posted on May, 6 2024 @ 10:32 PM
originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: rickymouse
I wouldn't want salt from the Sea of Sewage either, but is there really a difference in the taste of salt as a whole? Great Value hasn't let me down
The wife and I compared the taste of many salts. There is definitely a difference in some of them. Both used at the table and also in cooking. I
like the taste of Himalayan but the price is way too high for what difference there is in the tastes. The daughter brought some nice french salt back
when her and her hubby were in France late last year, it was very good, from some mountain somewhere, but not worth three bucks a pound. The salt we
get is about twenty six bucks for a twenty five pound bag....I have to research how it is processed now to see if there is a risk of contamination.
I never realized that there was so much difference in the flavor of salt till we compared them multiple times. We do put Iodized salt in the salt
shaker on the table so if we add some there, we gain more iodine. Since the vast balance of salt we use does not have Iodine, We do take an
occasional iodine supplement...maybe once every two or three weeks. My multimineral contains a little iodine, but not enough.