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CIA botched its handling of sexual assault allegations, House intel report says

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posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 05:53 PM

April 22, 2024, 5:54 PM EDT
By Dan De Luce

The House Intelligence Committee found the CIA botched its response to reports of sexual assault and harassment inside the agency, with victims forced to navigate a process marked by “confusion and disorder,” according to an investigation by lawmakers.

Employees who reported sexual assault and harassment saw “little to no accountability or punishment for the perpetrators,” the committee’s report said.

CIA botched its handling of sexual assault allegations, House intel report says

Seems to be a trend in the world of corruption, as DC does so will their agencies. Any one else wondering why the feds can get away with it using your tax payer money.

But President Trump is accused of a alleged crime, unproven and possibly paid with his own money not yours. So let's focus all the media on his so called error, unrelated to Politic campaign, but our own feds get away with it, Congress has a hush one cares. Because you are dupes, blind to the lies because you want to be.

At this point, those who side with the corruption are just as guilty.

If you allow it, to that's same as encouraging it.

Stand up, think for your self, use due diligence and question EVERYTHING the Government says, because they are lying, 99% of the time they speak.

Who's side are you the person reading this on?

Are you for or against Government being held accountable?

Then let's start by voting them all out.
Drain that swamp, lock them all up in Gitmo.

Corrupt career parasite politicians and federal appointees of said Politicians. They are all illegitimate rogues who have hijacked the Constitutional Republic.

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Who do you suggest we should put up to fix this problem that would literally most likely put us as a country far behind playing catch up.
I mean if that what it takes then so be it but I have not seen one person who actually cares enough to do something about it that can.

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 06:33 PM
Fits the template:

__________ botched internal investigations of wrongdoing by its organization.

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

DC stands for Diligence of Corruption. That is where the most powerful corrupt people in our society live.

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 10:10 PM
I am not surprised in any way that the CIA has sexual perverts and predators in it, and they silence their victims. They did all that shady # in MKULTRA, so they are probably still up to the same old tricks. I dont think anything will happen to the perverts. They wont loose their jobs or go to jail. They will just station them somewhere else and bury it. I dont think congress will do anything either, because there sexual perverts too. But maybe if enough victims band together and form a group, in enough numbers, even congress and CIA cant silence them all. The Deep State might be powerful, but I dont think they are invincible. Both Edward Snowden and Julian Assange proved that it is possible to fight them. We need a united army of whistleblowers.

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: ADVISOR

April 22, 2024, 5:54 PM EDT
By Dan De Luce

The House Intelligence Committee found the CIA botched its response to reports of sexual assault and harassment inside the agency, with victims forced to navigate a process marked by “confusion and disorder,” according to an investigation by lawmakers.

Employees who reported sexual assault and harassment saw “little to no accountability or punishment for the perpetrators,” the committee’s report said.

CIA botched its handling of sexual assault allegations, House intel report says

At this point, those who side with the corruption are just as guilty.

If you allow it, to that's same as encouraging it.

Stand up, think for your self, use due diligence and question EVERYTHING the Government says, because they are lying, 99% of the time they speak.

Who's side are you the person reading this on?

Are you for or against Government being held accountable?

Then let's start by voting them all out.

This is probably the biggest problem between politics and quality of life regarding representatives and their public at every level. People hold party above logic and then complain about the deterioration of their quality of life, when they voted for the very people that are causing their distress. I had friends that I distanced myself from because they would bitch and moan about this or that, and the things they were complaining about were a direct result of their elected representative's actions. But no one wants to take responsibility.

When I feel rights are being violated by political actions, I don't only hold the politicians responsible. I also hold the people responsible who helped give the politicians power to commit the misdeeds.

It's so directly related but somehow people miss it......or ignore it. And I get that sometimes the elected may fool their base. But when the same people get elected over and over again to cause the negative actions, it's time to take a deeper look and act on it.

posted on Apr, 23 2024 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Oh they didn't botch it. They handled it exactly the way they wanted to.

posted on Apr, 24 2024 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

yeah, no longer can you compliment a woman
on the HOURS OF BODYWORK , filler , and
paint jobs that rival the work done after

edit on 24-4-2024 by confuzedcitizen because: CAPITALIZE

posted on Apr, 24 2024 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: ADVISOR

DC stands for Diligence of Corruption. That is where the most powerful corrupt people in our society live.

Fear not...

When the anointed one regains control, he can fire them, like in the old days!!!

edit on 24-4-2024 by lilzazz because: sp


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