posted on May, 12 2024 @ 11:44 AM
It's kind of a shame, the theater used to be a really fun place to go, but I haven't been to see a movie on the silver screen for probably 30 years
now. The wife and I have talked about going on a movie date several times over the years, but we've never managed to do it.
I think there are several factors which have contributed to waning movie theater attendance. Cost is certainly one of the top reasons, but I think
there are others also. Home theaters and giant TV's have certainly taken a bite out of movie ticket sales. The Wu-Flu was another, no doubt. But
even all of those things aren't the biggest one for me, I'd still go if it was just those things. The biggest single factor for me which keeps me out
of the movie theater is CGI.
There used to be a time when, even though you knew the movie wasn't real, you knew that the sets and stunts were all done by real people. Now days,
they can just create any wildly unrealistic scene using CGI and for me this just ruins the experience. Before CGI was used as extensively as it is
today, movies had to have a certain level of traction with what could happen in real life because the stunts and effects had to be staged by real
people. Now...anything goes. This break with reality really just kind of turns me off. Candidly, I don't even care to watch these heavily CGI laden
films at home.
The other thing which I think drives people away is the complete loss of control over the volume in theaters. It seems like the modern theater wisdom
is to assume everyone inside is completely deaf, so they turn the volume up to 11. Worse, they often vary the volume, so the soft parts you can't
hear, and the dramatic parts are positively deafening.
Oh, and one last thing while I'm at it. There has always been a history, ever since silent movies, of using darkly lit scenes in movies to increase
drama, but more importantly to lower set costs during production (if you can't see it, it doesn't mater). This also has been taken to extremes in
movies now days. Now many movies are just darkly lit shadows throughout the whole movie. That just seems cheap to me.
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. I have to go chase some damn kids off my lawn with the hose!