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I sleep no more.

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posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 07:31 AM
I sleep no more.

I'm awake.

It's been several months since my transformation.

They asked me why I don't sleep anymore, and I answered "because I'm awake."

I used to sleep like a baby.

Took me a while to fall deep, but when I did, I was gone.

God knows where I went, but I wasn't here anymore.

When I awoke, I felt heavy and confused.

It took me a while to return and fully awaken.

Now, it's not the same...

I don't sleep.

I don't dream.

I just close my eyes, and become slightly less aware of my physical self, whilst there is greater focus on my thoughts and a continuation thereof.

Then when I feel like it, I open my eyes and instantly I'm back.

No longer do I feel as if I traveled elsewhere.

Gone is the heaviness and confusion.

I no longer need a time of adaptation to fully awaken.

It is instantaneous and I get up and walk about as I did before resting.

That's what it's become; resting, not sleeping.

It's not that I miss it, but it's just different now.

I guess this is part of growing up.

At least I can still daydream!



I don't feel tired anymore.

Well, that's a lie...

My soul is exhausted...

My spirit is worn out...

My body is rejuvenated.

So there's that.
edit on 27-4-2024 by BrotherKinsMan because: Typo

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 07:46 AM
Perhaps it's because you have finally realised you are a "bot".

I wish I could wish you "Sweet Dreams" instead.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: nerbot

I disagree.

I am very much human.

A biological machine perhaps, sure.

But I am no simple 'bot' as you put it.

I have individuality and a divine spark.

I am as I am, and will settle for no less.

What you are however, I cannot say.

I will not speak for another.

You are as you are.

I am as I am.

So it is.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: BrotherKinsMan

I am very much human.

A biological machine perhaps, sure.

But I am no simple 'bot' as you put it.

I am "nerbot".

But I am not a bot.

I am a biological animal, not a machine.

I sleep because my biology needs it.

I dream because I am creative even at rest.

What you are is whatever a perspective believes.

These aren't the droids you're looking for.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 09:57 AM
I sleep fine. Always have.

It really is a gift. Most people I know can't sleep well at all.

My first piece of advice, exercise or do some kind of physical activity or labor. The more the better. Second, clear your mind of all thoughts when your head hits the pillow. Both of these seem to allude most people I know.

If you're not tired, you don't sleep well. Labor or exercise is the only way.

If your mind is racing with thoughts or worry, you ain't getting to sleep any time soon. This one seems to be very hard for people to do.

I'm a bit old now, and I still fall asleep within 30 seconds of my head hitting the pillow. Sleep a full eight hours without waking up. Like I said, it's a gift helped along with some hard work and the ability to NOT WORRY ABOUT EVERY LITTLE THING or even the big stuff when it's time for bed.

Of course, meds, natural or prescription, or weed might help also. Make sure you're open to the less conventional solutions.

And for those who have sleeping disorders or other physical ailments, I understand my advice doesn't easily apply to you.
edit on 27-4-2024 by Disgusted123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Let’s say the player realizes the separation between the avatar and self. The focus on the disconnect while helpful at first is not the goal. It plays a role but is not the goal. Eventually get back into your body/life/feelings (the storm) and play the game.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: Disgusted123

And don’t disregard this seemingly mundane advice.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: nerbot
Perhaps it's because you have finally realised you are a "bot".

I wish I could wish you "Sweet Dreams" instead.


posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

I just close my eyes, and become slightly less aware of my physical self, whilst there is greater focus on my thoughts and a continuation thereof.

As in you can be halfway through a thought before the act of sleeping and the thought continues as you wake? More like someone put you on pause?

I had that experience once when a serene entity was in the corner of my room and a glowing butterfly flew by, granted I was full of stress at the time... Might have been tripping. The whole blackout episode wasn't a comfortable experience though, missing time basically.

I've had/have some serious issues around the hypnagogic stage I'm still repairing, the devil's lettuce helped a lot but it'll destroy your ability to remember dreams effectively. Since stopping I dream a lot and I also supplement my ability to sleep with keeping busy and somewhat productive during the waking hours... If you feel like you're not doing anything it will affect your sleep. I drink chamomile tea (it's great) occasionally for sleeping too.

I think the ultimate key is being good to yourself. You might be onto something and you might be chasing butterflies but you'll be no good to anybody if you can't operate in a wholesome way. I suspect craziness is just a theme that can be dropped if the season calls for it.

Right now it's Spring albeit a cold one, I'm sure the coldness will end. When it does I'll be letting my plants loose on the outside and that's my little dream, to have a garden that functions for more than just my senses.

Having dreams are important, whether they're the ones you visit or the ones you make. Maybe you have things to do you haven't worked out, maybe you have things to do that are troubling. Either way my best advice is to learn to take time, it's yours after all.

I often enjoy your threads as they get me thinking outside the box, thing is the outside is a bit nuts when the perception is altered. If there's anything that is troubling you feel free to PM me as I've picked up a trick or two as well as practical applications that might assist. Especially if it's "out there" stuff. Sometimes all it takes is a "# off" through grinning teeth.

All the best BrotherKinsMan.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Try to fall asleep while leaning back on two legs of a wooden chair.

You may not get much sleep but at least it's fun for others to watch.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Astrocometus


I'm sure he can achieve that sensation without the chair, mini dreams of falling down the stairs and all that. Science says it probably comes from our days of sleeping up trees... Funny is a matter of perspective I guess, I usually laugh when I think I'm falling out of bed but it sucks if you're not sleeping properly.

You brought back memories of my stupid days in youth
that stuff is always funny

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 02:54 PM
I love sleep but I'm always awake in my dreams and I wake up exhausted from all the activity.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Lol you must stay near me with my crazy next door neighbour who blast the same music at all hours with his windows open .

Long story short his windows were screwed shut today from the outside with very long screws when he was out causing chaos this afternoon

Then a screwdriver bit was sacrificed knackering the heads of the screws so that they will not come out

Think Charlie manson but crazier and that is my neighbour, and I get very little sleep lately with the nutter

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam


That's a bit far but I don't blame ya, better than losing ya rag on the fecker eh?

So what #e does he listen to? I hope you find a new neighbour soon. Sounds like the one you have now is a right prick and I've been there before myself.

Here's to hoping he gets the message without it going too far

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 05:50 PM
Thanks for the concerns, but I'm fine.

I was just describing what sleep is like to me now.

I don't find myself lacking rest in any way shape or form.

It's just different now.

My thought is continuous and uninterrupted as I "drift" into sleep.

However, as I become less focused on the physical aspect, I also lose some control of thought.

At any time, I can wake as I please, or simply alter the course of thought and take charge once more, as needed.

It's a completely different experience, but provides a nearly identical feeling of 'rest'.

The best part is waking up instantly refreshed as if I had just closed my eyes momentarily.

It sounds counterproductive but what can I say, that's just how it works now; it's something.

So no more deep sleep and forgetting dreams.

I do lose track of time doing this.

Hours go by so fast.

It's neat.


posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Sounds a bit like meditation for me, not saying it's the same just that I see a likeness.

How's the intuition in this state of mind?

I'm glad it isn't actually bothersome. If it's similar to states of mind I got into it drove me a bit nuts. Like knowing who'll phone you before they do but times 10... I'd know what aftershave you're wearing and what you had for breakfast kinda thing.

Enjoy either way!

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 06:52 PM
Everything I just wrote got erased and I don't want to write it all up again...

So forgive my blunt short answers.

For the intuition, I don't notice a difference.

I drink chamomile herbal tea every night.

It helps induce a feeling of calm and sleepiness.

As for marijuana, I can't anymore...

My mind goes super over active.

I live a heavenly high, followed by an abysmal low...

Great if I want to live a nightmare or a paranoid rage.

Which I do not.

Kinda sad, I liked smoking and getting high daily.

I guess it's a good news, I stopped smoking cigarettes and weed altogether.

(Ok, I indulge in marijuana sometimes, but it's a hell of a rollercoaster, and I need to be careful with my surroundings and state of mind)

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: stonerwilliam


That's a bit far but I don't blame ya, better than losing ya rag on the fecker eh?

So what #e does he listen to? I hope you find a new neighbour soon. Sounds like the one you have now is a right prick and I've been there before myself.

Here's to hoping he gets the message without it going too far

He really does make Charles Mason look sane and is his double in all ways , my dog is more intelligent and does not cut washing machines up with a grinder at 3.30 am in the middle of a housing scheme ikyn .

If I wrote a book about living next door to Nut job for the last 6 and a half years people would not believe it , someone burned him a CD of his favourite heavy metal and drum and Base hits which sound like Klingon opera blasting through the walls in the Am , He plays half a song then skips to the next heavy track , then he falls asleep during the day and starts over late afternoon again , either that or the television is on full volume and he is arguing with it - in different voices

Get the message nope ! I pinned him by the neck to the wall 6 years ago , put a axe to his forehead and told him not to mess me about again , and that went right over his head

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

I loved a session/binge as much as the next chap but you don't crap on your own doorstep lol, sounds like he was smearing faeces all over the place!

Get the message nope ! I pinned him by the neck to the wall 6 years ago , put a axe to his forehead and told him not to mess me about again , and that went right over his head

Aim lower next time...

In all seriousness you don't deserve that, it doesn't sound like a clip would sort him out either. He probably needs help of some sort if I'm to be frank. I'm sorry you live next to such a bellend.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

Yip the dude is full blown nuts , I am lucky I am retired now and do not have to get up at 5 am like I used to , but all the neighbours work and around 30 + bedroom windows can hear him , he did mess with the young crew about a year or so ago and they had him in life support in a critical condition that he was lucky to survive , and still he did not learn ? .

He collects scrap metal to turn into sculptures

But it looks a lot like a scrap yard I live next to , it is funny in real life his crazyness it keeps us amused

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