The abduction of Polly Klass is one of the most infamous child abduction and murders in history.
For those who don't know, Richard Davis broke into their home while 12 year old Polly was having a sleepover with some of her friends. Yes her mom
was home. He blindfolded the friends and abducted and murdered Polly.
He has been on death row since his trial in 1996. And rightfully so if you ask me. Well, actually I think he should have been executed years ago.
Richard Davis had a violent criminal record prior to this crime and this is actually the reason California passed the three strikes law.
Now, because of overcrowding I guess?
However, since then, a swelling prison population has meant the state has moved to eliminate sentencing enhancements for prior convictions,
which Davis is now arguing should apply to his punishment. He is demanding a new sentencing in his case that could bring an end to his time on death
Davis confessed and led cops to Polly's body and there is DNA evidence linking him to the murder.
There are few things that keep me up at night but every time I think about this case, I can't help but feel so sad for those little girls who must
have been so scared when a strange knife wielding man came into their room and blindfolded them, wondering what would happen next, then he steals
their friend and ultimately murders her. The psychological toll that must have took on those girls. I can't even imagine. The psychological toll and
deep sadness on Polly's parents must have been so immense as well. You're supposed to be safe at home. This is not supposed to happen.
I dont know what the motivation would be for a court to lower Davis' sentence to even LWOP. I dont know why that would help overcrowding unless
taking him off death row would allow them to move him to a different state's prison thus making him someone else's problem. They move inmates who
are serving LWOP to different states all the time like Chris Watts got moved to Wisconsin and Psycho Stauch got moved to Kansas.
I just can't get behind taking someone who is the worst kind of person, a child killer. An abductor. A life long criminal who confessed to killing a
12 year old little girl off of death row under any circumstances.
I think what would help the overcrowding more than just shuffling people around is to actually execute people. Let them know that a death sentence is
just that. It isn't something where you sit in jail for 10 or 15 years after your appeals are exhausted.
Especially in cases like this where we not only have a confession that is not in question, since he led cops to her body after he confessed but also
DNA evidence linking him to the murder. This should be an open and shut death penalty execution. Instead he has sat in jail for 28 years. What kind of
deterrent is that? It isn't one. IN MY OPINION.