posted on May, 16 2005 @ 11:41 PM
Cowboy: Women play this game. Most women. 95% of all women.
You see, when a woman feels great love for a guy, they get a sense of relief. They have this little voice inside of them saying, "Oh my god, I
finally found him, I don't need to search anymore, now I can relax and just live life normally again without worrying about dying an unloved old
Then, they pretty much break all contact with you for about a month or so, only to come back, jump you when you least suspect it, and start demanding
a wedding ring. Seriously.
During this period of "I-Finished-My-Search-So-Now-I-Can-Restism", the woman is subconciously testing you. If you dare contact her or make any sort
of move to "win her over", you lose. She will call you obsessed, she will cry, and you will never see her again. Test failed.
I made that mistake many, MANY times in my youth. Afterall, it's hard falling in love with a woman, sleeping with her, and then the next month
afterward having her avoid you like ebola.
It wasn't until I caught on to this little game that I learned how to play it. You ignore them and if they DO come by or talk to you, you play it off
like, "Ohhh yeah, cool, so what's up? Anything new or exciting goin' on?" You can't let them know you've been crying, reading Dear Abby and
writing morose poetry.
Once I learned how to do that, I found that the women I met would come back a month or so later and act as if we had been "going out" the whole
time. It's really freaky and I've never understood it. However, every single woman I've ever been with has played that game. The part where they
show up a month later and act as if they never left is just utterly amazing.
Side note: This is now why I prefer women in their mid to late 30's and above. They don't play this game...they are ready from the get-go and know
what they want. The older, the better.
Take it from me. My advice here was given to a friend, and he was able to go the three weeks his woman vanished without contacitng her, now the two
are together and in love. So see, it works.
Why women do this is totally beyond me.