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Dissapearing City

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posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 01:46 AM
I once heard of a small city somewhere I beleive in Nevada, with a small population in the eighties that dissapeared ?

I heard that they bulldozed the entire city in no time.

I was also told that articles about this have been destroyed.

Has anyone heard of this ? Was it a govt. cover up ? Was our govt testing on humans again ?

If enough facts, I would love to produce a documentary about this.

Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

Happy Hunting

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 03:09 AM
Well I've read something today about a town, Poletown, near Detroit, that was razed to the ground by General Motors... with support from the Mayor, the car workers union and even the local Catholic church. Hundreds of families were deprived from their houses, even after having protested and made pressure to the government. GM did that for bulding a huge car factory which did'nt even made it up to GM's expectations, and the families were not compensated for this treachery... they even did'nt had emergency lodging from the local car worker's union offices.

Greed and disrespect for human life are often better reasons to explain that than shadowy government projects or major conspiracies.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 03:10 AM
ph yeah, and that was in the '80s... Reaganomics indeed!

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 03:35 AM
The Mayan's disappeared but the places they created to live in remained behind........

I am thinking if they DID bulldoze a Nevada town it was because of nucleur wastes poisening the whole town.....leftover vestiges of the above ground testing I would think......but I do not KNOW, I am guessing.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
The Mayan's disappeared but the places they created to live in remained behind........

I am thinking if they DID bulldoze a Nevada town it was because of nucleur wastes poisening the whole town.....leftover vestiges of the above ground testing I would think......but I do not KNOW, I am guessing.

Seems like i seen something like this not to long ago, i cant remember the location, but from what i remember the footage seemed old, was in color but it was old, like some docu, and an intire town was destroyed and relocated, It seems like it may have been for a "natural reason", heck it may have been something i found here, i cant remember, i could be getting several diff stories mixed up. =P

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 12:19 PM
not sure about nevada, but there is a town in Pennsylvania called Centralia that was forced to be abandoned by the government because of a underground coal mine that has been on fire since the 1960s, and there is danger of all the ground above it collapsing so it was completley abandoned, highway rebuilt around it and all, pretty spooky if you check it out on the net, people have gone in and taken photos and all

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 01:02 PM
I have not heard of anything like that in Nevada. The closest thing that I remember and can find was Love Canal that occured in 1979 in New York. It was evacuated and destroyed due to chemical contamination in the ground and in the water. Here is a link to the epa site to give some information on what had happened. The Love Canal Tragedy

As for the nuke angle, in the 1980's there were more than enough civilian watchdog organizations such as Critical Mass that would have been more than happy to have reported somthing along these lines. The closest that I could find was

1986 After almost 40 years of cover-ups, the U.S. Government released 19,000 pages of previously classified documents which revealed that the Hanford Engineer Works was responsible for the release of significant amounts of radioactive materials into the atmosphere and the adjacent Columbia River. Between 1944 and 1966, the eight reactors, a source of plutonium production for atomic weapons, discharged billions of gallons of liquids and billions of cubic meters of gases containing plutonium and other radioactive contaminants into the Columbia River, and the soil and air of the Columbia Basin. Although detrimental effects were noticed as early as 1948, all reports critical of the facilities remained classified. By the summer of 1987, the cost of cleaning up Hanford was estimated to be $48.5 billion. The Technical Steering Panel of the government-sponsored Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project released the following statistics in July 1990: Of the 270,000 people living in the affected area, most received low doses of radiation from Iodine, but about 13,500 received a total dose some 1,300 times the annual amount of airborne radiation considered safe for civilians by the Department of Energy. Approximately 1,200 children received doses far in excess of this number, and many more received additional doses from contaminants other than Iodine. [See also May 1997 and July 2000.]

US Nuclear Accidents

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 01:56 PM
Great topic - modern ruins are very fascinating to me. I had never heard of Centralia before, that's pretty cool. You would probably enjoy reading about a photographic motorcycle ride through Chernobyl:

If you're like me, you'll spend hours looking through the photos at this site:


posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 09:31 PM
That kiddofspeed website, I found amazing. A whole area of Russia, totally abandoned. A good sized city with everything just sitting where it was left years ago. Simply amazing, makes me want to go see that so bad.

Everytime I look at an Abandoned buildings website it makes me want to drive around and look for some. Then I realized I'm lazy and probably would get freaked anyway.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 09:55 PM

That kiddofspeed website, I found amazing. A whole area of Russia, totally abandoned. A good sized city with everything just sitting where it was left years ago. Simply amazing, makes me want to go see that so bad.

If you want to see it (and with monsters too!), get Stalker: Shadow of Chenobyl for the PC...should be out soon, and it looks fantastic. Beats HL2 easy!

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 10:55 PM
town of mercury NV you mean????

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 11:57 AM
i do think the government was experimenting on the humans..........that's why they bulldozed the whole area to cover the story up. but i am not really sure about this.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 10:58 AM

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