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Missing 411

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posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: cdf21882

One thing I noticed was he talks a lot about people "mysteriously taking their clothes off"
and, well, it's not mysterious at all. Hypothermia makes you feel paradoxically hot, so you take your clothes off.
It's pretty well known medically. In fact I've experienced the sensation. Giggity.

Is there "something" mysterious going on? IDK, maybe, but here's the thing,
if you connect a bunch of random elements together with a broad net, you can make it look like they have a mysterious, overarching cause, even if they're actually not connected at all.

For example, if I say 2,000 women in the UK died in their sleep in the last 2 years,
and 24,000 women died of choking in the USA during the same time frame, and they all had something in common:
they all died in their homes!
So what is it about being in homes that is killing these women?!

That's essentially what I think Paulides does, except replace "homes" with "national parks".
The answer to most of his cases is simple: People get lost, get dehydrated and hypothermic, get delirious, and get even more lost due to confusion, and eventually succumb to the elements. The national parks are massive and often treacherous if you stray off the path. It's not rocket science.

edit on 10/2/24 by TheValeyard because: clarification

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 04:55 AM
It would just make sense that if visiting these parks and mountain ranges, a minimum 3 people and at least one of them armed. If not, then stay the hell away.

This is a very different world than we envisioned at the turn of the century.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: TheValeyard

I get all of that, but there are just so many things that make no sense. Like someone else previously mentioned, some of these folks disappear while being with other people almost instantly. They are there and then gone like they never existed. None of it adds up to me. I'm sure some of the occurrences can be easily explained, but so many can't.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: Markovian2
Most of it I think is mountain lions I have been stalked more than once by them they can and will snatch you if your small enough

The hunters camp tho idk what to think of that one me and some friends had a similar type experience maby nerves and darkness but we GTFO before we even had time to even rationalize what happen

I am in a group that I decided to leave because some know it all was just overbearing about "there are no mtn lions east of the Mississippi" or some sort of problem Yet, the actual accounts of witnesses do mean something to many of us. We do not however have them in Cleveland OH for instance. A lot of children are missing without a trace in the big cities where the 2 leg female cougar is more likely at the local tavern.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: cdf21882
a reply to: TheValeyard

I get all of that, but there are just so many things that make no sense. Like someone else previously mentioned, some of these folks disappear while being with other people almost instantly. They are there and then gone like they never existed. None of it adds up to me. I'm sure some of the occurrences can be easily explained, but so many can't.

In Project Blue book, that I read in my youth at our local Library, it left the door wide open for some of the unexplained to be whatever our imagination would put there. I suspect our imaginations were mostly off base, but not all of the ideas are trashed by those who just don't care to follow facts that don't fit what they thought already. We all do that.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: AnotherJustoneman

Unfortunately there are a lot of people out there who lack imagination and lack the ability to look at things with an open mind. Sometimes things just can't be explained with a simple, logical answer.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: cdf21882

Wild animals don't abduct people. These disappearances are either aliens or groups that abduct people in areas they operate in and can get the drop on people when they are unsuspecting. But in either case the feds are aware of it and look the other way.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: cdf21882

I've spent enough time in isolated wooded areas to know it could be easy to get lost and possibly attacked by an animal

Right there with you.

I think many of the cases are down to explainable and unfortunate circumstances.

Some of the cases, though ... very odd. Of course, like many tales of the odd, it is difficult if not impossible to follow up on the stories and get confirmation of odder aspects. I recall one in which the searchers almost immediately found a missing child ... but the child was something like 100 feet up a tree (not that the child could have climbed there) and had to be rescued. True or not ? Hard to say.


edit on 10-2-2024 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2024 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 12:31 PM
There are\were people who talked about this phenomena before Paulides. A researcher named Steph Young wrote about it and discussed it on Art Bell's show. She wrote under the pen name "Stephen Young". There were others, but Paulides took the topic and "ran with it" so to speak.

Paulides isn't perfect, but I don't think he's a grifter, as some have claimed. I read arguments from people who couldn't disprove his reports, so they attacked his character.

The weirdest cases are those where a person is with friends, within earshot and visual range, and then they're gone.
Then there are cases of children disappearing and being found a day or two later, a considerable distance away, having crossed rivers and mountains. They can't explain how they got to the location where they were found.

The spookiest, imo, are the few cases where the weather had been clear and sunny, but almost immediately after a person disappears, it becomes cloudy, overcast, and then begins raining.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: cdf21882

Right there with you.

I think many of the cases are down to explainable and unfortunate circumstances.

Some of the cases, though ... very odd. Of course, like many tales of the odd, it is difficult if not impossible to follow up on the stories and get confirmation of odder aspects. I recall one in which the searchers almost immediately found a missing child ... but the child was something like 100 feet up a tree (not that the child could have climbed there) and had to be rescued. True or not ? Hard to say.


I think only a small fraction of these cases can be explained simply. The majority not so much.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: cdf21882

Okay, I'll bite one more time.

It is well and fine to hold opinions about the cases.

My question is this. How much do we actually know about these cases ? How much information about them was omitted (for whatever reason) ? If we're told something that appears paranormal happened, how do we know that events transpired as described ?

I've seen things I can't explain using logic, scientific method, etc.; simply because of that, I know that such phenomena goes on. But that brings us back to square one. I can't prove to that to you or anyone else, because I was the sole human observer of the events.

I recall one book about odd events I much enjoyed ... until I followed up on some of the stories. Some of them had no follow-up, but others did. And the lesson was that some of the tales weren't so weird. They may have included strings of events that don't likely repeat, but they were, in the end, nothing paranormal.

So, as far as M411 goes ... interesting reports, and some are quite strange. But I wonder about the quality of the reports, and, if they are as complete as they should be.


posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

No argument with what you're saying. We never know all of the details, and sometimes people tend to embellish things. I just think it's an interesting topic and besides there's nothing wrong with a good mystery.

As far as seeing thing and being the sole witness, I know how that is. I've seen a few things that I would never share with anyone unless they are open minded about those things.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 01:40 PM
This as an amazing story. Although not strictly a "Missing 411" type of account, it does share some elements. It made international news. A one-year-old girl in Russia survived three nights alone in a forest inhabited by wolves and bears. As the reporters were talking to people after Lyuda was found, an old woman told a reporter that "The Taiga held her", meaning the forest protected the girl.

The Taiga protected her

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger2
This as an amazing story. Although not strictly a "Missing 411" type of account, it does share some elements. It made international news. A one-year-old girl in Russia survived three nights alone in a forest inhabited by wolves and bears. As the reporters were talking to people after Lyuda was found, an old woman told a reporter that "The Taiga held her", meaning the forest protected the girl.

The Taiga protected her

I'll have to look that up. Sounds interesting.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 02:37 PM
Ask the parents of DeOrr Kunz how they feel about the Paulides film. In fact, ask them what they did with their kid.

I saw the first one, and was intrigued as I had read some of his work, and the saw “Missing 411: The Hunted” which honestly was a bit more interesting as it had an old man who had simply disappeared who was an ex Army Ranger. Where my fascination with his work stopped was “Missing 411: the UFO Connection”

Here’s my take on David Paulides. I am sure he is a great guy, has done some amazing work. It’s that these films, especially the UFO one, were just not as much an expose on missing people as much as a grab for money. So my advice to anyone, read his books and make up your mind and believe what you want to believe. Ignore the films, as they are not as well done as his books. a reply to: cdf21882

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: cdf21882

Have you ever listened to Brenton Sawin's videos? If not, check them over. Lots of supernatural stuff, besides sasquatch, but still in same mysterious realm.

Try Sasquatch Chronicles as well.

I believe Paulides is the most genuine and compassionate man. I have tried to find out more details about bigfoot all my life and although Paulides doesn't say it's that, he certainly implies it.

I have listened to endless podcasts, interviews, etc with him in it and the man never wavers from his stories. He also raises money to fund his Can-Am website which goes towards finding missing people, etc.

David Paulides youtube

I believe the supernatural (dimension, portals, genetic mixing of human and whatever else, as per Enoch in the Bible) is still going on. All the best to you.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: BukkaWukka

I think I'm subscribed to the Sasquatch Chronicles, but never heard of the other guy you mentioned. I'll check him out though.

In regards to David Paulides, I have been watching and listening to him for a few years now and I personally don't get any negative vibes from him.

From what I have observed over the years, people who are in the paranormal field are very cutthroat. Seems like they would rather go after one another than work together to accomplish something. It's silly.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: AnotherJustoneman

originally posted by: Markovian2
Most of it I think is mountain lions I have been stalked more than once by them they can and will snatch you if your small enough

The hunters camp tho idk what to think of that one me and some friends had a similar type experience maby nerves and darkness but we GTFO before we even had time to even rationalize what happen

I am in a group that I decided to leave because some know it all was just overbearing about "there are no mtn lions east of the Mississippi" or some sort of problem Yet, the actual accounts of witnesses do mean something to many of us. We do not however have them in Cleveland OH for instance. A lot of children are missing without a trace in the big cities where the 2 leg female cougar is more likely at the local tavern.

Haha, two legged cougars. They can be almost just as deadly I suppose.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: cdf21882

I didn't know that, re: paranormal infighting. I guess the sasquatch community is nasty for all that.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: BukkaWukka

Yeah, I guess people want their ideas and and all that to be heard, but not the other guys. That kind of thing. I seen and heard interviews where it's just a bash fest.

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