This happens so much to me, it's annoying. I'll just about re-enter a perfect comfy sleep then my brain revs up, noise outside, family member alerts
you. Just about to get mega comfy and cherish the moment, phone rings. Just about to cherish the perfect battle in even a video game, AI resigns.
I feel butchered, like a blade of grass that's denied comfort, enlightenment, cherishment, always cut down before it gets too long.
Then the symbol of the illuminati pyramid made sense, that is, the aspect of the apex of the pyramid lifting off. The apex, denied. Denied
Always when I'm about to reach this perfect delicate tranquil state, boom, denied in someway.
Loads of people have had their interpretation of the illuminati pyramid, and so have I, never a solid one for why the apex of the pyramid lifts off.
For me, this is it.
Our most delicate self is bombarded. They even have a joke in the modern world, Amazon, calling their slavery warehouses, the fulfilment centre.
Always when I'm about to reach this golden glow, settled, clarity moment, BOOM. Too late.
We need these perfect moments, to align ourselves, to see beyond. IT IS ALWAYS interrupted. It lets us go beyond the materialistic desires and to see
spiritually more greater. They don't want us to reach that state.
It's similar to the loosh farm theory. But loosh is when very negative energies are released like a parent fighting to keep his child alive. I think,
they don't want us to get grounded, aligned. The negative fallout, is there from this, they could get something from the negative fallout, but,
something spiritually useful is in that positive moment, I don't think they want us in that sort of moment of usefulness.
edit on 10-4-2024 by JonnyC555 because: added paragraph.
edit on 10-4-2024 by JonnyC555 because: added words.