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Does anyone else get the sense that something downright miraculous might be up ahead?

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posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 05:25 PM
Everyday is miraculous.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: ARM19688
Everyday is miraculous.


If you think about it, even putting good things and bad things on a scale, I'm thinking the scale would tilt to the good side.

Aside from just being able to be here being something miraculous, worldwide, there must certainly be more hugs and kisses in a day than acts of violence.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Venkuish1

Not to mention that religious faith is a near-universal experience of humanity. Only a very small percentage of people do not believe in a God or a spiritual reality of some sort. Sorry to say, but you are most definitely in the minority, when you consider all peoples all around the world. The fact that you simply state your beliefs without any qualification could be seen as immature by some, and indeed that is how I view your comments. You are stating what you WANT to believe, and that is not based on any sort of evidence, it is based on your feelings, your desires about what reality must conform to, in order to satisfy your own life philosophy.

Simply put, I feel very confident in refuting your assertions - I've had numerous experiences which prove to me that there is a God, that angels exist, that demons exist. Again, you are in the minority, and if you want to be taken seriously, you should explain yourself a little better, rather than just shouting out your beliefs & walking away.

Long post so I will answer the main points.

How can you refuted anything when I have only stated facts and haven't asserted beliefs or made some wild claims.

And you can't refute other people's claims just by rely on your feelings and your beliefs.

The following are factual.

There is no evidence of the existence of angels and demons.

People frequently present as, and claim, demon possession. It could be mental illness adopting a fiction of an archetype, but it is 'stronger' evidence than a total absence of evidence.

As well, many in desperate physical peril say they have been saved by supernatural forces, and that they have identified as angels. The very survival of those particular people is often inexplicable by other means. Of course this could be fiction, too.

There is no evidence of life after death

Quite frequently people have been resuscitated after brain-death and bodily-death. So, something that is a person seems to have survived after death. This has been objectively documented in many cases.

Interestingly, many (not all) of those who survive such experiences, describe similar narratives at times when consciousness should have ceased. Some have described what they call heaven, and of direct communication with whom they believe to be religious identities.

I think that there can be other reasons for these accounts, but nothing is definitive, so, seeking for the strongest evidence we have, we have to take these things on face-value and cannot reasonably disregard them.

There is no evidence of a supernatural being who is creator of the universe.

There is no evidence as to how the universe came into existence, or of any situation before there was a universe. Yet it most definitively is here, now. An absence of evidence has no evidentiary 'weight'.

The incredible level if integrated complexity of the universe seems to require conscious action to be so.

For instance the universe is full of variety, and yet we know that iterative systems over time tend towards one of least energy state (entropy). Why are there so many different atoms? Why is most of life and life allowing systems seemingly irreducibly complex? Why hasn't the universe collapsed to the one single least energy thing? Why has it gone the opposite way from the get-go?

And there are subjective evidences of the supernatural. Just as there are such intuited evidences for the multiple physical dimensions beyond those few we normally acknowledge. Just because it doesn't present as a slam-dunk case, does not mean that we should disregard them in preference for nothing at all.

No much evidence exists that Jesus was a real person and certainly no evidence he was the son of the God of the Old Testament who is the creator of the universe. No evidence he died and then got resurrected.

There is much contemporary documentary evidence that the historical person of Jesus existed. Even contemporary detractors and non-believers talked about Him as a real historical person.

The historically sudden rise and spread of Christianity is inexplicable without an initiating figure with some degree of credibility.

Many of the earliest writings by those who were identified as historically contingent, claimed to be eyewitness testimony.

Many of them were martyred for their faith and none of them renounced their beliefs. Nor are there historical accounts of anyone claiming direct witness having recanted under pain of death, which 'punishment' was occurring at the time, and well documented.

I didn't state any beliefs as you falsely claimed. I stated that simply there is no evidence for the religious claims made and no evidence for the things I discussed above. You are confusing me with people who are religious.

You don't know how many people believe in a God but I will agree it's minority that doesn't believe in God. But majorities don't get to decide what is true and what is false just like they don't get to decide how a chemistry or physics book should be written and their contents.

Personal experiences could exists for a lost of things we discuss but they don't count as evidence.

An absence of evidence does not count as evidence, but personal experience does count as evidence.

That is why even in court cases with strong objective evidence, they still call witnesses to support their case, despite how unreliable human witness may be.

edit on 2024-02-11T18:28:31-06:0006Sun, 11 Feb 2024 18:28:31 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: ARM19688

It's an incredible spectacle indeed.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment
This is purely my personal observations and beliefs, I do believe in a Creator and I am seriously not interested in debating that topic nor am I asking anybody to hear out my arguments on it or believe as I. If you don't believe, that's your business and you are entitled to it as I am mine, this reply is not for you so just skip ahead if your sole interest for reading this is to tell me how wrong I am based on your belief.

Here's the thing; it's not that the Creator can't intervene, it's that if He/she does, one of 2 things will have to happen. Either a complete reset & I am not sure how many times we have been here before, or we have to go through it to the other side to what waits beyond this phase.

I tend to think a lot, and ponder a gazillion things and I wondered at one point, why. Why did the Creator, create all this? So I got to thinking, if I were a being capable of snapping my elemental energy form fingers and a massive big bang occures, existing outside if space, time, sound ... everything really. I recon I'd want to fill that void, cause it's gotta be such a silent lonely place to be. Just this eternal existence. The thing is, this is a being that can't be humoured by ants and dusy particles, and whatever I fill this void with, will always only be that. Unless it can grow. Life. Real life, capable of thought and emotions and creativity and so much more. The trick is, to get to a point where this life, can reach a point where it can join me at an ethereal campfire and ponder deep things, this life has to be set free. With the setting free there's the risk that it will self-destruct, but its the only way.

So adam and eve in the plural and also probably over multiple galaxies in different forms eventually grows from the innitial process that began from the first spark. If you consider how much neurons look like nebulas it seems the big out there is also the small inside and if you consider that inventions came over thousands of years, what might Adam and Eve's lives looked like? If growth brought us to where we are now, where were we then? They didn't know farming and they didn't know about eating the thing that came out of the chicken before it hatched, did they even have chickens? Wool, shaving sheep? Cotton trees? How did they figure out the things they did. Paul Wallis says they had divine elohim (plural) help. Maybe ... it does seem that way, cause I can't figure out for the life of me, if you take the eviction from Eden as it is in the cannon, having lived naked on fruit, how did they survive outside the garden? Nevertheless, they were kind of like babies. Like our babies. When we are born we eat, sleep, poop and cry ... and make googly eyes and cutify everybody ... when we're not pooping or burping on them. Kind of like Adam and Eve, don't you think?

So this life on this particular planet has grown. We were babies needing a lot of intervention all the time, every day at all hours. We became toddlers and started crawling and walking - we can find water and food. As children we learned skills like surviving fighting off a threat with a rock. and planting and storing food. As teens we took the rock and figured out how to sharpen it mold clay as tools and build better shelters than caves. Noah invented the plow, on that growth level we were teens. We have been through that phase going through tweens we have fasion and music, art and we developed more and more, through the dark ages and the renaisance and corsets and cars and electricity. And now here we are, what does every tween want to do when they are ready? They want to break free from the apron strings, so to speak. As Frank Senatra said, they want to do it their way. its the natural order of things.

Throughout all these life stages, that amazingly seems to also reflect in the growth of humanity as a whole, like the neurons are also the nebula's, we have needed an overseer. Our parents start by doing absolutely everything for us and slowly, little by little they guide us to do things on our own. Letting go more and more with each stage, letting us do it our way. And now here we are, at the precepice. And we all know, those first years doing it by ourselves, we tend to mess it up quite a bit a few times. We get up and we try again. A few go back home. Some mess it up so big they can't fix it and some of die in the process.

So while all this is going on, it would seem that all of this would be so much easier and simpler if there weren't a third party involved. A dark third part 'hell'bent on making sure we fail. So why allow it there in the first place? Well, because we can't grow without it. If it wasn't for this third party all would go well all of the time smooth without hickups, ... but that would make us no more than the deer in the forrests, the beavers in the dam, the ants working themselves to death for the queen and colony. We still can't get to that campfire. This third party will hold on to us trying to keep its grip tighter and tighter. Thats its only function. Its sole purpose. Because to get to that campfire, we have to pry its grip from our lives. Its not supposed to be easy, but its gotta be done. We have to want what is beyond, badly enough.

The Creator HAS to let go, just like us as parents have to let go. The third party is our true test, are we ready for the big wide .. expanse, of existence, truly free?

You know how you can lead a horse to water but no matter how you hang on its neck if it doesn't want to drink, it wont? Or you can't give freedom and liberty to someone who has no concept of what it is, they will keep trying to get back to before, until such a time that they want it. You can only want something if you have a concept of what it is. Well here's the thing, a rather large group of humanity still live, needing the iverloards, telling them what to do, how to live, what to buy, whats good and whats bad. This creates conflict, imballance, disharmony, chaos. This is what we are seeing out there. You have the corrupted third party using this conflict to tighten it's grip because there are too many still allowing it.

But don't be too disheartened, the chaos too is part of the growth process. Every time the world has been plunged in darkness, the ppl came together and helped each other get back up. We are a social folk, we need each other and the atheists are not far off the mark, they are just at another point of doing it their way. I have met some atheists that do a far better job at self-governance and community good than some Christians out there. Some christians out there are seriously nasty pieces of work. So are some atheists. There is good and bad in all ppl, it depends on which wolf they feed.

So in my opinion, the Creator can intervene, but He/She will wait till the point of no return, to give us every ethereal second He/She can, to push through and free ourselves from the tentacle grip that has ensnared us. If we fail, we will have to start again, either here, (if we manage to not destroy the planet in the process or in another alien life-form on another planet (Venus/Mars ? ... Could it be?)) ... Time will tell. It's gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets better, but it HAS to happen (as Yeshua said), there is no other way to get to that campfire.

And thats my ... very long take, typo's and all, on the whole thing.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I'm puzzled at your OP. What can be more important to every human on this globe than the reality and acknowledgement that intelligent beings far in advance of human sciences are here and commencing to work their wonders upon us?

Isn't that about the same thing as if God almighty descended with his army of angels to do battle with the evil?

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

Just a short OP today with the simple question in the title: Do you feel that we may be facing something miraculous up ahead?

The reason I ask is that the corruption & disinformation, and the fallout of the depopulation plandemic is now thick like treacle, and with the whole financial CBDC system being almost ready to go after the launch of the UMU (Universal Monetary Unit - a CBDC) by the IMF, alongside the WHO Pandemic Treaty & changes to the International Health Regulations, with the threatening situation regarding wars around the world, and deception abounding everywhere - it just feels like we're poised on a knife edge - farmers protesting around Europe, Canadians increasing the number of reasons you might want to commit suicide (if you're poor, for example, or if you're a bit depressed).

I have a very strong sense that at some point something major will happen to utterly disrupt the flow of this advance of corruption & deception. Probably just before the Pandemic Treaty is rolled out by the World Health Organisation - which will give them the ability to lock down all nations at the drop of the hat, because of just about anything, even 'climate emergencies' or 'disinformation pandemics'. After the Pandemic Treaty, if they institute the CBDCs widely, alongside all the many Western nations rolling out censorship laws to control freedom of speech, then they have us all by the short & curlies, we'll be utterly constrained, freedom will be a thing of the past.

If you believe, as I do, that God won't stand idly by while these corrupt bastards lock us down in a forever state of 'Super-Control-Systems', in 15 minute neighbourhoods with no freedom of movement & no freedom to speak as we choose, with no rights to reject WHO mandated 'medicines/vaccines', with no freedom to earn real money or to own property - essentially causing us to become 'forever slaves' - then at some point soon, it seems that something miraculous will need to occur which will utterly disrupt their exceedingly clever & tightly-organised plans for world domination.

It will be the End of Days, with the appearance of angels & the work of prophets, the deconstruction of the control systems that the Elites have been busy constructing via back room meetings in Davos over the past thirty or forty years. As if the truth would never come to light, as if the Light would never do anything to quell the power of the Darkness. I've said it before elsewhere, but there is a difference between the wars of former generations & the situation today. In former times there was still freedom of action, the ability to resist, and a lot of people & groups were able to overcome the darkness & restart democratic processes after destructive wars. But currently this warfare is fifth generation, fought against the citizens by the uber-state worldwide control network of corporations & globalist NGOs, quietly chaperoning us into a sinister condition of depopulation & ultimate technological control of each one of us individually & all of us collectively.

I don't think we can get out of this without divine help, simply put.

And I believe that help is needed sooner, rather than later. I believe we will start to see miraculous & perhaps inexplicable events occurring in the not-too-distant future, before the International Health Summit of May 2024 would be my guess, when the WHO will announce its total control over the health responses of all the nations when an 'incident of concern' allegedly occurs. We need a way to resist changes like that, and humanly speaking, it's not possible for the small percentage of people who are truly awake to overcome the corruption at scale, to resist & defeat the Enemy without some serious external help & assistance - or a massive boost in the numbers of people who are aware of what is really going on.

I've been having dreams about this for years - I think it's going to come to pass soon, that we find ourselves very much living in the time of the End of Days. I'd love to be wrong - but I don't think I am. If you pray, now is the time to pray for increased numbers of people waking up, and for that external help to come rolling in to support those of us who understand & object to what is happening around the world, in nearly all nations.




The end of days will not happen.
Angels don't exist.
Demons don't exist.
No evidence for the existence of any type of God either.

No second coming of Jesus (doubt he existed at all) and no apocalypse...

Well aren't you just a little ' Debbie Downer ' .

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Just because you're aware of it since 40 years doesn't mean it isn't older...

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I've been having positive signs and cautious omens lately.

I'd be optimistic, but cautious.

I'm really doing my best to mind my manners and become a better version of myself.

I still have that fatal flaw, but it's part of the Original Design.

I just keep it in check so I don't act on a hair trigger over minor indiscretions during these times.

I'd advise others to be Mindful as well, just to be safe.

Your Experience may vary.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Venkuish1

Not to mention that religious faith is a near-universal experience of humanity. Only a very small percentage of people do not believe in a God or a spiritual reality of some sort. Sorry to say, but you are most definitely in the minority, when you consider all peoples all around the world. The fact that you simply state your beliefs without any qualification could be seen as immature by some, and indeed that is how I view your comments. You are stating what you WANT to believe, and that is not based on any sort of evidence, it is based on your feelings, your desires about what reality must conform to, in order to satisfy your own life philosophy.

Simply put, I feel very confident in refuting your assertions - I've had numerous experiences which prove to me that there is a God, that angels exist, that demons exist. Again, you are in the minority, and if you want to be taken seriously, you should explain yourself a little better, rather than just shouting out your beliefs & walking away.

Long post so I will answer the main points.

How can you refuted anything when I have only stated facts and haven't asserted beliefs or made some wild claims.

And you can't refute other people's claims just by rely on your feelings and your beliefs.

The following are factual.

There is no evidence of the existence of angels and demons.

People frequently present as, and claim, demon possession. It could be mental illness adopting a fiction of an archetype, but it is 'stronger' evidence than a total absence of evidence.

As well, many in desperate physical peril say they have been saved by supernatural forces, and that they have identified as angels. The very survival of those particular people is often inexplicable by other means. Of course this could be fiction, too.

There is no evidence of life after death

Quite frequently people have been resuscitated after brain-death and bodily-death. So, something that is a person seems to have survived after death. This has been objectively documented in many cases.

Interestingly, many (not all) of those who survive such experiences, describe similar narratives at times when consciousness should have ceased. Some have described what they call heaven, and of direct communication with whom they believe to be religious identities.

I think that there can be other reasons for these accounts, but nothing is definitive, so, seeking for the strongest evidence we have, we have to take these things on face-value and cannot reasonably disregard them.

There is no evidence of a supernatural being who is creator of the universe.

There is no evidence as to how the universe came into existence, or of any situation before there was a universe. Yet it most definitively is here, now. An absence of evidence has no evidentiary 'weight'.

The incredible level if integrated complexity of the universe seems to require conscious action to be so.

For instance the universe is full of variety, and yet we know that iterative systems over time tend towards one of least energy state (entropy). Why are there so many different atoms? Why is most of life and life allowing systems seemingly irreducibly complex? Why hasn't the universe collapsed to the one single least energy thing? Why has it gone the opposite way from the get-go?

And there are subjective evidences of the supernatural. Just as there are such intuited evidences for the multiple physical dimensions beyond those few we normally acknowledge. Just because it doesn't present as a slam-dunk case, does not mean that we should disregard them in preference for nothing at all.

No much evidence exists that Jesus was a real person and certainly no evidence he was the son of the God of the Old Testament who is the creator of the universe. No evidence he died and then got resurrected.

There is much contemporary documentary evidence that the historical person of Jesus existed. Even contemporary detractors and non-believers talked about Him as a real historical person.

The historically sudden rise and spread of Christianity is inexplicable without an initiating figure with some degree of credibility.

Many of the earliest writings by those who were identified as historically contingent, claimed to be eyewitness testimony.

Many of them were martyred for their faith and none of them renounced their beliefs. Nor are there historical accounts of anyone claiming direct witness having recanted under pain of death, which 'punishment' was occurring at the time, and well documented.

I didn't state any beliefs as you falsely claimed. I stated that simply there is no evidence for the religious claims made and no evidence for the things I discussed above. You are confusing me with people who are religious.

You don't know how many people believe in a God but I will agree it's minority that doesn't believe in God. But majorities don't get to decide what is true and what is false just like they don't get to decide how a chemistry or physics book should be written and their contents.

Personal experiences could exists for a lost of things we discuss but they don't count as evidence.

An absence of evidence does not count as evidence, but personal experience does count as evidence.

That is why even in court cases with strong objective evidence, they still call witnesses to support their case, despite how unreliable human witness may be.

You have written an entire article in which you try hard to excuse the beliefs of religious people but you spectaculary fail again and again.

Come on now, do you consider religious apology to be a good tactic in a debate or arguments from ignorance where the gaps in knowledge are always a mystery explained by God until the gaps are filled by science and then you move to the next 'unexplained mystery'.

You remind me of another poster who hasn't understood yet basic science and has tried many times to assert the existence of God to describe the universe and its creation. You ask why there are so many atoms and different elements? Should this be clear by now?

Argument from ignorance.
You assert we don't know how the universe has come to exist and therefore something supernatural must have created it. You need much more than this.

As to how the universe was created this has been solved long time ago.

Still there is no evidence of demons/angels. No evidence of life after death, no evidence for the existence of an intelligent creator, nothing much to justify the beliefs for the supernatural world. Personal experiences and feelings are different to evidence as you and I know.

edit on 11-2-2024 by Venkuish1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 07:35 PM
Dunno, look in the mirror. Walk onto a crowded street or train and remember every person you see is a story.

a reply to: Venkuish1

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: chr0naut
I'm an Aussie, so I couldn't be impartial on the matter.

But we want the truth.

Nobody is going to blame the aussies if it is turtles half way down and then a kangaroo (not yet confirmed) and then turtles the rest of the way down.

The ausies didn't create kangaroos or rabbits. Maybe it is a frog, then we can blame kek.

Yes but I have a hypothesis that is probably more explicable and reasonable, and that I have not encountered elsewhere.

If we assume the turtle is the basic building block of the universe at a nano and sub-Planck scale, then it is likely that we should see this form repeated at other scales, in a repeating pattern, much like a Mandelbrot curve is self similar at multiple scales.

This would also be efficient in that the pattern of the turtle be at the exact same energy/complexity level at all scales and thus compliant with known entropic directives, and would still allow for apparent infinite complexity, "all the way up".

In the infinite complexity of the repeating pattern, it is probable that there will be other shapes, such as a kangaroo, or a rabbit because all possibilities would be covered in an infinite series.

So, it would be rabbits, kangaroos, chickens, dung beetles, ... the Beatles, and pretty much everything imaginable (and some not), while at the same time being turtles, all the way down.

edit on 2024-02-11T20:50:05-06:0008Sun, 11 Feb 2024 20:50:05 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Well, since the incident I had back in 2001 I have been researching just that. Here's what I figured out.

Matthew 24-28.

What's this bit about the carcass? And what I came up with was the Prophecy of the Ram and the Goat battle of Daniel 8.

Simply put I think this "Carcass" reference is simply a referral back to Daniel 8 and this prophecy. BECAUSE. Matthew 24-15 is a reference back to Daniel 11-31. Plus the fig tree parable is a reference to the fig trees of Matthew 21-19 and Luke 13-6.

Put simply it appears Matthew 24 has a number of cross-references in it to other scriptures.

So what I believe about the carcass reference is Jesus Christ is telling us the events to look for just preceding verses 29, 30, and 31. Look for a powerful country in the west that looked "Greek" to Daniel that gets attacked from the middle east and then conquers 3 of those nations. So if the current war with Iran leads to their government being removed from power or even conquered then we'll have the 3rd nation conquered fulfilling the battle prophecy.

And then we'll be in the time of the tribulation of the carcass.

edit on 2/11/2024 by ntech620 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 08:28 PM
The Hpoi clans have a cycling mythol9gy about the Ant People who live underground, they come up every cycle to the New World and begin building and colonizing and expanding, much like the hive minds of certain grey aliens, but like ants and other insects there is always balances, Prey, Predator, territorial battles and so forth.

This might be a stretch but what if the recent flood of new immigrants and illegal aliens is all part of the process and balance of natural cycles but with peoples who behave more like expanding insect colonies?

M8nd you, I am not trying to dehumanizing anyone, please don't mistake me here, I'm not saying there are actual MIB illegal aliens of any of that, just comparative mythologies and human behavior that mimics patterns we see elsewhere in the natural world.

Yes, children ate blessings and beautiful but there is no longer a danger in most places of a dying populace, except in some Caucasian circles, and please again don't mistake me I'm not a white supremacy kind of person but even though the Caucasians are a majority in America in most areas and in Europe for the most part a lot of folks are reporting the reluctance of this strain to breed indiscriminately in light of concerns regarding resources and rhe environment, quality of life and so forth.

In fact, to be brutally honest with a few exceptions, most densely populated urban centers are reporting decreased birthrate, even in China.

Rural communities are having some problems sustaining resources, work and so forth, war, cartels, all that rot and I'm sure we all know this stuff and I digress...

The Hpoi Cycle talks of cataclysm and what we might call terraformingg, with rhe Ant People creating vast underground networks to survive the topside cataclysm and restoration of soil and nature in most overburdened concrete or Adobe, stone, or clay housing that becomes unsustainable due to lack of natural resources and gives rise to cannibalism and other unsavory horrors.

India is fascinating in this regard, if you've ever seen Ariel photos of some of the lower caste regions its wall to wall housing and roads, no vegetation whatsoever.

Is there life left there?

I don't know and I'm too fragile to find out, but I hope if there is rhey are well and their guardians and protectors keep them safe and contained.

I know better than to be rude to others.

Just flow of consciousness my region is experiencing an influx of newbies and some of the locals are having a rough time of it all. I made it out safe but we are still working overtime to help everyone with potential.

This is hard to write and I pray to St. Jude and/or all the other Mysteries that may or may not exist that they have things under control.

I am just a small gear, but I care...A LOT.



posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

Just a short OP today with the simple question in the title: Do you feel that we may be facing something miraculous up ahead?

The reason I ask is that the corruption & disinformation, and the fallout of the depopulation plandemic is now thick like treacle, and with the whole financial CBDC system being almost ready to go after the launch of the UMU (Universal Monetary Unit - a CBDC) by the IMF, alongside the WHO Pandemic Treaty & changes to the International Health Regulations, with the threatening situation regarding wars around the world, and deception abounding everywhere - it just feels like we're poised on a knife edge - farmers protesting around Europe, Canadians increasing the number of reasons you might want to commit suicide (if you're poor, for example, or if you're a bit depressed).

I have a very strong sense that at some point something major will happen to utterly disrupt the flow of this advance of corruption & deception. Probably just before the Pandemic Treaty is rolled out by the World Health Organisation - which will give them the ability to lock down all nations at the drop of the hat, because of just about anything, even 'climate emergencies' or 'disinformation pandemics'. After the Pandemic Treaty, if they institute the CBDCs widely, alongside all the many Western nations rolling out censorship laws to control freedom of speech, then they have us all by the short & curlies, we'll be utterly constrained, freedom will be a thing of the past.

If you believe, as I do, that God won't stand idly by while these corrupt bastards lock us down in a forever state of 'Super-Control-Systems', in 15 minute neighbourhoods with no freedom of movement & no freedom to speak as we choose, with no rights to reject WHO mandated 'medicines/vaccines', with no freedom to earn real money or to own property - essentially causing us to become 'forever slaves' - then at some point soon, it seems that something miraculous will need to occur which will utterly disrupt their exceedingly clever & tightly-organised plans for world domination.

It will be the End of Days, with the appearance of angels & the work of prophets, the deconstruction of the control systems that the Elites have been busy constructing via back room meetings in Davos over the past thirty or forty years. As if the truth would never come to light, as if the Light would never do anything to quell the power of the Darkness. I've said it before elsewhere, but there is a difference between the wars of former generations & the situation today. In former times there was still freedom of action, the ability to resist, and a lot of people & groups were able to overcome the darkness & restart democratic processes after destructive wars. But currently this warfare is fifth generation, fought against the citizens by the uber-state worldwide control network of corporations & globalist NGOs, quietly chaperoning us into a sinister condition of depopulation & ultimate technological control of each one of us individually & all of us collectively.

I don't think we can get out of this without divine help, simply put.

And I believe that help is needed sooner, rather than later. I believe we will start to see miraculous & perhaps inexplicable events occurring in the not-too-distant future, before the International Health Summit of May 2024 would be my guess, when the WHO will announce its total control over the health responses of all the nations when an 'incident of concern' allegedly occurs. We need a way to resist changes like that, and humanly speaking, it's not possible for the small percentage of people who are truly awake to overcome the corruption at scale, to resist & defeat the Enemy without some serious external help & assistance - or a massive boost in the numbers of people who are aware of what is really going on.

I've been having dreams about this for years - I think it's going to come to pass soon, that we find ourselves very much living in the time of the End of Days. I'd love to be wrong - but I don't think I am. If you pray, now is the time to pray for increased numbers of people waking up, and for that external help to come rolling in to support those of us who understand & object to what is happening around the world, in nearly all nations.




The end of days will not happen.
Angels don't exist.
Demons don't exist.
No evidence for the existence of any type of God either.

No second coming of Jesus (doubt he existed at all) and no apocalypse...

YOU Don't think Demons exist? Quite foolish and uninformed you are.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Venkuish1

People frequently present as, and claim, demon possession. It could be mental illness adopting a fiction of an archetype, but it is 'stronger' evidence than a total absence of evidence.

As well, many in desperate physical peril say they have been saved by supernatural forces, and that they have identified as angels. The very survival of those particular people is often inexplicable by other means. Of course this could be fiction, too.

There is no evidence of life after death

Quite frequently people have been resuscitated after brain-death and bodily-death. So, something that is a person seems to have survived after death. This has been objectively documented in many cases.

Interestingly, many (not all) of those who survive such experiences, describe similar narratives at times when consciousness should have ceased. Some have described what they call heaven, and of direct communication with whom they believe to be religious identities.

I think that there can be other reasons for these accounts, but nothing is definitive, so, seeking for the strongest evidence we have, we have to take these things on face-value and cannot reasonably disregard them.

There is no evidence of a supernatural being who is creator of the universe.

There is no evidence as to how the universe came into existence, or of any situation before there was a universe. Yet it most definitively is here, now. An absence of evidence has no evidentiary 'weight'.

The incredible level if integrated complexity of the universe seems to require conscious action to be so.

For instance the universe is full of variety, and yet we know that iterative systems over time tend towards one of least energy state (entropy). Why are there so many different atoms? Why is most of life and life allowing systems seemingly irreducibly complex? Why hasn't the universe collapsed to the one single least energy thing? Why has it gone the opposite way from the get-go?

And there are subjective evidences of the supernatural. Just as there are such intuited evidences for the multiple physical dimensions beyond those few we normally acknowledge. Just because it doesn't present as a slam-dunk case, does not mean that we should disregard them in preference for nothing at all.

No much evidence exists that Jesus was a real person and certainly no evidence he was the son of the God of the Old Testament who is the creator of the universe. No evidence he died and then got resurrected.

There is much contemporary documentary evidence that the historical person of Jesus existed. Even contemporary detractors and non-believers talked about Him as a real historical person.

The historically sudden rise and spread of Christianity is inexplicable without an initiating figure with some degree of credibility.

Many of the earliest writings by those who were identified as historically contingent, claimed to be eyewitness testimony.

Many of them were martyred for their faith and none of them renounced their beliefs. Nor are there historical accounts of anyone claiming direct witness having recanted under pain of death, which 'punishment' was occurring at the time, and well documented.

I didn't state any beliefs as you falsely claimed. I stated that simply there is no evidence for the religious claims made and no evidence for the things I discussed above. You are confusing me with people who are religious.

You don't know how many people believe in a God but I will agree it's minority that doesn't believe in God. But majorities don't get to decide what is true and what is false just like they don't get to decide how a chemistry or physics book should be written and their contents.

Personal experiences could exists for a lost of things we discuss but they don't count as evidence.

An absence of evidence does not count as evidence, but personal experience does count as evidence.

That is why even in court cases with strong objective evidence, they still call witnesses to support their case, despite how unreliable human witness may be.

You have written an entire article in which you try hard to excuse the beliefs of religious people but you spectaculary fail again and again.

Come on now, do you consider religious apology to be a good tactic in a debate or arguments from ignorance where the gaps in knowledge are always a mystery explained by God until the gaps are filled by science and then you move to the next 'unexplained mystery'.

You remind me of another poster who hasn't understood yet basic science and has tried many times to assert the existence of God to describe the universe and its creation. You ask why there are so many atoms and different elements? Should this be clear by now?

Argument from ignorance.
You assert we don't know how the universe has come to exist and therefore something supernatural must have created it. You need much more than this.

As to how the universe was created this has been solved long time ago.

Still there is no evidence of demons/angels. No evidence of life after death, no evidence for the existence of an intelligent creator, nothing much to justify the beliefs for the supernatural world. Personal experiences and feelings are different to evidence as you and I know.

I do agree that my post is entirely apologetic in nature.

But I see a massive cognitive dissonance between someone arguing that there is no objective evidence on one side, when the counter-argument is both unevidenced subjectively, and unevidenced objectively.

Science hasn't been able to fill in most of the gaps in its own hypotheses, let alone those of religion or philosophy.

With each answer science uncovers, it has given us many more questions to ask, and just when we thought that science had explained nearly everything in the 1800's, along came new paradigms, and math that told us there were infinite infinites, and we would never know all the answers, revealing we had been 'chasing epicycles' once more.

edit on 2024-02-11T20:54:44-06:0008Sun, 11 Feb 2024 20:54:44 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Venkuish1

Not to mention that religious faith is a near-universal experience of humanity. Only a very small percentage of people do not believe in a God or a spiritual reality of some sort. Sorry to say, but you are most definitely in the minority, when you consider all peoples all around the world. The fact that you simply state your beliefs without any qualification could be seen as immature by some, and indeed that is how I view your comments. You are stating what you WANT to believe, and that is not based on any sort of evidence, it is based on your feelings, your desires about what reality must conform to, in order to satisfy your own life philosophy.

Simply put, I feel very confident in refuting your assertions - I've had numerous experiences which prove to me that there is a God, that angels exist, that demons exist. Again, you are in the minority, and if you want to be taken seriously, you should explain yourself a little better, rather than just shouting out your beliefs & walking away.

Long post so I will answer the main points.

How can you refuted anything when I have only stated facts and haven't asserted beliefs or made some wild claims.

And you can't refute other people's claims just by rely on your feelings and your beliefs.

The following are factual.

There is no evidence of the existence of angels and demons.

People frequently present as, and claim, demon possession. It could be mental illness adopting a fiction of an archetype, but it is 'stronger' evidence than a total absence of evidence.

As well, many in desperate physical peril say they have been saved by supernatural forces, and that they have identified as angels. The very survival of those particular people is often inexplicable by other means. Of course this could be fiction, too.

There is no evidence of life after death

Quite frequently people have been resuscitated after brain-death and bodily-death. So, something that is a person seems to have survived after death. This has been objectively documented in many cases.

Interestingly, many (not all) of those who survive such experiences, describe similar narratives at times when consciousness should have ceased. Some have described what they call heaven, and of direct communication with whom they believe to be religious identities.

I think that there can be other reasons for these accounts, but nothing is definitive, so, seeking for the strongest evidence we have, we have to take these things on face-value and cannot reasonably disregard them.

There is no evidence of a supernatural being who is creator of the universe.

There is no evidence as to how the universe came into existence, or of any situation before there was a universe. Yet it most definitively is here, now. An absence of evidence has no evidentiary 'weight'.

The incredible level if integrated complexity of the universe seems to require conscious action to be so.

For instance the universe is full of variety, and yet we know that iterative systems over time tend towards one of least energy state (entropy). Why are there so many different atoms? Why is most of life and life allowing systems seemingly irreducibly complex? Why hasn't the universe collapsed to the one single least energy thing? Why has it gone the opposite way from the get-go?

And there are subjective evidences of the supernatural. Just as there are such intuited evidences for the multiple physical dimensions beyond those few we normally acknowledge. Just because it doesn't present as a slam-dunk case, does not mean that we should disregard them in preference for nothing at all.

No much evidence exists that Jesus was a real person and certainly no evidence he was the son of the God of the Old Testament who is the creator of the universe. No evidence he died and then got resurrected.

There is much contemporary documentary evidence that the historical person of Jesus existed. Even contemporary detractors and non-believers talked about Him as a real historical person.

The historically sudden rise and spread of Christianity is inexplicable without an initiating figure with some degree of credibility.

Many of the earliest writings by those who were identified as historically contingent, claimed to be eyewitness testimony.

Many of them were martyred for their faith and none of them renounced their beliefs. Nor are there historical accounts of anyone claiming direct witness having recanted under pain of death, which 'punishment' was occurring at the time, and well documented.

I didn't state any beliefs as you falsely claimed. I stated that simply there is no evidence for the religious claims made and no evidence for the things I discussed above. You are confusing me with people who are religious.

You don't know how many people believe in a God but I will agree it's minority that doesn't believe in God. But majorities don't get to decide what is true and what is false just like they don't get to decide how a chemistry or physics book should be written and their contents.

Personal experiences could exists for a lost of things we discuss but they don't count as evidence.

An absence of evidence does not count as evidence, but personal experience does count as evidence.

That is why even in court cases with strong objective evidence, they still call witnesses to support their case, despite how unreliable human witness may be.

You have written an entire article in which you try hard to excuse the beliefs of religious people but you spectaculary fail again and again.

Come on now, do you consider religious apology to be a good tactic in a debate or arguments from ignorance where the gaps in knowledge are always a mystery explained by God until the gaps are filled by science and then you move to the next 'unexplained mystery'.

You remind me of another poster who hasn't understood yet basic science and has tried many times to assert the existence of God to describe the universe and its creation. You ask why there are so many atoms and different elements? Should this be clear by now?

Argument from ignorance.
You assert we don't know how the universe has come to exist and therefore something supernatural must have created it. You need much more than this.

As to how the universe was created this has been solved long time ago.

Still there is no evidence of demons/angels. No evidence of life after death, no evidence for the existence of an intelligent creator, nothing much to justify the beliefs for the supernatural world. Personal experiences and feelings are different to evidence as you and I know.

You cannot prove a negative.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

I win.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Venkuish1

Not to mention that religious faith is a near-universal experience of humanity. Only a very small percentage of people do not believe in a God or a spiritual reality of some sort. Sorry to say, but you are most definitely in the minority, when you consider all peoples all around the world. The fact that you simply state your beliefs without any qualification could be seen as immature by some, and indeed that is how I view your comments. You are stating what you WANT to believe, and that is not based on any sort of evidence, it is based on your feelings, your desires about what reality must conform to, in order to satisfy your own life philosophy.

Simply put, I feel very confident in refuting your assertions - I've had numerous experiences which prove to me that there is a God, that angels exist, that demons exist. Again, you are in the minority, and if you want to be taken seriously, you should explain yourself a little better, rather than just shouting out your beliefs & walking away.

Long post so I will answer the main points.

How can you refuted anything when I have only stated facts and haven't asserted beliefs or made some wild claims.

And you can't refute other people's claims just by rely on your feelings and your beliefs.

The following are factual.

There is no evidence of the existence of angels and demons.

People frequently present as, and claim, demon possession. It could be mental illness adopting a fiction of an archetype, but it is 'stronger' evidence than a total absence of evidence.

As well, many in desperate physical peril say they have been saved by supernatural forces, and that they have identified as angels. The very survival of those particular people is often inexplicable by other means. Of course this could be fiction, too.

There is no evidence of life after death

Quite frequently people have been resuscitated after brain-death and bodily-death. So, something that is a person seems to have survived after death. This has been objectively documented in many cases.

Interestingly, many (not all) of those who survive such experiences, describe similar narratives at times when consciousness should have ceased. Some have described what they call heaven, and of direct communication with whom they believe to be religious identities.

I think that there can be other reasons for these accounts, but nothing is definitive, so, seeking for the strongest evidence we have, we have to take these things on face-value and cannot reasonably disregard them.

There is no evidence of a supernatural being who is creator of the universe.

There is no evidence as to how the universe came into existence, or of any situation before there was a universe. Yet it most definitively is here, now. An absence of evidence has no evidentiary 'weight'.

The incredible level if integrated complexity of the universe seems to require conscious action to be so.

For instance the universe is full of variety, and yet we know that iterative systems over time tend towards one of least energy state (entropy). Why are there so many different atoms? Why is most of life and life allowing systems seemingly irreducibly complex? Why hasn't the universe collapsed to the one single least energy thing? Why has it gone the opposite way from the get-go?

And there are subjective evidences of the supernatural. Just as there are such intuited evidences for the multiple physical dimensions beyond those few we normally acknowledge. Just because it doesn't present as a slam-dunk case, does not mean that we should disregard them in preference for nothing at all.

No much evidence exists that Jesus was a real person and certainly no evidence he was the son of the God of the Old Testament who is the creator of the universe. No evidence he died and then got resurrected.

There is much contemporary documentary evidence that the historical person of Jesus existed. Even contemporary detractors and non-believers talked about Him as a real historical person.

The historically sudden rise and spread of Christianity is inexplicable without an initiating figure with some degree of credibility.

Many of the earliest writings by those who were identified as historically contingent, claimed to be eyewitness testimony.

Many of them were martyred for their faith and none of them renounced their beliefs. Nor are there historical accounts of anyone claiming direct witness having recanted under pain of death, which 'punishment' was occurring at the time, and well documented.

I didn't state any beliefs as you falsely claimed. I stated that simply there is no evidence for the religious claims made and no evidence for the things I discussed above. You are confusing me with people who are religious.

You don't know how many people believe in a God but I will agree it's minority that doesn't believe in God. But majorities don't get to decide what is true and what is false just like they don't get to decide how a chemistry or physics book should be written and their contents.

Personal experiences could exists for a lost of things we discuss but they don't count as evidence.

An absence of evidence does not count as evidence, but personal experience does count as evidence.

That is why even in court cases with strong objective evidence, they still call witnesses to support their case, despite how unreliable human witness may be.

You have written an entire article in which you try hard to excuse the beliefs of religious people but you spectaculary fail again and again.

Come on now, do you consider religious apology to be a good tactic in a debate or arguments from ignorance where the gaps in knowledge are always a mystery explained by God until the gaps are filled by science and then you move to the next 'unexplained mystery'.

You remind me of another poster who hasn't understood yet basic science and has tried many times to assert the existence of God to describe the universe and its creation. You ask why there are so many atoms and different elements? Should this be clear by now?

Argument from ignorance.
You assert we don't know how the universe has come to exist and therefore something supernatural must have created it. You need much more than this.

As to how the universe was created this has been solved long time ago.

Still there is no evidence of demons/angels. No evidence of life after death, no evidence for the existence of an intelligent creator, nothing much to justify the beliefs for the supernatural world. Personal experiences and feelings are different to evidence as you and I know.

You cannot prove a negative.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

I win.

Not being to 'prove' a negative is a logical fallacy employed by religionists. They often claim it cannot be proved that God doesn't exist.

So... No! Not really! The burden of proof is on the claimant and so far no evidence of the supernatural has been proved including the existence of God, demons and angels, life after death.
edit on 11-2-2024 by Venkuish1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Venkuish1

People frequently present as, and claim, demon possession. It could be mental illness adopting a fiction of an archetype, but it is 'stronger' evidence than a total absence of evidence.

As well, many in desperate physical peril say they have been saved by supernatural forces, and that they have identified as angels. The very survival of those particular people is often inexplicable by other means. Of course this could be fiction, too.

There is no evidence of life after death

Quite frequently people have been resuscitated after brain-death and bodily-death. So, something that is a person seems to have survived after death. This has been objectively documented in many cases.

Interestingly, many (not all) of those who survive such experiences, describe similar narratives at times when consciousness should have ceased. Some have described what they call heaven, and of direct communication with whom they believe to be religious identities.

I think that there can be other reasons for these accounts, but nothing is definitive, so, seeking for the strongest evidence we have, we have to take these things on face-value and cannot reasonably disregard them.

There is no evidence of a supernatural being who is creator of the universe.

There is no evidence as to how the universe came into existence, or of any situation before there was a universe. Yet it most definitively is here, now. An absence of evidence has no evidentiary 'weight'.

The incredible level if integrated complexity of the universe seems to require conscious action to be so.

For instance the universe is full of variety, and yet we know that iterative systems over time tend towards one of least energy state (entropy). Why are there so many different atoms? Why is most of life and life allowing systems seemingly irreducibly complex? Why hasn't the universe collapsed to the one single least energy thing? Why has it gone the opposite way from the get-go?

And there are subjective evidences of the supernatural. Just as there are such intuited evidences for the multiple physical dimensions beyond those few we normally acknowledge. Just because it doesn't present as a slam-dunk case, does not mean that we should disregard them in preference for nothing at all.

No much evidence exists that Jesus was a real person and certainly no evidence he was the son of the God of the Old Testament who is the creator of the universe. No evidence he died and then got resurrected.

There is much contemporary documentary evidence that the historical person of Jesus existed. Even contemporary detractors and non-believers talked about Him as a real historical person.

The historically sudden rise and spread of Christianity is inexplicable without an initiating figure with some degree of credibility.

Many of the earliest writings by those who were identified as historically contingent, claimed to be eyewitness testimony.

Many of them were martyred for their faith and none of them renounced their beliefs. Nor are there historical accounts of anyone claiming direct witness having recanted under pain of death, which 'punishment' was occurring at the time, and well documented.

I didn't state any beliefs as you falsely claimed. I stated that simply there is no evidence for the religious claims made and no evidence for the things I discussed above. You are confusing me with people who are religious.

You don't know how many people believe in a God but I will agree it's minority that doesn't believe in God. But majorities don't get to decide what is true and what is false just like they don't get to decide how a chemistry or physics book should be written and their contents.

Personal experiences could exists for a lost of things we discuss but they don't count as evidence.

An absence of evidence does not count as evidence, but personal experience does count as evidence.

That is why even in court cases with strong objective evidence, they still call witnesses to support their case, despite how unreliable human witness may be.

You have written an entire article in which you try hard to excuse the beliefs of religious people but you spectaculary fail again and again.

Come on now, do you consider religious apology to be a good tactic in a debate or arguments from ignorance where the gaps in knowledge are always a mystery explained by God until the gaps are filled by science and then you move to the next 'unexplained mystery'.

You remind me of another poster who hasn't understood yet basic science and has tried many times to assert the existence of God to describe the universe and its creation. You ask why there are so many atoms and different elements? Should this be clear by now?

Argument from ignorance.
You assert we don't know how the universe has come to exist and therefore something supernatural must have created it. You need much more than this.

As to how the universe was created this has been solved long time ago.

Still there is no evidence of demons/angels. No evidence of life after death, no evidence for the existence of an intelligent creator, nothing much to justify the beliefs for the supernatural world. Personal experiences and feelings are different to evidence as you and I know.

I do agree that my post is entirely apologetic in nature.

But I see a massive cognitive dissonance between someone arguing that there is no objective evidence on one side, when the counter-argument is both unevidenced subjectively, and unevidenced objectively.

Science hasn't been able to fill in most of the gaps in its own hypotheses, let alone those of religion or philosophy.

With each answer science uncovers, it has given us many more questions to ask, and just when we thought that science had explained nearly everything in the 1800's, along came new paradigms, and math that told us there were infinite infinites, and we would never know all the answers, revealing we had been 'chasing epicycles' once more.

Not true as science hasn't claimed there is no God or a flying spaghetti monsters and giant space invisible unicorns. The burden of proof is on the claimant I am afraid and based on what we know there is not a shred of evidence for the existence of God and everything else associated with the supernatural world.

I am not quite sure what are you talking about when you say we thought science has explained everything. This is a misleading and flawed argument at the very least. Likewise you don't make any sense when you claim science hasn't been able to fill in most of the gaps in its own hypotheses. What does this suppose to mean??

Can you tell me which physical and biochemical processes have a supernatural cause? One will be enough. I have asked another poster the same question and they have been unable to find a single one.

I don't think you understand what the scientific process is.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Venkuish1

Long post so I will answer the main points.

How can you refuted anything when I have only stated facts and haven't asserted beliefs or made some wild claims.

And you can't refute other people's claims just by rely on your feelings and your beliefs.

The following are factual.

There is no evidence of the existence of angels and demons.

People frequently present as, and claim, demon possession. It could be mental illness adopting a fiction of an archetype, but it is 'stronger' evidence than a total absence of evidence.

As well, many in desperate physical peril say they have been saved by supernatural forces, and that they have identified as angels. The very survival of those particular people is often inexplicable by other means. Of course this could be fiction, too.

There is no evidence of life after death

Quite frequently people have been resuscitated after brain-death and bodily-death. So, something that is a person seems to have survived after death. This has been objectively documented in many cases.

Interestingly, many (not all) of those who survive such experiences, describe similar narratives at times when consciousness should have ceased. Some have described what they call heaven, and of direct communication with whom they believe to be religious identities.

I think that there can be other reasons for these accounts, but nothing is definitive, so, seeking for the strongest evidence we have, we have to take these things on face-value and cannot reasonably disregard them.

There is no evidence of a supernatural being who is creator of the universe.

There is no evidence as to how the universe came into existence, or of any situation before there was a universe. Yet it most definitively is here, now. An absence of evidence has no evidentiary 'weight'.

The incredible level if integrated complexity of the universe seems to require conscious action to be so.

For instance the universe is full of variety, and yet we know that iterative systems over time tend towards one of least energy state (entropy). Why are there so many different atoms? Why is most of life and life allowing systems seemingly irreducibly complex? Why hasn't the universe collapsed to the one single least energy thing? Why has it gone the opposite way from the get-go?

And there are subjective evidences of the supernatural. Just as there are such intuited evidences for the multiple physical dimensions beyond those few we normally acknowledge. Just because it doesn't present as a slam-dunk case, does not mean that we should disregard them in preference for nothing at all.

No much evidence exists that Jesus was a real person and certainly no evidence he was the son of the God of the Old Testament who is the creator of the universe. No evidence he died and then got resurrected.

There is much contemporary documentary evidence that the historical person of Jesus existed. Even contemporary detractors and non-believers talked about Him as a real historical person.

The historically sudden rise and spread of Christianity is inexplicable without an initiating figure with some degree of credibility.

Many of the earliest writings by those who were identified as historically contingent, claimed to be eyewitness testimony.

Many of them were martyred for their faith and none of them renounced their beliefs. Nor are there historical accounts of anyone claiming direct witness having recanted under pain of death, which 'punishment' was occurring at the time, and well documented.

I didn't state any beliefs as you falsely claimed. I stated that simply there is no evidence for the religious claims made and no evidence for the things I discussed above. You are confusing me with people who are religious.

You don't know how many people believe in a God but I will agree it's minority that doesn't believe in God. But majorities don't get to decide what is true and what is false just like they don't get to decide how a chemistry or physics book should be written and their contents.

Personal experiences could exists for a lost of things we discuss but they don't count as evidence.

An absence of evidence does not count as evidence, but personal experience does count as evidence.

That is why even in court cases with strong objective evidence, they still call witnesses to support their case, despite how unreliable human witness may be.

You have written an entire article in which you try hard to excuse the beliefs of religious people but you spectaculary fail again and again.

Come on now, do you consider religious apology to be a good tactic in a debate or arguments from ignorance where the gaps in knowledge are always a mystery explained by God until the gaps are filled by science and then you move to the next 'unexplained mystery'.

You remind me of another poster who hasn't understood yet basic science and has tried many times to assert the existence of God to describe the universe and its creation. You ask why there are so many atoms and different elements? Should this be clear by now?

Argument from ignorance.
You assert we don't know how the universe has come to exist and therefore something supernatural must have created it. You need much more than this.

As to how the universe was created this has been solved long time ago.

Still there is no evidence of demons/angels. No evidence of life after death, no evidence for the existence of an intelligent creator, nothing much to justify the beliefs for the supernatural world. Personal experiences and feelings are different to evidence as you and I know.

You cannot prove a negative.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

I win.

Proving a negative is a logical fallacy employed by religionists. They often claim it cannot be priced that God doesn't exists...

So... No! Not really! The burden of proof is on the claimant and so far no evidence of the supernatural has been proved including the existence of God, demons and angels, life after death.

There is evidence. Admittedly subjective, but voluminous. You just want to deny it based upon nothing.

Have you noticed that people have really rather complicated moral and ethical rules? Like for instance if someone hurts you by accident, you don't feel wronged, but if they do it on purpose you are deeply offended? Why would you have an innate sense of right and wrong? Do you think it is an evolutionary survival trait? How would it arise? Can you explain the process of gaining such an abstracted ethical conscience?

Even in your own soul you find evidence.

edit on 2024-02-11T21:18:13-06:0009Sun, 11 Feb 2024 21:18:13 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

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