I am not sure if I was daydreaming. I may have simply been imagining what it would sound like if the former churchmen I knew were talking about how
it was going with me.
One day after Mass, maybe ten or fifteen years ago, I had the impression that I could somehow telepathically hear personnel from my former Catholic
schools in the deep South discussing that they needed help and I wasn't doing enough with my life. Somehow it had attracted the attention of his
Excellency the new Pope.
People who I had known in the South, mostly in school or church, had been insisting that I was hate-filled and had to be kept busy helping the
Church's friends get reparations and other things. They claimed I hated the South and had set out to take it away from them because I deserved it for
myself. Their basis was that I did not want to do enough to help my Southern classmates. They claimed I was "at War" with them (their words not
mine) because I would pray to stay free of rapport with former teachers and classmates while also trying to understand my life there.
Another basis they claimed was that there were signs of my people in Africa and so I had to pay them back, and not just because the church wanted to
make friends with African-Americans. Then I realized Europeans had been exported to Africa by the Ottoman Empire. From the Wikipedia page on Ottoman
The Crimean Khanate maintained a massive slave trade with the Ottoman Empire and the Middle East until the early eighteenth century. In a
series of slave raids euphemistically known as the "harvesting of the steppe", Crimean Tatars enslaved East Slavic peasants. The Polish–Lithuanian
Commonwealth and Russia suffered a series of Tatar invasions, the goal of which was to loot, pillage, and capture slaves, the Slavic languages even
developed a term for the Ottoman slavery (Polish: jasyr, based on Turkish and Arabic words for capture - esir or asir). The borderland area to the
south-east was in a state of semi-permanent warfare until the 18th century. It is estimated that up to 75% of the Crimean population consisted of
slaves or freed slaves... Polish historian Bohdan Baranowski assumed that in the 17th century the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (present-day
Poland, Ukraine and Belarus) lost an average of 20,000 yearly and as many as one million in all years combined from 1500 to 1644.
I vaguely remember one or two individuals even losing the ability to speak clearly or read when saved. I am not sure about that one. It seemed the
schools had the support of society in ensuring .
Anyway, in what may have been a daydream, His Excellency seemed to have gotten the feel of what I believed about them, that it was a culture dedicated
to stigma management and to controlling everything so that outsiders could be sidelined into helping the South's foot soldiers. People who were
thought to have too much ability were soon facing trumped-up charges to share themselves with the community. When I tried to explain, he let it be
known that he already realized.
In what may have been a daydream, he said I would not recognize the South in a few years. If indeed the South are using soul theft and Islamization
to appear to be doing a good job, and to maintain gangs which keep outsiders at bay, then praying and saving them with the power of the Lord would
give Catholics a foothold.
Then it seems I lost track of the discussion somehow, ten or fifteen years ago.
I later came to realize that the Church used to openly teach that they have the discretionary power to withhold the saving power of their faith at the
discretion of the priest. I had been trying some Buddhist-inspired meditations and it seemed though I have barely scratched the surface, it had great
power to restore parts of yourself you had lost track of.
I hope it isn't so, but it occurred to me maybe his Excellency or other churchmen had decided not to save the part of my soul which understood what
had been going on. The goal may have been to give members of his Church a head start in moving in and managing the place according to what His
Excellency may think are Catholic principles. I had heard there were a lot of new people moving to the South.
Unfortunately, His Excellency has come out as Marxist. In what may have been a daydream, I had told His Excellency that I recalled a Southern
classmate boasting about wanting to be the Ottoman Empire and he replied "And that is wrong?"
It seems they just want the Church to be in charge instead of Confederate Nationalism, but still have a society based on slavery but with different
The Church seems to be like the modern-day Democrat party. Rather than being against hatred and ethnofascism and racist bigotry, they seem to want to
unite the bigots in a coalition in favor of Communism, so the have-nots could all hate the haves together.
edit on 28-4-2024 by Solvedit because: clarity
edit on 28-4-2024 by Solvedit because: added a sentence.
on 28-4-2024 by Solvedit because: added a sentence.