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God lived as a Devil Dog.

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posted on Apr, 23 2024 @ 01:00 PM
God lived as a devil dog

A lovely anagram I'm quite a fan of.

I imagine our great and beloved God almighty once lived as a dog faced devil.

He masquerades well as he pleases.

Going about conquering worlds in the name of love and beauty.




He does as he pleases, but with a recognizable sense of unmistakable duty.

A righteous duty unto his kin.

He'd tell marvelous stories and go on forgetting himself and winning over and creating other worlds ad infinitum.

He'd leave agents, lovers, priests, friends, Royals, artists, warriors, acolytes, and wandering fools everywhere he lays foot.

And so the cycle continues, as he maintains his semblance of privacy, yet truly never hidden.

What a mockery and honor to life and death.

Such is his way, in my mind.

What's he like to you?

I wonder as I wander.

But not as a fool.

As a humble Man.

With an inquisitive mind.

What's your story?


posted on Apr, 23 2024 @ 01:32 PM
You say 'devil dog' and all I can think of is the snack that is chocolate cake and creme filling. I can't eat them now because of gluten .. but man used to love those things.

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