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Tiraspol - Moldova - Mafia in Uniform

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posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 11:34 PM
Владимир Воронин: Мы идем в Европу, а Европа - к нам

Vladimir Voronin: We go to Europe, and Europe - to us (literal translation).

Министр не согласен с выводами российской делегации

The Minister does not agree with conclusions of the Russian delegation.

These are but a few of the headlines:

Moldova Political News

For being consumed by "propaganda" they seem to be moving in a very favorable way.

All the top News articles are favorable with the EU and aggressive or disagreeing with various Russian issues. And I mean all ... some half dozen. Hahah.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 02:16 AM
Look`s like russia is up to something after the talks between Transdniestr, Abkhazia and Ossetia.

With the election of Viktor Yushchenko in early 2005, Ukraine has steadily allied itself with the west, including the United States. And the west believes that Russia is illegally maintaining military bases in three autonomies in Europe, including Transdniestr, which is the primary stumbling block towards the signing and ratification of the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty. To put it bluntly, the west wants Transdniestr to do what Adjara did in 2004, which is acquiesce to Moldovan central government, perhaps in the form of some lind of limited autonomy in a federation.

This issue shifted last week when Moldova and Ukraine implemented new customs regulations, requiring all Transdniestr goods (that are being exported) to carry a Moldovan tax stamp. In other words, Transdniestr must pay taxes to Moldova to export its goods, which of course angered the Transdniestrians. At first Igor Smirnov believed that Ukrainian president Yushchenko must be "poorly informed" on the new regulations, implying Yushchenko would never implement them if "only he knew" about them.

Well Yushchenko knows about them darn well and as a result of the new rules, all exports from Transdniestr to Ukraine have stopped. Just to reinforce his awareness on the issue, Ukraine beefed up its troop presence on the border with Transdniestr just to keep Smirnov from getting any ideas.

Russia responded angrily, saying that the new customs rules could lead to a humanitarian disaster, saying that the enforcement of customs rules is actually an imposition of economic sanctions. Transdniestr's econonomic "minister", Yelena Chernenko, said the autonomy had already lost 20 million dollars after one week of the new rules. Meanwhile Ukraine says that Transdniestr has only itself to blame after Transdniestr banned all imports from Ukraine.

Perhaps most ominously, a Russian MP named Sergey Shishkarev stated that Russia could formally recognize Transdniestr as an independent country. I sincerely doubt that will happen at this juncture but it's adding fuel to the fire.

As far as Russia is concerned, Transdniestr is an independent country even if it doesn't say so on paper. And it isn't going to let Transdniestr get put into an economic stranglehold. There are four self-declared autonomies slash de facto nations in Europe and the CIS - Transdniestr, South Ossetia (Georgia), Abkhazia (Georgia), Nagorno-Karabakh (Azerbaijan) and Kosovo (Serbia). Russia backs the independence of the first four while opposing the last one.

Yet Russia and others in the region cannot help but notice how close Kosovo is to becoming an independent country, backed by all the western nations. This seems patently unfair compared to the other three, where there are equally as many valid reasons to justify international recognition as independent states. Therefore the loss of Transdniestr touches on bigger issues, such as Russia's influence in the world versus that of NATO/the west.

Russia will try twisting Ukraine's arm on this issue to get some kind of compromise worked out. But if that doesn't work out, I don't know what the next step will be. Transdniestr cannot survive if they cannot export goods via Ukraine or Moldova and it seems extremely unlikely that they will acquiesce to Moldovan customs oversight. That would be political suicide for the Smirnov clan.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 05:07 AM
The Ukraine's role in this matter suggests to me the opposite of what you claimed.

Rather; Yuschenko's defense of the CIS policy proves Yuschenko's want for involvement in the CIS.

The Ukraine is intelligent enough to know a third of their nation is Russian; and if they were to leave the CIS and go to Europe; they can expect a third of their nation to join Russia because it's geographically divided (the populations aren't mixed).

The Ukraine is stuck; they know it; they'll make the best of it.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 12:36 AM
Dark Vader, Good post
- I find the talks in Moscow between Transnistria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia very interesting as well. I wonder what came out of that meeting...

Here´s an interesting article. The European Parliament urges Russia to immediately stop its support for the regime in Tiraspol.

European Parliament Urges Russia to Stop Its Support for Separatist Regime in Tiraspol

March 17 2006

The European Parliament has called on Russia to immediately stop its support for the Transnistrian regime, to reaffirm its commitment to Moldova's territorial integrity as defined by the Moldovan Constitution and to withdraw its troops, including their heavy weaponry and munitions, unconditionally, according to a resolution on situation in Transnistria, adopted with an absolute majority of votes.

The European Union strongly condemns the repression, harassment and intimidation of representatives of the independent media, citizens criticising the self-proclaimed Transnistrian authorities, and members of NGOs and of the opposition by the Transnistrian regime. It condemns the prohibition of funding of NGOs by foreign donors. The European Parliament deplores the unwillingness of this regime to engage fully in efforts to reach a peaceful and comprehensive solution to the Transnistria conflict and welcomes, therefore, the extension of the EU visa ban on members of the Transnistrian regime.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 04:03 PM
Smirnov calls for more Russian troops to Transdniester. In a letter to Putin he talks about "rising tensions with Moldovan authorities" and "growing tensions which could lead to direct confrontations". He asked Russia to reinforce its military presence...

RFE/RL: Transdniestr Leader Calls For More Russian Troops

March 21, 2006

The leader of Moldova's separatist region of Transdniester today called for an increased Russian military presence in the region.

Smirnov said that rising tensions with Moldovan authorities over the new rules were threatening to trigger a "humanitarian catastrophe, with growing tensions which could lead to direct confrontations." He called on Russia, which already has 1,500 troops in the region, to reinforce its military presence in Transdniester.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Hellmutt
Smirnov calls for more Russian troops to Transdniester. In a letter to Putin he talks about "rising tensions with Moldovan authorities" and "growing tensions which could lead to direct confrontations". He asked Russia to reinforce its military presence...

My short, almost oneliner, reply to this letter would be (Without knowing the proper lingo in the letter from Putin);
"Dear Smirnov, Your request is hereby denied. You have pulled too much attention to this area in question. We are, as You should be well aware of, lacking properly trained soldiers all over Russia. Tying up more soldiers in Your selfproclaimed enclave, would open Russia to more noise from the other Caucasian States. Live long and prosperous."

Imo, the russian government is just interested in this place because of the industrial plants. If the plants could be moved to central Russia, the Putin administration would give this cigar-toting Smirnov their middle-fingers in an orchestrated manouver!

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 10:30 AM
Transnistia receives "humanitarian aid" from Russia. Smirnov has also asked Belarus dictator Lukashenko for aid. Ukraine and Moldova calls the aid a publicity stunt.

Moldova Azi: Moldova’s Ministry of Reintegration Calls Humanitarian Aid Sent by Russia to Transnistria ‘PR-action’

March 23 2006

“The so-called humanitarian aid provided by a number of Russian political and state institutions to the Transnistrian region can be qualified as planned ‘PR-action’,” Moldova’s Ministry of Reintegration says in a commentary.

A similar commentary was Wednesday issued by Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry. It called the humanitarian aid sent by Russia to Transnistria as ‘evident provocation’.

Over 20 trucks with medications and basic commodities left for Transnistria from Russia on Wednesday. On Thursday, Smirnov sought humanitarian aid from Belarus President Alexandr Lukashenko.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Related ATS Threads:
Lukashenko: We Will Twist Their Heads Off As If They Were Ducklings

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 07:19 AM
Guess what happened to the Russian "humanitarian aid" to Transnistria? It was stopped in Ukraine!

ITAR-TASS: Ukraine stops Russian relief convoy for Dniester

24.03.2006, 10.26

Ukraine has suspended further movement of the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry’s truck convoy with humanitarian supplies for the Dniester region population, the ministry spokesman Viktor Beltsov told Itar-Tass. “The convoy has been stopped in a field 60 kilometres from Kiev,” the official specified.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Thanks to Soj´s PDB for March 24, 2006 for link to the ITAR TASS article.

posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 12:50 PM
Here's a relatively obsolete (2003-2004) evaluation of the military situation in Transnistria:

The evaluation claims that the Russian presence remains as high as in 1992, because most of the 14th Army’s officers haven’t actually left, instead being transferred to the various military services of the Transnistrian authorities. Thus the Transnistrian forces number around 20.000 and possibly an additional 7-8000 Russian Cossacks:
a) under the Ministry of Defense: four infantry brigades, one tank battalion, one anti-infantry unit, one artillery unit, one aviation unit, one construction unit, one aircraft repair base , three training/re-training centers , the Colbasna weapon storage area.
The Ministry of Defense has 18 T-64 tanks, 69 APC’s, 18 ‘Gaubits-122’ canons, 12 85mm canons, 3 Alazan launchers and 69 mortar units. The air force consists of 6 MI-8T helicopters (with rocket launchers), 2 MI-2 helicopters, one AN-26 plane, 2 AN-2 planes and 2 IAK-18 planes.
Around 4500 officers in peace time.
b) under the Ministry of Interior: the “Dnestr” battalion (~500 members) and nine Militia precincts (~450 officers);
c) under the Ministry of State Security: the “Delta” battalion (up to 2500 members), one Cossacks detachment , seven border guard detachments , 44 border posts;
d)paramilitary forces: the “People’s Army” group (~2000 people, 70% of them with military background) with seven battalions; the 10th unit of the Black Sea ‘Cossack army’ with seven detachments.

As for the weapons industry ,it seems that the Bendery (Tighina) mechanical factory makes 20 rack missile launchers, antitank grenade launchers (since 1995),82mm and 120mm mortar units (since 1996),portable antitank grenade launchers (since 1996),5.45mm pistols and “Grad” missile launchers. The Rabnita steelworks manufactures 82mm mortar units (since 1997), anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. The pumps factory in Rabnita now makes GP-25 anti-personnel grenade launchers, while the “Selihoztehnica” factory in Camenca makes some of the parts for them.The “Electromas” plant in Tiraspol makes 9mm machine rifles,9mm Makarov pistols,5,45mm pistols and hunting rifles. The “Electroaparat” factory in Tiraspol makes electronics for various Russian weapon systems.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 02:19 AM
Some maps from Tiraspol. This dam (picture) is mentioned earlier in this thread.

Click the picture for a bigger map (2441x2553 - 1881Kb)

Another map (2459x2563 - 1861Kb)

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 05:06 AM
Why have you been collecting these maps? Are you trying to spot any weapons factories and missile launchers?


P.S. Nice map, good resolution....but it's old

[edit on 6-4-2006 by alextir]

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by alextir
P.S. Nice map, good resolution....but it's old

It's from 1989...not that old for what it's being used for, imo.

Here's an interesting little tid's already been posted on the last page. The source is different though and gives a little rundown on the Ukraine/Moldova situation.
Ukraine: Kyiv Tightens Customs Controls On Transdniester
On March 3, Ukraine introduced new customs rules along the Transdniestrian stretch of its border with Moldova. The new rules make the shipment of any goods from the Russian-speaking separatist Transdniester region that have not been cleared by Moldovan customs illegal. The Ukrainian move has effectively imposed a ban on exports by Tiraspol to Russia, its main trade partner.

[edit on 7/4/2006 by SportyMB]

[edit on 7/4/2006 by SportyMB]

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 10:49 AM
Found another report from that . mil;


Moreover, the initiative for turning political, ethno-national crises into armed confrontation may not rest in the hands of major state governments. It may instead be seized by para-military groups struggling for power on the periphery.

It is clear that this topic is of preeminent and immediate importance, for unless the West becomes more sensitive to it and more effective in dealing with it, civil, regional, and perhaps, global war may result.

Also found this bit as well seems useful enough.

Republic of Moldova

[edit on 7-4-2006 by ADVISOR]

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 10:56 AM
ADVISOR, good find

Is it me, or is the lines in the article overlapping? I think Im going crazy

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 11:29 AM
I'm not even done yet, was just getting started.

Originally posted by SportyMB
Is it me, or is the lines in the article overlapping?

Every thing is A ok on my side.

also found these;
Republic of Moldova

North Carolina - Moldova Partnership Members
Note, be sure to notice the people " &,,".


CIA factbook
"This page was last updated on 29 March, 2006"

There are a few more, the NGA should be fun, enjoy.
Will see what else can be found.

Found this, 2006 Exercises:
See European Combined Endeavor, May & Rescuer, July.

[edit on 7-4-2006 by ADVISOR]

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 06:22 AM
The U.S. is "deeply disappointed" with the Tiraspol regime. Russian troops remain in the region despite Russian pledges at the 1999 OSCE Istanbul Summit to withdraw them. The U.S. support Moldova's sovereignty and territorial integrity and will not recognize Transnistria´s independence.

U.S. Department of State: U.S. "Deeply Disappointed" in Postponement of Transnistria Talks

Created: 06 Apr 2006

The United States expressed deep concern April 6 following a breakdown in negotiations to end the conflict in the Transnistria region of Moldova and the indefinite postponement of the next round of the five-sided talks that had been scheduled for April 3-7. Kyle Scott, chargé d’affaires for the U.S. Mission to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), said the United States hopes the “Tiraspol regime will reconsider the decision and return to the negotiating table to hold serious discussions” on several key issues. Tiraspol is the administrative center for Transnistrian separatists.

The unresolved issues highlighted by Scott include:

  • Monitoring Transnistria's military-industrial enterprises;

  • Implementing an international assessment to evaluate the possibility for free and fair, internationally monitored elections in the Transnistrian region; and

  • Resolving the plight of farmers in Dorotscaia who have been denied access to their fields.

    Scott said the United States also is concerned by news reports of a planned independence referendum in the Transnistria region, saying the United States will not recognize such a referendum. “We reiterate our support for Moldova's sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he said.

  • Click the link to read the full version...

    posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 11:29 AM

    Originally posted by alextir


    P.S. Nice map, good resolution....but it's old

    Yes, 1989 is a bit old but it is better than nothing. Nice to see a visitor from Tiraspol
    Welcome indeed. Do you have any nice maps to share with us, Alex?

    posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:04 PM
    Moldovan Metallurgy Works in Transnistria has decided to stop operation. They have apparently lost a lot of money because of the new customs regulations, so they decided to stop. 13 other enterprises have already stopped operation in Transnistria. Moldova accuses Transnistria of "self-blokade".

    ITAR-TASS: Ukraine’s new customs rule bring Transdniestria’s plant to halt


    Transdniestria’s largest industrial enterprise, the Moldovan Metallurgy Works (MMZ), is coming to a halt because of the new customs regulations imposed by neighbouring Ukraine. “MMZ has already lost 22 million U.S. dollars from the economic blockade and has decided to stop operation,” Transdniestrian Economics Minister Yelena Chernenko told journalists on Monday. She said 13 enterprises had already stopped operation in the breakaway region of Moldova. “Over 35 days of the blockade the total damage sustained by Transdniestria has reached 89 million U.S. dollars. … If isolation continues for another month, it may have the worst possible consequences for the life of the region,” the minister said. On March 3 Ukraine introduced new customs regulations, according to which all Transdniestrian goods have to be customs cleared by Moldova. Transdniestria called it an economic blockade. In turn, Chisinau accused Tiraspol of “self-blockade.”

    Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

    Blokade - hello!?! Or how do you say "hello" in Tiraspol? Semion Solntsevo?

    posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 03:13 PM
    According to an ex-CIA and Polish intelligence operative, former and active employees of Russian secret services sold weapons of mass destruction to terrorists. He said it was "a very lucrative business for Russian military and intelligence people and for the mafia organizations".

    Axis: Eurasian Secret Services Daily Review


    Ex-CIA and Polish intelligence operative: Russian intelligence made a fortune selling WMD

    David M. Dastych, 64, former intelligence operative (the Polish Intelligence and the CIA) claims he participated in the operations during which Russian secret services former and active employees were selling weapons of mass destruction to various Axis of Evil states and terrorists, New Media Journal reported. In the early 1990s, Dastych witnessed a massive illegal "export" of previously top secret nuclear materials, components and weapon parts from Russia and other ex-USSR countries to intermediaries and "end users" in Europe, Asia and America.

    A number of nuclear (radioactive) materials was offered from the former USSR countries (including weapons-grade uranium and plutonium). It was a very lucrative business for Russian military and intelligence people and for the mafia organizations, Dastych notes. At least twice, posing as an international trader, he was approached by members of the Abu Nidal Organization (Palestinian terrorist group), who were looking for weapons-grade uranium and plutonium, as well as for a special Soviet explosive, named RM 20/20 (a product of the high pressure technology, used in nuclear warheads). These materials were available from Russia through intelligence and military connections

    Seems like Russian mafia might have sold between 12-15 kilos of uranium-235 to Bin Laden.

    DEBKAfile: AMERICA’S WAR ON TERROR - Part III: Bin Laden May Have Small Nuclear Bombs

    In a special investigation,DEBKA-Net-Weekly learned from well-placed intelligence sources that the millionaire terror master did procure a supply of uranium-235 six months before his Al Qaeda suicides carried out their September 11 strikes in America. The uranium was delivered following an extraordinary deal between the most wanted terrorist in the world and one of the world’s most dangerous mobsters, a shadowy Ukrainian-born Jew called Semion Mogilevich, who rules over an arms-trafficking, money-laundering, drug-running, prostitution and graft empire. Sources who spoke to DEBKA-Net-Weekly on condition of anonymity report that for a princely sum estimated at US$40 - 75 million, Bin Laden bought between 12 and 15 kilos of uranium-235, all of which came from Russia or some Central Asian Muslim republic. If this is true, the master terrorist has enough fissionable material to build between 3 and 5 nuclear devices.

    posted on Apr, 21 2006 @ 04:30 PM
    About 80 militia fighters from Transdniester attacked and seized control of buildings in a harbor in Moldova near the Black Sea. I guess they want to ship out "goods" from there. With the tighter control on the Ukrainan border then a harbor would be nice...

    RFE/RL: Moldovan Official Says Property Seized By Transdniester Militants

    April 21, 2006

    The mayor of a port town in Moldova says militia fighters from the breakaway republic of Transdniester today seized control of barges and buildings in a harbor near the Black Sea.

    Tudor Serbov, mayor of Varnita, says about 80 militia fighters carried out the attack. He says they detained port managers and forced other employees to leave the area. Serbov says the attackers gave no reason for the action.

    Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

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