posted on Apr, 25 2024 @ 01:13 PM
Looks interesting.
However, I have a peculiar vision of the Devil, and God, for that matter.
It seems no one else shares this particular view of mine.
In truth, the general consensus of your Devil is much more evil yet less mysterious, more ugly and vile, more crass and less graceful than mine
Do they not say he has a silver tongue and a touch of gold?
It seems mankind is capable of more evil than the devil himself; from my point of view anyway.
In contrast, your view of God is more bland and simplified than mine own; whilst yours is seemingly perfect on the surface, mine is flawed yet
approaches perfection at a much deeper and higher level.
Quite interesting indeed.
But I tend to stay away from such, since their depictions tend to draw my ire.
Just my opinion.