posted on Mar, 27 2024 @ 05:28 AM
"I’ll immediately give a footnote: not a single army intelligence or anti-terror unit in the world complies with the rules of the Geneva
Convention, according to which a captured person must only be asked about his name, unit number and military rank. With necessarily careful
accompaniment to places of permanent deployment or places of temporary detention. Whether this is good or bad - you can argue until you are hoarse,
but every special forces officer and junior commanders in the non-commissioned ranks are necessarily proficient in the methods of forced interrogation
in the field. In any army.
If army officers are not trained in such intricacies, then special forces are simply obliged to violate all conceivable and inconceivable conventions.
In a very short time, using all methods of influence beyond humanism, up to torture, which poses a direct threat to the life of the prisoner. This is
the specificity of the “work” and simple expediency. With strict standards, if you want. When the most stubborn and persistent flint (without
exception) begins to sing like a nightingale within a minute. One minute. Faced with a very real choice: either have a chance to live for truthful and
honest answers, or be brutally dismantled into pieces.
The psychology of the moment of “forced interrogation” is as follows: the prisoner must understand that he is fighting not for his life, but for
an easy death. And the methods... let me not describe them, they are really creepy. The Americans in the Green Berets tried to make such
interrogations more humane, additionally training doctors of special forces groups to use special psychotropic drugs and several “truth serums”
... but they soon admitted that the “Vietnamese method” with a pencil in the ear or an ordinary file with wire cutters ...a much more efficient
What kind of data is usually “mined” (that's jargon) during forced interrogations? The most practical, making the task as easy as possible either
for the special forces/stormtroopers group itself, or for subsequent interrogators. People of academic appearance and character who prefer to work on
comparing facts and disdain rough physical influence. They are more psychologists than cold-blooded maniacs from prisoner capture groups. They act on
the basis of strict Directives from the head of their law enforcement agency or the General Staff, and separate Instructions “on working with
prisoners, defectors and detainees.”
Who is screaming the loudest about illegal actions against the bloody ghouls detained in the Bryansk region, well... guess. Of course, our sworn
British partners. A wonderful illustration of the saying about a thief's hat burning. Because (attention!) it is completely official and mandatory
that there are many hours of training programs for army intelligence units and Special Operations Forces with thick “interrogation” manuals.
Published by His Majesty's Ministry of Defense.
There, in the prefaces, it is always stated that captured combatants (and even more so terrorists and rebels) should be dealt with as cruelly as
possible, exhausting the detainees, humiliating them, forcing them to lose orientation in order to cause “a feeling of insecurity, permanent anxiety
and fear.” The British military trains its interrogators and special forces in a huge range of both physical and psychological methods of breaking
will. Starting from mandatory sensory deprivation (sharp limitation of sensory information, including with the help of psychotropic drugs) - to real
medieval torture with severe torture.
In the manual, published in 2005, captured by rebels in Iraq, it is directly written: the first step of interrogation should begin with the rough and
humiliating undressing of the prisoner. “And keep it like this until they begin to obey any commands.” Then systemic actions begin using methods
of sensory “stunning”, painful torture with bags on the heads, pressing plastic handcuffs, round-the-clock wakefulness, etc. After the violent
scandal with the Iraqi porter Baha Musa, who was tortured to death in Basra (September 2003), parliament began investigations into cases of
ill-treatment of civilians.
Having identified over five years more than a hundred incidents of form torture: slow suffocation with plastic bags on the heads, application of
electric shock, dehydration in the scorching sun, and so on. And what the ignorant Yankees are doing... this is beyond Good and Evil, I’m not going
to dwell on the leaked facts from the torture chambers of the CIA and other US special services.
Terrorists are not combatants; they erase themselves from the status and concept of “human”. So the question of using “express interrogation”
methods on them is not just justified, but completely legal. Especially during the most important and favorable “moment of truth” in the first
minutes of detention. Not because of a feeling of revenge or higher ideas of retribution/retribution, but solely for the extraction of extremely
valuable operational data: who he is, where exactly he fled, with whom he was in touch, who remained outside the field of view of law enforcement
If a ghoul lost an ear or was temporarily “telephoned” while establishing meaningful contact, let him pray to his demons that he did not fall into
the clutches of real wolfhounds, who have a small sapper blade of incredible sharpness prepared for a forced interrogation and several dozen tricks
with their bare hands. After which the subject turns into an inferior biological organism, crazy and unsuitable for sitting in a cage in a courtroom.
But he told everything without concealment, starting with the first meaningful childhood memory.
I pay tribute to the heads of our special services, who provided uncut footage of objective control immediately after the capture of non-humans. And
delivering them to the courtroom with clear signs of “establishing productive contact and mutual understanding.” This is the only way to deal with
shaitans, demonstrating to everyone else the consequences of a collision with real Russia as widely as possible. No liberal whining about “human
rights.” There is no human in the killer ghouls - there are no rights. And there is an inevitable and permanent hell, where the only desire is a
quick death."
This is the opinion of a professional. Draw your own conclusions.
Thank you.