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Days after domain expiration What happens and what you can do
+1 day We'll try to auto-renew it, or you can manually renew for the standard renewal price.
+5 days We'll try to auto-renew again - but if that doesn't work, your domain gets parked: your site and email stop working. But you can still manually renew for the standard renewal price.
+12 days We'll try to auto-renew your domain one more time. You can still manually renew for the standard renewal price.
+19 days Domain goes on hold: it's still in your account but inactive. Manually renew with applicable redemption fee.
+26 days Domain goes to auction. You can still manually renew for the standard price plus the applicable redemption fee.
+30 days If no active bids in the auction, the domain stays in your account but now it's expired. You can manually renew for the standard price plus the applicable redemption fee. Once there's a bid, the domain is removed from your account and you can't renew it any more.
+36 days Domain goes to a final closeout auction. Unless there's a pending purchase of the domain, you can still manually renew for the standard price plus the applicable redemption fee. You can't renew the domain if a purchase is pending.
+41 days Final closeout auction ends. You can still manually renew for the standard price plus the applicable redemption fee.
+72 days Domain is removed from your account and you can't renew it any more. You may be able to register the domain after the registry has released it, but GoDaddy can't advise when the registry will release a domain for registration.
originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
I don't know what I'll do without ATS.
Forgive me for asking a possibly dumb question, but how much does it cost to renew the domain?