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Don't take advantage of people just because it seems easy it will backfire

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posted on Apr, 23 2024 @ 06:16 PM
Some people, I refer to them as "scumbags" take advantage of other people. This can happen in various ways and sometimes even with the consent of the person who is being taken advantage of!

I feel like there's a metaphor for the USA somewhere in there.

Anywho my current employment involves a 2 person team. I am the leader of that team. Go me. Obviously with only 2 people everyone has to hold up their end.

Well this guy I used to work with I say used to because they yanked him so fast it made MY head spin and I've seen a lot in this job. Thought he would be cute. You have to be self directed and complete the tasks that need to be done. Can't leave them for the next person. That person is me and I dont have time for your BS.

He thought he was so smart, because working without direct supervision he figured he could do whatever he wanted, which ended up being absolutely nothing and never be held accountable for it because of the no direct supervision thing.

Unfortunately you have to get up pretty early in the morning to pull some BS on me in this job. So immediately I called it out. I said this dude did legit 1 hour of actual work. Thats what I'm seeing. And this guy was also working about 10 hours of overtime a week masterfully avoiding me because he knew I'd send him home if I saw him on that OT. Thats a no from me dawg. Every day of the week and twice on Sunday that overtime is an absolutely not.

My boss did some investigating after a prolonged period of attempting to coach this person to do something. Anything. Just do any part of the job completely and thats fine. This guy was still doing not much. So my other boss got involved and that's where things took a turn!

Boss no. 2 is supposed to have a sit down with this person and he doesn't show!

Then he tries to throw me directly under the bus by claiming that my boss has told him to do different things than I have told him to, so he is gonna do what my boss told him to do or he is going to quit and he even went so far as to send in his resignation letter! If I continued trying to tell him what to do! Of course it was something like "I really don't want to quit but if Sho is gonna keep yelling at me for doing what the big boss says instead of what she says I just have to quit!"

I said what is my boss telling him to do? Should be the exact same thing I've told him to do since I've already gone over this more than once with my boss. I felt.........hard to describe. Like really? You're gonna try and make me look incompetent by telling one of the bosses I've told you to do something different than what the job is? I don't know what he was trying to accomplish with that because my boss actually defers to me since I am more knowledgeable in this area than he is. So they all knew its BS. Also it was one of these glass half empty/half full type things. Like it doesn't matter when you do something, just that it gets done. And it wasn't getting done regardless so his excuse was just obvious BS.

So that was odd. Then the investigation goes a little deeper into what, exactly are we paying this person for. And magically the guy admits he can't do the job. Thank you. Vindication for me. Or so I thought!

So the boss is gonna move him that day to an easier role with supervision. My job is pretty cakewalk. It is easily the best job in my company and that is part of the reason why. No direct supervision. Set your own pace unless its an emergency i even set my own hours. This guy was taking advantage of it and how laid back I seem. I didn't like him that much from the get go because he would talk to me really fast and use terms and phrases that are not industry standard so a lot of times I had to repeatedly ask him what he was talking about and have him show me what he was talking about. This is a tactic I have seen with a lot of people I dont know why. Its as if a woman in this job is so foreign to them they'll try any way to make me feel inferior.

Well once he realized he was being moved to a job with not just 1 but 7 other people and 4 supervisors, rigid schedule after he told them he couldn't do the job with me and had tried to make me look stupid, he literally made a fake picture to "prove" he did something as a last ditch effort i guess to make me say "oh wait bring him back" Which backfired because immediately I bingo'd it and me and my boss were like wtaf.

So this guy thought he was so smart, doing nothing working 50 hours a week is easy when you're doing nothing! Hehe. Raking in the dough and really just thought I wouldn't pick up on it. Tried hard to work with him because he started out cool and it is kinda hard to find people, but once he realized or thought he could get away with murder he started sucking real bad.

Character counts people. Don't take advantage of people just because you can. It will backfire eventually and you'll end up asking permission to go to the bathroom instead of spending 2 hours a shift in there.

posted on Apr, 23 2024 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna
I think I speak for many people who do work when I say, we all collectively feel your pain. It is getting worse because everyone has a stupid little device with them that they cannot seem to turn away from watching feed after feed of tik tok and youtube.

I hope they get the foot up their arse asap and get a nice taste of real world.

posted on Apr, 23 2024 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Hehe they got him in HD video playing on his phone. Leaning on machine playing on phone. In bathroom for one hour and 50 minutes, also probably on phone. Dicking around walking around. Didn't even start doing any work till 6 hours into his shift and then didn't even finish what he started because he wanted to high tail it outta there before I got there so I wouldn't "yell" at him. For doing nothing. The audacity of these people I swear. I dont mind working hard but ill be damned if I'm doing his job too while he dicks around all day.

I think he didn't realize they would watch video if I told them to.

posted on Apr, 23 2024 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

yea see I knew it. As soon as you said dicking around, I knew he was spending all his time on an electronic device. So goddamn annoying. My last job I was a supervisor and had to constantly chastise people for playing with their device. And it was a customer service food service job. Thankfully I got myself out of that and into a new industry with lots of promise.

posted on Apr, 23 2024 @ 08:43 PM
I was leaving for a month assignment from work.
A guy, lets call him Jerry asked me for $50.00.
I’m leaving says I, no way can I do that.
How about $5.00 for smokes then?
I gave him a fin.
Getting back a month later I’m not back 20 mins. and I see Jerry.
Hey I yelled out, you got that 5 bucks you owe me.
Jerry replied, I gave that to you last week remember.
I waived my hand and turned.
It cost me 5 bucks to learn Jerry was a POS.
One of the best $5. bills I ever spent…..

To P’sOS everywhere……sukit

edit on 23-4-2024 by VirginOfGrand because: ‘s

posted on Apr, 24 2024 @ 06:17 AM
Yeah but these people always get a teeny tiny baby slap on the wrist. Notice how they just demoted him and not fired him :/ He still got paid all that $$$ and OT $$$.
I noticed this is a common occurrence especially if the person has worked there a long time. They never get punished even though they don't do their job.

posted on Apr, 24 2024 @ 07:21 AM
I had virtually the exact same thing. A guy who had been with the firm a couple of months was twinned with me. Now as carpenters you are supposed to be qualified and capable of doing all the jobs you are meant to do. Yet this guy kept making silly mistakes which I had to keep rectifying. This attitude was driving me mad. This went on for a couple of months till in the end I had him up the wall and asked him what his game was as some of the mistakes a first year apprentice could do. His answer "I want them to sack me"?????????? So I said "if you don't want the job resign".
Now the bit of important info to go with this. The guy was married with 3 children and in the UK if you resigned you got no government benefits for a couple of months. Bbbuutt, if you get sacked you get benefits right away. In the end I could not keep covering for him and my work load virtually doubled, so I went to the management told them what he had said and what I had been doing covering his ass. They said "send him in", they sacked him and he came out of the office with a big grin on his face, shook my hand and thanked me for getting him the sack.
edit on 24-4-2024 by crayzeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2024 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

we dealt with them guys, we found out it was hard to fire them,
so give them a promotion wirh raise , to a job that sucks ,nobody wants...

if he stays, and does the work, then GREAT, and
if he quits,.... EVEN BETTER

and post your positions as "whatever is required" to do the job

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