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Remarkable discovery of a book which appeared in my browser as if from nowhere...

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posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 08:50 PM

Well this is most definitely a 'turn up for the books', literally. I hereby present a weird occurrence which will require you to set aside your assumptions & prejudices regarding matters of our combined Earthly & Celestial Reality.

When I browse the interwebz, I tend to open a bunch of tabs in a link-linked-through manner, one link following on from another as my investigations into a particular subject proceed. Normal enough. Well, today I made a discovery which has shocked me significantly, and which excites me in equal measure. As I was going through my open browser windows with their multiple tabs, essentially tidying up my desktop & closing down those tabs & windows that I no longer needed, I came across an open tab which was clearly a poorly scanned image of a book cover, entitled 'The Worlds Beyond The Poles'.

Now bear in mind that in that particular browser window I had several tabs open which related to other topics, totally unrelated to this bizarre book which had seemingly appeared by magic, as I could not recall ever clicking a link with that title, and indeed no other tabs had anything to do with theories of the mysteries of the polar regions (though I am indeed interested in that subject because I have fostered a belief over time that the Earth is not a spherical globe but rather in some manner it is a realm which is observably flatter than a pancake). This is a fact verified by ultra long range infrared & optical photography, in that distant objects (such as mountain peaks) can be observed at distances of over 400-500km, something which should be utterly impossible on a globular Earth, purely because the supposed curvature of the horizon would allegedly cause the observed peak to be completely hidden & eclipsed by some 10km or more of the supposed curvature of the surface of the Earth reaching up above the line of sight leading to the mountain peak.

This is verifiable, though I understand it's not a popular concept here on ATS, despite this being the world's premier conspiracy site. What greater conspiracy could exist other than that the world is not as we have been taught over the past ninety years, since the ascent of Professor Auguste Piccard in 1933, when he discovered the flat nature of this section of the universe we live in? Another fact to point out is that nobody has ever completed a North-South circuit of the globe Earth. Any polar explorer has had to turn back on himself in order to return to the original base camp, there is simply no through route between the North & South Pole as they are distinguished on maps of the Earth.

And so, here I am, leafing through a remarkable book, which discusses in great detail the various US Navy & US Army Air Corp missions to traverse the land beyond the Northern & Southern formally defined poles. Indeed, the book relates that certain missions penetrated some 1700km beyond the North Pole into realms of lush vegetation, rivers & mountain peaks in moderate temperatures compared to the icy cold of the Arctic region. Travelling south of the South Pole, the adventurers pentrated some 2300km beyond the pole before turning back. These journeys were undertaken by aeroplane, with persons such as Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd & several other notable & distinguished pioneers.

The book immediately launches into a remarkable theory of the created order of the Universe we inhabit. I will preface this by pointing out a specific incident which has gone down in modern conspiracy folklore - when Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace remarked to prospective employees (who were all MIT graduates) that there were marvellous places to go beyond the Earth, and that we " have the technology to send ET home.." And so, what is the theory expounded by the author of the book I discovered, as if by magic in an open browser tab (I swear I did not research the topic within the last year at least, I've been occupied with other things)...? Well, essentially, he explains that if one were to walk or fly beyond the spot marked out as the North Pole on all our existing maps, continuing to travel in a straight line on your original Northerly bearing, then you would find that there is literally no limit to the amount of land & sea that you will journey over. As you travel, you will eventually discover that somehow you have managed to traverse AROUND the firmament, so that you are now in a position which by all appearances is UP IN THE SKY, in a totally different Earth-like realm, each with its own star & land, rivers & oceans beneath it. Indeed, it is stated that when we look up into the Heavens & observe the stars & planets, we are in fact observing a remarkable illusion - the stars are not 'up there', they are 'beyond the poles'. Somehow the realm we live in has been created with 'weird physics' whereby a flat & straight path (measurably flat) will somehow lead to a point on an inscribed firmament which has the appearance of being up & away from your point of origin on the terrestrial plane.

It is worth noting that many folk tales & even recent reports exist of fishermen who have travelled beyond the ice floes of the Arctic north, mainly humble & sensible people from small villages in Norway. By doing so they have ended up having remarkable adventures (or a terrifying encounter) in a land of milk & honey far beyond the supposed limit of the Northern polar region. They report weird locations & weird physics, strange tales indeed - yet they seem to confirm that something unexpected is happening BEYOND the poles.

Weird as this sounds, please bear in mind that although I have researched some small amount of detail regarding polar mysteries in the past (coming to no firm conclusions about why there seems to be some sort of high strangeness at the poles), I have NOT researched the topic in any way whatsoever in recent times. It's been a long time since I last looked into the subject. I checked the tab itself, and it is not one of my existing bookmarks (as in, I didn't accidentally load up a tab from my saved internet search history/ saved pages).

Yet this book has appeared as if from nowhere, with no evidence of any provenance which could have caused it to be displayed on my laptop. I therefore am sincerely entertaining the possibility that 'someone' has dropped this into my lap, to help explain to me the mystery of the universal system, the realm that we live in. I can tell you that several years ago, I had a very specific dream in which an angel, or the Holy Spirit, explained to me in a very straightforward manner the difficulties of trying to intellectually penetrate the mysteries of our realm to explain our local material Reality. This was prior to myself adopting beliefs/ coming to conclusions regarding the Flat Earth mystery. The person speaking to me simply said: "It is impossible to fully understand the System (Earth realm/ Heavens), when you are living within the System. He showed me a silver ring with a large emerald set within it, placed on the fourth finger of my right hand. He stated that this would serve as a reminder of this point - that ultimate truth concerning the mechanics of our mysterious Reality, living in this Earth/Heavens realm, is unattainable while living within the System. This dream was so pregnant with deep meaning that eventually I bought a really beautiful silver ring with a circular emerald set into its centre.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 08:50 PM
The ring is remarkably elegant, and indeed it serves as a totem which reminds me constantly to not worry roo much about the details of our Reality, having now discovered the base layer of truth associated with living within this divinely created realm.

I will continue to read through this fascinating book, and will provide more specific details concerning the various expeditions and personages that are reported on within its pages. I sincerely believe that either a human agent, or an angel, has caused this written material to land in an open tab on my laptop, for reasons of ensuring that I am able to further penetrate the mysteries of the Earth/Celestial realm, so as to better prepare myself for whatever is coming up ahead in this world.

It is clear to me that my purpose here on ATS at this time is to act in such manner that I am able to help with supporting the growth of knowledge on a consistent & constant basis within the realm of terrestrial & earthbound people who wish to ascend to the skies in the knowledge of the upcoming new Heaven & new Earth, formulated by the Lord so as to bless the people.

NEWSFLASH - Something just occurred right this minute which has literally caused me to stop breathing in shock. As I typed the last few sentences, I've been playing some Christian folk music via Spotify; while a genteel song was playing just now, an adult male voice suddenly came through the speakers, totally unconnected to the song, saying simply & plainly "If I was you..." in an accent which is local to where I live (it's a distinctive accent. The song being played was performed by American artists having nothing to do with my local area.

This is proving to be very, very weird.

Watch this space.


posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Wow! Is there a proper title, author and/or an ISBN number or library of congress number or even a first edition date?
I'd like to read that...

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Oddly enough...

A friend of mine was going on at length about how "smart" the new smart phones are.

Because he was talking to a friend about how he needed to get a repair manual for an ancient firetruck that our local fire department has.

Then when he unlocked his phone, the repair manual had been downloaded and was his to read through.

He was just happy about how "smart" phones were now.

Without realizing the ramifications...

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Oddly enough...

A friend of mine was going on at length about how "smart" the new smart phones are.

Because he was talking to a friend about how he needed to get a repair manual for an ancient firetruck that our local fire department has.

Then when he unlocked his phone, the repair manual had been downloaded and was his to read through.

He was just happy about how "smart" phones were now.

Without realizing the ramifications...

Yes , Beware of Smartalexas............

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: NightFlight
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Wow! Is there a proper title, author and/or an ISBN number or library of congress number or even a first edition date?
I'd like to read that...

I believe this is the book which is downloadable from

The World Beyond The Poles - Amadeo F. Giannini

It appears to me to be 'esoteric' fiction based on the paradigm that the world is a giant endless strip stretching infinitely far from North of the North pole, to infinitely far South of the South pole.

edit on 2024-02-16T21:50:23-06:0009Fri, 16 Feb 2024 21:50:23 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

From the first paragraph of the book:

The following pages contain the first and only description of the realistic Universe of land, water, oxygen, and vegeta- tion, where human and other forms of animal life abound. This is not a work of fiction, nor is it a technical analysis of anything. It is a simple recital of fact which transcends the most elaborate fiction ever conceived. It is diametrically op- posed to the assumptions and the mathematical conclusions of theorists and technicians throughout the ages. It Is truth.

edit on 16 2 2024 by EmmanuelGoldstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 10:09 PM
Sometimes Jets fly over the area of the North pole to get to America from Europe from what I have read in
Aviation articles. Now I do not think they would make that up. It is the shortest distance from some points on the earth I guess.

I also read in an anology that the area of the earth is flat but just attracted to the ball underneath by gravity. If that gravity disappeared, the earth as we know could straighten out and float away. So technically the land and seas are flat, but gravity effects it and bends it around to look like what we got here.

I actually believe that that theory might have something to it, but I do not know the relativity of how it effects our reality.

We seem to exist, but that does not really mean that this reality is real, but remember this, in this reality if you cut yourself, you bleed, if you stub your toe it hurts, and if you die, you supposedly die. This reality we live in might not be real at all, but to us it is the only choice we have to live with. It does not mean that there is not another reality that is true, this reality is not based on truth. The reality we live in was created by things in our history, values were set by those people who designed the reality. Gold is just a metal, yet it has great value for those who believe it has value. If everything falls apart, what is gold worth? The value of things is based on belief, not reality. I would rather have a field of potatoes if things collapsed, I would not give a potato for an ounce of gold. I would not give a potato for the Mona me money or things you do not really need are not worth more than things you need.

This reality we are led to believe is real is far from real, it is not rational at all...but because so many people believe it is real it is real. A stock certificate is not real, a corporation can collapse quickly, and the stock is worth a hundredth of the value of it's real assets. A penny on a dollar....and if nobody can buy their assets, it is worthless if things fall apart.

To conclude things, I have something to ask you guys, What do you think about this reality. Maybe there should be a thread on this...go for it, I will comment but have no interest in starting one myself. It would draw ire from those who believe in this false reality.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Sometimes I feel that life goes backwards and time doesn't exist as we have normally experienced it throughout our lives.

At some point things may flip-flop and the unknown future suddenly becomes the present which can make unpredictable things unfold with absolute syncronicity and they can bring incredible foresight if we flow with it without being afraid.

Sometimes when the energies are right, everything unfolds perfectly and perceptions become manifestations. We can direct our own

The book you speak of maybe knew it had been found by you in the future, and it presented itself perfectly when you looked at the tab without you needing to search.

Try this....focus on nothing and clear your mind. The moment you do, something will pop into your mind and be impossible to ignore regardless of how crazy or irrelevant it may be. Then, pay attention to the world and see what relates to that thing you imagined.

Enjoy the book, it may dissapear just as easily as it appeared.

Sidenote: That Jeff Bezos clock is one big conundrum with some interesting secrets me thinks.

The Universe, Solar Systems and everything in them, including us, are beautiful Chronographs, and every "tic" has a "tock".

edit on 16/2/2024 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein
a reply to: chr0naut

From the first paragraph of the book:

The following pages contain the first and only description of the realistic Universe of land, water, oxygen, and vegeta- tion, where human and other forms of animal life abound. This is not a work of fiction, nor is it a technical analysis of anything. It is a simple recital of fact which transcends the most elaborate fiction ever conceived. It is diametrically op- posed to the assumptions and the mathematical conclusions of theorists and technicians throughout the ages. It Is truth.

Didn't Hunter S Thompson say much the same about the factuality of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". Were his acid trips 'real' or fictions? Did it even really happen like that?

edit on 2024-02-17T01:11:16-06:0001Sat, 17 Feb 2024 01:11:16 -060002am00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

The book kinda of sounds like it's got a Jules Verne fiction vibe. Journey to the Center of the Earth. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. That our boundaries aren't quite as finite as we believe.

This book you describe could just be using the names of known explorers to really pull in the reader with real sense of authenticity, despite it being manufactured by the author.

Sounds like a really interesting read, regardless if reading through the lens of fiction or an alternative explanation of how the earth works.

Also, there does seem to be evidence of over pole, north/south, circumnavigation. Though it may be possible these flights did not occur in some specific defined manner, to where one could say, "Yeah, but, it wasn't this specific route."

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 02:10 AM
On the bright side, that's much COOLER than what's been happening with my phone. No pun intended.

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I read your posts a lot! You present yourself well with your comments and I enjoy your take on things, but this is just plane wrong!

This was prior to myself adopting beliefs/ coming to conclusions regarding the Flat Earth mystery. The person speaking to me simply said: "It is impossible to fully understand the System (Earth realm/ Heavens), when you are living within the System.

When I was a kid, we would head to the coast for holidays. I don't know if they are still there, but all along the sea front there were powerful binoculars clamped onto the railing overlooking the sea. Put a coin in and the shutter opens and you had 10mins to explore the sea and the boats on it.

I have watched boats and ships disappear OVER the horizon dozens of times, I still remember ships with tall smoke stacks and you could still make out the markings on the stacks as they literally sink down over the horizon and just smoke remaining, as the boat would disappear, .. from memory that was a bit over 10 miles

I have flown from Northern Hemisphere to the Southern hemisphere dozens of times over the years. You can see the curve from 40,000 ft quite clearly. The point is, you can see the horizon all around you. If the Earth was flat, you wouldn't never see a line between the earth and the sky at all at 40,000ft .. but you do!. You would just see land filling the entire field of view through the window. You can still watch the Sun rising .. not the Sun approaching or going away, There would never be a Sunset on a flat earth .. just a long goodbye.

It really is obvious that we live on a globe, and it takes a certain lack of logic or cognitive glitch to believe otherwise.

I have watched a plethora of video's that keep pushing this a CIA psyop/cogop, that is all it is. A great deal of time, effort and planning has been applied to create a plausible BS story.

WEF and their buddies are using this cognitive mind fluck, to convince young people, that we live on a flat Earth and also as a straw man, to throw insults at conspiracy theorists, along with the aluminium foil 'slurs', Cookers and the like. Of course they will attempt to discredit those who have payed attention and have rumbled them.

Ultimately this looks like a litmus test to determine the right time to send in the Aliens .. (project blue beam)!, another cogop.

They are probably using flat Earth op, to determine the state of our collective mental health, after the Mass formation Psychosis from the early days of the Plandemic. The psychotic state they were hoping to achieve is 'Alice in wonderland Syndrome' or variation thereof .. all coming off the back of the Mass formation Psychosis, the planned goal of the psychological warfare attack. The medical panels used to advice our governments where made up largely of behavioural psychologists.

The first year before the Jab was released, they had to create DEMAND, because they knew that nobody, would accept an untested, unlicensed, experimental gene therapy treatment, that Fauci and DARPA had manufactured along with the aid of Pharma. It was produced long before the plandemic but they had to create demand for the bioweapon jab .. Pharma just cashed in on it, but mainly for packaging and for legitimacy. They needed to soften up the population, who were desperate to return to normal.

To ensure demand, It was necessary for them to take everyones freedoms away, and then use our freedoms as a bribe to encourage people to volunteer to take the bioweapon Jab .. diabolical indeed.

The marketing was insane, matched only by the frightening coercion they employed against us all.

I am fully expecting a number of crumbs scattered across the net, to divert people towards one or other cogop weapons Judging by the title of your book, I would suggest that this is one of those.

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Flat earth... Ha

We proudly present möbius strip earth...

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: chr0naut

Flat earth... Ha

We proudly present möbius strip earth...

I believe we are an "Escapement" in a big system.

ESCAPEMENT: a mechanism in a clock or watch that alternately checks and releases the train by a fixed amount and transmits a periodic impulse from the spring or weight to the balance wheel or pendulum.

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 07:27 AM
Well if it says the earth is flat in some random book, it totally must be true and is absolute evidence for it.
Oh and the way it appears mysteriously must be a sign from god probably. So no rational thinking required.

Meanwhile a person who leaves multiple tabs open and probably clicks on any link without concern becomes a victim of spam opening itself to rail in gullibles.

Hey, it works. 🤷🏻‍♀️

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 08:55 AM
When we look at all the other planets through telescopes it would seem that they are spherical just like the Earth.

That alone should be a heads up for anyone with common sense, despite the pseudo science claims.

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Interesting. I do you said you do....going from link inside to link outside to a link that's now the 2nd inside the 1st etc, etc, etc...each has you passing thru individual security with each click.

Unless you back click out, they remain tabs within tabs.

That book you prob agreed to receive by agreeing along the way to receive news/updates from one of your click-thrus. Always better to back out of a line of clicks, than just X out.

Those tabs remain open. ( You X'd the current window...leaving those tabs you can keep getting weird unaccounted for things.

God Bless....

*(PS FREE books are ALWAYS 😊👍)

edit on 02245529America/ChicagoSat, 17 Feb 2024 10:11:55 -060011202400000055 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: nerbot

Stop it with the watchmaker metaphorical universe i grew up in Switzerland swatch and Rolex were being assembled in my backyard...

It would explain the dichotomous nature of many things, the real question is, what's the spring...

Once you go quartz and Piezo lot's of it becomes easier, but the question remains the same, where is the pressure coming from...

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 10:30 AM
i mark it up as G5 and AI dumping Data you are interested in....

an unsummoned 'chat Bot' lurks in my PC ..... Which we are supposed to be grateful for having around

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