posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 08:01 PM
Is there any doubt in your mind that, if Bush were to use email, someone would be desperatly trying to get at the personal information he sends to use
against him? With the hatrid for the man from the fringe left being so incredibly rabid, I suspect they would find a way.
Using a dictionary cracker on an email account where the password is a word or combination of words, you could get into someone's email in about 5
mintutes. If they also used symbols and had about 14+ characters, it may take a few hours. While the prez would probably have a lot of security set up
monitoring access or failed access to his personal email, would his daughters? His daughter's friends who may get forwarded some emails from dad?
It's not just the government you have to worry about getting into your email. If you make one of those special enemies who decides to hack into your
email, even if they have no computer skills, all they need is a web browser and the words "Warez" and "crack". They'll find a tool that will do
all the hard work for them in no time.
If the government gets into your email, they, as an entity, are not going to be looking for personal information to use against you, it's going to be
for security risk detection. Not saying I agree with it, but that's what the government would be doing in there. (You can have, however, some
"special" individuals in the government that may try to, though I'd be more worried about or the kindly fellahs who have been sending me
death threats for being a conservative and posting my real email addy on a blog's comments section.)
If someone wants to get into your email who just doesn't like you or hates you, though, they're not going to be looking for any security
information. They're going to be looking for personal information they can somehow hurt you with. Bush has plenty of those people out there. He's
right to be wary.
Those of us who know computer security pretty well are fairly secure, most of the cracking programs won't be able to penetrate our email passwords,
and most hacking tools will have a hard time getting past the firewalls (yes, plural, since many hacking tools focus on a specific firewall to bring
it down, Zone Alarm being a prime target). For Joe Public, which I would suspect Bush's daughters would be a part of, it'd be a piece of cake. You
deleted your email with the personal information? Dang, now they have to spend an extra 15 minutes hacking into your operating system and looking
through all of the wonderful temporary files Windows saves and makes super difficult to get rid of.
Beware, my friends. Your email and computer are not secure.