posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 01:15 AM
Black Pearl :
911 in
In September 1973 I was a soldier at Fort Sill, Oklahoma USA.
There had been many UFO (Alien Flying Object) sightings
on and nearby the base, a
great embarassment to national security.
Then late one night a UFO
Intelligence visited and gave me some visions.
Visions are like dreams but happen when awake.)
In one vision I was shown the pilots' cabin of a large aircraft:
- Many gauges and controls were on the instrument panels.
- A handsome dark-skinned man was flying the plane.
- A view out the front windows revealed the massive wall of a large low building.
The plane was about to smash into the building!
The Intelligence told me the building was an
important government building
and because of the crash there would be a massive increase in "national security",
a threat to public rights.
The vision was so
REAL it could have been the 911 Pentagon attack
28 years before it happened. (Some of the Future already exists!)
Can anyone of the scientific mentality please explain this to me?
Is it
possible that Intelligences can
- visit the site of a future event,
- witness the event,
- possibly even assist in causing the event,
and then
- relay information about the occurrence of the event
Back in Time to someone living as a People Person
28 years earlier?
I believe
GodAllahAlmighty is
the most
Loving Compassionate Nonviolent Being
over Creation but conclude that the surgical strikes of 911
were possibly predestined by Higher Beings for some Divine purpose or Justice.
No human military or economy is above the Law of Nature!