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Kyiv will vote 99% for Putin! Letter from Kyiv

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posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 04:56 AM
Hello ATS!

In Russia there is one journalist, political scientist, Ukrainian, later Russian TV presenter, announcer, actor, film director, screenwriter, founder of the art holding "Everything for You", public figure, Russian television expert, press secretary of the World Russian People's Council, Yuri Kot. He was born and raised in Zhitomir and Kyiv in Ukraine. In 2014, after the Maidan, he fled from Ukraine to Russia. Yuri is an extremely informed person, the son-in-law of the legend of Russian intelligence, Lieutenant General of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, director of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies Leonid Reshetnikov.
In addition, Yuri still has many friends in Kyiv who occupy various, including quite high, positions in the Kyiv government. These friends, with all sorts of precautions, send Yuri letters, which he publishes in his information channels.

I would like to present you with another letter to Yuri Kot, which he published on his Zen channel.

“Hello, brother. I know that our correspondence with you here in Kiev causes a lot of irritation. They read every letter and try to draw up my portrait. They are looking for me. So I will be careful. Don’t worry. Not the first time. Most importantly, you publish what I am writing to you about.
Firstly, we are undergoing a strict purge of any protest sentiments. Previously, he was accused of working for the Kremlin, now of working against Zelensky. Our Napoleon has fully emerged as a dictator. He usurped power. The elections were cancelled. The same usurpers gathered around him, from Ermak with Tishchenko to Arakhamia. In general, they act very cruelly.
All of them have already purchased apartments abroad, some in London, some in Dubai, some in Miami or California. Moreover, they buy real estate for tens of millions of dollars in the most expensive areas. Their personal planes in Boryspil are parked with constantly warmed-up engines. Less and less money is being withdrawn, because there is simply less of it. But they turned on the printing press to the maximum. We expect it to be completely over by the fall, if not sooner.
The people hate Zelya with a fierce hatred. Just look, he hasn’t come out to people at all for a long time, about three years. He understands that the common people will tear him apart like a dog tearing a rag.

The British are guarding Vovik. As I wrote to you, London is in complete control now. They seized power from the Americans in Ukraine. Hence the blocking of money from Washington and the dismissal of Nuland for the loss of Ukraine. In general, we are no longer American litter, but British. So soon we will reach the mice, that is, the Poles.
The people were completely intimidated. People on the street try not to talk, because the titular patriots cling to the Russian language and then there can be a lot of problems. All normal people communicate only with those they trust. The title ones are still showing off, but they don’t walk alone. Recently, one of these was found stabbed to death near a house. Drunk, he went out to buy cigarettes. Looks like I was up to the wrong thing with my Ukrainian identity last night.

Well, about the case with the man on the Niva, who chopped up the man catcher with an ax for the forced mobilization of Zelensky, everyone speaks very positively. The people are ready to do anything with them.
In general, this mobilization hid all the men under women’s skirts. Everyone. And those who thought that all this Ukrainian Maidanism would pass them by. No one will be able to sit out. People howl, but they can’t do anything. As soon as anyone sticks his head out, a crowd of Nazis immediately comes running. At best, they will strip you and tie you naked to a pole as an agent of Putin. And so they immediately drag you to the SBU, and from there there is every chance of going either to prison, if a woman, or to the front line in a penal battalion, if a man.

But the entire leadership is panicking. It flows everywhere, like from the roof in the spring. Budanov squeals that there are traitors in the General Staff and Zelensky’s entourage (this is clear to everyone), because the Russians know about all the sabotage plans and are definitely covering them with artillery, bombs, and missiles. In short, there are a lot of our people in the leadership here, judging by the results. Only we don’t yet understand who is who. I won’t be surprised when our people come to Kyiv, it turns out that half of the General Staff were our intelligence officers.
The Britons are very involved in organizing terror. It's just day and night. They participate in the development, provide intelligence, provide equipment, equipment, and explosives. Our morons only need performers. Unfortunately, there are still many of these. But little by little their number is decreasing."

“You know, when they yell that there are not enough weapons, there are not enough shells, this is no longer a bluff. Indeed, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are in great deficit. Now all funds are being spent on terrorist attacks. True, drones have been supplied. There are a lot of drones. This is now the main asset of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Cookies Nuland has been at the throat of Ukrainians for many years now.
Zelensky quarreled with the Americans and stupidly began to drain their prodigies, discrediting the US military industry. Their invincible Abrams burn even faster than Leopards. And the Patriots are not even able to defend themselves, let alone an umbrella? This angers the Americans even more. And then the British took Zaluzhny away from under their noses. They put him on the ropes - either as ambassador to London, or in prison for preparing a coup. Valera merged and merged everyone. Which was predictable. If you remember, I wrote about this at the beginning of winter.

I ask no one I know about the situation, everyone criticizes Zelensky, Zaluzhny, the USA, England. I say: “So who then?” They are silent. But it is already clear. Of course, Putin and Russia. But no one dares to speak openly. When you come, you will see that 99% will vote yes.

By the way, we are all sure that the United States is negotiating with Russia on Ukraine. Along the way, some kind of deal is being prepared even under Biden, so that the laurels of a peacemaker go to him, and not to Trump. I don't really believe in this. But the people are speaking. Let's see.

And, of course, I’m very tired of this whole circus with the green clown. If only the Russian army would come soon... We are not sitting idly by here either, as you know. Look, our underground is burning down enterprises producing UAVs, like in Lvov. Little by little we derail the trains and explode the rails. We give guidance on the targets. We obtain information about plans and locations. We sabotage. People are connecting.

So it's not all that bad for us. We bring victory as close as we can. Be there."

I allowed myself to make a minimal edition of words and expressions, as well as idiomatic phrases that are characteristic only of the Russian language, since Google translator does not understand them.

Thank you.
edit on 16-3-2024 by RussianTroll because: correct

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 05:09 AM
What the f*ck is a “Kyiv” anyway ?

Chicken Kiev.?

edit on 16-3-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 05:14 AM

originally posted by: Imhere
What the f*ck is a “Kyiv” anyway ?

Chicken Kiev.?

Unfortunately, Google's algorithms follow the Ukrainian political agenda. The Russian city was called “Kiev” for 1000 years, but Zelensky renamed it “Kyiv”.

By the way, in Russian the word Kyiv sounds like an obscene curse))))

(post by Imhere removed for a manners violation)

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 05:36 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

What is the purpose of this OP ? You post a supposed letter of some pro-warmonger / Pro-Kremlin fool . Yuri itself, a traitor that goes to long prison if return to Ukraine .

Yuri Kot is sick propagandist

No more talk' Putin's mouthpiece issues nuclear missile threat to London and Washington

Russian TV Debates Whether Ukrainians Should Be 'Eliminated or Re-Educated'

Yuri Kot betrayed Ukraine and fled to Russia: how a former presenter became an ardent Putinist and propagandist

edit on 16-3-2024 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-3-2024 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 06:07 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
Hello ATS!

In Russia there is one journalist, political scientist, Ukrainian, later Russian TV presenter, announcer, actor, film director, screenwriter, founder of the art holding "Everything for You", public figure, Russian television expert, press secretary of the World Russian People's Council, Yuri Kot. He was born and raised in Zhitomir and Kyiv in Ukraine. In 2014, after the Maidan, he fled from Ukraine to Russia. Yuri is an extremely informed person, the son-in-law of the legend of Russian intelligence, Lieutenant General of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, director of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies Leonid Reshetnikov.
In addition,

You must really admire this guy.

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 06:12 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: RussianTroll

What is the purpose of this OP ? You post a supposed letter of some pro-warmonger / Pro-Kremlin fool . Yuri itself, a traitor that goes to long prison if return to Ukraine .

Yuri Kot is sick propagandist

No more talk' Putin's mouthpiece issues nuclear missile threat to London and Washington

Russian TV Debates Whether Ukrainians Should Be 'Eliminated or Re-Educated'

Yuri Kot betrayed Ukraine and fled to Russia: how a former presenter became an ardent Putinist and propagandist

Aren’t you Finland?

Ok Finland, what are your thoughts on Chicken Kiev?

Please tell me you’re pronouncing it as “Kyiv”


edit on 16-3-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: Imhere

Slava Ukraini

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: Imhere

Slava Ukraini

You like Bandera?

say it loud!!!!…

Do YOU support Azov?

Yes or no?

Answer the question and don’t dance.

Yes or no?

And don’t try to skrim your way by saying “ well Russia came in! etc


edit on 16-3-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

It was lies like this that led Putin to firmly believe that his initial invasion would be met with widespread support and his army would be control of Kiyv within 3 days.

Which raises the question as to whose side this journalist is on?

As for the anti British rhetoric - that's getting a bit boring now. Britain is less a world power these days than Ukraine is, so try something a bit more realistic. Maybe it's Mozambique that is in control of Ukraine?

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

One thing that I find intriguing is that, in spite of all Zelensky's bloody terror, Ukrainians don't hug the brave Russian soldiers who came to liberate them or decorate their necks with garlands of flowers. Do you know the reasons for such a behavior? Because it really puzzles me that people can be such ungrateful b****es.

It's not the first time great Russia carries the torch of freedom to its Slavic brothers and sisters. Like it was in the epic time of glorious USSR. My heart is breaking for the heroic Russian soldiers who sacrifice their lives fighting for the freedom of other nations. Sure, there are some incidents like, for example, the pro-Kremlin neo-Nazi militia murdering or torturing Ukrainian war prisoners, castrating them or cutting off their fingers or ears but I think we can forgive them such a minor faux pas.
edit on 16-3-2024 by twistedpuppy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 06:44 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: twistedpuppy

Quite the opposite is true. Despite all the hell that was in Avdeevka, Bakhmut and Marinka, most residents did not evacuate to Ukraine, but sat in basements, ate canned food and waited for the Russian army. The Russian Presidential elections are currently underway. Citizens of Ukraine who were recently released and have not yet received a Russian passport also vote. Using your Ukrainian passport with registration in the recently liberated cities.
If they hated Russians, then why were they allowed to vote in elections? I am sure that the result there will be 100% for Putin.

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: WaESN
a reply to: RussianTroll

It was lies like this that led Putin to firmly believe that his initial invasion would be met with widespread support and his army would be control of Kiyv within 3 days.

Which raises the question as to whose side this journalist is on?

As for the anti British rhetoric - that's getting a bit boring now. Britain is less a world power these days than Ukraine is, so try something a bit more realistic. Maybe it's Mozambique that is in control of Ukraine?

How can we tell which side is lying? Our side are known liars, and it is right to our faces. I am considering this is data even if we have throw it away later just based on Sherlock Holmes' approach to "if we haven't eliminated it as a possibility, then it is still on the table".

To me we have use discernment but if the "good guys' are truly just more bad guys, only our bad guys, then we are helping our "bad guys claiming to be good" destroy everything that is good for more power and less of our freedoms..

edit on 16000000433120243America/Chicago03am3 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

The Russian Presidential elections are currently underway. Citizens of Ukraine who were recently released and have not yet received a Russian passport also vote. Using your Ukrainian passport with registration in the recently liberated cities.

Oh you mean those armed soldiers carrying machine guns who visit the locals to give them ballot boxes. Yeah I know Putin will get 100% of votes. I actually never doubted it.

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 07:11 AM
The letter is hearsay at best.

I could write a letter how i am the Holy Roman Emperor and you gonna have to believe it because it is written in a letter.

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: twistedpuppy

I don't know of such cases. If in your state this is a normal phenomenon during elections, then your concern is understandable.

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 07:21 AM
I think you've out done yourself with posting propaganda today RT.
This guy is a real hater of anything thats not Russia, he's another one who seems to suffer some sort of inadequacy and likes threatening Nuclear attacks on an almost daily basis.
If someone spils his drink does he jump up and threaten them with an imitation missile??

Unfortunately, Google's algorithms follow the Ukrainian political agenda. The Russian city was called “Kiev” for 1000 years, but Zelensky renamed it “Kyiv”.

By the way, in Russian the word Kyiv sounds like an obscene curse))))

Care to prove that? Is it another lie i wonder? Thats because the word is Ukrainian and not Russian....

When the Soviet Union controlled the area during the 20th century, it systemically tried to quell Ukrainian culture in favor of Russian culture—a process known as Russification, with origins dating back to the 19th century. This included promoting Russian over Ukrainian language, which is essentially how Kiev became more popular than Kyiv among international audiences. As the Soviet Union unraveled in 1991, Ukraine declared its independence and the country has been working to supplant Kiev with Kyiv ever since.

The short answer is simple: Ukrainians call their capital “Kyiv” (kee-yiv), the spelling, a transliteration of the Ukrainian Київ. The Russian version is “Kiev” (kee-yev).

The latter, based on transliteration from the Russian cyrillic Киев, became the internationally accepted name through the Soviet period and into the first years of this century, its recognisability enhanced perhaps by the eponymous chicken dish that became popular in the west in the 1970s.

But it is now associated with the Russification of Ukraine, and in recent years more and more publications, governments, airports and geographical dictionaries have switched the spelling to the Ukrainian variant.

Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is one of the jewels of Eastern Europe. Hugging the banks of the river Dnipro, Kyiv is home to about 3 million people (per Britannica), who live among some of the most magnificent public art works in the region, including the Orthodox cathedral complex of St. Sophia, the famous Maidan Square where the pro-European "Euromaidan" movement took its name, and a number of city gates dating back to the 900s.

The two countries share a complicated history. Ukraine, in fact, is older than Russia — or at least Kyiv is.Before the existence of either country, Eastern Europe was inhabited by tribes collectively called the Eastern Slavs, who spoke similar Indo-European languages and shared a more or less common culture. The Slavs did not have anything like a state and were constantly at war, both with each other and their neighbors: the Byzantine Empire in the south, Asian raiders on the Ukrainian steppe, Germans in the west, and eventually Muslims sent from Baghdad.

A 12th-century chronicle records that three Slavic brothers, Kyi, Shchek, and Khoryv, founded a city on three hills by the banks of the Dnipro and named Kyiv, for the oldest brother. Later, around the 800s, the Viking mercenaries in the pay of Constantinople captured Kyiv and made it the capital of a new state, called the Kyivan Rus. In 988, King Volodymyr ordered the mass baptism of his city in the river, converting the Rus to the Orthodox faith. Princeton University notes that in its heyday in the 11th century A.D., the Kyivan Rus was the largest sovereign country in Europe. Kyiv became a metropolis, not just Slavic and Germanic but with growing Greek, Jewish, Armenian, Genoese, and Arab populations.

edit on 16-3-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
... recently liberated cities.

Ukraine cities aren't 'liberated'. They are decimated and conquered.

I am sure that the result there will be 100% for Putin.

Considering that all the real opposition ends up either dead or in prison, and considering that people are 'voting' with a gun at their back, and considering that the Russian state under Putin is the one that supposedly counts the votes ... I'm sure the result there will be 110% for Putin.
edit on 3/16/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

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