What I am suggesting is looking at how many countries are pushing to shut coal fired power stations and gas power to switch to solar and wind
The world is going it is going to crap, economically and socially, that there is so much that does not make sense.
What makes no sense is the cost of living crisis is becoming a world wide issue.
And governments of the world are pushing green energy,
By money laundering, most alternative energy investments are not actually delivering and the cost of these alternatives is mind blowing high for the
return of investment.
Questions need to be asked where is the million dollars for a Spanner really going?
Which is only increasing the cost of your energy bills.
I can see the seed through the chaff, it’s making sense.
After thinking about these consequences, and the substantial costs of green energy, I am finding it questionable that many of these companies are
generating huge profits such as windmill makers, solar panel makers, and energy companies, that questions need to be asked where are these profits
I am starting to suspect the money is being channeled into the building of vaults for the elites as we have known for years.
The punch is that this is a fallacy that should nuclearwar break out the elites would be safe in their holes, and should an atomic blast hit the
first things destroyed would be wind farms, the supersonic blast would obliterate all wind milks.
Secondly the solar panels would be useless if they are not destroyed as we will be in a nuclear winter, no sun for years.
In some places if they were not decommissioned due to this push towards greenwashing.
And if not destroyed coal fired power stations could re-instate as most coal power stations are in regional areas, and a lot of power stations have
company towns, and the staff that survive could get these online to at least have a source of electricity to at least help survivors, providing the
lines are still able to be used.
I know this is a remote possibility though where I live in Victoria (Australia) this is what is being pushed.
Shut down of coal powered electricity generation.
It’s a bit #ty putting all your eggs in one basket, and not considering there has to be a mix of power sources.
There is nothing else that makes sense, the elites a want the surface dwellers to have died off.
This is partially inspired by fallout.
edit on 7-5-2024 by Cavemannick because: (no reason given)