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"We're All Hamas" Heard at Columbia University Protests

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posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 09:55 AM
More of what 'we are Hamas' really means they align with ...

Released Hostage Reveals Hamas Moves Hostages Across Gaza in Ambulances

Former hostage Hagar Brodutch has revealed harrowing details of her abduction and captivity by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, including the transportation of hostages in ambulances across the territory. Brodutch, along with her three children and a three-year-old neighbor, were held captive for 51 days before being released.

According to Brodutch, they were transported to a new location in Gaza wrapped in white sheets inside an ambulance. During the journey, they witnessed the destruction of their village and the celebration of their capture by thousands of Gazans. The terrorists showcased Brodutch and her daughter to the cheering crowd, boasting of their abduction of an Israeli girl.

“Hamas’s barbaric act of parading us through the streets like trophies will forever haunt me,” Brodutch stated.

Held in dire conditions, Brodutch and her children endured starvation, confinement in dark and unsanitary rooms, and constant fear of airstrikes.

“The cheers of the crowd as we passed through the streets were chilling. It felt like we were being paraded as prizes in a sick game,” Brodutch recalled.

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 09:56 AM
When they say 'we are Hamas' ... this is what they are saying is acceptable behavior ...

CBS - Doctor Who Treated Freed Hamas Hostages Describes Physical, Sexual, and Psychological Abuse

He also believes that television pictures of the freed hostages that suggested they had not been physically abused were misleading. "I think it was very deceptive," said Pessach. "There's not a single person that came back that didn't have a significant physical injury or a medical problem. On top of that, some of them were getting medication, to look better than they actually were."

There were also stories of hostages being branded (a common practice inflicted on Jews and other prisoners of Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust), and of being sexually abused. "Yes, we did see signs of branding," Pessach said. "We definitely saw signs of being handcuffed. We did hear and see evidence of sexual abuse in a significant part of the people we have treated. We also heard evidence – and that was one of the hardest parts – of abuse against those that [are still there], both physical and sexual."

Pessach also said hostages were subjected to psychological torture (as in being told that Israel no longer exists). "What really struck me is how prepared the Hamas terrorists were with their psychological torment," he said. "It was structured and preplanned. They're constantly saying, 'Nobody cares about you. You are here alone. You hear the bombs falling? They don't care about you. We're here to protect you.' And this really played with their minds

Rape and mutilation wasn't just for the women.
Hamas did it to the men too.

Report On Sexual Assault Given To UN Special Envoy on Sexual Violence in Conflict Areas

'The genitals of both women and men were brutally mutilated, and sometimes weapons were inserted into them. The terrorists did not stop at shooting, they also cut and mutilated sexual organs and other body parts with knives.'

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 09:57 AM
"We are Hamas" ... even some of Hamas admits that they are demonic.
"We are Hamas" ... they approve of rape.

Oct 7 Terrorist Admits to Investigators - The Devil Took Me Over, I raped

A terrorist with Palestinian Islamic Jihad has described exactly how he raped a 'terrified' Israeli woman on October 7, claiming that 'the devil took over me.'

The detained terrorist, who identifies himself as 28-year-old Manar Mahmoud Muhammad Qasem, said he broke into a house in an unnamed kibbutz in Israel and found a lone, terrified woman, according to a video shared with MailOnline.

'At first when I entered there was no one, then I entered a room and someone was there and was scared of me,' he said in an interrogation room while sitting in front of an Israeli flag.

'She told me to help her, I took her and threw her on the couch.'

He then described in sickening detail how he sexually assaulted the woman.

'The devil took over me, I laid her down started undressing her and did what I did.'

But the interrogator, from Unit 504 of the IDF's intelligence arm, pressed him, and the terrorist says he 'slept with her'.

The interrogator angrily says: 'You did not sleep with her, sleep is to sleep. So what did you do?'

The dead-eyed terrorist then admits: 'I raped her.'

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 09:58 AM
What Hamas is .. and what the 'we are Hamas' useful idiots are ...

Israeli Hostage Recalls Sexual and Physical Abuse by Hamas Captors

An Israeli lawyer taken hostage by Hamas was routinely beaten and sexually assaulted by her captors during her 55 days in captivity, a bombshell report revealed.

Amit Soussana, 40, is the first Israeli hostage to publicly speak about the abuse she suffered, which started just days after she was taken prisoner in Hamas’ deadly Oct. 7 attack and invasion of Israel.

New York Times - Who Started the Story - Amit Soussana Testimony of Abuse and Sexual Assault by Hamas

CNN - Amit Soussana Speaks About Abduction, Abuse, and Sexual Assault

Times of India - Amit Soussana Recounts Abuse and Sexual Assault by Hamas

I24 News - Survivor Testimony Amit Soussana Tells About Abduction, Abuse, Sexual Assault

Foundation for the Defense of Democracies - Israeli Hostage Recounts Abuse and Sexual Assault by Hamas

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 09:59 AM
I wonder if the 'we are Hamas' useful idiots ever bothered to read what the Oct 7 Cleaning Crew had to deal with. I wonder if they would even care.

Eyewitness Account from October 7 Cleaning Crew

Many needed to have water poured on them because they were still burning 12 hours after because of the fuel they used to set them on fire.

‘Their bodies were soaking with this fuel that [caused them to burn for a long time].’

Hamas didn’t just use fire as a weapon of war against partygoers at the festival. Sexual violence was used to humiliate the victims at the site, many of whom were young women.

He said: 'When I go back to the memories, I remember lots of bodies were mutilated to pieces.

‘Organs were separated from their bodies, women had been shot in their very private areas, the upper parts of their legs, their heads.

‘Women were undressed and then they were shot.

‘A few bodies that were hit by rocks in a very barbaric way, in a way that crushed the skull.

‘I saw [stab wounds] in very specific areas on women, around their genitals.

CBS News - Witnesses and Evidence Show Sexual Violence on Oct 7 Terror Attack

"Outside two cars, there was also two young ladies, naked from the waist down," Shmael said. "One of the victims was gunshot down in the lower part of her body."

Shmael said there was "definitely" a difference between how the bodies of the male and female victims were found. "What they did to these ladies from the waist down, it's not only rape," Shmael said.

A supervisor with the Israeli search and recovery team in charge of collecting the bodies showed CBS News some of the injuries he saw and documented, including women whose bodies had lacerations, stabbings and gunshots to their genital area.

"Sometimes women were shot in the genitals," Mendes said. "They were shot in the breast. And we saw, a lot of women came in, sometimes just in underwear. The underwear was very bloody."

"The one on the floor, her legs are wide open," the medic said. "And she was shot at the back side of her head, and her pants are pulled down and there's a pile of semen on the lower part of her back."

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:00 AM
"We are Hamas" ... useful idiots who approve of rape, torture, mutilation, and murder.

The United Nations confirms sexual violence, rape, sexual torture took place on Oct 7. The released hostages confirm that they too were raped, both the men and women confirm it. The doctors working with the released hostages confirm it. We can only imagine the horrors that the hostages who are still there are still going through. The dead ones might be the lucky ones.

“United Nations group finds Hamas committed sexual violence on Oct. 7“

A United Nations special group focused on sexual violence in conflict found “clear and convincing information” that Hamas, recognized as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government, committed rape and sexualized torture during an Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel.

UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Pramila Patten, led a team to Israel and the West Bank from late January to Feb. 14 to investigate claims that Hamas committed sexual violence on Oct. 7.

UN Representative on Sexual Violence Invited to Israel to Gather Information on Sexual Assaults by Hamas

Israel Presses UN to Investigate Sexual Violence by Hamas

UN Commission Investigating Hamas Sexual Violence, Gathering Evidence

Israel Says the UN is Moving Too Slow in it's Investigation of Hamas Sexual Violence

mass rape and genital mutilation on Oct 7

Hamas terrorists dressing female hostages up as ‘dolls,’ rescued Israeli claims: ‘Could do what they wanted’

USA Today - Sexual Violence - Hamas Rapes Hostages

At Least 10 Freed Hostages - BOTH MEN AND WOMEN - Were Sexually Abused by Hamas While In Captivity Says Doctors

Evidence Points to Systematic Use of Rape by Hamas

Eyewitness Testimony - Hamas Raping and Killing a Woman, and then Again Raping Her Dead Body - Laughing as they did it

The BBC has seen and heard evidence of rape, sexual violence and mutilation of women during the 7 October Hamas attacks.

Israel presents evidence, witness testimonies of Hamas's sexual violence in Oct. 7 attacks

NBC - Their Bodies Tell the Stories - NBC News has reviewed evidence that suggests dozens of Israeli women were raped, sexually abused or mutilated during the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks.

UN Cites 'Growing Body of Evidence' of Hamas Sexual Violence

UN Hears of Sexual Violence During Hamas Attack

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:01 AM
"We are Hamas" = useful idiots.

mass rape and genital mutilation on Oct 7

Hamas terrorists dressing female hostages up as ‘dolls,’ rescued Israeli claims: ‘Could do what they wanted’

An Israeli former hostage suggested Tuesday that Hamas terrorists are dressing up female captives as “dolls,’’ turning them into “puppets with whom they could do what they wanted.’’

Ex-captive Aviva Siegel, who attended a meeting of Israel’s parliament, said she saw members of the terror group bringing female captives “inappropriate clothing, dolls clothes.”

The female hostages have been turned into “puppets with whom they could do what they wanted, when they wanted, and it’s beyond belief that they’re still there,’’ Siegel said.

“We’ll soon reach four months [since they were kidnapped]. We were there for 51 days, and there wasn’t a minute that we didn’t experience abuse — and they are still there,’’ she said.

USA Today - Sexual Violence - Hamas Rapes Hostages

But sexual assault appears not to have been confined to Oct. 7. Two Israeli doctors, who have been treating released hostages, and an Israeli military official familiar with the matter confirmed to USA TODAY that some released hostages revealed they suffered violent sexual assaults in captivity.

One of the doctors assessed that "many" of the released Israeli female hostages ages 12 to 48 − there are about 30 of them − were sexually assaulted while held by Hamas in Gaza.

The second doctor said many of the freed hostages exhibited signs of post-traumatic stress disorder and "came to us as patients with the trauma of those who witnessed very severe sexual assaults."

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:02 AM
But wait .. there is more on what these useful idiot 'We are Hamas' morons believe in ...

Hamas Terrorists Had a Thing With Sexual Organs Targeting Genitalia of Israeli Victims

Barbaric Hamas terrorists had “a thing with sexual organs’’ and targeted the genitalia of male and female victims during their Oct. 7 attack on Israel, according to harrowing United Nations testimony Monday.

Some of the fiends’ unspeakable acts involved a murdered woman found with “nails and different objects in her female organs” and a gang-rape victim who had one of her breasts cut off — with her attackers then playing with it in the road, Israel said.

There were “horrific things I saw with my own eyes and I felt with my own hands,” said stricken Simcha Greinman, a volunteer who helped collect the remains of the slaughtered victims, according to the New York Times.

The Jewish state accused the UN during the special session of moving too slowly to address reports that the terror group unleashed sexual violence as a weapon of war in its attack, NBC News reported.

Here is the story about Hamas raping a woman and killing her while he was still inside her.
Just like the notorious snuff films.
Getting a sexual kick out of rape and death of the woman while raping ....

Isreali Special Police Investigating Sex Crimes of Oct 7 Terror Attack

Hamas terrorists gang-raped Israeli woman before one shot her in the back of the head as he was still having sex with her': Horrifying account revealed as police gather evidence of sex assaults during October 7 attack

Testimonies Here

Women raped - whether alive or dead. Others tortured until every organ was removed. The horrifying accounts of Hamas 'rape genocide' that left survivors so traumatised some have taken their own lives. A volunteer tasked with finding and collecting bodies also said in written witness testimony that he found women in their homes tied to the bed. One had been tortured,' a knife stuck in her vagina and all her internal organs removed', he wrote.

One horrific video testimony came from a woman who was at the music festival, and was shown privately to journalists by Israeli police, according to the BBC. In it, the woman - named only as Witness S - describes seeing Hamas fighters rape a woman and mutilate her, before the last of her attackers shot her in the head. The gunmen then continued to rape her after she was executed, the witness said. During the assault, Witness S told police that the attackers cut off parts of the victim's body, such as her breast, and 'threw it on the street.'

In a statement released through a support organisation, he said: 'Some women were raped before they were dead, some raped while injured, and some were already dead when the terrorists raped their lifeless bodies.

She said: 'Our team commander saw several female soldiers who were shot in the crotch, intimate parts, vagina, or shot in the breast.

Blinken: Sexual violence Hamas committed on Oct. 7 ‘beyond anything that I’ve seen’

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday the evidence of sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 is "beyond anything that I've seen."

Appearing on CNN's "State of the Union," Blinken was asked by host Jake Tapper why he thinks the United Nations and the international community have been so slow to condemn the atrocities, despite evidence mounting in Israel of rapes and sex crimes committed by Hamas against women and girls, and maybe even against men on Oct. 7.

"I've heard antisemitism hypothesized as a reason why the U.N. and the international community might be so slow to acknowledge this. What do you think?" Tapper asked.

"I don't have an answer. I don't know why countries, leaders, international organizations were so slow to focus on this, to bring it to people's attention. I'm glad it's finally happened," Blinken said. "The atrocities that we saw on Oct. 7 are almost beyond human description or beyond our capacity to digest. And we've talked about them before. But the sexual violence that we saw on Oct. 7 is beyond anything that I've seen either."

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:03 AM
What does the UN have to say about what the 'We are Hamas' people believe in ...

Report On Sexual Assault Given To UN Special Envoy on Sexual Violence in Conflict Areas

t describes the violence endured by men and women, some of whom were allegedly killed while they were being brutalised, as others were made to watch the sexual abuse of their friends and family members before being murdered.

The chilling report from the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel was presented to the UN Special Envoy on Sexual Violence in Conflict Areas, who visited Israel earlier this month to hear testimonies of sexual abuse.

An overview of the findings states: 'Hamas terrorists employed sadistic practices aimed at intensifying the degree of humiliation and terror inherent in sexual violence. 'Many of the bodies of sexual crime victims were found bound and shackled.

'The genitals of both women and men were brutally mutilated, and sometimes weapons were inserted into them. The terrorists did not stop at shooting, they also cut and mutilated sexual organs and other body parts with knives.'

The testimonies included claims Hamas gunmen repeatedly stabbed an injured woman while they raped her; that victims had nails, grenades and knives inserted into their sexual organs; and how survivors fleeing the festival witnessed 'girls whose pelvises were simply broken from being raped so much'.

More reports at the link.
Multiple eyewitnesses to the sexual torture and murder.
Doctors working with the patients and the dead.
Coroners working with the dead.
First responders working with the dead.

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: JAY1980

I'm a Multigenerational Miltary brat and no stranger to the Military Industrial Complex.

My entire family has concerns over the misplaced use of Military Power to suit Corporate Agendas.

We've always worked on the side of Conflict Deesculation, Security, Relief Efforts and the Defense of Innocents in Hostile Regions.

I don't have any power over the System, and I sure as hell have my Opinions, but World Affairs are complicated things and I know enough to keep my opinions to myself and stay true to my values.

Unfortunately, the Military is subject to the whims of Powers Beyond Our Control.

Most civilians don't understand what it's like, and mock the sacrifices their Servicemen and Women make when they dedicate themselves to the Military.

It's a HUGE Operation, and those who don't know are often under the impression is just about Brute Force and Murder, when in reality, there are so many operational divisions out there doing evrything in their power to Protect Peaceful People from the Aggressive Actions of Militants that they don't see the full picture.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that it's not our fight and we should focus on Domestic Issues and the Well-Being of America, but like I said, it's very complicated, no one agrees on everything, we do the best we can with the tools and resources at our disposal.

It ain't easy being cheesy.

I'm just a Concerned Citizen anyway, there's very little I can do when it comes to the Balance of Power in the Halls of Washington besides vote according to my conscience.
edit on 4/18/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:17 AM
FlyersF wooh, triggered much ?

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Don't be a rape denier.
It's ugly

ya, beyond Ugly as this :

13yr. old Palestinian boy raped in israeli jail.

Odd isn't it ?
that israel boasted that missiles sent
from Iran were intercepted,
yet israel 'could Not' stop a couple of guys on hang-gliders ?
coincidence ? Really ? think not.

All israel has to do is implement
EQUAL RIGHTS, and Free the child and political
Hostages that
have been imprisoned from BEFORE oct.
Resistance will never stop unless the apartheid stops.


edit on 18-4-2024 by ToneD because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

You're bringing up events that are highly emotional in order to justify going to war. Trying to pull emotional heartstrings with your examples means you're letting emotions control you. You won't think twice about supporting yet ANOTHER foreign war. When will people learn? Apparently never.

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: ToneD

Israel wants war, that's why America sends them so much money every year, to prepare for the war that they want to fight. Does Israel control America or is America controlling Israel? Maybe Israel is a proxy for America's "holy war" that they've been concocting for decades now? America has radicalized the ME since at least the 90's with its neverending wars, they've been preparing the region for a long time now, it's all about to come to a head and the people supporting it are clueless that they've been manipulated into supporting it.
edit on 18-4-2024 by ImagoDei because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: ImagoDei
You're bringing up events that are highly emotional in order to justify going to war.

Nope. I didn't say anything about war.

I said that when people run around screaming "We are Hamas' then they are aligning themselves with mass murdering rapists who burn families alive, take hostages and rape and murder them, and who call for the genocide of 6 million Jews.

It's not simply 'we don't approve of the leadership of Israel'.

They are antisemites. And they are bloodthirsty for Jew blood.

Very simple.

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: ToneD
FlyersF wooh, triggered much ?

Posting on topic information showing what those people are aligning themselves with isn't 'being triggered'. But considering that you go around saying that Hamas are 'freedom fighters' .. perhaps it's you who are triggered by seeing in black and white exactly what Hamas really is.

13yr. old Palestinian boy raped in israeli jail.

Separate topic. Start a thread on alleged abuse in Israel jails if you want.

THIS thread is about useful idiots who align themselves with Hamas and what it is exactly that they are aligning themselves with. They are antisemites. It's just that simple.

edit on 4/18/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Based on what? Your highly emotionally charged examples? Don't let their hate turn into your own hate. The globalists want this war to happen and pushing for it to happen HEAVILY, you know that deep down. Don't fall for it.

Are the wars ever going to end? Not if you and your globalist puppet masters have anything to say about it.
edit on 18-4-2024 by ImagoDei because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: ImagoDei
a reply to: FlyersFan

You're bringing up events that are highly emotional in order to justify going to war. Trying to pull emotional heartstrings with your examples means you're letting emotions control you. You won't think twice about supporting yet ANOTHER foreign war. When will people learn? Apparently never.

What? Wow, I have not seen such a word salad of nothing. Emotional response? Well considering the methods used to start this conflict, it could be no other way. Palestine is the red headed step-child of the middle east. No one gives a crap about them, except on how to use them to manipulate public opinion. All the while not doing a thing to help them. They are nothing but fodder to the likes of Iran. Why waste Iranians when you have Palestinians you can wind up and point at Israel?
Oh for the record ignoring atrocities being committed by the Palestinian people is par for the course for you so called peaceful dissenters! But I wager you are all for the war in the Ukraine. You were told that is a necessary war.

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: ImagoDei
Based on what? Your highly emotionally charged examples?

They are antisemites based on the fact that they align themselves with people who mass murdered 1200 people, mass raped the men and women, mutilated their bodies, burned families alive, kidnapped 250 people raping and murdering most of them too, and that they call for the genocide of 6 million Jews.

That's not just saying "i disagree with Israeli leadership'.
That's antisemitism.
To try to excuse it as 'emotionally charged' is ridiculous.
OF COURSE their actions invoke emotions ... at least they SHOULD.
If you aren't disgusted by them and if you don't reject them,
then you too are an antisemite and a #ty human being.

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: hangedman13

I'm against the war in Ukraine too actually, but nice try.

No one gives a crap about them, except on how to use them to manipulate public opinion.

Yep. Propaganda cuts both ways. They've shaped your opinion too, you just don't realize it.

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: hangedman13
ignoring atrocities being committed by the Palestinian people is par for the course for you so called peaceful dissenters!

The new people (kids?) who show up here hugging Hamas remind me of this ...
(prepare to read subtitles really fast)
It's dead on accurate.

Dismissing the facts about the atrocities of Oct 7 and saying they are just 'emotionally charged' ... that's the kind of rhetoric that would be drilled into the head of a high schooler or collage kid by some woke DEI social studies instructor.

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