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Hurt my hip; should I go see a Doctor

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posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 08:09 PM
So what's you're opinion.

Back in early February there was a snow storm and while shoveling I slipped and took a big fall side ways, crashing down right on the side of my hip.

By the end of the day a smaller initial bruse turned into a big black bruse covering my whole life buttocks and starting down my leg. While it did hurt like hell it didn't stop me from shoveling the rest of my drive way and than a second time later in the day.

The pain mostly subsided after a few days and the bruse lightend after a week and a half.

Now, two a half months later, you can still see the outline of the bruse as the skin of my left buttocks is slightly darker than the rest of my skin. And when I excert myself, the pain returns. For example, today I was walking around my steap hilled neaberhood for about an hour and a half today. I walk more than that through out the day at work but on a level surface.

On a scale from one to ten the pain is 1 or 2. More that it feels weird and uncomfortable rather than painful.

I'm in my mid 40s; normal mid 40s health.

If it was anywhere else I'd probably just ignore it, but being my hip, the implications are messing with my mobility as I get older.

Worth going to the Doctor over? Or just give it more time to heal.

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

See a doctor.
Always better to error on the side of caution.

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: Dandandat3

See a doctor.
Always better to error on the side of caution.

It can't hurt to take an x-ray. You undoubtedly got a soft tissue injury initially (that's what the bruise is all about). However, that seems like it should have healed by now. The fact that you're still feeling pain under some circumstances may indicate a bone fracture somewhere along the line.

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

Don't risk it. That should have healed by now. Go to the doctor.

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3
I say go get it checked out by a doctor.
edit on 2024 4 19 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3
Glad you're doing better.
Obviously it sounds as if you didn't break your hip but there's a lot of other structure surrounding it so since you're not 100% after all this time absolutely you should see a Doctor. Just cause you're in your 40's doesn't preclude future problems down the road this could affect or even cause.

Ruling out a hairline fracture is just common sense.

I've had my own injuries I decided to tough out instead of getting prompt attention for. Not always my swiftest decision. Several have come back to haunt me and am painfully reminded daily of my poor decision skills. Like every hotshot ignoring the pain for a few months didn't phase me. It also never occurred to me it would become part of my daily routine for the next 20-30yrs.

Go see a Doc, get the x-ray.

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

No bones broken? Realistically, there is probably nothing they can do. If it did damage the hip joint, there is probably nothing they can or will do until you are an old man needing a hip replacement.LOL

I was on a ladder cutting a limb out of a tree when, after making a bad cut, the limb slid off the cut and came down on my left calf virtually crushing the muscle to the bone. The limb was a good 8 inches in diameter and really did a job on my leg. It left a massive bruise covering my entire calf that took well over a month to even begin to clear up and by the time it was gone, the bruised blood had migrated all the way down into the top of my foot and ankle. I suffered pain in the outside of the calf for almost a year after that. Still do actually, and that happened 7 or 8 years ago. I told my dr about it and he brushed it off as if nothing had happened.

I wouldn't make a special trip to the dr because of it, but it wouldn't hurt to tell him/her about it the next time you go. But don't expect him/her to do anything about it. Might Xray for broken or chipped bone but that's probably about all.
But I doubt even that.

edit on 19-4-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

I don't think there is much of anything they can do for soft tissue damage.
edit on 19-4-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

As others have said. Get it checked out.
I wouldn't worry so much about the bruise. But a fracture could complicate things later in life, if not caught soon.

At 35 I had a weird sharp pain in my neck, went to the ER, and then my doctor. No pain registering, but "I didn't feel right." Got a diagnosis of anxiety.

At 40 I got a professional massage only to find out my neck had been out for 5 years.

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 09:08 PM
Thank you all

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

I had a lot of experience getting hurt in my life, like you, when I was shoveling, I tore a muscle, and had to finish shoveling out the garage which had three feet of heavy wet snow in front of the door to get in and get the tractor out so I could blow the snow. The snow was packed, the six and a half foot snowblower would not be able to blow it without me damaging the garage door frame while trying to twist to get angles on that hard pack to be able to blow it.

So when I finished my shoveling and spent two hours blowing the snow on the tractor I went in...what a mess. My bib strap or my hooded sweatshirt that had slipped half way down my upper arm is what caused the problem with the torn muscle. I threw about a forty pound block of snow far onto the snowbank with the shovel, well, the muscle got pulled as I tossed the snow, guess you should not bind a muscle while overexerting it. After everything was cleaned up, I went inside. Small bruise, but the next day my whole upper arm was bruised. First time I tore that arm muscle, I did it twice on the other arm throwing blocks of firewood...I would suspect either my bib strap or the hooded sweatshirt hanging down caused those also. Wish I had analyzed what was causing the problem earlier, just zipping up my sweatshirt stops it and the strap on my bibs from sliding down my arm.

Well, I don't go to doctors for that kind of stuff, went before a few times when I was in my twenties and early thirties and they showed me what to do, so why go again. It got better, the bruise did what you said, and each time the muscle was sensitive for months. Oh forgot, two years ago I also was cutting down a birch tree by the power lines by the road, it was not a big tree, maybe five inches around and forty feet high, if it wasn't for the hill and the road and trying to miss the truck parked there to put the wood in, I would not have had too much of a problem...came down the hill sliding my hand up the tree as I came down and the tree started to lunge forward and I wound up on my knees on the road. Darn, cracked both knee caps and skinned the knees badly, maybe I should have gone to the doctor with those. The bruises on that lasted six months...the yellow part left over when they start to heal. Those take a long time to regenerate when you are over sixty five, not like being in your thirties.

I have lots of experience in getting hurt, went to the doctors many times over the years and learned how to patch myself up with their help. But I would advise you to go to a doctor and have it checked out, I learned from the doctors and many trips to three chryopractors over the decades after messing things up. Only been in the ER four times for getting hurt, A good Finn never evaluates anything without proper evidence being collected. I have to have the same thing happen a couple of times before I learn.

You may have cracked that cartiledge ring in the hip when you fell, my brother did that...he is just as bad as I am. His needed an operation because it was not healing, it ripped loose at the socket half way around. When you are a workaholic and have to keep doing something, you tend to get hurt more.

Since this is your first time, I would go in and get it checked out by a doctor. OH yeah, I just pulled my finger out of socket a week and a half ago, I pulled it forward because it was crooked and plopped it back in. Not the first time for me, but one time I tore the tendon loose from the finger tip part, I went to a specialist for that after a month, he said he could have reattached it if I came in earlier, I was building a house, it needed to get done, no time to rest until my guys got the roof all finished, I just handed sheets of OSB up, couldn't do much on the roof with a bad left hand that time. This time the finger just popped back in place, it is fine now after about a week.

My advice...go see a doctor, they will do an x-ray and check for damage. Cross your fingers that you don't need an operation. I would guess it messed up the socket or you have a ripped muscle. I have to note, I have been to the doctors many times for getting hurt, I just learned how to take care of things from my experience and I know when I have to go.

I like outpatient clinics myself.

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 09:26 PM
PS: Don't rule out a lower back injury. You may have suffered a disk injury impinging the sciatic nerve that runs down through the hip.

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

You probably should see a Dr. but I’m guessing you fractured something and now that it’s healed you have arthritis at the injury.
The bruising sounds like clotting issue, maybe damaged varicose veins?

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

It could be a Bone Bruise ....This happen to my mother and they called it a Bone Bruise ...She was in her 60's .....BUT Might be worth getting any X-ray ... Maybe just hit a local urgent care that can take X-rays....Best of luck

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

Yes you should go see the doctor if you are in serious pain.

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 05:27 AM
So, why would you want to see a doctor?

Aren't these the same people who want you to die from a vaccine?

Doctors are just the pawns of the "deep state".

Facebook has all the answers. Ask Joe Rogan, or Tucker Carlson. They have all the medical answers.

a reply to: Dandandat3

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

You should go see your Dr.

I did about the same thing in my mid 40s. Fell, landed on my hip and had a big bruise that went away, but stayed sore for a long time. Turns out the impact had caused some minor damage and the joint was infected. No surgery, just antibiotics for a couple of weeks and everything was fine. Almost 60 now and no lasting effects.

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

Go to a doctor. 10 years from now, who knows what condition it'll be in.

Don't be an idiot. And if you're here seeking medical advice....then yes, you're an idiot.

Go. Thank you.

EMT/Adv Life Support

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Don't be an idiot. And if you're here seeking medical advice....then yes, you're an idiot.

99% of the comments recommended seeking medical attention, so are they an idiot for doing what you also suggested?

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

You're misguided as well. Seek no serious medical advice on a Conspiracy Forum.

I stand by that as a Med Triage Specialist/EMT... I know my stuff after 40 years of ambulance life saving, people like yourself....


posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

To responded to me. So there...I'm just drinking coffee reading opinions.

Opinions are like butt holes: everyone has one. Just some MUCH bigger than others.

edit on 04244730America/ChicagoSat, 20 Apr 2024 09:19:47 -050019202400000047 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

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