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posted on Apr, 24 2024 @ 07:57 AM
I'm hoping some of you have read these and if you haven't, I highly encourage you to. The story is based on a human who dies and has a copy of himself loaded into a Von Neumann probe.

The titular “Bob” is Bob Johansson, a software developer and science-fiction fan who signs up to have his brain preserved after his death, to be revived in some distant future. He little expects that a freak accident will cause that death shortly after he does so.

Bob wakes up in the distant future to find himself the subject of a study conducted under the auspices of a religious extremist government called FAITH. The ultimate objective of the operation is to place one of the revived minds aboard a deep-space probe, to be sent out to explore the galaxy. While Bob only gets limited information from the scientists conducting the operation, it soon becomes clear that political tensions on Earth—both within FAITH and elsewhere—are reaching a boiling point, and Bob is fortunate to have his mind sent off into the cosmos just as disaster strikes and full-scale nuclear war erupts.

From there, Bob begins creating a virtual reality interface for himself, just to feel more human, as well as countless “copies” of his mind, using the powerful autofactories at his disposal to deploy more “Bobs” to other parts of the galaxy.

The Bobs begin to develop their own names and personalities, and become different characters in their own right. Some return to Earth, to help what remains of humanity recover from the aftermath of the war, while others venture to new worlds, and encounter new forms of life, including one, the Deltans, who resemble primitive humans in ways that lead to some of the Bobs taking them under their care.

So far, this is a 4 book series with another coming out Sept of this year and to be honest...I just can't wait. These books are not over technical like some hard Sci Fi, but they keep your attention. Fast paced, interesting and in my personal opinion, well worth your time.

The saga starts with "We Are Legion" and the Author is Dennis E. Taylor. You can find all 4 books on Amazon for about $30.

posted on Apr, 24 2024 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

This feels like a spiritual successor to the "Pantheon" animated sci fi based on the works of Ken Liu. For lack of software wizards who can build intelligent code from basic script, the next solution is transcribing sentience from brain to computer thereby creating a new species, one that is almost godly except for a fatal flaw in the machine.

posted on Apr, 24 2024 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

I really enjoyed the first few books of the series. A fun read and somewhat original.

But I got bored with that last one I read as it was becoming repetitive.

A series that I did not get bored of was Craig Alanson's Expeditionary Force.



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