

posted on May, 18 2024 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: devilhunter69

All the time!! Two different ones...

1. The time thing, just like you mentioned. I'll be without a watch or clock, and visualize what time it is while on the way to find a clock, only to find it is the exact time I expected it would be. I can even do this after being asleep. Right down to the minute. The doubly weird part for me is, the time is often the caliber of a gun (i.e. 2:43, 3:57, 2:23, etc). That, or it's xx:50, or xx:05. One of the two.

2. The other weird thing which happens to me is, I can be driving down the highway at night and look up at the streetlights and say a certain one is going to blink off. Almost without fail it will blink off! My wife didn't believe me until I showed this to her a few times. Now she pleads with me not to tell her anymore because it "creeps" her out!

I first noticed #2 at a place I used to live back in the 80's which was alongside a highway. There was this one streetlight which would always blink off whenever I looked at it. I swore it was a coincidence until I told some other people who claimed they never saw that light blink off, ever...until they were with me! LOL!

Some crazy stuff for sure. Makes no sense to me. I'm just pissed I don't have any other special powers like being able to turn water into wine, or stuff into gold. Now THAT would be handy, but all I can do is turn off a stupid streetlight!

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

You need yeast and fermentables for the wine thing...

I get the clock/numbers thing but it's always 11:11 or 3:33 kind of deal, some cult-like minded people love that stuff, you could probably start your own with the calibre thing! That would be a pretty damn cool group imho lol

I've flickered a few lights, known others who can too. It does freak most people out especially if you're talking about ghouls and the likes... Personally? I think you're a wizard Harry!

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