posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 04:05 AM
I think any one paying attention can see the self evident perils.
What We the People need, is to get back to a Meritocracy.
Using COMMON F'n sense, and logical reasoning, versus the mindless emotional knee jerk reactionary Pavlov dogs response we always get from the left.
It's a shame, to see Yuri-Bezmenov warnings go completely unheeded.
Remember if it happens in politics, it was planned that way.
No one, get rich in politics, unless they are a crook.
Corrupt career parasite politicians, belong in Gitmo!
Lock them all the F'up and throw away keys.
They can rot in their cells, for as many decades as they spent in politics and DCs revolving door.
# them!
Our so called alleged elected officials, are traitors.
As are their sympathizer supporters. This is a problem.
A dangerous precident, has created a dangerous President.