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this is weird...

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posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 12:01 AM
Im not sure if this was a dream or not..but when i was 12 i was in my bed asleep im now 18.. and i woke up and i was floating above my bed slowly rising and it scared me to death it seemed so real...thats all i can really remember, ive always heard weird noises..i cant describe what there like and i have a few things that ive saw that should go in a ghost forum..but i really did get scared when that happend to me..has anything like this happend to anyone else?..i hope it just was my imagination im paranoid about aliens around me as it is

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 01:14 AM
Unless you are being plagued by aliens or are possessed, I doubt whether you levitate in your sleep. Personally, I can't help but believe that you had an O.B.E. --out of body experience. The literature concerning this phenomenon is clear and your account certainly falls into this category. You might also have experienced a form of lucid dreaming. However, my vote is on an o.b.e.

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 01:31 AM
but i was in my own body floating and i couldnt move..and please try not to say aliens around me i will get really scared...well not that easy but then i resurched some of the stuff...its so weird..what i found out some of the things i have looked at..i act like it alot...

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