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What was the point of the vax

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posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: annonentity

How come you can post your doom porn on it?

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: annonentity

Altered DNA.. Genetically modified people. Crispr operating system. Mutants.. Welcome to the real agenda behind the transgender movement. Generation alpha. ground zero...

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

If you check out the Alex Jones vid, he checked out the Red Cross stuff rather than post disinformation and it was a fact. The reason that this stuff reaches the light of day is because it is meant to.It will all add to the breakdown of the present system when the supply lines pack up. The Billionaires are planning not for war but civil unrest, and the information is that they will bug out for six months. By the time your neighbor has eaten you, then his neighbor eats them in six months it will be all over the job is done. We are living on inventory now. Most of modern society is dependent on so many things arriving on time, the day they don't it's over.
The evidence that seems to be coming out is that the Sinovax and Sputnik vaccines contain the same stuff as the Western equivalents, which is no surprise as they all signed up for a depopulation target. Here Chuvaz injected two rats, with sinovax and sputnick and left a third one clear. Within nine hours they were putting out a signal. He seems to be working with the Mexican Government, to get Chlorine dioxide off the banned list for detoxification.
edit on pm220242America/Chicago229142924 by annonentity because: (no reason given)

Now this one is interesting, where the numbers coming out of people, are plugged into a computer and analyzed with "wire shark" No extra BS either way you look at it people are emitting so how is this legal?
edit on pm220242America/Chicago229342924 by annonentity because: adding

What is obvious is that the transmission signals are strong, which is not good as the sphere which it is radiating from is subject to constant RDF which might be a great cause of turbo cancer.
edit on pm220242America/Chicago229572924 by annonentity because: adding

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 03:54 PM

edit on 2/24/2024 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 06:01 PM

GBS is a disorder in which a body’s immune system attacks the nerves, and can eventually paralyze the whole body. Most people with the condition require hospitalization. A “statistically significant increase” in GBS cases was observed after the first AstraZeneca shot. The researchers had expected 76 GBS events in the observational cohort study but ended up identifying 190.
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is a condition that typically occurs after a bacterial or viral infection. It causes inflammation of the central nervous system. Two cases were expected. However, the study identified seven events after the first Moderna jab.
Bell’s palsy is a weakness or paralysis of facial muscles. Higher than expected Bell’s palsy cases were identified after the first dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
CVST is a condition in which blood clots form in the brain, blocking the blood from draining out. This can end up causing a hemorrhage. While 21 events were expected, researchers identified over three times the number of cases at 69 following the first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine. CVST cases were also higher than expected after the first and second Pfizer shots.
Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle. Higher than expected cases of myocarditis that met the threshold for “prioritized safety signals” for the condition were “consistently identified following a first, second, and third dose of mRNA vaccines,” both Pfizer and Moderna, according to the study.
Pericarditis is an inflammation of the outer lining of the heart. The number of pericarditis cases exceeded expectations following “all doses of all the three vaccines,” researchers wrote.

So take a shot that does not prevent you getting the virus because you feel lucky ?

The peer-reviewed observational cohort study, published in the Vaccine journal on Feb. 12, aimed to evaluate the risk of 13 adverse events of special interest (AESI) following COVID-19 vaccination. The AESIs spanned three categories—neurological, hematologic (blood), and cardiovascular.

It reviewed data collected from more than 99 million vaccinated people from eight nations—Argentina, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, New Zealand, and Scotland—looking at risks up to 42 days after getting the shots.

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 07:28 PM
They did their job. Excess deaths were a happy accident. The main point was to damage fertility and offer a long term solution to a growing population. Don’t hit all their targets, but enough. Funny that the fools behind it all don’t realise what they have brought upon themselves.

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: ARM19688

I would suggest the Hundredth Monkey moment has arrived. They will have a problem that will require drastic measures to

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: tarantulabite1
a reply to: chr0naut

Maybe you are right .... I do remember seeing some saying it was only used in Testing........Can't say if true or not.

I do remember this info ...again do not know if was only for Testing or not.

Pfizer whistleblower says vaccine ‘glows,’ contains toxic luciferase, graphene oxide compounds -

SM102 is the lipid used to encapsulate the mRNA payload, as a protective delivery system in both the the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA immunizations.

It can be also be used to encapsulate luciferase-encoding mRNA for use in-vivo luciferase expression in the test animals, and it was used in testing how the lipid delivered an mRNA payload in early stages of Pfizer testing.

The Moderna and Pfizer immunizations do not contain either luciferase, or the luciferase promoting mRNA sequence. It was only used briefly as an indicator in laboratory animal testing.

Luciferase also does not glow either blue, nor orange, as these two disinformational accounts in this topic thread assert. It is the same stuff that gives fireflies and glow-worms their yellow-green glow.

Luciferase does not require UV light for it to bioluminesce. It is not fluorescent.

Also, testing a medicine on cell cultures does not mean that the medicine contains those cell cultures, or that the medicine was made using those cell cultures.

Project Veritas once more are shown to be un-truthful.

edit on 2024-02-24T20:27:45-06:0008Sat, 24 Feb 2024 20:27:45 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Are we not a bit beyond that, with a proven wifi signal in the 2300 GH range emitting from vaccinated individuals? which has been analyzed as the registered numbers for Biological probes and GPS communicating with the Bluetooth mesh network, it cant be spun it is illegal and has, the funders of the fact checkers name all over it.

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: annonentity

Furthermore for the likes of Chrono and Andy who will say these people are kooks who don't know what they are talking about. Here we have a Danish communications engineer who has been dealing with Bluetooth and knows its history and ins and outs. He was perplexed at what seemed to be going on and decided to do his own field test and since he posted in Danish on YouTube asks the viewer to do the test themselves and reach their conclusions Bitchute because he would be censored on the tube. because the ramifications are going to be quite severe. I couldn't add to my previous as it says I have exceeded the four-hour limit to edit whereas my post time says I entered the previous post two hours ago.

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 11:57 PM
I saw some video of a black guy explain what the COVID vaccine has something to do with other peoples DNA going inside of your blood cells or something to that degree.

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 12:04 AM

originally posted by: ARM19688
They did their job. Excess deaths were a happy accident. The main point was to damage fertility and offer a long term solution to a growing population. Don’t hit all their targets, but enough. Funny that the fools behind it all don’t realise what they have brought upon themselves.
This is probably all it was and it was about greed as well and you are correct. They permanently destroyed forever generations of trust in vaccines that is how crazy and foolish and ignorant they where. I saw a guy on Tucker Carlson and He said it is estimated that nearly 17 million people died from the COVID vaccine.
edit on 25-2-2024 by jobeycool2077 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: ksihkahe

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: annonentity
It seems as time has gone by, by more and more standards of health care the lockdowns and vaccinations were irrelevant to health outcomes.It seems to have become detrimental to the general health of the general population. With all things considered the ensuing censorship of even discussing the matter, to such an extent that France is considering prison sentences for saying anything detrimental about the vaccines. To sum it up the subject of discussing vaccines is taboo in most places where it involves the general population. At the moment as evidence is being gathered and analyzed evidence is coming out that points to the vaccinations being something else entirely and having nothing to do with health.
So what was it all about? This is from Maria Zee who interviewed a couple, who have left the USA and are coordinating the rapidly assembling data that points to the truth of the situation and gives the reasons and information to back it

In the real world that exists outside of the 'forbidden video' sites (that seem curiously accessible), the immunizations have provably saved millions of lives and few recipients have had serious adverse reactions.

Feel free to show those proven facts in the thread that addresses your lie about Ivermectin and COVID vaccine safety from a couple weeks back.

You're only lying to yourselves when you ignore the battles you know you can't win, allowing yourself to believe that you somehow avoided a hit to your credibility. Sorry, but everybody notices and knows exactly who isn't showing up to correct my "dangerous disinformation".
Ivermectin safety and efficacy versus COVID vaccines

As I mentioned to another poster it would be a good time to reflect on how making things up has a detrimental effect on your mission. Had you not repeated this behavior time and time again, then people wouldn't immediately reject everything you say.

Nobody even cares about the "mark of the beast" conspiracies you've come to debunk. You can't even deny a Christian prophecy video without sliding in a preposterous claim that a "few" recipients have had serious adverse reactions. Many billions of doses of anything will have more than a "few" serious adverse reactions and it should be insulting to people that you think they'll believe it. You are claiming that the rate of serious adverse events for COVID vaccines, including the ones pulled off the market for serious adverse reactions, is way lower than 1 in 50,000,000?

I don't understand how adults can believe that repeatedly refusing to admit to errors and then running away when caught in lies doesn't rapidly erase their credibility. You are a casestudy in how mobilizing an army of volunteer science fact-checkers, using ethically-challenged laypeople with authoritarian leanings, has resulted in the biggest loss of trust in public health in history.

Web search on "Ivermectin useless against COVID"

Web search on "Adverse reactions to Ivermectin"

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: jobeycool2077

Plus the fact that if we are in a depopulation phase, they would be free to use people as lab rats because the deaths and injuries wouldn't matter a jot to them.Compared to the information that they gathered.

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: annonentity


Are we all dropping like flies?

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: annonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

Are we not a bit beyond that, with a proven wifi signal in the 2300 GH range

The WiFi band does not go as low as 2.3 GHz, and definitely we cannot really generate or recieve as high as 2.3 THz (2300 GHz) with available components. So, I am not sure exactly if you intended 2300 GHz, or misquoted the value?

6G communications proposals are only around 0.3 THz (300 GHz), and that is still largely theoretical especially for available devices.

2300 GHz is considered to be above the radio portion of the EM spectrum and would be severely attenuated by carbon dioxide, oxygen, or water molecules, making it not particularly penetrative in air, let alone something with the density of a human body made of these molecules.

emitting from vaccinated individuals? which has been analyzed

With what equipment?

as the registered numbers for Biological probes

What standards are there that give a "registered number" to 'biological probes'?

MAC addresses are first by vendor and then sub-category of the equipment types they manufacture. I suppose a manufacturer could self-define an equipment sub-type as a 'biological probe', but I don't know of a standard that does so.

In regard to registered frequencies, I imagine that biological probes would use whatever is the best available communication media for the data speed and volume, regardless of whatever 'standard' might possibly be set aside to define how to transmit it.

and GPS communicating

GPS is usually one-way, from the transmitters on the GPS satellites to the receivers on the client devices. It would be pointless to tag information that is irrelevant to the process of geolocation. All that is required is the orbital position of more than three of the satellites, an accurate time-base, and phase comparison of the radio signals from them.

If you wish to browse the standards, Here is an official link:

with the Bluetooth mesh network

Bluetooth is not a mesh network. It has been specifically designed to link local devices only and not wide-area. If it were to mesh and link wide-area, then every Bluetooth device from places miles away would identify itself as present, meaning that to link a device would be a needle-in-a-haystack affair of selecting from millions of devices. It wouldn't be practical.

, it cant be spun it is illegal and has, the funders of the fact checkers name all over it.

Illegal, where and under what statutes?

Laws are specific and different to different countries. There are some common-law things, but usually they are enshrined in the statutes of each state's legal system (or sometimes no state, such as in maritime law).

If someone funds some technology that is useful and popular, it doesn't mean that they have nefarious intent.


Really, you seem to be an attentive and capable person, and have clearly retained a lot of information you have gathered from online video.

However, in sites and media that are not moderated in any way, there is no restraint on people from simply spinning a good tale. They do not have to be telling the truth, and so, they just don't. It is human nature to story-tell.

But if you want to learn things with meaning and with truth, you are going to have to be critical about the sources, and accept that a lot of stuff is just BS, and so you must take whatever 'they' say with a grain of salt.

There are, however, accredited and highly credible sources that use video as a training medium. These are usually accredited as educational institutions IRL, too, and they strive for truthfulness and credibility in their output. Many these days offer these video resources for free on YouTube or similar. Just don't fall for the fake WooTube stuff.

edit on 2024-02-25T15:39:15-06:0003Sun, 25 Feb 2024 15:39:15 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

People do lie and spin, and YouTube has the most amazing BS,for a censored site, but probing down through the mire to get to the nitty-gritty. Anyone with any common sense can separate a nutter from someone trying to do a reasonable assessment. This leaves one with the continuing impression that the fact remains that people are emitting a blue tooth signal. It is verifiable to anyone who has an Android phone. This should get a severe debunking. but the problem with a true testable fact is that it can't be debunked, these days what can't be debunked gets ignored as an irrelevance.
The difference is that a wearable device is optional, and can be removed if any problems arrive, but a covertly installed internal device has a host of problems in an already polluted EMF environment. As for your dropping-like-flies statement morbidity precedes mortality, and any party that can install a covert biologically activated system in the human body under the guise of vaccinations can easily drip-feed acceptable death rates that do not spook the population.
If this is not a reasonable assessment, of what seems to be occurring then feel free to offer an alternative explanation. Granted it could all be a subtle Psy OP, but the amount of independent people from many countries observing the same effect, means having a labor force devoted to it which would now be in the hundreds if not thousands.
As a bit more to the dropping like flies, here is a Doctor who got jabbed up twice and realized that it is unsafe and ineffective, and has to work now to pay off legal bills since he has a target on his back. He offered to give all the MPs in the British Parliament their spring boosters from the public supply, but of course has no takers. What he is saying does not line up with the stats, but it is for the individual to work out if he is mistaken, lying...or a competent Dr doing his best for his patients.

edit on pm220242America/Chicago229592924 by annonentity because: adding

posted on Feb, 26 2024 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: annonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

People do lie and spin, and YouTube has the most amazing BS, for a censored site, but probing down through the mire to get to the nitty-gritty. Anyone with any common sense can separate a nutter from someone trying to do a reasonable assessment. This leaves one with the continuing impression that the fact remains that people are emitting a blue tooth signal. It is verifiable to anyone who has an Android phone. This should get a severe debunking. but the problem with a true testable fact is that it can't be debunked, these days what can't be debunked gets ignored as an irrelevance.

Bluetooth uses frequencies in the 2.4 GHz band. Which is the same frequency band as WiFi, and also the of the near field radio used for contactless payments, which means they can share the same radio chipset and aerial. A mobile phone cannot operate outside of fairly conventional signals.

Every smart phone has those three types of radio and therefore usually at least those three MAC addresses. With other smart devices like smartwatches, or with 5G, the numbers of MAC addresses per person multiply, but the address are all from the devices.

The people that are seeing multiple addresses simply misunderstand the technology.

The difference is that a wearable device is optional, and can be removed if any problems arrive, but a covertly installed internal device has a host of problems in an already polluted EMF environment. As for your dropping-like-flies statement morbidity precedes mortality, and any party that can install a covert biologically activated system in the human body under the guise of vaccinations can easily drip-feed acceptable death rates that do not spook the population.
If this is not a reasonable assessment, of what seems to be occurring then feel free to offer an alternative explanation. Granted it could all be a subtle Psy OP, but the amount of independent people from many countries observing the same effect, means having a labor force devoted to it which would now be in the hundreds if not thousands.
As a bit more to the dropping like flies, here is a Doctor who got jabbed up twice and realized that it is unsafe and ineffective, and has to work now to pay off legal bills since he has a target on his back. He offered to give all the MPs in the British Parliament their spring boosters from the public supply, but of course has no takers. What he is saying does not line up with the stats, but it is for the individual to work out if he is mistaken, lying...or a competent Dr doing his best for his patients.

Is this really from a doctor? How do you know? It's definitely not on a channel that a doctor would use to communicate to the public or to authorities.

posted on Feb, 26 2024 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

He is a doctor who has a practice in Cornwall in the UK, he is on Bitchute and Rumble because he is banned because of the censorship on YouTube. Now at least you are acknowledging the frequency is around the 2400 Mega Hertz range. Which it would have to be to go through water which the human body is mostly composed of. You can put an EMF meter over the injection site as well to get the reading. Either way, it is anomalous and the phone does not pick itself up, nor should graves be putting out a signal, unless undertakers have placed an ID chip in the coffins to check that the burial spot contains the right occupant.
I maintain that a big cock up has occurred the calamari clots are mostly Tin and Carbon essentially an ariel, my bet is they were not supposed to grow so big, Nor should the signal strength be so strong, as it is causing blockages and the RF is causing cancer, I hope that I am wrong but it is just an opinion. We are in big trouble if I am right.
edit on am220242America/Chicago229542924 by annonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2024 @ 04:22 AM
The point of the vaccine was simple: to reduce the number of people requiring hospitalisation with Covid and allow normality to return.

It succeeded.

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