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Tiraspol - Moldova - Mafia in Uniform

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posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 10:54 PM
The President of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin, says Moldova will settle the Transnistrian conflict "in short time". He said every citizen must acknowledge that he is the citizen of an independent Moldova. Border monitoring, diplomatic and political activities have allowed them to "get closer" to reintegrate Transnistria soon. I wonder how this will be done...

Moldova Azi: Vladimir Voronin says that Moldova will obtain the integration soon

January 2 2007

President Vladimir Voronin says that Moldova will settle the Transnistrian conflict and will integrate the country in short time. He stated in front of the Cabinet that “the start a year ago of the border monitoring with the support of the European observers and the diplomatic and political activities will allow us to get closer to the settlement of the dispute”.

Voronin concluded that the reintegration of the country is the key-problem of Moldova that influences its internal and external situation.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 11:38 AM
There have been several brief scuffles this last Friday and Saturday between Moldavian policemen and Transnistrian militiamen on the road between Dubasari and Ribnita, near the village of Cocieri. The Moldavian policemen were backed by villagers from Cocieri, while the Transnistrians by some military personnel. It seems that things later calmed down:

Chisinau. The incident, happened between the law and order authorities of Moldova and Transnistria on Friday is settled, Moldova's representative in the Joint Control Commission (JCC) Ion Leahu said.According to him, all the opinions were heard in the course of Saturday JCC sitting, which lasted several hours.
"The employees of the Moldovan police and the Transnistrian militia began clearing up in the Security Zone on the section of the Dubasari-Rybnitsa highway in the vicinity of the Cocieru village, who is the owner of the highway, crossing the Security Zone on the Dniester. The law and order bodies' employees almost whipped up the situation to confrontation. Only owing to interference on the part of the JCC and the OSCE representatives, who arrived to the scene of the event, it was possible to relieve the situation", Leahu remarked.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 07:47 PM
Two Moldovan policemen has been arrested by Transnistrian para-military police in the ceasefire zone. The policemen were tracking a Transnistrian citizen for narcotics trafficking. The suspect is allegedly also an agent for the Transnistrian security, which might explain why he was protected by the Transnistrian forces.

ROUNDUP: Moldova Policemen Arrested In Transnistria Ceasefire Zone

January 16th 2007

Transnistrian para-military police based in the city Bender arrested a pair of Moldovan police officers without grounds, and have yet to release them, said Ion Liakhu, Moldovan representative to the Joint Council (JC) monitoring the ceasefire zone. "This is just another provocation by Tiraspol," Liakhu charged. The Moldovan government believes the two officers to be held in a Bender jail, he said.


The pair had been in Bender attempting to track down a Transnistrian citizen wanted by Moldovan police for questioning on narcotics trafficking. The suspect, Andrei Buzaev, is a Bender resident and "works as a agent for the Transnistrian security structure...which is why the Transnistrian forces moved to protect him against prosecution," Golovach charged. "This entire incident is because Transnistria has dirty laundry they want to cover up," he claimed.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 02:48 AM
From a post by Odium on page one:

Originally posted by Odium

"May 6, 2004: A Molotov Cocktail was thrown at the Tiraspol's Synagogue, according to a report by AEN. The attacker also poured flammable liquid on the front door of the synagogue, right near a gas pipe. Thanks to the quick reaction of witnesses the fire was extinguished before it set off the gas. According to Boris Asarov, chairman of the Transdniester NGO "Pro Europa", the attack was masterminded by the extremist Russian nationalist organization Vityaz, headed by former MGB special forces officer Ruslan Pogorletsky. Vityaz uses a swastika-like symbol similar to the one used by the Russian neo-nazi group Russian national Unity. "

Vityaz. I knew I've seen that name somewhere. They were the ones using Litvinenko's photo for target practice.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:50 AM
The OSCE has donated washing machines and industrial dryers to Prison No. 3 in Tiraspol. Women are detained there and children are growing up there as well...

OSCE Mission to Moldova donates laundry machines to prison in Tiraspol

12 February 2007

The OSCE Mission to Moldova on February 9 donated two industrial washing machines and two industrial dryers to Prison Number 3 in Tiraspol, the only penitentiary in the region where women are detained.

"This equipment will significantly improve hygienic and sanitary conditions for inmates, and help fight the spread of infectious diseases. We mustn't forget that children are growing up here," said Ambassador Louis O'Neill, the Head of the OSCE Mission.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 07:33 AM
Russia again makes it clear that it has no intention to leave Transnistria:

INFO-PRIM: Russia can not evacuate troops from Transnistria – Russia minister
Russia can not evacuate its troops from Transnistria, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov told a news conference in Seville, Spain, where he participated in the Russia-NATO Council meeting.
According to the Russian official, quoted by RIA-Novosti, the 1500 Russian militaries stationing in Moldova have 2 tasks, the first of which is the role of peacekeepers. Besides this, there are Soviet-era depots with munitions and armament that must be guarded.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by taseg

Russia again makes it clear that it has no intention to leave Transnistria:

That was interesting. I wonder if this article from today has any relation to this at all? Norway has reclassified Russia as a military treat...

Aftenposten: Russia reclassified as a military threat

13 Feb 2007

Norwegian defense officials aren't declaring a new Cold War with Russia, but Norway's huge neighbour in the northeast is once again being described as a threat, also in the military sense.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 10:11 PM
I guess the CFE is dead now...

RIA Novosti: CFE treaty irrelevant with defunct Warsaw Pact - Russia's FM

16/ 02/ 2007

The Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty has no relevance now that most of the former Warsaw Pact states have joined NATO, Russia's foreign minister said Friday.


The trans-Atlantic alliance has said its member nations will not ratify the adapted CFE until after Russia withdraws its military bases from ex-Soviet republics, such as Georgia and Moldova. Lavrov said the link is far-fetched and that NATO countries are just using it as a pretext not to ratify the adapted treaty, which, it seems, they do not need.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

So... what's next? An arms race with a build-up of conventional forces? Just like before the start of WWI and WWII...

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 11:08 AM
Has anyone ever connected the current events in Transdniester, Ossetia, Abkhazia, and other separatist republics with Kosovo? NATO is pushing to make separatist Kosovo- an integral part of Serbian land- independent. Sure they are doing this only to justify their war in Yugoslavia. But has anyone considered how forcefully compromising the nation's rights to preserve property and wholesomeness of one sovereign nation (Serbia) in favor of a minority (Kosovo Albanians), can affect other separatist regions?

How are you going to justify granting independence to Kosovo, but not to Transdniester, Ossetia, Abkhazia, North Ireland, Basque, etc.? These regions are monitoring events in Kosovo. These are clear double standards of NATO, and I can tell you it is p*ssing off alot of people in Slavic countries. So if US and NATO are so actively pursuing their strategy in Kosovo, they should at least lay off their pressure on other separatist republics, or be labeled as hypocrits which they are.

I am not in favor of granting independence to any of the above mentioned regions. But NATO and its members are not in position to criticize given their obvious double standards.

[edit on 18-2-2007 by maloy]

[edit on 18-2-2007 by maloy]

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by maloy

Sure they are doing this only to justify their war in Yugoslavia.

Maybe you're right. It's a different place and a different issue. I have no opinion regarding the Kosovo issue. At least not for the time being.

Regarding Tiraspol,
Transnistria has apparently given up Moldova for good...

ITAR-TASS: Dniester region abandons all plans of union with Moldova


The Dniester region has given up for good all the plans to the build a common state with Moldova.

On Thursday, the resolution of the Supreme Council of the self-proclaimed republic was published and came into force, which annulled the previous documents envisioning a confederation or a federative state with Moldova.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

What happens next?

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 01:28 AM
South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria are getting ready for any Georgian, Moldovan, or international threats and challenges...


February 23, 2007

Between February 16 and 21, the “presidents” of South Ossetia and Transnistria and the “foreign ministers” of Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Transnistria paid overlapping visits to Moscow for talks with Russian government officials and in the State Duma. The three “foreign ministers” also conferred among themselves on February 19-20 to plan an expansion of joint actions by the three secessionist leaderships.


Transnistria’s “president” Igor Smirnov and “foreign minister” Valery Litskay were received by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov to discuss the resumption of negotiations with Moldova “on the basis of earlier-achieved understandings” and for the purpose of “creating a viable structure of Moldova and Transnistria” -- code words for Russia-arbitrated “federalization.”


According to Litskay at the concluding news conference in Moscow on February 21, Transnistria can contribute two battalions that are already operating as part of the existing “peacekeeping” operation in Transnistria.


Litskay also stated that South Ossetia is ready to contribute its existing “peacekeeping” battalion, and Abkhazia is training a battalion for peacekeeping duty with the planned tripartite contingent. All three components shall be based on their own territories and be available on call to respond to Georgian, Moldovan, or international “threats and challenges.”

Related ATS Threads:
Abkhaz Leader Has Ordered Army To Sink Any Georgian Ships In Its Waters
Gigantic Oil Pipeline From Caspian Sea Opened Today
War In Nagorno Karabakh Can Start At Any Moment

[edit on 2007/2/25 by Hellmutt]

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 06:40 PM
EU are going crazy over an alleged secret deal between Moldova and Russia. A deal which means that Russia can leave their soldiers in Transnistria "forever". It will give Transnistria the power to block future Moldova government decisions, and the Tiraspol clan would get 20 percent of Moldova's parliamentary seats...!

Mediafax: EU In A Spin Over Reports Of Secret Moldova-Russia Deal

Apr 23 2007

EU diplomacy is in a spin trying to verify reports that Moldova has cut a secret deal with Russia on the future of the breakaway Moldovan province of Transdniestria, in a situation that could pose risks for future EU-Moldova relations, EUObserver reported.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 12:31 AM
I found the original source. It had some more details. EU in a spin over reports of secret Moldova-Russia deal


At least one EU official is sceptical if such a strongly pro-Russia deal actually exists. "We have not been consulted," he said. "But such a deal may not even be strategically possible."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 04:13 PM
Russia is suspending participation in the CFE treaty. This is not good...

RFE/RL: NATO Chief Confirms Russia Suspending Arms Treaty

April 26, 2007

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer today confirmed Russia is suspending participation in a key arms-control treaty.

Earlier in the day, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia would freeze its compliance with the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE) because NATO members have not ratified the pact and are not abiding by its provisions.


De Hoop Scheffer said NATO allies are "gravely concerned" about the decision. He said the allies believe the treaty to be one of the cornerstones of European security.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 11:39 PM
I think that Russia is suspending participation in the CFE treaty, mainly because Russia want's to show it's not happy with USA funding and arming nations like Georgia who are at standoff with Russia. The missile defence has no capability against Russian strategic forces, so to complain about it must be a smokescreen for public.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 11:24 PM
The ABM system has a very limited capability, and certanly not enough to present any real problem for Russia today. This is not what Russia is protesting about in this case however. The issue at hand is why is US placing the missiles there, and what will follow in the later years as the ABM becomes far more developed and capable. Remember- this is only the first step by NATO/US. Once the ABM system is there, they move on to placing more threatening technologies there. It has nothing to do with Georgia- plus it seems that Saakashvili calmed down a bit.

See US has nothing stopping it from placing that ABM system in Eastern Europe. Heck they can even go ahead and build a naval base in Crimea. And while they are at it NATO can plant their military assets all around Russia's borders. Hell they are starting to do it now. But then when Russia beginning building nuclear submarines again, and constructs new long-range bombers, as well as develops new ICBM delivery systems- don't complain.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 03:02 PM
Seems like there was a meeting in Washington last week. People in Transnistria live in constant fear of the local "KGB" and there are widespread repression. I haven't read the Tiraspol Times article myself, but here's another link.

Axis News

Moldova’s breakaway Trans-Dniester region is only independent and stable because of widespread repression and its population lives in constant fear of the local KGB. That was the conclusion of speakers at a conference held last week in Washington, D.C. by Moldovan politicians and with the participance of US State Department officials and other invited guests, to review the current situation in the unrecognized republic


A key speaker at the event was Moldovan ex-presidential spokesman Oazu Nantoi.


According to Nantoi, the population of Trans-Dniester lives in constant fear of what he calls "the local KGB."


Secondly, Nantoi then pointed to "illegal economic activity and organized crime"


There is also a third reason for the breakaway province's long term stability, Tiraspol Times cites former presidential advisor Oazu Nantoi: it is due to geopolitical interests of Russia.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 07:53 PM
Russian Order of Honor, Grade I

Igor Smirnov is the sixth person in the world to get decorated with the Russian Order of Honor, Grade I. He recieved it on May 3rd. He apparently got it for "developing democracy" in Transnistria and some other stuff...

Russia decorates transdniester's leader

Russia on May 3 made Igor Smirnov, the leader of the separatist government of Transdniester, a member of its Order of Honor, the Moldovan press agency Basa and the Transdniestrian website reported. Basa said Smirnov has become the sixth person to be awarded the distinction of an Order of Honor, Grade I. Smirnov received the decoration "for strengthening friendship among nations, developing democracy, strengthening the position of Transdniester on the international level, and strengthening ties between Transdniester and Russia."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 05:22 PM
Tiraspol Tenses Situation

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of Moldova (HCHRM) has published a press release where they blame Tiraspol for making the region unstable. Apparently, Tiraspol sent several hundreds of "policemen" into a Moldovan village and arrested the mayor. They've also set up unauthorized "armed stations".

The Joint Control Commission are doing nothing because Tiraspol and Russia "do not consider necessary to involve"(?!), even though the incidents happened in the security zone...

Tiraspol Regime tenses the situation in Transnistrian region – HCHRM

The press release specifies that on May 13, 2007, the self-proclaimed regime from Tiraspol sent several hundreds of policemen and armed civilians to Corjevo village and arrested the mayor of the village, Valeriu Mitul and the councillor of the Dubsari raion, Iurie Cotofan.

HCHRM announces about other violations of the fundamental human rights in the region, including the fact that armed stations were set up in places not authorised by the Joint Control Commission, which makes the population from both right and left side of Nistru indignant and could make the situation in the region unstable.

The committee specifies that the decision-making persons within JCC refused to visit the village under the pretext that the representatives of the self-proclaimed regime and of the Russian Federation do not consider necessary to involve, although the incidents occurred in the security zone. HCHRM warns that similar provocations were organised by the separatist regimes in Abkhazia and Georgia and they already had victims.

Related Thread:
Abkhaz Leader Has Ordered Army To Sink Any Georgian Ships In Its Waters

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 04:29 PM
A secret mission and "Transdniestria Days" in Moscow

Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian federation, Yury Zubakov, is apparently on a secret mission in Moldova. And the leadership of Transnistria are in Moscow for "Transdniestria Days". However, Smirnov & Co. received a cool reception in Moscow.

Kommersant was recommended not to write about Zubakov's secret mission and the "Transdniestria Days". However, they did write about it anyway...

Kommersant: Transdniestria Days in Moscow and Chisinau

May 24, 2007

Practically all the leadership of the breakaway republic came to Moscow for Transdniestria Days, led by unreplaceable President Igor Smirnov. For the Tiraspol authorities, it was the event of the year and they prepared for it accordingly, obviously expecting a grand reception.


In Moscow, they were not happy to see the massive landing party of Transdniestrians (a total of about 700). Not only that, Moscow officials clearly made every effort for the event to occur as quietly as possible. The exhibit of the accomplishments of Transdniestrian industry was relegated to a far corner of Sokolniki Park, where the opening of Transdniestrian Days was held.


In Moscow, they are trying to keep Zubakov's mission a secret. A Security Council official, when asked about Zubakov's goals in Chisinau, told Kommersant that “We recommend that you do not write about that topic. Nor about Transdniestrian Days in Moscow.”

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

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