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It takes One to Be; Two to Tango; Three to Create.

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posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 07:29 AM
It takes One to See.

It takes Two to Recognize.

It takes Three to Form Shapes.

You might say, but two people can form a third.

However, I propose that the child already exists.

For him or her to materialize, one must already be.

A single point can express himself.

Two points can form a line, or build a wall.

Three points can form shapes such as a triangle.

The holy trinity has to be three in order to be as it is.

In order to be considered a creating force.

The Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost.

It took me a while to understand this.

I see now, and respect this fact.

It is as it is, as are we, you and me.

Just another random rambling from yours truly.



posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

For a good story you need a beginning, middle and end.

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

I think you're describing the dimension of pure thought, not the concrete dimension that is our reality.

Our reality needs "4". There is no such thing as a 3-sided object in our dimension. The most basic object in our dimension has 4 sides, the tetrahedron.
edit on 1020242024k40America/Chicago2024-04-22T10:40:10-05:0010am2024-04-22T10:40:10-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

I think you're describing the dimension of pure thought, not the concrete dimension that is our reality.

Our reality needs "4". There is no such thing as a 3-sided object in our dimension. The most basic object in our dimension has 4 sides, the tetrahedron.

Well, a cylinder has 3 planes.

But then again, a sphere has one, so, fair enough.


From my point of view though, that's where I function, and that's where we reside.

This is kind of all virtual to me, in a sense.

But well said.

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Well, a cylinder has 3 planes.

But then again, a sphere has one, so, fair enough.

Only in a 3-dimensional world of pure thought.

Here in our 4-dimensional world, a sphere and a cylinder have infinite points and PI in an infinite number.

This is kind of all virtual to me, in a sense.

I get it.
You need the Kyo to slam the child, that already exists, into reality.

It's like magic!

edit on 5720242024k18America/Chicago2024-04-22T14:18:57-05:0002pm2024-04-22T14:18:57-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

The Holy Trinity is only one triad, triune, group of three.

What about Trimurti? It seems a more complete trinity.

Brahma = Creator
Vishnu = Preserver
Shiva = Destroyer

There's a lot on religious triunes, start with the inner wheel of the dharmachakra. The three into one thing is actually one of the most common motifs in religious application.

Buddhism just mixes and matches things for different triunes with different religious applicability.

Ground - path - fruit.
Study - reflection - meditation
Desire - Hatred - Ignorance
View - meditation - action
Discipline -meditation- wisdom

Though the trinity that arose in The New Testament was likely fleshed out during a heated ecumenical debate (The Council of Nicea). Also worth noting is there was Anu/Enlil before there was a God/Jesus.
edit on 22-4-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Jesus is often depicted inside the Vesica Piscis...Like in the image above...

Vesica Piscis" literally translates from the Latin as "Vessel/Bladder of the fish"...

THe Vesica Piscis is said to have the appearance of a Womb; depicting where creation takes place. It's also said to symbolize the connection between the Spiritual with the physical and Unity.

The above image is my own depiction, it shows the Fathers Spirit in Unity with the Sons Spirit...The Vesica Pisics portion shows the Holy Spirit, which is where the Birthing/Creation takes place.

posted on Apr, 23 2024 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Thesis, antithesis, synthesis...

Whenever stuck in duality, it's very hard to see the 3rd option...

posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Very good ...

Though, "Me" to "you", or a line in-between, cannot exist without first having a perception of internal, external, and direction

These can only exist within a sphere, to first give you perception of internal, external and the direction you are facing relative to the two



10) WEST


These dimensional aspects, align with what those like the Freemasons refer to as their "degrees"

Within the first 13 dimensions, these relate to the construct of the perceiver, relative to the construct that they are able to perceive, or "think" within

The construct of the first 13 dimensions is what we refer to as "MIND". "Ra" in the Egyptian tradition

This is why the image above is referred to as "the philosophers stone". It is a visualisation of the construct of perception, relative to the physical, harmonic, and resonant structures of our planet

All of which is explained within the book of Revelation, when it is properly translated. With the 7 seals, being the 7 full tones within the resonant octave

These align with the 12 tonal increments of the musical octave (7 full tones and 5 semi-tones, for 12 total tonal increments)

The reason that 13 is considered an unlucky number (or dimension) is because it is the first dimensional aspect which refers to a consideration, individual, or environment, outside of "self"

If I am referring to you, but from my personal perspective, you would be the 13th dimension

The "1" of another, that sits opposite to you, within your 12 aspects of perception, is your 13

So in matters of luck, it is seen as representing someone other than yourself, winning

It is a type of externalised (or internalised) mirror which works in both directions, internally and externally, through the 3, which is a symbol meaning the meeting of internal and external, hence "direction"

This is why the Freemasons use the number 3 and 33


Hence, if we are to place the "sun" as the formative mind (1, 2 and 3), then we could consider ourselves the 13th


The sum of the of the internal reflection of the sun, as the source of our "mind", or indeed the creation that both the sun and our mind are intimately aligned with

The sequence works, regardless of what "sphere" you are relating to what other "sphere". Resonantly, not just perceptibly. It aligns with the physics of this worlds creation

This is what they are referring to in the Bible, when they speak of the 7 kings, 5 fall, and 1 who is gone, but yet to come again

If you look at the keyboard of a piano, you will see 7 white full-tone keys, 5 "fallen" black keys (which we refer to as sharps of "flat", hence "fallen")

And the 8th, which is the same key as the first of the 7 that came before it

It is talking about cycles within frequency

And the incremental structure within the spectrum of frequency

Which is why "Christ" (a word which actually means "Cycle") is said to "die on the cross" and then "come again"

Because cycles, like sine-waves, pass away from us, to circle around and come back

With "Christ" meaning "cycle", the word "Christmas" literally translates to "Circumference". Signifying one full astronomical cycle of the Earth relative to the sun

I can go into more detail on any of these if you wish

The symbols we use for our numbering system, very literally align with the process of creation/formation of a cell/sphere/torus

Again, this aligns with the first books of the Old Testament, which is why the books are referred to as "Torah", meaning "Torus", the geometric shape. Which is the same thing as "Horus" in the Egyptian teachings

The beauty of the number 3, in relation to our creation, is it can be used for every "internalised" form represented within the symbol for the number. And within doing so, there must also be an opposite "externalised" negative

So if you are looking at the external world as 13th, relative to your internal mind. Then there must also be a counter negative to this, which is the internals of your physical body

3, 13
23, 33

Person to person, God to man, Man to god. Mind to sun. It does matter

If you are thinking of the world to be the 33rd degree "gateway", then the sequence would be as follows

3, Mind
13, Heart, the projection of "emotional" mind
23, Body, the container through which you project
33, Gateway, the world within which you are able to project and reflect

Within the Freemasons, they relate dimensions a little differently to what is historically taught to Illuminated initiates such as myself

An example:

The 15th and 16th degrees are referred to as "Council of Princes of Jerusalem". Knight of the East and Prince of Jerusalem respectively

These are said to be "Historic degrees"

Within Illumination, these degrees are time, as it relates to perceiver. Not that which is within time

15th - Time itself as it passes "TO"
16th - Time itself as it passes "FROM"

Likewise, with the 17th degree, Knight of the East and West, said to teach about the importance of seeking truth in our life path and avoid repeating past errors. And the 18th degree, Knight of the Rose Croix of H.R.D.M, said to teach laws of universality and tolerance

Within Illumination, these degrees are perceiver, as they relate to time. Not the events perceived within

17th - The perception of time coming "TO" the perceiver
18th - The perception of time going "FROM" the perceiver

I can go into much more detail if you are interested. But I will stop here for now
edit on 26 4 24 by Compendium because: Removed double-up and excess words. And added clarity on 17th and 18th

posted on Apr, 28 2024 @ 11:41 PM
Also worth pointing out, there is a mathematic principle almost identical to the topic of this post, which apparently used to historically be well known, which has today been lost ...

A principle that we will apparently "discover" again in the future

1, cannot exist without 2
And neither can exist without 3

1 without 2 to compare itself it to, would be a whole. It would not, and could not, be "1" of anything. Because it is all

Therefore, 1 is not only equal to 2, but also to 0.5

Likewise, 1 cannot be compared as whole, to nothing. Because that nothing would simply become the negative half of a greater whole. Meaning again, that 1 would be equal to 0.5

For 1 to be considered a whole of something, it needs be contained within an equivalent positive and negative, which are both empty, or "nothing" in comparison to it's "whole"

These could be considered a negative counter, and positive counter. This aligns with the musical 3rd

But this means that the whole 1, between them, must also be seen as two halves, working a whole

Meaning that they must be contained within a "positive positive and positive negative" on one side, and a "negative negative and negative positive" on the other

This aligns with the musical 5th

The alternation between 1 as a whole between two negative counters as a 3rd interval, and the same 1 as two halves between two sets of counters on each side as a 3rd interval, gives us alternation of forces

What we call frequency

The heartbeat of the universe

From this, the ability to perceive inwardly and outwardly is born

Through such, 1 is not only equal to 3 and 5, it is equal to 0.2 and 0.5

The essence of this understanding and principle still exists today in things like the "Holy Trinity". Albeit vastly misunderstood

Something like (3) == 1 == 2 == 1.2 == 0.2 == 0.5 == (5)

It creates incremental recurrence (both +1 and -1) across an octave

This ties into the very nature of manifested reality and creation. Including all higher and lower dimensions and realities

"3" becomes like standing between two mirrors. Each higher layer, is mirrored by a subsequent lower layer, which in turn mirrors to a higher subsequent layer

The function of this is seen within perfect 3rd and 5th musical intervals. Major intervals (happy sounding and positive) and minor intervals (sad sounding and negative)

In the book of revelation the harmonic principle is described as "the two witnesses". No different to two people singing in harmony

"Minor and major harmony" is described as "the two witnesses killed (minor) and raised (major)

The harmonically perfect expanding form, is equal to a compressed alternate wave function, like spectrum. Something which translates within internalized cellular formation

And what we view as the expanding universe

Basically, the expansion of the universe, is directly equivalent to the increase in cellular complexity within all living things

Our perception or "all seeing eye" sits between this

We are essentially becoming more and more aware of ourselves, universally speaking

Waking up to realise that the world and universe around us, is an exact mirror of the insides of our body

posted on Apr, 29 2024 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: Compendium

Thank you for putting into words what I struggled to.

It is difficult for me to express myself.

Beyond riddles that is.

Or poetry.


posted on Apr, 29 2024 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: BrotherKinsMan
a reply to: Compendium

Thank you for putting into words what I struggled to.

It is difficult for me to express myself.

Beyond riddles that is.

Or poetry.


Yours was perfect

Sometimes less is more

I was merely offering some aspects you may not have considered

The realisation of your original post, is one of the most powerful things we can ever understand in this world in terms of perspective

It teaches us to see a perfect reflection of ourselves within all living things around us

Which softens our hearts

We seek to understand, instead of judge
We start to see anothers win, instead of our loss

And so on ...

But most of all, we start to understand the power of our place within creation

Our ability to cast forth, the things we want to see reflected within the world and others within it

This is the essence of what people call "Christ", which is cycle

When we have eyes to see the beauty and love in everything, rather than just desolation and pain, we find it reflected everywhere we look

Keep up the good threads 👍😁
edit on 29 4 24 by Compendium because: Corrections and added context

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