Nygdan fantastic no biased and truthfull information and debating
Good thread this find is indeed very interesting.
However I can not agree with anyone who says Evolution is looking shaky.
as well said ID and many theories are just being used to try and use blind faith, rather than the reality of evidence experiment and proof, to try and
make sence of the world from their viewpoint. Its Biased IMO though thats a paradox in its own way!
As already pointed out every theory/premise is modified to fit the FACTS and yep Darwin may not have written the full answer fillig in all the bits to
one of the biggest and most important puzzles to us. But Fact shows that he was very much on the right road though only just stepping on to it.
So broadly when Darwin noticed the lizards on the gallapogos islands who had evolved to swim in the sea and graze sea grass of the rocks. Yep he was
stupid to think that Lizards some time in the past had adapted both physically and in their social and individual behaviour to survive there. Nope
some ID or being elsewhere created a new lizard like the old ones. But hey this happened on a volcanic island created recently in geolical time so God
or ID obviously had one of the Seven days of and did some flexi-time. He/She/It/They/ID whatever your belief is then returned recently to deliver some
of the new and improved lizards and I suppose guys at the same time created new types of designs elsewhere..
OMG im worried what happens if they have no flexi left, as the environment and the earth changes, and say the next ice age whos going to make new
Wooly Elephants? OMG!
Im not belating anyones beliefs or faith. Im not trying to Knock or being Arogant but I admit that I find it both scary and amazing the amount (40% of
americans recently) Believe in Creationism. I believe it you really look at the facts and look at the world around us. If you look at it from a
objective and Non Biased point of view creationism is debunked!
"The park cave with the greatest animal diversity is Clough. This cave is probably home to seven species of invertebrates that live no where else in
the world. This includes a scorpion, a harvestmen and several species of spiders. The cave is at low elevation and is warm and seasonally wet. Tree
roots provide food for many animals in Clough. Guano from an active bat colony provides additional food for invertebrates. There are several species
of bats in Clough, including the rare, Townsend's Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii). "
Nice Cave Site
Cave Life 2
You see same differant species but same Family. Like us and th chimps.
So im sure the cave scorpions think they are 'special' too and are annoyed that some are espousing that their land cousins have a 1% differance in
DNA coding! they are really upset saying they didnt come from their land cousins forget the evidence the God of Caves created them specialy.
apparently in a recent cave census about 40% of the cae scorpions think this is a fact.
Did ID or the creator run out of Blueprints or inspiration for these living things created in sometimes sealed environments, he just popped into
sealed caves like 30,000 yrs ago on his next flexi day and brought the plans for the spiders and stuff but just took their Eyes and Skin Pigmentation
of the plans? pretty lazy and uninspiriring IMO for an omnipresent being. Oops sorry yep right he was doing it on purpose to test our faith in him,
like putting the dinosaur bones in the ground. Yep it all fits now around 50 odd thousand years ago (ive heard from that to 12000) everything was
created but the creator had some time of so tired after making the fake dinosaur stuff along with making the whole electromagnetic spectrum give us
false faith testing data again, of course Hubbles observations were wrong the universe aint that old redshift is a test of my faith. So as so tired
came back to the earth recently to the lizards on the gallopigus, the mammoths and stupid if faithfull cave scorpion population!
BTW evolution theory is not an 'old' theory its evolving itself and changing to fit the FACTS and the world around us. yep its changed slightly to
fit reality but it certainly hasnt been disproved or even challenged with provable observable or factual information or data.
I think you will find that creationism/id whatever you call it is very much older mindset/theory in humanity. Infact probably back to when humans
first talked.
You see again the facts are there to see if people care to look on this issue. Lots of recent and I emphasise INDEPENDENTLY funded real scientific
research im sure I ll be flamed but I hate to mention it to lots of people but it looks very much like the idea of Humans being 'Special' or
whatever is itself being challenged. Yep Im special I adore human life and the spirit sanctity and uniqueness of us. But we learnt to communicate and
talk, as we ae doing now. That was a more important spark in human evolution and life than any other ability.
But maybe just maybe chimps are evolving to actually 'talk'. It has been proved now that chimps can communicate. I emphasise 'proved' by repeated
and recorded over many years of Scientific Work.
Take the time to Listen to this!
This link will probably blow you away a bit, but take the time to listen to this Recent documentary about 20-30 min real file but amazing...can you
hear the chimp talk? and besides that the 'consciousness' of the subject is in no doubt.
To the earlier Poster who mentioned Chimp communication it was Washoe the chimp. Through sign language. Another time this chimp who could both read
(sign language) and write sign language) was taken by its handlers once and went to a lake. Washoe was totally interested in the ducks. Very excited.
Washoe had never seen a duck before in addition had never been
taught or exposed to the Sign Language for duck.
Washoe watched them and after a while of silence and absorbtion in the subject got excited went to its handler and signed the following pointing to
the ducks.
" Water - Bird" it made the two signs together.
Please read book 'The Chimp on the edge of the Human Mind' proffessor R.Williams paragon press
Washoe Friends Website
That stupid chimp had in that moment done things that many humnas seem to have difficulties with
1. It came up with something new, created a new word. It was creative
2. Showed intelligence, i.e. taking past knowledge and experiance and using them in the present to adapt that info and knowledge to its
3.It did it on its own volition with no prompting. originality.
Please do some reading research on the facts about chimpanzee DNA, Individual and Societical Behaviour, Tool Making, and the facts of their
communication abilities before you believe creationism or cant accept the premise of them truly being very close to us.
Societical Similarities in Violence between Chimps and Humans
Jane Goddal
Chimp and Human Communication Research Group
One final thought if you cant see the chimp in the human or vice versa
.... why do humans have a cocyx bone at the bottom of our spine? If we didnt evolve from the great ape family why do we have the same physiology there
as a chimp? but hey its been proven to be a remnant of tails. But hey chimps dont have tails too, but other monkeys do, but they evolved and they no
longer needed a tail. But Humans, nah never my great great Grandmother to the power of 10 to the 6000000 Did not have a tail! well it is a bit
freaky for me to but the facts mean she probably did !
As I have said no disrespect to anyones views on this. I respect faith but not blind faith. I realise I Have gone off thread slightly but I feel it is