posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 12:32 AM
I typed these while I listened to the show. Just wanted to get them down for the record. It seems people love to talk about all they got right but
half the time they don't tell you what was predicted until after it happens. These ones seem pretty definite. According to SDM they were
determined by remote viewing.
George Noory asked about predictions for the next 6 mos –1 yr.
SDM predicted----
“Great deal of concern about the Pacific NW “ Around May 21,22,23 2005 deep earthquake activity on Cascades & under Pacific—Mt Ranier, Mt St
Helen- Possible eruption late Sept/Oct ( I missed which specific volcano)
Yellowstone Chaldera- same time frame lots of activity- deadly clouds of gas killing animals & possibly people- small pockets of eruption, sections
of the chaldera collapse. Activating Late May 2005 through end of 2006.
So Cal- BIG ONE 2010- LA gets Olympics at last minute. Nothing big for So Cal for rest of 2005.
NY Gets Olympics for 2012- disasters prevent it and move Olympics to LA 2012
Sept/Oct 2006 substantial quake San Fran area.